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Famitsu 4th June Leak


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So I tried to translate the Hubba Tester page but I can't figure out a lot of the kanji, but I do have a transcript of what I could recognize and/or read. I'm not sure if it is correct but I figured I would post it anyways just in case someone with better Japanese Experience could help with the rest.



The x's represent what I couldn't read.
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So I tried to translate the Hubba Tester page but I can't figure out a lot of the kanji, but I do have a transcript of what I could recognize and/or read. I'm not sure if it is correct but I figured I would post it anyways just in case someone with better Japanese Experience could help with the rest.



The x's represent what I couldn't read.



> The compatibility of today's pair is superb!

> Together their lives will be rose-colored! (I'm...not familiar with this idiom but you can guess what this means)

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So I tried to translate the Hubba Tester page but I can't figure out a lot of the kanji, but I do have a transcript of what I could recognize and/or read. I'm not sure if it is correct but I figured I would post it anyways just in case someone with better Japanese Experience could help with the rest.



The x's represent what I couldn't read.

Thanks! I think the Hubba Tester thing is some kind of compatibility forecast/fortune thing from the looks of it.

EDIT: Ninja'd lol

Edited by Swirl-Theory
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> The compatibility of today's pair is superb!

> Together their lives will be rose-colored! (I'm...not familiar with this idiom but you can guess what this means)

Thank you. That ぞ looked really weird to me, so I assumed it was Kanji. I need to get used to the font they use.

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You know, I didn't really care for Kazahana but getting a better look at her portrait, she has a pretty nice design. It's gives her an air of femininity but still shows she's capable of kicking your ass.

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I could see Mr. Foxy being a mage or some type of healer class.

My hope is that he is a transforming unit, but that his fox form can heal and/or attack with magic of some kind.

Oh and thanks for translating the hubba tester. Doesn't say anything about whether it's going to be meaningful in this game, but it's still interesting to see.

Edited by capmalachi
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My hope is that he is a transforming unit, but that his fox form can heal and/or attack with magic of some kind.

Yeah, I think it'd be pretty nice, considering we've never really had a special attacking transforming unit, so.

If mt fox isn't the traditonal beast fighter, maybe he'll be like Xane? That'd be pretty neat. (This is more wild guessing than anything. I don't expect that to happen)

Maybe, I can kind of see it happening.

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Really, the more I read about it, the more I like the direction they're taking with these character skills. It's going to make everyone so much more unique!

As for the hubba tester, there's one more line that's only semi-visible in the scan. I'm 99% certain the vertical text to the left of the screenshot reads: ゲームには影響しない: "This will not influence the game". So no, I don't think it will be any more meaningful than it was in Awakening, but it's a fun feature nonetheless.

Edited by Icy Toast
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Leak moar class information D:<

Hm, if the subordinates are all unpromoted (so far) then Belka's Dragon Knight might be the base class to Revenant Knight. Is it actually confirmed that Camilla rides a wyvern? Last I heard, we only had a map sprite to tell so far.

And her TCG art

If mt fox isn't the traditonal beast fighter, maybe he'll be like Xane? That'd be pretty neat. (This is more wild guessing than anything. I don't expect that to happen)

Kitsune are known for shapeshifting...

Yeah, I think it'd be pretty nice, considering we've never really had a special attacking transforming unit, so.

Maybe, I can kind of see it happening.

Mage Dragons in the Archanea games and White Dagns in Radiant Dawn used the magic stat Edited by Mysterique Sign
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I hope Nishiki's clan/village will have more relevance than Panne's... Not that that will require much.

If ravens weren't a thing already, that would be my guess for Nohrian shapeshifters.

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Really, the more I read about it, the more I like the direction they're taking with these character skills. It's going to make everyone so much more unique!

As for the hubba tester, there's one more line that's only semi-visible in the scan. I'm 99% certain the vertical text to the left of the screenshot reads: ゲームには影響しない: "This will not influence the game". So no, I don't think it will be any more meaningful than it was in Awakening, but it's a fun feature nonetheless.

Good catch, I didn't notice that at all! Yeah I agree that's probably what it says. Hubba you troll.

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As for the hubba tester, there's one more line that's only semi-visible in the scan. I'm 99% certain the vertical text to the left of the screenshot reads: ゲームには影響しない: "This will not influence the game". So no, I don't think it will be any more meaningful than it was in Awakening, but it's a fun feature nonetheless.

:( Oh well. All I really want is confirmation one way or the other as to whether I can romance Suzukaze without having to play as a woman.

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Zero better have Hero has a reclass option.

I want my Hero Zero! Also better have long blonde badass hair

Or be able to make people do whatever he wants through eye contact and vocal commands.

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I am surprised Tsubaki's personal skill is so poor. Especially compared to Kazahana's.

That's not how to spell "amazing". Unless archers get +hit skills, I'm throwing him out on the front lines!


For those that didn't watch the My Castle video, Tsubaki's description makes it pretty clear that he's male. If anyone were to convince me to play Nohr, it would be Nyx. Cool personality, and better skill to boot!

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Really, the more I read about it, the more I like the direction they're taking with these character skills. It's going to make everyone so much more unique!

As for the hubba tester, there's one more line that's only semi-visible in the scan. I'm 99% certain the vertical text to the left of the screenshot reads: ゲームには影響しない: "This will not influence the game". So no, I don't think it will be any more meaningful than it was in Awakening, but it's a fun feature nonetheless.

Those are the eyes of a hawk XD

Yeah, it does look like that, although I wouldn't have noticed it unless somebody pointed it out.

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Or be able to make people do whatever he wants through eye contact and vocal commands.

Critical Line

I am.. Zero.

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