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Why Luna looks so much like Severa.


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I was kinda hoping that the outrealm gates were bullshit tho. Or at least part of awakening's whole, "THIS IS THE LAST GAME AND WE'RE GONNA PUT EVERYTHING IN IT!" Cos along with the time travelling kids it was already kinda ridiculous.

Also back to your post NeonZ, I think that we'll see a couple more child characters making a comeback, especially because other than Lucina, the other child characters weren't that plot important and were easily missed, I know I missed all of them in my first awakening playthrough lol

We've yet to see not!Inigo's full sprite and I heard that there was a character similar to Owain as well?

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Although it's possible that Luna is kid severa its kinda unlikely. Awakening's timeline had two relatively short wars, (many wars went on for at least ten years), but they were still battles where lives were lost so I doubt Cordelia would be so willing to let her child go like that.

More likely it is a nod to the past, no? Along with the other supposed look a likes

I dunno if Cordelia could just say something against it if her now adult child wants to leave the continent,then she'll leave the continent,thats her decision.

Alternatively what if something happened to Ylisse,that caused them to leave their home?This could even go so far to be the basis for the third route(I personally doubt this,but who knows?After all we haven't heard anything about a 3rd country so far)

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We've yet to see not!Inigo's full sprite and I heard that there was a character similar to Owain as well?

We've seen the map sprite of a mercenary with the same hair as Inigo's sprite actually. That's not confirmed to be the not!Inigo from the screenshot, but I doubt we'd get two gray haired mercenaries.

Also, here's Odin, the Owain lookalike, compared to Owain's grandmaster sprite:


He's the only one with a base class that doesn't match his Awakening lookalike so far.

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Maybe if now that Cordelia is around to grow up with her (assuming that this is Severa, and the peaceful version of the future), rather than being bitter about her mother, she grows up to be like her.

Luna's (translated) bio on the SF site:

I mean sure, I don't know what losing may have to do about Cordelia, but clearly Luna is trying to be "perfect", like her mother.

She may not be so bitter about her mother. She wouldn't be compared to Cordelia as much, since the more natural comparision would be with the other version of herself - a heroic mercenary who traveled back in time and helped change the course of the world. And what profession does Luna choose to follow? She becomes a mercenary of course, and strives to be perfect in an effort to outdo her other incarnation. Inferiority complex to the max.

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Oh damn I never really thought kid Severa would compare herself to, well, herself. That'd be an interesting twist, and it's also kinda relatable, kind of. Cos obviously you're never going to meet your grown up self from the future but if I was in kid Severa's position I'd probably do the same, travel, try to become a hero, try to become someone important, to impress Cordelia, although I don't think that's what Cordelia would have wanted.

Also thanks for the pics NeonZ, I've only seen a bit of not!Inigo's talksprite from a screenshot in the japanese e-shop and had no idea there was even an Owain look a like until I looked around in the forums. But man are you guys observant, I wouldn't have even noticed not!Owain's map sprite. Do you guys think they'll bring back more than three of the kids? Or is three already pushing it? I'm glad it's not anyone from the first generation because I feel like they had their run, their story is over ya know?

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Like I said before, I think these could be the present versions of the kids since it'd allow them to include some Awakening ties without actually having to make a definitive canon for Awakening. If they were the actual 2nd gen kids from the future or 1st gen characters, they'd need to basically make Awakening pairings canon, or make it canon that they had no pairings there (allowing the player to pair them here). It's also notable that they all seem to be Nohr units, and Nohr is the western based faction, like most nations in Awakening (and all previous FE).

Luna and the other two lookalikes, if they're really tied to Awakening, likely will never reference their fathers' identity specifically and could freely have any relationships here since they wouldn't be directly tied to Awakening. Even Inigo, although potentially Chrom's son, wouldn't need to make that relevant since this would be a far away land. Of course, if they're just expies they could do that too, but expies wouldn't need to be only 2nd gen kids.

Regarding more children, Severa was the 2nd most popular 2nd generation kid, behind only Lucina (at least in the official site's poll, she's third, behind female Morgan, in the Knight of Iris one) - She's only seventh or tenth in overall popularity among the female characters in general though, depending on the poll. Owain and Inigo were the most and 2nd most popular male children in both though. Lucina, the most popular female character in Awakening, is also in the game, in an even more direct way, with the Lucina Amiibo and "Marth" Lucina also seems to be in from the card game tie in. So, at this point, it seems like they have the entire top 4 from Awakening's 2nd generation in this game in some way. It seems fairly likely they just stopped there at this point.

