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Picture from Famitsu's 27th of May showing. [New and Exclusive Characters!]


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No lie. Im really fond of her design! whoa, you changed your avatar!

I'm a sucker for girly armor colors, hence my love for Meg.

after all these years, I finally did

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Think back to Awakening, where poor Gregor didn't even get one special palette to himself for his two normal promotions (Hero and Bow Knight). This image confirms what I was afraid would happen:


Note how Hinata's color scheme (black armor, purple cloth) is preserved in his promotion from Samurai to Sword Saint (left) but not for War Artist (right), where he just has a generic blue palette.

I can begrudgingly accept having generic palettes for reclassed models because of limited ROM space, yadda yadda, but this is one of his two natural promotions!


...okay, I'm fine now.

Edited by Aethin
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Whoa. Nice catch, mate.

I'm a sucker for girly armor colors, hence my love for Meg.

after all these years, I finally did

Hehe. Yeah. Im pretty fond of Elfie's expression tbh. She looks rather sad but its obvious shes going to murder some junk.

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Assuming that you'll have access to enough Parallel Seals at that point. Your unit has to level up some time.

If there is a unit that fits the army's needs the best in one class (Tiki as Mantake, my game's Henry!Brady as a trickster) and can't bring yourself to change their one-true-purpose class, I'd use parallel seals on them in a heartbeat to get the other wanted skills and just have them level over and over again in the same one-true-class throughout the game.

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Note how Hinata's color scheme (black armor, purple cloth) is preserved in his promotion from Samurai to Sword Saint (left) but not for War Artist (right), where he just has a generic blue palette.

I can begrudgingly accept having generic palettes for reclassed models because of limited ROM space, yadda yadda, but this is one of his two natural promotions!


...okay, I'm fine now.

Yeah, it's a bummer for sure :/

It's probably not due to space limitations but I can't really see it being due to taking that much more work either, though I honestly don't know what it takes to make a colour swap for 3D models.

Edit: at least he keeps his custom map sprite for both of those. Hopefully there's no generic sprites for our playable characters this time.

Edited by Book Bro
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Think back to Awakening, where poor Gregor didn't even get one special palette to himself for his two normal promotions (Hero and Bow Knight). This image confirms what I was afraid would happen:


Note how Hinata's color scheme (black armor, purple cloth) is preserved in his promotion from Samurai to Sword Saint (left) but not for War Artist (right), where he just has a generic blue palette.

I can begrudgingly accept having generic palettes for reclassed models because of limited ROM space, yadda yadda, but this is one of his two natural promotions!


...okay, I'm fine now.

Honestly, the recycled color palettes don't bother me so much as how in Awakening after re classes, some units didn't even have any unique sprites.(I see where you're coming from, though)
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Well it took about 7 hours... (wow!) but here are all four pages full scanlated!

Blog post here, and in spoiler tags below.





Um... some translations came out slightly different than Vincent's, such as regarding Hinata's skill description. I'll let other translators cross check that for themselves, but the way I took it is that it works like counter, but when HP is below half and only from those three weapon types.

I named Hinata's skill Forlorn as it gave that hopeless struggle impression. I named Tsukuyomi's skill "Great Confidence" as "arrogance" always gives me that vibe of thinking they can usurp someone but not actually able to, where as self confidence has more of that connotation of willing to challenge someone higher (and being able to, hence +4 damage)

That's all the notes I can think of for now, but I'm sure there are some other things people may inevitably ask!

Edited by Kirokan
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Well it took about 7 hours... (wow!) but here are all four pages full scanlated!

Blog post here, and in spoiler tags below.





Well, guess I'm not leaving right away in the end. Again, thanks a lot for your hard work.

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Rinca can block weapons with her abs.
This is absolutely amazing.

Something I thought about...
There are high chance Elise can promote into a Maid.
Since her base class is Rod Knight, and we have guessed Rod Knight can promote to Maid/Butler and Strategists.7

I also think Strategist will be one of Leon's promotion option, because it makes so much sense.

Yeah Musashi did all his duels on a horse I'm sure and Nobunaga never developed foot tactics that outright countered the Takeda calvary, (sarcasm). Actually learn army tactics and how duels operated before you say something like this. Especially of a culture you probably lack knowledge of.

