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i'm feeling pretty mixed about the face rubbing thing

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not 100% sure if this deserves a topic, but i think i'll feel better if i get my two cents about this out, hopefully that will help me chill.

like, i went into all the news all excited and was like "oh man this new stuff is awesome, what they are fixing dual strike? fuck yeah!" along with the many other excellent news revolving around improving the gameplay.

then we get the castle news which everything about that seems awesome, but now we have this otaku level creep zone of face rubbing.

sure it is optional, but it does make me worry that fire emblem might be going over to the very creepy anime fans side and less towards the people who care about the game play, but the game play still looks really good outside of that.

ugh this is what i mean, I'm just getting super paranoid about it due to that feature, its bugging me a lot and i know it shouldn't, ugh.

i guess what I'm saying, I'll cool my jets on it as soon as like i know this is all that its going to be, which is questionable but at least its locked behind an optional mode that isn't like, shoved in your face, compared to something like mass effect where you gotta literally go out of your way to avoid any romance because a lot of character interaction choices lead to it, or persona 3 where you could ONLY have a romantic relationship with a woman, often with several at a time that you'd have to juggle because god forbid having a platonic relationship with someone of the opposite sex.

this is so perverted, maybe its a culture gap between japan and myself, but i guess what i could be taking from this is that its not super bad yet, and as long as it stays like this, i could safely ignore it, tho the moment someone speaks about using it a lot I'll think "damn you creepy brotha"

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Eh im just going to ignore it, and i kinda like the concept this appeared to start from, possibly romantic character interactions in your house seem fine to me. But im not sure how we got here, who suggested this.

You know part of me hopes that this came from nintendo saying they needed touch screen interaction, and this is their way of giving nintendo the finger. I hope this is at least partly true i really do.

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I just hope that this doesnt replace regular supports. I'd rather Kamui court Felicia through dialogue rather than poke her in the tit till she falls in love with him.

And again, how could they waste such gorgeous 3d models on this rubbing shit?

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I don't care for it at all and will be too busy with the My Castle feature of the game. Although I can kinda see where you are coming from. Keep in mind there is a year of localization time so it might very well be a feature that doesn't make it to the West.

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I just agree, after seeing those onsen and rubbing characters in your room, there is a cold between me and If.

Some compare this to the pet system of recent pokemon, but there is a difference between petting animals, and petting humans. Petting humans doesn't make any kind of sense and is flat out stupid, and creepy.

Just what the flying f-word ?

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I just hope that this doesnt replace regular supports. I'd rather Kamui court Felicia through dialogue rather than poke her in the tit till she falls in love with him.

And again, how could they waste such gorgeous 3d models on this rubbing shit?

I didn't think about that possibility... They wouldn't do that would they? :c I think even the biggest defender of the mode would agree it wouldn't be a good replacement.

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From my understanding it's totally optional. I don't really understand why everyone is so agitated. I'll never understand people getting bent out of shape about things that you can easily ignore and enjoy the game anyways. Pretty sure no one is pointing a gun to your head and making you use these features. But what do I know? Ya know? :)

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I saw the same little Awakening heart effect appear on both Kamui and Felicia during the My Castle clip, so I assume they will have regular supports.

Just as Amie wasn't all that necessary in GEN 6 Pokemon (based on what I've heard), I highly doubt that this is needed for supports in this game; it will probably add some "spice" to the normal support system.

I am not into anime or video games as much (Fire Emblem and Smash Bros are the only series I really follow), so this face rubbing thing kinda alienates me. Nonetheless, I will still try the feature out for some fantastic cringeworthy moments. I still can't watch Kamui poke Felicia's and Joker's faces without feeling a little unclean.

Edited by Leif
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My reaction when I first saw this feature was to laugh out loud. My hope is that it isn't actually petting but something else that is less creepy. I hold out hope because the cursor is not a hand but a stylus. Maybe it is some kind of dragon blessing.

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In one JRPG series for the PS3, you give little girls baths to boost their stats.You can rub on them, wash them, soap them , etc. Face rubbing is pretty tame compared to that.

Edited by Noble Rapier
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In one JRPG series for the PS3, you give little girls bath to boots their stats.You rub on them, wash them, soap, etc. Face rubbing is pretty tame compared to that.


Yeah, now that you say that, I guess this isn't all that bad.

watch as they will include a bath, face-washing feature in FE15

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I didn't think about that possibility... They wouldn't do that would they? :c I think even the biggest defender of the mode would agree it wouldn't be a good replacement.

