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scorri escaped at first, but couldn't withstand an Ignite.

scorri, you are Zed, Solo Master of Shadows.

+"The unseen blade is the deadliest."

+At a young age, you were adopted into a clan of ninjas called the Kinkou Order. Equalled in skill only by Shen, the masters son, you always sought for ways to hone your skills and obtain your masters approval as the greatest ninja. On one fateful day, you ventured deep into the clans temple and found a box, and it showed you secrets to an ancient shadow technique. However, the Kinkou Order banished you instead for learning this forbidden art. Angry, you passed on your technique to a new order of ninjas- however, it was clear you still had much to learn from the box. Your Order of Shadows stormed the Kinkou temple, only to see your master would accept you if you renounced your ways. Instead, you cut him down and took over the temple, forcing the Kinkou to flee. Now you wish to cement the ways of darkness, rather than balance, and to do so you must overcome all foes- even ones such as those encountered here.

+Your cause is to prove yourself as the greatest ninja of all, and you hope to hone your skills by fighting against powerful enemies. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Ignorance is fatal, USER!" You will target user with your ultimate ability, Death Mark, and they will take plenty of damage and die.

+You have started with the Trinket Ward totem. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Warding near USER." You will gain vision of USER, using this time to receive their full Role PM.

+There are many items available in the store. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Purchasing the item best befitting of USER." If USER is a deceased player, you will gain a one-shot use of any personal actions they have. You CAN use it right away.

+You have the ability Living Shadow. The first time you would die, you will instead switch places with your shadow to escape and survive. This includes both nightkills and lynches.

+As an assassin, you never let your prey escape using your passive Contempt for the Weak, Razor Shurikens, and Shadow Slashes, so you will passively ignore any abilities that would block you from acting or change your target for all of your actions.

+You win if each other player is eliminated and you survive.

With that, The Valiant have won. Congrats to them. They can post their full role PMs if they want, but otherwise I'll save it for when I'm a bit less busy.

Postgame is, in theory, going to be done on a Skype call featuring at least me, Refa, and SB. Tell me if you're interested I guess. I may do a written postgame accompanying it, but that'll be some time if it happens.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Postgame is, in theory, going to be done on a Skype call featuring at least me, Refa, and SB. Tell me if you're interested I guess. I may do a written postgame accompanying it, but that'll be some time if it happens.



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don't know when

OP updated

EDIT: spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ggkfIvLJboFSsfPmdHYVaIAABK2f0ux-CdX20SzeAwA/edit#gid=2

EDIT2: We did it, I am uploading the video (with a still picture for a background, it's mostly just us talking for an hour).

Edited by Reinfleche
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Gg why'd you kill me scum?

scorri would never kill me I dont threaten her

mancer was the initial target i think. i liked it because he was on the other side of the stage, too.

but right before night phase end eukyld was all like "BUT MANCER DOESN'T INVESTIGATE TONIGHT GAIZ" and pb was all like "kill elieson" and i was all like "fine I JUST WANNA USE IT BEFORE I DIE." i was already expecting to be lynched after being stuck in jail after a bloodless n1.

or at least that's how i remembered it. may not be 100% accurate. :D

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Is it stupid that I only realized my role was alternate night on N2 when I tried to send in an action? While at the same time, scum knew that it was alternate night T.T...

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can we talk about how great slack is

it's like the best parts of skype combined with the best parts of IRC it's amazing

(and also has a web client, and can interface with IRC if you're into that)

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RIP me. I literally flipped a coin between killing Mancer and GP. I knew there was another cop out there and that's why I didn't try killing someone I knew was "confirmed" like SB.

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Featuring me, Refa, and SB (and maybe Refa's siblings, I don't remember if this part caught any audio, we talked for like half an hour beforehand when I couldn't get recording to work). Behold our wonderfully organized and well-thought out system, where I made no attempt to mute any background sounds, Refa leaves in the middle of the call, and I looked at the thread very few times during this. I also probably should've tried harder to get a mafia member (likely Paperblade) on the call, but oh well, that's what happens when we made it super on-the-spot.

I'll just make one disclaimer is that we go on for about a minute about "why didn't people realize this about Euklyd's role" but the answer is actually "Rein you miswrote the role, which is the third role you did this for this game", so sorry about that. Hindsight is 20/20, so uh... oops.

Overall I'm not upset with how the game was balanced even though it wasn't perfect and turned out rather one-sided, and also got the takeaway of "proofread your writing better, things don't make sense at 1AM sometimes" because that was an issue FAR more often than I would have liked.

Since we actually went over player performance a bit (again, with the disclaimer on "stuff we said regarding Euklyd's role can be ignored rein sux"), I probably won't do a written portion, and it's almost an hour so no transcript for you.

I guess that's it on this game. Join me next time whenever I host, which is probably SFMM5, which probably needs to get worked on eventually.

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that was still fun to listen to, lol

IMO, LG should have claimed 3 shots doctor and left it at that (I mean, not claim persuader)

I actually never suspected Crysta to be part of the scumteam, lol and was once even trying to tell SB that maybe lynching Crysta would be a bad idea, lol. Euklyd was obv!scum, cause his tone was the same as the one he has for eimms, lol (not kidding). Paperblade was scummy for his tone sounded like he wanted to incriminate SB.

I don't think I need to say anything about SB, HE RULED!!!

GP had great reads this game. Proto actually talked quite a bit about the game with me, I just don't have the logs cause they disappeared while we were talking about other irrelevant stuff, lol. I only got to talk to Kay twice and Scorri thrice, iirc. I am still holding a grudge for being ignored by Excellen, lol

BBM was sorta Obv!scum too, IMO, cause he had no intention of finding actual scum, he only wanted to avoid his lynch. (LG's play was pretty cool, however). Snike's play was also quite good and he had me completely fooled.

Elie was one of the guys I talked to a whole lot and I was hard townreading him. Eury and GP were my scum buddies along with Elie, for helping me create wagons, lol. Junko was obv!town thanks to meta, lol. Poly and Shinori were both kinda hard to talk to, lol. Mancer was also quite busy and the only things I got out of him was stuff related to his role, lol.

Stuff I am proud of would be that I found out who the back up townleader was, even when SB was very careful not to out it and scumteam thinking I am the back up townleader, when I didn't even know half the role claims.

(I hope I didn't miss anyone)

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@Blitz- that's not really true; I said who I thought was scum to you and also SB but SB also literally told me 'there is nothing you can do to change my mind about your lynch' so I kind of gave up at that point.

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I actually never suspected Crysta to be part of the scumteam, lol and was once even trying to tell SB that maybe lynching Crysta would be a bad idea, lol.

Funny thing is I was pretty confident you thought I was maf after D1 lol.

But then again you haven't really played a game with me before so... I probably won't unintentionally fool you again. :P

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"Shinori didn't send in action"

I planned on idling cause SB never told me who to target and i didn't want to blindly empower.

Then SB tells me who to target at like 4 am 4 hours or so before phase end.

Yeh fuck you.

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@Blitz- that's not really true; I said who I thought was scum to you and also SB but SB also literally told me 'there is nothing you can do to change my mind about your lynch' so I kind of gave up at that point.

but, you lacked the belief that your scumreads were scum and you pretty much gave up the game, which kinda indicated you didn't have any real reads and didn't want to find any either.

Funny thing is I was pretty confident you thought I was maf after D1 lol.

But then again you haven't really played a game with me before so... I probably won't unintentionally fool you again. :P

oh, I need to know, why did you think I was scumreading you? (as in, what made you think so, cause I think I talked to you the same way I talk to most people)

I am not THAT GOOD, lol.

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