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Character Designs


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Well I've actually got into debates on here and FE reddit with people complaining that, and I quote from Reddit "ever since Awakening, female riders don't wear pants anymore."

Well that's people on reddit's issue and doesn't change the fact that a lot of us who do complain about the lack of pants have been doing it for years before Awakening was a thing

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...I'm just gonna ignore this conversation here.

I'm really curious what classes Mikoto and Garon are if they both end up being playable.

I could see them being both Pegasus Warrior and Wyvern/Revenant whatever Knight/Rider/ whatever based on their designs.

But I don't know, really.

I'm betting Mikoto will just be a Queen or something.

Maybe Tyrant for Garon or something.

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Yeah I mean I don't mind Charlotte in the context of the fighter class as is in 13/14 and her character but fighter as a class looks kinda terrible overall like

what the hell is going on with anything looks dumb af


I mean I really hope this isn't generic fighter this is just ridiculous

ngl = not gonna lie

Are those assless chaps? The only person who can pull those off with some dignity intact is Ashley Riot and even then it's still ridiculous.

Maybe the female fighter design won't have those? Somehow, part of me doubts it.

Edited by Dark Sage
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I'm betting Mikoto will just be a Queen or something.

Maybe Tyrant for Garon or something.

I can see Mikoto's class as monarch,queen, or high priestess.For Garon, possibly dark king?(it's a stretch and I have no idea)
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I like If's character designs more than Awakening's so far, in general. Awakening definitely wasn't all bad, but it felt too... overdone to me, I suppose you could say. I got into Fire Emblem when Blazing Sword was released in the west, and that game's relatively down-to-earth character designs were the sort of thing I came to associate with the series. The direction Awakening's art took was a little jarring to me, so I'm glad that If seems to be taking a step back from Awakening's style of rocket pauldrons, toilet bowl helmets, and big floppy wizard hats being the norm.

Don't get me wrong; I love big floppy wizard hats as much as anyone. They're just not how I imagine Fire Emblem.

It's funny you say this, because the character design I miss the most from the GBA games is the giant tank Knights.

FE:If is scaling them down a lot from Awakening, and Awakening's already weren't doing it for me, especially the female knights. I want knights that look like Advance Wars tanks again. I want knights with that Juggernaut silhouette that clearly expressed what their class was supposed to do. I want Amelias in giant Gundam armor.

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It's funny you say this, because the character design I miss the most from the GBA games is the giant tank Knights.

FE:If is scaling them down a lot from Awakening, and Awakening's already weren't doing it for me, especially the female knights. I want knights that look like Advance Wars tanks again. I want knights with that Juggernaut silhouette that clearly expressed what their class was supposed to do. I want Amelias in giant Gundam armor.

my favorite part was that the GBA knights had their breast plate as their shield. That is both Super dumb and Super Awesome

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It's funny you say this, because the character design I miss the most from the GBA games is the giant tank Knights.

FE:If is scaling them down a lot from Awakening, and Awakening's already weren't doing it for me, especially the female knights. I want knights that look like Advance Wars tanks again. I want knights with that Juggernaut silhouette that clearly expressed what their class was supposed to do. I want Amelias in giant Gundam armor.

All right, thinking back, you have a point there.

The GBA Knights were as ridiculous as they were amazing. I miss them too.

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It's also confused me why mages never where armor, even light armor, to battle. No one complains about that.

Not saying this is what your doing (I just got reminded is all), but I hate it when people complain about this kind of thing because it's unrealistic. That is a hilariously extreme double standard. Tons of things are unrealistic. You are complaining about this as a gender issue, the least you could do is admit it.

Mages aren't supposed to be front and center, and I see them as the counterpart to physical characters. Thus, they're physically frail and deal an ass-whoopin' from far away (so do archers, but their armor is near-nonexistent, too).

Are you guys satisfied with the cup sizes of the ladies in this game? I'm very happy with the size of Camilla, Orochi, Mikoto, Charlotte's etc. breasts, but very disappointed with Nyx's breasts in particular. It's like there's nothing there ffs =_=.

What do you guys think?

I'm busy feeling sorry for the chicks with big boobs. Back pain is a real thing, even with some support!

So is trying to find a good position to sleep in, finding good casual clothes, not accidentally slamming a washing machine lid on 'em, etc.

I'm NOT saying she's designed well for battle, just that I really feel the complaints about her result more from her having big boobs than the impracticality of her armor. Most of the complaints about her are "why are her big boobs out" rather than the exposed amount of stomach she has.

If I'm gonna complain about Charlotte's midriff, I'd complain about Rinka, too.

I'm far more offended by her shoulder armor and hair. Those two do NOT look like they mix well on a battlefield. While having a low-cut top is in-line with Charlotte's character, I don't like how it was illustrated - if they didn't look like balloons, I probably would've rolled my eyes and moved on. For an example of how to do big boobs without them looking fake, refer to my avatar - they're big, but they don't puff up to the point where they're shiny.

"This character is more attractive than me, ergo, sexism"

Get some perspective, guys. Christ.


