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Muslim style Nation


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Well kinda at least in name. There were alot of differences. They spoke Greek for one and their rule was more of a theocratic aristocracy as compared to the pragmatic Emperors of Rome. While they did use them extensively Catapracts were actually first used by the Sassainad Persians. While Persians are not Arabs they are still a part of the middle east geographically.

I edited my post to include the a Heavy Knight unit by the name Ghazi which means Conqueror, I could actually make a 3rd Horsback Unit by the name Fat'tih (Opener, which means conquering a country as peaceful as possible and for a righteous reason).

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I'd definitely be interested in seeing Fire Emblem take inspiration from various Middle Eastern nations/cultures in the future, whether it be by making a country in the game inspired by one (ie Hoshido/Japan and Nohr/Rome) or even setting the entirety of the game in an area based on such cultures. It would add some nice variety to the appearance of units and classes, and the history and mythology of the region could provide some nice inspiration for stories.

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I edited my post to include the a Heavy Knight unit by the name Ghazi which means Conqueror, I could actually make a 3rd Horsback Unit by the name Fat'tih (Opener, which means conquering a country as peaceful as possible and for a righteous reason).

Ah. I didn't catch that.

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On the classes ideas.

I like them a lot. They seem very similar, if not identical to the typical FE classes and that's a good thing. Perhaps there can be units that move particularly well through the desert?

The only times I've read of camels used in warfare were actually by the Late Roman Empire in the form of the Dromedarii. Also, I think some peoples may have used mounted archers on camels but generally speaking camels aren't fast enough to make a good charge.

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I'm just gonna leave this from my previous post and pretty sure women can hold any class they want, especially considering FE doesn't even take place in any real historical settings and have only been aesthetically inspired/romanticised/etc with settings, which take place in an original universe copyright Intelligent Systems

Female units will never be princes like Leaf was. They will have to be satisfied with being princesses.

Inb4 Female Kamui's NA class is Dark Prince.

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Female units will never be princes like Leaf was. They will have to be satisfied with being princesses.

Inb4 Female Kamui's NA class is Dark Prince.

Im pretty sure in some parts of the world, the equivalent of prince is a gender neutral term!

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I definitely disapprove of the "Muslim" nation concept here. "Middle Eastern" is a better concept, in my opinion. I'd actually love it if the thread owner would change the title of the thread.

I'm surprised how few people knew that about horses. Camels are not fighting creatures; they are hauling ones.

This would be a good opportunity for the latest Merlinus to return, only being pulled by camels instead of horses.

Or they could make a new feature where certain desert levels have stables where you can rent a certain amount of camels for a level to increase a units mobility but it negatively affects certain stats, like say Skill.

I mean FE has cats and bunnies, why not camels?

Games evolve; if we had 14 games of basically the same shit it'd be pretty boring. As long as it's still FE-like gameplay and structure at its core (grid-based turn base strategy with the weapon triangle with a decent-to-large sized cast of individualized characters with distinct personalities) and published under the FE title by Intelligent Systems I'm not sure what else you really need to be considered a FE.

I agree with his. I'm sure their were people who were and still are displeased about the addition of non-manakete shapeshifters because it's "not fire emblem".

Although I'm don't think guns (even older versions) work well as long as they all take place in medieval settings. Now cannons as new form of ballistae on the other hand...(I know how having cannons and not guns probably wouldn't make much sense, but I think we can let it slide since it's a video game)


What do you mean by feedback?

I know this wasn't directed at me but I just wanted to say I like your class ideas except for "Ghazi (Conqueror)". That's too awesome of a title too be a generic class, so I dislike the idea of just any unit of a certain branch being able to promote/reclass into it. It and the entire Prince family need to be exclusive to just a few units.