Alternatively, a 2nd female character similar to Luna also is possible, if we're really getting Inigo and Owain too and they just count the base game. In that case, going by the popularity polls, it'd be Cynthia (or Morgan, I guess, if they're just expies. No way they're including female Morgan if they aren't expies though, considering how it'd have a bunch of canon implications).


Also, here's a comparison picture for Inigo's and the gray haired mercenary's map sprites.


Edited by NeonZ
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While I'm not a fan of having connections to Awakening for this particular title - I really just want If to be standalone, I'd rather Luna is [born after Awakening] Severa than someone who is a copy in design only, because I really don't like it when different characters look THAT much similar to each other. It's fine to have a throwback that somewhat references the older character's designs, but when you have the similarities down to the face and facial expression, class, palette, voice actress, and even personality, that's too much for a new, unrelated character.

Hell, take marvel as an example. Even when people other than Thor himself was able to wield Mjolnir and turn into a Thor-powered individual, they have a design that references Thor's but still uniquely theirs. While ~60 is a lot of characters, it isn't enough to justify recycling entire designs, especially this close to the previous release. So I hope that the similarities here is justified.

I hope that in the case that it is Severa it is handled in a way that actually makes sense instead of just shoving "lol outrealms" in as a cheap plot device again.

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I really just want If to be standalone, I'd rather Luna is [born after Awakening] Severa than someone who is a copy in design only

I hope that in the case that it is Severa it is handled in a way that actually makes sense instead of just shoving "lol outrealms" in as a cheap plot device again.

If you want If to be standalone (I'm assuming you mean standalone world) and have Luna be Severa instead of a copy, how else can this be justified other than Outrealms?

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If you want If to be standalone (I'm assuming you mean standalone world) and have Luna be Severa instead of a copy, how else can this be justified other than Outrealms?

Probably didn't phrase it the best on my part (sorry for bad English), I'd rather she wasn't a thing at all but since too late for that, I'd rather If's just another continent away from Ylisse and boats happened than using some Outrealm shit to get Severa in.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Now this is going to be a good question to ask: would you have another game be set on Archanea or use the Outrealms to explain the existence of one character?

I'd take the latter on account of the lore of this world being more flexible that way (some separate continent away from Valm, Ylisse, Plegia, etc. worship what seems to be a different light and dark dragon than Naga and Grima?). Really wanting a new world since there hasn't been a new one in...10 years. Outrealms don't have to effect other parts of the game other than why there are look-alikes.

Edited by IceBuster573
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I just think the Outrealms is a really cheap plot device. If it's a separate continent, but on the same planet, it can be vastly different in lore (just look at the real world). People had vastly different cultures, customs, religions, local lore etc, but ships are still powerful enough to circumnavigate the world. Lack of outrealms use doesn't mean it wouldn't be a whole separate setting/continent, just it'd limit them to the same planet and a planet is pretty damn big.

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I just think the Outrealms is a really cheap plot device. If it's a separate continent, but on the same planet, it can be vastly different in lore (just look at the real world). People had vastly different cultures, customs, religions, local lore etc, but ships are still powerful enough to circumnavigate the world. Lack of outrealms use doesn't mean it wouldn't be a whole separate setting/continent, just it'd limit them to the same planet and a planet is pretty damn big.

I just think there's too much that needs to be changed (and can't be changed now) to allow that to work. Panne is wrong about being the last taguel and forgot there were fox taguel even though she's aware of taguel that can transform into different species? There are only floating islands on this part of the world If is set in?

I do think if you are right about this game being a seperate continent, it would have to take place before Awakening in order to be consistent with Panne and the taguel. However, that would mean Severa has an ancestor that looks exactly like her.

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I just think there's too much that needs to be changed (and can't be changed now) to allow that to work. Panne is wrong about being the last taguel and forgot there were fox taguel even though she's aware of taguel that can transform into different species? There are only floating islands on this part of the world If is set in?

I do think if you are right about this game being a seperate continent, it would have to take place before Awakening in order to be consistent with Panne and the taguel. However, that would mean Severa has an ancestor that looks exactly like her.

Not true. Even though intercontinental travel is available with boats, global communications is not strong enough to inform someone like Panne that someone like Nishiki exists. Panne is the last known Taguel on the continent of Ylisse/Akaneia, and that is all the knowledge thereof that she has of the matter. She cannot go on the internet and google "are there more taguel in FEif land". As far as she is concerned, she is the last one. The fact that others exist on a continent across an entire ocean and not as nearly as close as Valm would not be within her knowledge.

We live in an age where communication is globalized and easy to access. This is not the case in FE's Universe. If the distance of the continents is around the same as that of Europe and America, it is entirely reasonable for most denizens of each continent to know very little about each other. However, the boat trip is entirely doable, and proven to be doable (or America as we know it would not be the same as it is today), but most people would not even be able to access information from the other side of the ocean.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I just think there's too much that needs to be changed (and can't be changed now) to allow that to work. Panne is wrong about being the last taguel and forgot there were fox taguel even though she's aware of taguel that can transform into different species? There are only floating islands on this part of the world If is set in?

