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Amiibo Support CONFIRMED!


FE: If Amiibo Support Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. Which kind of Amiibo support below would you like best for the game?

    • Codename Steam Method
    • Hyrule Warriors Method
    • Mario Kart 8 Method
    • Other
    • All of them sound great!

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Firstly, what are you talking about? I may get disappointed if Nintendo does something I don't like and say something about it once or twice, but I then accept it and move on.

I could bring up a mountain of evidence against you on this, but this is not the place and I'm busy.

Second, this thread isn't about whether or not you're happy about the Amiibo support, this thread is about what you want Amiibos to do in the game. So yeah, this thread is not the place to complain about it.

Clearly you failed to notice that I stated, in BOTH of my earlier posts, that I wanted amiibo support to unlock MINOR DLC and happen to add WHY I felt this way. Your point is invalid.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Clearly you failed to notice that I stated, in BOTH of my earlier posts, that I wanted amiibo support to unlock MINOR DLC and happen to add WHY I felt this way. Your point is invalid.

Okay then, that's all you had to say. You didn't need to go replying to any of my posts saying that not everybody cares about Amiibos and shit.

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What I would like to see is if they did go the Code Name STEAM route, the FE amiibos would unlock four STEAM characters. I think it would be interesting to see Kozaki adapt them into his style.

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Codename Steam method so I can go around Nohr, killing generic enemies with Donkey Kong, Princess Peach, Sheik and Bowser.

Of course, that won't ever happen, but I can dream, right?

It could happen... maybe.

And now I want a frying pan as a weapon.

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I don't like amiibos so hopefully they just give you a random item that's rare in-game but still obtainable, or I'd be fine with them adding customization options for the avatar to look like compatible characters since I don't care much for that either.

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Where is this stated at? I never saw it anywhere...

Besides, Einherjar and Spotpass didn't get unique models or anything. Amiibos have more potential to give us those.

The Einherjar return is heavily hinted from Fire Emblem Cipher (the new card game) presentation. Buying the Marth starter pack gives you Prince Marth in Fire Emblem IF. The Chrom pack gives you Masked Lucina. The booster box gives you Pegasus Knight Minerva.

It's obviously bonus characters that aren't related to the IF story. I assume the Amiibos will be doing the same thing. The Lucina Amiibo would give you the "regular" Lucina in-game for example. That's my best guess anyway!

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Only if using a Shulk Amiibo allows me to get a Monado.

I imagine if it was utilized, it would function like the special Spotpass weaponry in Awakening. It'll get you some really OP items that you can't use until late game.

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Please be like Hyrule Warriors. With Amiibo shortages abounding if they do anything more I'm going to be mad because I refuse to be the payday of some scalper. Otherwise actually freaking stock more than Mario/Link/Pikachu in stores and no more of this shortage crap. I shouldn't have to camp outside Gamestop for hours just to be told "Oh yeah, we're sold out already lol Hope you have better luck next wave~!"

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The Amiibo shortages suck, but I'm sure they won't last forever. Besides, if Codename Steam warranted the upcoming Marth and Ike restocks, surely the new FE will warrant more of them as well.

Nintendo isn't really to blame for the scalping though, it's moreso the fault of stores that don't implement limits on how many figures one customer can buy at a time.

Edited by Anacybele
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Both the Gamestops I was at said they limited to each person only getting 1 order of each Amiibo though. The second one, which was on a military base, said they were even making sure that people preordering there were military themselves.

Honestly I wish they'd just pull the plug on Amiibo till they figure out how to reasonably balance supply/demand. The Smash Bros. waves are NOT advertised as "Limited Edition" figurines so why are they being produced as such if it's not Mario and other common friends? This is coming from someone who has gotten screwed out of every FE Amiibo since Marth, and Marth was only because I had a very lucky break.

EDIT: This is not saying kill Amiibo entirely. I just would rather they not announce any more until they know they can meet initial preorder demand instead of failing spectacularly.