This Musashi ?

(He even promoted to Swordmaster in the Remake...)

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Well, guess I'm not leaving right away in the end. Again, thanks a lot for your hard work.

You're welcome! Sorry to keep you! Hope you find something of use in there. : )

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Maybe the dev team didn't want the player to be confused on what class he was when playing the game -- since aside from the shoulder& neck armor and the shape of the between-the-legs-armor (I'm sorry, I don't know the name of this piece of armor) both outfits of the promotion look pretty much exactly the same. If there were the same color scheme on both Hinata's sword saint and war artist outfits, serenes forest would be having a nice game of 'spot the difference' between the two images right now.

They probably wanted to save the player the trouble of (out of necessity if the colors were the same) going to the menu and reading what class he was.

At least, that's what I would say from my designing background.

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Well it took about 7 hours... (wow!) but here are all four pages full scanlated!

Blog post here, and in spoiler tags below.





Um... some translations came out slightly different than Vincent's, such as regarding Hinata's skill description. I'll let other translators cross check that for themselves, but the way I took it is that it works like counter, but when HP is below half and only from those three weapon types.

I named Hinata's skill Forlorn as it gave that hopeless struggle impression. I named Tsukuyomi's skill "Great Confidence" as "arrogance" always gives me that vibe of thinking they can usurp someone but not actually able to, where as self confidence has more of that connotation of willing to challenge someone higher (and being able to, hence +4 damage)

That's all the notes I can think of for now, but I'm sure there are some other things people may inevitably ask!

Great work as always.

Thank you !

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Maybe the dev team didn't want the player to be confused on what class he was when playing the game -- since aside from the shoulder& neck armor and the shape of the between-the-legs-armor (I'm sorry, I don't know the name of this piece of armor) both outfits of the promotion look pretty much exactly the same. If there were the same color scheme on both Hinata's sword saint and war artist outfits, serenes forest would be having a nice game of 'spot the difference' between the two images right now.

They probably wanted to save the player the trouble of (out of necessity if the colors were the same) going to the menu and reading what class he was.

At least, that's what I would say from my designing background.

Couldn't they get the best of both worlds by having Trueblade follow his Samurai outfit color scheme, and Weapon Master switch the color that was secondary and primary. It'd be a little weird to have the armor suddenly become purple, but you could have him retain his uniqueness while being able to differentiate the two promotions at a glance.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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Well it took about 7 hours... (wow!) but here are all four pages full scanlated!

Blog post here, and in spoiler tags below.





Do we have translations for any of the dialogue boxes yet?

For Tsukuyomi's on the last page he says something along the lines of, "I'm not a child." for the first sentence, but since I cannot read the kanji at the beginning of the second sentence (I think it's 払 maybe) I can't translate the second.

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Well it took about 7 hours... (wow!) but here are all four pages full scanlated!

Blog post here, and in spoiler tags below.





Um... some translations came out slightly different than Vincent's, such as regarding Hinata's skill description. I'll let other translators cross check that for themselves, but the way I took it is that it works like counter, but when HP is below half and only from those three weapon types.

I named Hinata's skill Forlorn as it gave that hopeless struggle impression. I named Tsukuyomi's skill "Great Confidence" as "arrogance" always gives me that vibe of thinking they can usurp someone but not actually able to, where as self confidence has more of that connotation of willing to challenge someone higher (and being able to, hence +4 damage)

That's all the notes I can think of for now, but I'm sure there are some other things people may inevitably ask!

This is great, thank you!!! I love it!

The character inherent skills is something im really looking forward to now. Thats just cool shit.

THAT GUY'S NAME IS TSUKUYOMI! I knew there would be someone named that. (now i root for a Susanoo to exist. I wonder if Hoshido's ruler will be Himiko or even Amaterasu)

Oboro's Nohr Hate skill...omg..hahaha! I wonder if we'll get a Nohr character with a Hoshido Haterade skill. Hell yeah, Elfie is buff!

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This article gives proof that weapon models are still unique; I remember someone being concerned that wouldn't be the case, since inventory icons are now all the same:


So that's one more thing to be happy about.

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Thanks for all the translations. They are wonderful and all these characters look so cool.

Glad to see personal skills are back.

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