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Anyone else find it a bit suspicious that Felicia has 3 skills at Level 2? And that her base stats seem kinda high?

EDIT: Wait just realized she also has 6 Mov. Maid is a promoted class??

Ninjas(or Shinobi perhaps) have only 5. That's peculiar.

That's... definitely interesting.

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I find it interesting that Gunther, Joker and Felicia follow Kamui no matter what route he/she chooses, whereas only Suzukaze joins Nohr (or remains Hoshido). I wonder if this means that more Nohr units will be available regardless of decision.

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Nice catch. Weird 'cause it's being used by a Clan Soldier.

Also, the enemy Ninja looks like it's from フウマ# (Fuuma-something).

Really hard to tell though...

I'm almost positive it's フウマ兵. Fu'uma confirmed as some third nation?
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You dastard ! You stole my line ! XD

I'm sowwy. :<

No one steals lines like Mimgrim!

My tag is not capitalized on purpose.

It's meant to be mimgrim, not Mimgrim.



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I'm sowwy. :<

My tag is not capitalized on purpose.

It's meant to be mimgrim, not Mimgrim.



Sorry I'm on my i Pad and i was going to write Gaston and it kept the Capital going to edit.

You still steal lines good though

Edited by goodperson707
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I find it interesting that Gunther, Joker and Felicia follow Kamui no matter what route he/she chooses, whereas only Suzukaze joins Nohr (or remains Hoshido). I wonder if this means that more Nohr units will be available regardless of decision.

It just means Nohr is the true path ! :Soldier:

*hids and waits for Hoshido-fans*

Edited by Seo
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Also, I can't wait to see every site, English and Japanese, fix the "Great Butler" mistake. At least I did it early : D

I actually got Destructoid to change it yesterday (whatever that's worth).

Anyway, impressions: The lack of unique weapon icons is quite the bumber. Why would they cut them?

Kamui's lack of dragonstones is definitely intriguing.

I find it interesting that Joker and Felicia are on the Hoshido box art, while Gunther is on Nohr's. Odd that it would be uneven.

Suzukaze is definitely giving me Volke vibes.

I find it kinda funny that the scan containing the Nohr sibling's artwork has a shadow falling over the lower-right corner... which is right where Garon is portrayed, reaching out.

Was anything new said about Cipher-0 in that little section?

Edited by Leon of Nohr
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* Cuts off the Hoshido fans with a giant Calvary charge.

Go Nohr!!!!

Guys, this is supposed to be an informative thread, this is not the time for that.

... we at Hoshido have more ninjas though so we obviously win.

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I find it interesting that Gunther, Joker and Felicia follow Kamui no matter what route he/she chooses, whereas only Suzukaze joins Nohr (or remains Hoshido). I wonder if this means that more Nohr units will be available regardless of decision.

I'm so hoping Tsubaki will follow Kamui to Nohr but they probably would've mentioned that if it were the case.

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They can wield staves and hidden-weapons like Maids. Basically male Maids.

Also, I can't wait to see every site, English and Japanese, fix the "Great Butler" mistake. At least I did it early : D

So if Butlers and Maids use staves and have access to hidden weapons, I'm wondering what the incentive to use Clerics? It seems like they're just butlers or maids who can't defend themselves and unlike troubadours, don't have the benefit of high movement.

My initial thought was better magic, but when I compare Sakura's stats to Felicia's, the latter seems superior in almost every way. I know we can't see Sakura's level, but with only 16HP I think it's a safe bet she's around the same level as Felicia.

Although I guess it's possible that Sakura is RNG screwed and Felicia is blessed....

Side note: Did anyone else notice that the Maid (Felica) has the same skills as the troubadour class? Wonder what's up with that.

Edited by BlueL
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Guys, this is supposed to be an informative thread, this is not the time for that.

... we at Hoshido have more ninjas though so we obviously win.

We have lots of ninjas we just make them serve us tea and dress nicely as well cause we are all more badass than ninjas. :)

On topic how about that luck base stat, also how the sorcerer has no strength and less def than res.

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I find it interesting that Gunther, Joker and Felicia follow Kamui no matter what route he/she chooses, whereas only Suzukaze joins Nohr (or remains Hoshido). I wonder if this means that more Nohr units will be available regardless of decision.

One could assume that Joker and Felicia are Kamui's personal servants, and that Gunther is their body guard. So, from that perspective, they're not aligned with Nohr; they're sworn to serve and protect Master Kamui.

Edited by Leon of Nohr
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I want to know the incentive for using Sakura because so far Felicia's eclipsing her in every aspect...

There's a chance given that Felicia has 6 movement already that Maids can't promote maybe similar to Dancer/Lodestar?

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One could assume that Joker and Felicia are Kamui's personal servants, and that Gunther is their body guard. So, form that perspective, they're not aligned with Nohr; they're sworn to serve and protect Master Kamui.

I thought about that as well, but since we don't know of many Nohr-only allies that aren't the royal siblings, it just feels like Nohr units will be more flexible in terms of loyalty, going only by what we know right now, of course.

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Guys, this is supposed to be an informative thread, this is not the time for that.

... we at Hoshido have more ninjas though so we obviously win.


Do you even Camilla.

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So if Butlers and Maids use staves and have access to hidden weapons, I'm wondering what the incentive to use Clerics? It seems like they're just butlers or maids who can't defend themselves and unlike troubadours, don't have the benefit of high movement.

My initial thought was better magic, but when I compare Sakura's stats to Felicia's, the latter seems superior in almost every way. I know we can't see Sakura's level, but with only 16HP I think it's a safe bet she's around the same level as Felicia.

Although I guess it's possible that Sakura is RNG screwed and Felicia is blessed....

Side note: Did anyone else notice that the Maid (Felica) has the same skills as the troubadour class? Wonder what's up with that.

The stats, number of skills, and movement seem to point (at least to me) to the possibility that Felicia is a secondary prepromote with abysmal base stats a la FE9 Shinon. But that would be quite strange.

Sakura seems identical to Lissa more or less.

EDIT: There's also the possibility that maid/butler is a special class that goes to level 30, but that wouldn't explain the number of skills Felicia has

Edited by Bovinian
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I'm thinking maids and butlers may not promote (or be considered tier 2) given those stats and 6 mov at level 2. If they don't promote maybe they'll go to level 30 instead but then Sakura would still have 10 levels over Felicia to make up for starting off weaker.

Edit: Saizou'd

Edited by Book Bro
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There's a chance given that Felicia has 6 movement already that Maids can't promote maybe similar to Dancer/Lodestar?

Yeah but having 3 skills (2 if we don't count the ringed one) at level 2 is really strange though. Considering her stats and HP, it's not possible that she's Second Sealed either.

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Yeah but having 3 skills (2 if we don't count the ringed one) at level 2 is really strange though. Considering her stats and HP, it's not possible that she's Second Sealed either.

I agree unless they've revamped the skill system and they aren't all tied strictly to class anymore. Or maybe she's just a prepromote with shit for HP. It's interesting for sure.

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We have lots of ninjas we just make them serve us tea and dress nicely as well cause we are all more badass than ninjas. :)

Cute, but those are on my side as well.


Do you even Camilla.

It just so happens that we also have a generously-breasted one-eyed lady.

...plus she's a ninja.

Edit: Forgot the most important part: Ours is a hundred percent S-rank-able.

Edited by Cysx
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