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Known Information (2nd June)


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I don't know if this has been discussed elsewhere, but today's Dengeki issue shows a screenshot of the description of the "Freeze" staff. It's not actually a traditional status staff, it simply renders an enemy unable to move for 1 turn and reduces their evasion by 20. It has a range of 1-7 and a hit rate of 80. It sounds like this could be really useful on higher difficulties. (Perhaps even a bit too useful.)

(Sorry if this isn't the right topic for this, but I didn't know where else to post it and I thought people might be interested.)

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I don't know if this has been discussed elsewhere, but today's Dengeki issue shows a screenshot of the description of the "Freeze" staff. It's not actually a traditional status staff, it simply renders an enemy unable to move for 1 turn and reduces their evasion by 20. It has a range of 1-7 and a hit rate of 80. It sounds like this could be really useful on higher difficulties. (Perhaps even a bit too useful.)

(Sorry if this isn't the right topic for this, but I didn't know where else to post it and I thought people might be interested.)

I don't think so. Dang, that staff is really useful in Lunatic. Staff, Archer, Staff, Archer.

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I wonder if all staves just have a standard range now, rather than being based on the user's mag. And yes that staff does sound rather useful, but since staves still have durability I assume it'll probably be fairly limited.

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I don't know if this has been discussed elsewhere, but today's Dengeki issue shows a screenshot of the description of the "Freeze" staff. It's not actually a traditional status staff, it simply renders an enemy unable to move for 1 turn and reduces their evasion by 20. It has a range of 1-7 and a hit rate of 80. It sounds like this could be really useful on higher difficulties. (Perhaps even a bit too useful.)

(Sorry if this isn't the right topic for this, but I didn't know where else to post it and I thought people might be interested.)

Do you have the scans? This issue is bound to interest a lot of people.

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Since debuffs from hidden weapons are also regarded as "status effects" in the first treehouse video (where the tutorial option pops up), we probably will have a new status system this time, assuming that the traditional effects like sleep, silence etc. don't come back or nerfed.

Edited by Ryo
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So some staves have hit rate now (like FE5?) Thankfully this doesn't seem to apply to healing staves :p

They were there for a while. Beserk, Sleep, etc. They had pending success rates. Mattered on Res and Skill accuracy.

Edit: Aaaand you know that. :| Shhh... no talking.

Edited by Great Geargia Gateway
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Do you have the scans? This issue is bound to interest a lot of people.

I don't have scans, I simply bought the digital version. I'm sorry to say this, but it's an awful lot of trouble to take pictures of that because of the protection measures on the reader software, not to mention it's illegal, so I'd really prefer not to upload any pictures of it. (Apart from that tiny Shara portrait I already posted on another thread, that is :P)

I'll go over it once more to see if there are any other details people might want to know about. It's mostly just an overview of what we already know though, i.e. no big reveals outside of the marriage+children thing, but there's 40 pages in total, so I have to admit I skimmed over some parts (like screenshots and captions) the first time I read it.

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I don't have scans, I simply bought the digital version. I'm sorry to say this, but it's an awful lot of trouble to take pictures of that because of the protection measures on the reader software, not to mention it's illegal, so I'd really prefer not to upload any pictures of it. (Apart from that tiny Shara portrait I already posted on another thread, that is :P)

I'll go over it once more to see if there are any other details people might want to know about. It's mostly just an overview of what we already know though, i.e. no big reveals outside of the marriage+children thing, but there's 40 pages in total, so I have to admit I skimmed over some parts (like screenshots and captions) the first time I read it.

Yes, that was a bit more direct than I meant it to be. I understand. Thanks for sharing the information:)

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I don't know if this has been discussed elsewhere, but today's Dengeki issue shows a screenshot of the description of the "Freeze" staff. It's not actually a traditional status staff, it simply renders an enemy unable to move for 1 turn and reduces their evasion by 20. It has a range of 1-7 and a hit rate of 80. It sounds like this could be really useful on higher difficulties. (Perhaps even a bit too useful.)

(Sorry if this isn't the right topic for this, but I didn't know where else to post it and I thought people might be interested.)

Now that seems like a really good compromise between OP and useless staves of the past. I wonder if it's not move as at all or in 0 move but they can still counter or initiate an attack on their turn.

Edited by arvilino
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Now that seems like a really good compromise between OP and useless staves of the past. I wonder if it's not move as at all or in 0 move but they can still counter or initiate an attack on their turn.

The way the description is worded implies that they can still attack/counter.

Also, as promised, here's a list of minor details from the Dengeki issue that I thought were (somewhat) interesting or amusing:

- A screenshots shows that there are 12 different hair styles for the male avatar, conveniently plotted in a chart on the bottom screen that has 'cool <-> wild' as the horizontal axis and 'simple <-> fashionable' as the vertical axis. (We can only guess as to why they thought we needed a chart to help us find our favourite hairstyles...)