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I think guns /can/ work but it definitely will take a lot of thought. Guns have been in existence since late renaissance era so it's not really that far of a stretch; realistically they'd be high damage but never double ever, but it'll take more than that to balance them, I'd think

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I think guns /can/ work but it definitely will take a lot of thought. Guns have been in existence since late renaissance era so it's not really that far of a stretch; realistically they'd be high damage but never double ever, but it'll take more than that to balance them, I'd think

You could also adjust there hit % and movement make them inaccurate with a default hit around 60-70 given that early cannons were huge and clumsy.

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I grew up in the Middle East, so that would be nice to see, I think. Some really in depth replies already explore the possibilities.

As for foot binding, that was exclusively China. The Japanese in fact discouraged it on a large scale, such as when they occupied Taiwan. But I saw this was already answered above!

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Most American history classes aren't very good at being objective. That is not to say that they outright lie, but they omit the truth or only tell one side of the story. Even AP classes aren't super great at this, unless you have an amazing teacher who loves history and getting you to think. There is a book that I am absolutely in love with, Lies My Teacher Told Me, that analyzed 12 history books that are commonly used in history classes, including my AP U.S. History textbook, and it was utterly astounding how many things they neglect to discuss.

Also, I would like countries in FE that are just based on different cultures in general. Somehow, it makes them feel more … real, you know?

I lucked out with an AP European History Teacher actually from Europe. Really engaging course, fair in its presentation of world powers and even the Middle East (which we occasionally dabbled into ), made me really become invested in world culture and history. I shudder to imagine what it would have been like if I had gotten a teacher like any of my American History professors.

Anyway, all of the above suggestions are fantastic and I fully endorse a Fire Emblem game that incorporates these for a nation/game and approaches the pros and cons properly.

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But what about Jehanna?

It would be interesting if there was something that had Middle Eastern culture, as a main country. Not sure if I'd be fond of a bajillion desert maps, though.

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I'm all for cultural diversion and a deeper look into cultures that are not the standard European-influenced fantasyland.

Just to throw in an opinion, I wouldn't be against slight ignorance of cultural or historical accuracy or combining different Middle-eastern or Islamic cultures if it lead to funny details like a camel-riding cavaliers, Elephant-riding Great Knights and such. As long as stupid stereotypes and generalizations are left out.

Creative liberties are a thing after all.

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It's funny how a discussion about a middle eastern / muslim nation turned into a full on rant about US American history classes.

Anyway, I kept the idea about a middle eastern country so general because Nohr is pretty much a generalistion of all christian (west)european states.

Therefore focusing on one muslim culture group would limit the extend of our ideas.

Also nobody said they would have to ride camels or elephants in a game where wyverns and griffons exist, maybe creatures with similiar features.

Although an elephant rider that would function like a ranged great knight would be an interesting concept.

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It's funny how a discussion about a middle eastern / muslim nation turned into a full on rant about US American history classes.

Anyway, I kept the idea about a middle eastern country so general because Nohr is pretty much a generalistion of all christian (west)european states.

Therefore focusing on one muslim culture group would limit the extend of our ideas.

Also nobody said they would have to ride camels or elephants in a game where wyverns and griffons exist, maybe creatures with similiar features.

Although an elephant rider that would function like a ranged great knight would be an interesting concept.

I guess you should read my Suggestions...

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If I recall correctly, Bengnion was partly based on the Byzantine Empire; sort of like a mix between it and Tsarist Russia, filling the role of the Soviets (kicking the racist asshole's ass, only to have a guy named Ike take all the credit). In any case, I would love to see a Middle Eastern themed nation; there could be one based on the Otomans, one based on the Abbasids, one based on the Mughals, ect. I'd also like to see characters based on historical figures, especially females, as the Ottoman Empire produced some of the most fascinating women ever to rule. They were far better about women's rights than Europe at the time. While we're at it, a nation based on Imperial Germany would be awesome; if the Nazis got an FE country (Daien) then the Kaiser deserves one too! Ah well.

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But what about Jehanna?