Awakening itself makes references to "Taguel" that transform into different animals, like Felines and Birds, although Panne doesn't know what happened with them in the present. Then there's Henry who mentions that he once saw a man that could become a crow. Like mentioned above, these characters don't live in the internet era. It's fairly easy to have different people without contact with each other.

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I would prefer it if Luna was her own character, but I would also be fine if she were Severa from the present, and her presence in Nohr is explained (it doesn't have to be anything major, it could be briefly mentioned and I would be satisfied, it just has to make sense.) Anything having to do with the outrealms should remain non-canon in my mind and I will be really upset if the outrealms explains her presence in Nohr.

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Waaaait didn't Inigo's, Severa's, and Owain's ending say they all traveled the world?

Laurent, Yarne, and Kjelle confirmed.

But if they were the same character I wouldn't be surprised if the US just translated them into having the same name and just skipping the not-so-subtle hints.

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The thing is that in our world, myth and legend stays as myth and legend. In the FE world Naga and Grima are real beings. I haven't played the other Archanea games but I doubt that if Naga was such an important person she was worshipped as a god that no one in the IF continent would have heard of her. If IF and awakening are in the same world, too much would have to be explained. Even if they were to put it in after the events of awakening it would seem like too much. Suddenly there's this country in desperate need of help and not receiving any? One that might possibly start a war? Why isn't anyone else doing anything knowing the situation is gonna go to shit? We can't have another Walhart people!

I think I'd prefer it if all the characters were just references to awakening, I personally wouldn't mind a Severa, Inigo and Owain without an explanation.

Also I don't quite understand what the difference between a male and female Morgan would make, that Morgan could possibly have siblings?

Edited by chihiroos
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The thing is that in our world, myth and legend stays as myth and legend. In the FE world Naga and Grima are real beings. I haven't played the other Archanea games but I doubt that if Naga was such an important person she was worshipped as a god that no one in the IF continent would have heard of her. If IF and awakening are in the same world, too much would have to be explained. Even if they were to put it in after the events of awakening it would seem like too much. Suddenly there's this country in desperate need of help and not receiving any? One that might possibly start a war? Why isn't anyone else doing anything knowing the situation is gonna go to shit? We can't have another Walhart people!

I think I'd prefer it if all the characters were just references to awakening, I personally wouldn't mind a , Inigo and Owain withoSOwainut explanation.

Also I don't quite understand what the difference between a male and female Morgan would make, that Morgan could possibly have siblings?

The people of Valentia did not worship Naga in Gaiden, nor did the people of Archanea worship Duma & Mila.

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The point though is that not all the peoples of the world have to know about Naga. In Valentia, Naga is simply a non-factor even after she defeated the earth dragons in Archanea's early history. By the same token, Mila the goddess who gave prosperity to people of Zofiya is virtually unheard of in Archanea. It's important to also remember that Naga only went to Jugdral because Galle had received powers from Loptyr. Had Galle never drank the blood of Loptyr, the people of Jugdral would probably have the same religion as they did during the time of the Kingdom of Gran.

We know for a fact that the people of FEif already have their own deities who have proven powers, so why should they pray to a god with no ties to them?

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I apologize, I assumed too much about the other games and got it completely wrong. I thought all the countries in the Archanea universe would have something to do with Naga or at least know about her and in turn thought that it wouldn't make sense for Nohr and Hoshido to have their own gods. In fact the developers even told us that IF would be a whole different world but the point of my post was that it wouldn't really make sense if IF was in the same world, although my point has been completely disproven by the fact that the other countries seem to have their own gods lol

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AH, okay I get it now, at the time we also had different gods so it would still make sense for IF and awakening to share the same world despite different gods, sorry I'm always a little slow in the uptake.

I can't wait for more news though, I really want to know if Luna is a reference or actually kid Severa and if it is the same world we can find out how the other characters are doing, though it'll be a bit disappointing cos I was excited for the whole, "new world new lore," aspect of the game.

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So yeah,now we've got the confirmation for the Owain and Inigo look alikes(I know you could spot them before,but it wasn't clear how similar they are compared them).And man,they seem to be even more similar to the child characters(however Odin is not a Samurai/Myrmidon,most likely because those only live in Hoshido).

I kinda doubt that they are just there as a reference,I mean they are all 3 in the same faction and even have similar personalities.

I'd imagine that the 3 started off on a journey at some point and ended up in Nohr.

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