Anyway. . .for the female character designs, I like Belka, Luna, Nyx, Mikoto, Oboro, and Kazahana (assuming the non-moms are wearing reasonable pants, not battle panties). Hinoka would've been better-served if she'd worn proper pants (as I like her otherwise).

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lol no. I don't want breasts that size, they look absolutely hideous. Same with Camilla's. And to a somewhat lesser extent, Orochi and Mikoto. They're too big and round and unnatural looking. Yes, I know some women in real life have big boobs, but not huge, circular balloon boobs. And even so, huge breasts can be a liability for even everyday life, not just battle. Huge boobs can cause back and hip pain because of all the weight being carried around. I should know, my paternal grandmother went through these problems due to her breasts being large.

And if you're showing off breasts just to show them off, you're disgusting and perverted.

They don't look hideous at all.

I actually kind of agree with the last sentence in your post, but not to that degree. I feel like if women are exposing cleavage to "empower themselves" (via sexuality) there's something wrong with that lol.

Yes, different things empower different women, but if you're empowered by exposing your cleavage so men can be sexually attracted to your breasts then I think there's something wrong with you LOL.

Anyway, back on topic. I'm not happy with Nyx's design at all. Far too flat imo. Tharja-sized would've been nice.

Edited by Chiki
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I really like the designs of Luna and Belka's armour. They both look realistic and practical, and Crimson looks promising. I'll take that back if they aren't wearing trousers though.

I don't have any issues with Camilla's top half, it's the battle-thong that ruins it for me. Nyx is just... I hate her design, I really do. It's so cluttered, her hair sticks out at weird angles and looks unnatural, and she has the whole "looks really young but is actually 1000 years old" thing going on judging by the last magazine.

The male characters mostly look OK, but the strange cleavage windows on several male Hoshidan characters are just... odd. Unlike Camilla they don't even succeed as fanservice. Not for me, at least. Cyrus' hair also bugs me for some reason, even though I think he's one of the better designed characters.

Edited by EJ107
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They don't look hideous at all.

I actually kind of agree with the last sentence in your post, but not to that degree. I feel like if women are exposing cleavage to "empower themselves" (via sexuality) there's something wrong with that lol.

Yes, different things empower different women, but if you're empowered by exposing your cleavage so men can be sexually attracted to your breasts then I think there's something wrong with you LOL.

Anyway, back on topic. I'm not happy with Nyx's design at all. Far too flat imo. Tharja-sized would've been nice.

They are hideous to me, deal with it.

Nyx is meant to look like a child, she should be flat. Also, even if she wasn't, grown women can be flat too. I'm 24 and fairly flat, you have a problem with that? Sure, I don't think a flat chest on a woman is extremely attractive myself, but we can't help it. It's no reason to say we look awful.

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Nyx is meant to look like a child, she should be flat. Also, even if she wasn't, grown women can be flat too. I'm 24 and fairly flat, you have a problem with that? Sure, I don't think a flat chest on a woman is extremely attractive myself, but we can't help it. It's no reason to say we look awful.

Hang on, Nyx is supposed to be a child? Ok then. >_>

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^No-one's exactly said she's supposed to be a child. Only that's she's more mature than her youthful appearance would suggest.

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and she has the whole "looks really young but is actually 1000 years old" thing going on judging by the last magazine.

Well, at least she doesn't act like a twelve year old as far as I know.

Anyway, back on topic. I'm not happy with Nyx's design at all. Far too flat imo. Tharja-sized would've been nice.

I'll bite. Why? Is it necessary? Because she's a dark mage or what? Edited by Tryhard
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Design wise, Nyx might actually be my favorite design in the game. Which is surprising for me since I like boobs (provided they're not ridiculously exaggerated or oddly shaped). I think it's the big, messy hair.

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^No-one's exactly said she's supposed to be a child. Only that's she's more mature than her youthful appearance would suggest.

Well, if she's a 1000 year old dragon, regardless of her mental age, her physical age would be the same as a 12 year old girl. It's important to distinguish btw. mental and physical age. They're not the same.

I'll bite. Why? Is it necessary? Because she's a dark mage or what?

Because it looks good.

Edited by Chiki
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^No-one's exactly said she's supposed to be a child. Only that's she's more mature than her youthful appearance would suggest.

And "youthful appearance" means to me that she's meant to look like a kid.

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Nyx doesn't look like a kid at all, specially when compared to the vast amount of characters in the game that look younger than her. The description says she's more mature than what she looks, but that doesn't mean she isn't adult already.

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Nyx doesn't look like a kid at all, specially when compared to the vast amount of characters in the game that look younger than her. The description says she's more mature than what she looks, but that doesn't mean she isn't adult already.

How can you be more mature than an adult?

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How can you be more mature than an adult?

By being mature as a senior citizen, obvs.

I rather like Nyx's design too, since it looks cool. The name also kinda fits; she's a dark mage named after a Roman god of the night. Wonder if they'll make the symbolism extend to her personality...

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