- Hair ornaments (as a part of avatar customization, not talking about the accessory shop here) are only available for female avatars. You have disappointed me, IS.
- The Dengeki writers mention that they particularly liked the Harold's, Oboro's and Odin's personal skills when they played the game themselves. The writer who played Hoshido thinks Oboro is a really good unit.
- Not sure whether we've seen Ryoma's status screen before, but here it shows him with Vantage + an icon I don't recognize + Astra as class skills at level ?/5. His stats seem quite impressive.
- Dengeki's description of My Castle emphasizes (much more explicitly than Famitsu did) that My Castle exists in an isolated world of its own, outside of the influence of Hoshido and Nohr.
- The infamous screenshots of Orochi persuading a captured enemy soldier appear again here, with Dengeki commenting: "Just like that, the enemy soldier switched sides. For some reason he appears to be smiling."
- It takes a lot of face-rubbing to fill Sakura's gauge, so don't give up, Dengeki tells us.
- Battling Amiibo Marth seems to be preceded by a title screen for some reason.
- Oboro and Takumi can support.
- Amusingly, a description of the ninja class which tells us that ninja's lack luck, defense and resistance and don't have much strength either, is accompanied by a screenshot of a level 10 Suzukaze with 13 strength and 14 resistance.
- Asama's skill will activate even when he has staves on him (i.e. a staff is not considered a weapon)

- Rinka takes Kamui to Hoshido to repay him for sparing her life.

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No, we haven't seen Ryoma's status yet. We have seen very few of those as a matter of fact. Definitely very curious about that...

I'd also wager to say that it's Oboro's class that is great, not her specifically. But we'll see.

Thanks for that, in any case.

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- Dengeki's description of My Castle emphasizes (much more explicitly than Famitsu did) that My Castle exists in an isolated world of its own, outside of the influence of Hoshido and Nohr.
Hm... Interesting. I guess this makes the idea that the kids might be tied to My Castle, rather than the main story, even more likely, considering Kanna's quote about the "outer world".
Edited by NeonZ
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If you think that 500 spent on Awakening is impressive (I just recently brought the Lucina Figima too so make that 570 total spend), it is absolutely nothing compared to what I spent on another series. Trust it not because I like that series (I do like the anime) but out of my love for my true OTL waifu. Speaking now, I'm pretty embarrassed at stuff I brought.

570+ on Valvrave? Dude...

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Wait, I'm still confused about some thing: If Sumeragi died when 'Avatar' is kidnapped, how were Takumi and Sakura born? Unless I missed something, which probably did.

Say Avatar was 4 when he/she was kidnapped, Takumi could have been 2/3 and Sakura a newborn or infant.

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Someone pointed out that the press release files had a HUGE picture of the Hoshido/Nohr picture on the official website, and I noticed some things in it that is cute and really weird.

About Felicia and Blue Maid(Flora):



Aww, they have matching cuff pins and broaches!

About Joker: (only open this is you really, really, really want to be spoiled.)(you were warned)


Joker. . .what happened to your hand?

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^^Agreed, I think you can see it in his dialogue portrait too, just a gauntlet. Probably not particularly practical for butlering in, but oh well.

The matching cuffs and broaches on the maids are cute though, even if it probably doesn't mean anything.

Edited by capmalachi
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>one broach is pinkish-red

>one broach is blue


>we Pokemon now

So, a couple things that bugged me about E3:

In battle how people just sort of appeared - please tell me we're going to have better animations and that was just an earlier developer's build?

Also Azura's hair seemed REALLY stiff when she appeared in the Hoshido side, and I seem to remember people like Cordelia and Lucina having at least some jointing in their hair for animations. Will that also be addressed? It just seems awkward how stiff it was considering in the CGs her hair is extremely fluid. I'm not asking for anything ridiculous for how her hair should move aside from it would help for it to have a bit of sway in it.

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In battle how people just sort of appeared - please tell me we're going to have better animations and that was just an earlier developer's build?

Nohr's Chapter 7 was much smoother than Chapter 2, so I'd place bets on "yes", unless certain maps just lag more than others.

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Also Azura's hair seemed REALLY stiff when she appeared in the Hoshido side, and I seem to remember people like Cordelia and Lucina having at least some jointing in their hair for animations. Will that also be addressed? It just seems awkward how stiff it was considering in the CGs her hair is extremely fluid. I'm not asking for anything ridiculous for how her hair should move aside from it would help for it to have a bit of sway in it.

When the player lost Elise in the second session, her hair went straight to the sky as well; I'd assume it's just an early build issue.

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