That is a good point, but I don't think Jehanna was really meant to be the Middle East. Remember, even in that game, Joshua's default weapon is a Killer Sword, while Marisa of all people has a Shamshir. Even the Sacred Twin Audhulma, while it sounds Middle Eastern to many of us Americans, is actually a corrupted romanization of the Norse Auðumbla, a cow of ice.

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I very much agree with this idea, but would prefer the topic named to be corrected.

[spoiler=FE7 and FE9 References]Regarding how women are treated in the Middle East, there are groups of women who are actively against the discrimination they suffer in those particular areas. Due to this, implementing female units into that kind of a society won't be hard, but they'll probably be regarded in similar fashion to that of Lyn by Rath's previous leader in FE7's conclusion to chapter 6. They'll likely also have to cover up like the Laguz characters in FE9 did to avoid being captured.

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Also, I would like countries in FE that are just based on different cultures in general. Somehow, it makes them feel more … real, you know?

This is the big thing. The world is filled with an endlessly rich assortment of cultures to be inspired by. As long as there is an avoidance of excessive stereotyping -- that is, the dynamic "real-ness" of these places is fleshed out -- then we might have some of the most unique cultural/political dynamics seen in Fire Emblem games. And some nifty new units as well.

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ooh i'll love the idea of a Muslim style or Russian style country in Fire emblem! It will be cool if they also did one based on South America as well. maybe they can make each country based on real life countries?

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for the class ideas posted a bit back (pg. 3?), i do think the cavalier revamp speaks more to the nomad/nomad trooper line? and i haven't heard of a class having three promotions (if that's not what it is, my apologies). that being said, i can see cavalier and a class similar to elibe nomad having a shared promotion.

also, i take it the "ameer" class would be the "lord" class? if so, i do think that more than two weapons for an unpromoted class is a bit much.

for the swimming swordmaster, rather than having that as an innate class skill, perhaps they just gain the "acrobat" skill (or a variant)? if i remember correctly, gangrel could move around on some water with that skill, and it would keep the walking on water skill a uniquely pirate class trait if it was in the game- for those who have never handled a pirate class, i'm saying this largely because pirate is an unpromoted class, and swordmaster is promoted.

i do like the sound of the added terrain bonus for the assassins, but i am curious as how the poison would be handled. if that was the case, it's likely that it would have a low use limit due to its status affect thing, or that it would have a serious nerf thrown to it.

as for the faris al rakh, would there only be one promotion? i don't mind either way, just curious.

anyways, yeah. i do really like the ideas, i'd love to see more!

Edited by falcoknights
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Ottoman units ahoy!

Bashi Bazouk to Janissary is Knight to General. The Ottoman levies promote to the Ottoman Sultan's guard. Pretty basic stuff.

Barbary Pirates are assassins. The Barbary Pirates were Libyan soldiers trained to piss off European shipping. So it would make sense for them to be stealthy.

Mamlukes are Paladins. The Mamelukes were Egyptian cavalry used by the Ottomans to scout. They would be light cavalry, in contrast to the Sipahis, the elite Ottman heavy cavalry.

Finally, the Balkan auxillary units would be Mercs and Heroes. These were soldiers from the Greek, Serbian, Bulgarian, and Romanian population. They were at first mercenaries within the Ottoman army, but if they did well enough they would become high ranking Ottoman nobles, hence the promotion to Hero.

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Not to be the downer of the group, but does everyone realize that using Middle Eastern influences would be bad for the American market right now?

"They put terrorists in my game! I'll never buy from Nintendo again!"

Not saying that it's logical, but it would happen. There would be an uproar.

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Not to be the downer of the group, but does everyone realize that using Middle Eastern influences would be bad for the American market right now?

"They put terrorists in my game! I'll never buy from Nintendo again!"

Not saying that it's logical, but it would happen. There would be an uproar.

"Hello, you are watching FOX NEWS! Today, we shall once again blatantly overinflated the facts in our quest to provide the best argument for censorship in history! Now, lets talk about the video game that lets you play as Nazi ISIS gays!"

In all seriousness, I don't think anyone aside from some stupid rednecks will think that.

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