12 hours ago I was thinking: "You know, I can rest easy knowing IS will not waste resources on a mode where you bring your unsuspecting comrades into your room and rub them in the face as if they were animals."

At this point nothing is impossible.

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Those are fair concerns to have. What with Phoenix Mode allowing anyone with fingers to be able to beat the game, there are going to be a LOT of players who play the game exclusively for features like romance and My Castle. Why is this a bad thing if it's optional? The larger a portion of your fanbase gets, the more the developers will focus on catering to them. I won't make a final verdict on it until I play it, but the removal of weapon durability is one example of simplification made to accommodate a more casual audience. An increase of tropey, all comedic characters is another case of mass appeal rather than quality game making. I like the idea behind my castle, but much of the otaku pandering stuff could have been cut.

Before people go on about how this is just Japan being Japan, it isn't. It might be more common than the west but most Japanese people find otaku focused stuff to be creepy and ridicule it.

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From my understanding it's totally optional. I don't really understand why everyone is so agitated. I'll never understand people getting bent out of shape about things that you can easily ignore and enjoy the game anyways. Pretty sure no one is pointing a gun to your head and making you use these features. But what do I know? Ya know? :)

Pretty much. Some of the nastier remarks im seeing about this whole thing, really make me concerned anyway. I dont think its very nice to put people down for possibly enjoying this feature.

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Pretty much. Some of the nastier remarks im seeing about this whole thing, really make me concerned anyway. I dont think its very nice to put people down for possibly enjoying this feature.

I certainly do not want to insult anyone who wants to use this mode. Its going to be there so knock yourself out with the rubbing. I just dont want this feature that looks like it took considerable amounts of time and money to take away from the actual gameplay. Like instead of making sure classes arent OP they focused on making sure Felicia's blush looks juuuuust right.

And tbh the models look absolutely gorgeous, it just seems like a waste for it to be used on something I have no desire to do.

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Maybe its closer to the skinship in tokimeki memorial girls side 2 for the ds? You poke the boys with your stylus but what you are actually doing is stuff like holding hands if you poke their hand or at the end of the game you can poke their mouth to kiss the one who confessed his feelings to you.

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I certainly do not want to insult anyone who wants to use this mode. Its going to be there so knock yourself out with the rubbing. I just dont want this feature that looks like it took considerable amounts of time and money to take away from the actual gameplay. Like instead of making sure classes arent OP they focused on making sure Felicia's blush looks juuuuust right.

And tbh the models look absolutely gorgeous, it just seems like a waste for it to be used on something I have no desire to do.

I also don't understand this "I wish they would have put the money/time elsewhere" type of comment. I highly doubt any other portion of the game suffered because they wanted to add this in. And is it really a total waste cause just you specifically have no desire to bother with it?

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Blame the so-called "true fans" for not buying enough pre-Awakening FE games, there a reason why IS decided to cater to a broader audience instead of just old-schooler. Nearly 2 millions sold, fans voted with their wallet on the direction of the series. Awakening fandom like waifus and they will get waifus stuffs.

P.S the husbando as the well.

Edited by Awakener_
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I also don't understand this "I wish they would have put the money/time elsewhere" type of comment. I highly doubt any other portion of the game suffered because they wanted to add this in. And is it really a total waste cause just you specifically have no desire to bother with it?

Sorry, Im just really frustrated right now,man. I take my FE seriously.
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I also don't understand this "I wish they would have put the money/time elsewhere" type of comment. I highly doubt any other portion of the game suffered because they wanted to add this in. And is it really a total waste cause just you specifically have no desire to bother with it?

For me it's like "I wish they had used this time and effort into making a better mini game"

Ie one that doesn't involve inappropriate workplace behaviour

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From my understanding it's totally optional. I don't really understand why everyone is so agitated. I'll never understand people getting bent out of shape about things that you can easily ignore and enjoy the game anyways. Pretty sure no one is pointing a gun to your head and making you use these features. But what do I know? Ya know? :)

NakoKnight addressed this pretty well, but I'll go ahead and leave this here.

This is an argument used a lot, such as with Casual Mode and Phoenix Mode, but it doesn't doesn't quite work with My Castle due to opportunity costs.

Any development time spent on My Castle could've been time spent somewhere else. Similarly, any time loss on the core game experience is time spent on content I either dislike or don't care for.

In other words, the more you pander to something, the more it's expected in the next installment. This is why too much experimentation can be bad.

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