Edited by Huntress
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Whatever it is, I'm hoping that it's not something exclusive to amiibo (content can be obtained by other means) given how difficult the amiibo figures are. If there would be amiibo cards for the game that can do the exact same things, then I'm OK as long as the cards are cheap and easy to get (not being scalped to hell and back).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Only if using a Shulk Amiibo allows me to get a Monado.

I imagine if it was utilized, it would function like the special Spotpass weaponry in Awakening. It'll get you some really OP items that you can't use until late game.

Kamui with the Monado would be the coolest thing ever!

I can see amiibo giving legacy items like Sigurd's Lance or Luke's Sword and such. You'll be able to scan each amiibo once per day, and each time it'll give you a new item (isn't that how it works in Hyrule Warriors or is it a one time thing?). That isn't to say that the barracks/how's everyone isn't returning, but this would be another way to get those random items.

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Both the Gamestops I was at said they limited to each person only getting 1 order of each Amiibo though. The second one, which was on a military base, said they were even making sure that people preordering there were military themselves.

Honestly I wish they'd just pull the plug on Amiibo till they figure out how to reasonably balance supply/demand. The Smash Bros. waves are NOT advertised as "Limited Edition" figurines so why are they being produced as such if it's not Mario and other common friends? This is coming from someone who has gotten screwed out of every FE Amiibo since Marth, and Marth was only because I had a very lucky break.

EDIT: This is not saying kill Amiibo entirely. I just would rather they not announce any more until they know they can meet initial preorder demand instead of failing spectacularly.

That's just GameStop though. Other retailers aren't the same.

Nintendo sorely underestimated demand, or they made shortages on purpose to create this demand. It just ended up creating more demand than anyone ever thought possible. I still think that over time, this issue will be solved though. Nintendo would be complete fools not to do so.

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I'm kind of torn between not caring and hoping the amiibo-related DLC won't be super major or anything too important. I am getting so tired of amiibo.

This is my feel. i do like the idea plenty, but if i have to buy more amiibo at this point, tables will be flipped. Hopefully Ike and Marth (or Robin) will be suffice. I mean, i wont complain if theres a special Kamui amiibo (or Ryouma for Hoshido packaging, and Marx for Nohr package) but like..yeah.

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Ooh, I'd love a Ryouma Amiibo. :3

Also, despite the shortages, I actually kind of find the hunt pretty fun outside of some of the frustration I've had. And one I like being rare just makes it more valuable to me. And I love these figures so much, I don't care how many Nintendo makes, they can take my money for all my favorites! ...Well, okay, I'll admit that something like making Amiibo for every single Pokemon, for example, would just be overkill and unnecessary, but y'all get the point. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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This is my feel. i do like the idea plenty, but if i have to buy more amiibo at this point, tables will be flipped. Hopefully Ike and Marth (or Robin) will be suffice. I mean, i wont complain if theres a special Kamui amiibo (or Ryouma for Hoshido packaging, and Marx for Nohr package) but like..yeah.

Female Kamui (or rather, both, so we don't have the same problem we had with Robin) and Camilla amiibo plz.
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^ Just saying, but do you honestly expect them to release a camilla amiibo considering i think they took out a Tharja trophy from smash.

Though on amiibos i honestly don't care much about them in particular but i do kinda wish we can go back to the days of, you buy the game, you play the game, and you didn't need gimmicks to enjoy or get everything out of the game. If you wanted figurines or other games membrobelia you could probably find some at a shop.

Edited by goodperson707
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^ Just saying, but do you honestly expect them to release a camilla amiibo considering i think they took out a Tharja trophy from smash.

Though on amiibos i honestly don't care much about them in particular but i do kinda wish we can go back to the days of, you buy the game, you play the game, and you didn't need gimmicks to enjoy or get everything out of the game. If you wanted figurines or other games membrobelia you could probably find some at a shop.

I can dream. I'm not crazy.

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