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Known Information (2nd June)


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When the player lost Elise in the second session, her hair went straight to the sky as well; I'd assume it's just an early build issue.

Cool! Was hoping that was the case. Wouldn't be a HUGE deal if they left the hair static, but it is one of those makes-it-prettier type things that I always enjoy in games.

Although FF15's engine for hair just might be overdoing that, but that's not related to this game

I do wonder what the 3D effects will look like in the consumer copies. I mean, I'll be turning them off after about an hour of play just to not go derp eyed and only turning them back on for the cutscenes, but I do know that in Awakening Chapter 10, the final chapter, and Death's Embrace looked super sharp. Only combat didn't look as nice, but I think that was more a case of I had trouble seeing straight from my eyes not being able to focus, though maybe getting a N3DS might help that.

The pixel sprites on the 3D maps though were pretty neat.

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I do wonder what the 3D effects will look like in the consumer copies. I mean, I'll be turning them off after about an hour of play just to not go derp eyed and only turning them back on for the cutscenes, but I do know that in Awakening Chapter 10, the final chapter, and Death's Embrace looked super sharp. Only combat didn't look as nice, but I think that was more a case of I had trouble seeing straight from my eyes not being able to focus, though maybe getting a N3DS might help that.

I thought the 3D in Awakening was really well done and calibrated!; so much so that I literally always put it and left it on full while playing. But then again, I always play my 3DS with my prescription glasses on cause I'm farsighted. And I think the N3DS might help with your problem, it really does as advertised in being able to see the 3D from any angle /experience from friend's japanese-imported N3DS.

So we still don't know much about class skills, huh?


Wait, we got something from the new Dengeki scans!

On the left page of the 2-page spread:


I'll get to work on translating them (to the best of my and my ipad's abilities) to see if I can get any new info

Edited by squkyshoes
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I thought the 3D in Awakening was really well done and calibrated!; so much so that I literally always put it and left it on full while playing. But then again, I always play my 3DS with my prescription glasses on cause I'm farsighted. And I think the N3DS might help with your problem, it really does as advertised in being able to see the 3D from any angle /experience from friend's japanese-imported N3DS.


Wait, we got something from the new Dengeki scans!

On the left page of the 2-page spread:


I'll get to work on translating them (to the best of my and my ipad's abilities) to see if I can get any new info

All of this was already showcased in a former Famitsu issue: / It was the third one I believe. It's about the lancer's class skills.

Although admittedly all that text might have some relevant stuff in it.

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All of this was already showcased in a former Famitsu issue: / It was the third one I believe. It's about the lancer's class skills.

Although admittedly all that text might have some relevant stuff in it.

Most of the text is just "blah blah you have 6 skill slots, but one is a personal skill so 5 are class skills" and "you can change and remove skills (like in awakening)"

And the skills are the same as was previously shown, so yeah,nothing new.

Edited by squkyshoes
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Well on class skills we know now that sword-masters get astra at presumably level 5. i believe that it new? :) also i think we learned that archers get skill +2 and wyvern riders get strength + 2, both most likely as level 1 skills. Also i think we see some new looking skill icons but we don't know what they do, That does allow us to see if old classes might have lost a skill (ie mercanary dosen't seem to have armsthrift, big surprise there) but they could just be redesigns of course. So technically i think we learned something new. Now if any of that is useful info to most people well that is a different story. :)

And non class realted we also see some more base stat readouts for those who like to look at the stat grids to guess the base stats. So there is that as well.

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You mean the panty shot ?

But we don't see them. :(

We don't see the panty shot indeed.

And she don't even uses them to kick her ennemies...

Main reason why Kohaku is still the best.

Edited by Tamanoir
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I was not sure where to ask this, so i decided to go here.

How likely is it that they bring back the dual audio option from Awakening? Looking at the japanese cast got me really excited so i'm really hoping i can play with the original audio. Probably it's because i'm not a native speaker, but the english dub sounds meh for me.

Fixing that annoying bug would also be neat IS =D

Edited by Kagemaru
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Well on class skills we know now that sword-masters get astra at presumably level 5. i believe that it new? :) also i think we learned that archers get skill +2 and wyvern riders get strength + 2, both most likely as level 1 skills. Also i think we see some new looking skill icons but we don't know what they do, That does allow us to see if old classes might have lost a skill (ie mercanary dosen't seem to have armsthrift, big surprise there) but they could just be redesigns of course. So technically i think we learned something new. Now if any of that is useful info to most people well that is a different story. :)

And non class realted we also see some more base stat readouts for those who like to look at the stat grids to guess the base stats. So there is that as well.

Swordmasters getting Astra at LV5 is the same as in Awakening, along with Skill +2 and Strength +2 as starting skills for Archers and Dragon Knights. And Defense +2 for Knights, for that matter. But at least we have confirmation now.

Edited by Othin
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^ well duh, of course i knew that it was the same as awakening, but as you said it was not technically confirmed so it is technically new info. Plus we did get some more cryptic skill images for me to stare at and compare to the others for a few days like seeing that pegasus warrior seems to have a green version of the non vantage myrmidon skill instead of speed +2, which i think was translated as flowing strike, Also with every class skill image revealed, it makes me wonder where the other seal skills are (having only strenth and defence seal seems wierd plus it seems to be a level 1 skill), we are running out of unpromoted classes to have them, the only non shifter which we have no skills for is onl, which through the process of elimination most likely has strength seal and line of death, which also means the Hana can likely be an Oni, so Yay?, or i could be entirely wrong of course.

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I was not sure where to ask this, so i decided to go here.

How likely is it that they bring back the dual audio option from Awakening? Looking at the japanese cast got me really excited so i'm really hoping i can play with the original audio. Probably it's because i'm not a native speaker, but the english dub sounds meh for me.

Fixing that annoying bug would also be neat IS =D

Don't know how likely it is, but I hope so. I enjoyed playing through the game once with english audio and once with japanese.

Also yeah, I have that annoying bug from the digital version too. I really hope they fix it, because otherwise I have to change the audio back and forth any time I start the game if I want to listen to the game in japanese. I don't dislike the english audio, but it does sound slightly bland compared to some of the japanese. Of course, with only a couple words said by each character most of the time, that could just be an impression.

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Fox dude is confirmed to use beaststones. No information on the wolf dude outside of the class reel has ever been revealed as far as I'm aware, but it probably also uses beaststones or some other type of stone. No mention of anything like laguz gauges.

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