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We have the answer to "is marriage in this game?"


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Can anyone think of a possible explanation for the children other than time travel?

I mean according to this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/1bvnySr.jpg

Tsukuyomi is shown to be his usual child self when talking to his grown daughter Shara, so we can't even make the excuse of Kamui/Corrin aging slowly because he/she's a half-dragon or whatever.

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Sooo... There are 3 possibilities with the children.

  1. They appear via time travel shenanigans, in the time of their parents.
  2. They appear after a time skip, and IS was simply too lazy to age the portraits.
  3. They appear in these "Dream Islands" I've heard about.

Which is most likely?

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Sooo... There are 3 possibilities with the children.

  1. They appear via time travel shenanigans, in the time of their parents.
  2. They appear after a time skip, and IS was simply too lazy to age the portraits.
  3. They appear in these "Dream Islands" I've heard about.

Which is most likely?

4. Their parents travel to the future to recruit them. Still time travel shenanigan regardless.

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Can anyone think of a possible explanation for the children other than time travel?

I mean according to this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/1bvnySr.jpg

Tsukuyomi is shown to be his usual child self when talking to his grown daughter Shara, so we can't even make the excuse of Kamui/Corrin aging slowly because he/she's a half-dragon or whatever.

Kana has a quote about finally going to the "outer world" with her father, so it might be somehow related to the My Castle or outrealms. Still, that'd be basically the same as time traveling.

The important part here though is that so far this seems unrelated to the main story, so the actual plot won't need to be about time or dimensional traveling at all.

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Sooo... There are 3 possibilities with the children.

  1. They appear via time travel shenanigans, in the time of their parents.
  2. They appear after a time skip, and IS was simply too lazy to age the portraits.
  3. They appear in these "Dream Islands" I've heard about.

Which is most likely?

I don't know what a "dream island" is but I like the sound of that.

Kana has a quote about finally going to the "outer world" with her father, so it might be somehow related to the My Castle or outrealms. Still, that'd be basically the same as time traveling.

The important part here though is that so far this seems unrelated to the main story, so the actual plot won't need to be about time or dimensional traveling at all.

Thank fuck.

Edited by Othin
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okay, initial rage & bitterness has calmed down slightly so maybe I can actually talk about this reasonably.

I didn't want marriage (& S supports for that matter) to come back -- I really liked the whole 'ambiguous ending' thing they had going on in, say, FE7 & FE8. but if marriage DID ultimately come back, I would be upset, but I could probably live with it. & now that it has been more or less confirmed, I realize I can live with it, despite the fact that, come on, they're only bringing it back because of it's popularity in Awakening...

but children? really? really?? come on. unless IS somehow magically implements children in a way that is super duper awesome incredibly logical (read: not time travel because what, where did that come from?) then okay. fine, do as you please IS. I, as the consumer, will deal with it. we still know next to nothing about the big, main overall plot after all, right?

& no, I'm not just saying this next bit as a "salty elitist pathetic nerd war veteran" but recycling this much... is really going to hurt? maybe it won't in the foreseeable future, because this is what people want right now. but making the next game in the series - as I said - a carbon copy of Awakening is going to hurt down the road. at least that's just a feeling that I have. maybe it won't. maybe FE will turn into the waifu dating sim everyone wants, & I will finally drop this game series for good.

...but seriously. children. you have to admit that if they implement them via time travelling, whether it's one way or the other, FE14 is just a money grab rehash of Awakening lol guess that's good for Nintendo??

I guess I still sound salty oh well

EDIT: oh, well then. not involved in the main plot? now this just adds even more reason to not include children at all???

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Me personally, after playing most of the fire emblem games from the west and playing 400+ hours on awakening, I'm quite happy with the children but the time travel gimmick if this is real and that is back, has got to go.

Though this feature in the game coming after awakening was likely going to happen. I want this to be real but I need a better excuse than generic time travel.

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Matador is pleased with the salt. :)

Fighting the Matador sure as hell made me salty haha.

Anyway yeah, I feel I should clarify (from my post 200 pages ago) it is time travel I have a problem with. The children themselves I am fine with, although it's strange that they did it 2 games in a row. Not sure how I feel about children appearing in every iteration from now on, but whatever. Just no more time travel please.

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Can anyone think of a possible explanation for the children other than time travel?

I mean according to this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/1bvnySr.jpg

Tsukuyomi is shown to be his usual child self when talking to his grown daughter Shara, so we can't even make the excuse of Kamui/Corrin aging slowly because he/she's a half-dragon or whatever.

Cryonics ?

No actually I can't think of an explanation, and I don't think that is some laziness because the problem with Tsukuyomi having the same age in appearance with his daughter would be obvious for everyone and the developers can't pass through it (imo).

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Fighting the Matador sure as hell made me salty haha.

Anyway yeah, I feel I should clarify (from my post 200 pages ago) it is time travel I have a problem with. The children themselves I am fine with, although it's strange that they did it 2 games in a row. Not sure how I feel about children appearing in every iteration from now on, but whatever. Just no more time travel please.

You're fine with timeskips of 15 years minimum being forced into every game, but not some potentially irrelevant-to-the-main-story time zapping.

Y'all need to get your priorities in order.

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Fighting the Matador sure as hell made me salty haha.

Anyway yeah, I feel I should clarify (from my post 200 pages ago) it is time travel I have a problem with. The children themselves I am fine with, although it's strange that they did it 2 games in a row. Not sure how I feel about children appearing in every iteration from now on, but whatever. Just no more time travel please.

Its actually very smart and makes sense on their end. Awakening brought in thousands of new fans and the niche of the game? Marriage. More specifically, the children as they were so customizable in a way. Please IS..i know its a pretty much given but please no time travel

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To be fair, the children mechanic was simply badly executed in Awakening. Who knows, it could be "THEY ADOPTED A CHILD, THE NED."

Eh, I don't really find children characters to be bad. FE4 did them well, and they add a touch of replay-ability to the game. Considering you can recruit a ton of people through streetpass, I don't think it really matters, and just exists as an excuse to give the player a few extra units.

Let's just hope Kamui can't marry them.

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Me personally, after playing most of the fire emblem games from the west and playing 400+ hours on awakening, I'm quite happy with the children but the time travel gimmick if this is real and that is back, has got to go.

Though this feature in the game coming after awakening was likely going to happen. I want this to be real but I need a better excuse than generic time travel.

Parents getting older....without changing in appearence I guess

Off-topic:Wow so many people here!

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Parents getting older....without changing in appearence I guess

Off-topic:Wow so many people here!

People can dream bud.

Not to mention its a japanese video game, its not unheard of.

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To be fair, the children mechanic was simply badly executed in Awakening. Who knows, it could be "THEY ADOPTED A CHILD, THE NED."

Eh, I don't really find children characters to be bad. FE4 did them well, and they add a touch of replay-ability to the game. Considering you can recruit a ton of people through streetpass, I don't think it really matters, and just exists as an excuse to give the player a few extra units.

Let's just hope Kamui can't marry them.

Who's "The Ned"

The thing is, the child mechanic along with the return of S-supports and the currently unexplained method of the kids' existence in-story seems to just scream pandering and little else.

And yes, FE4 did them well... because they were a key part of the game and didn't have any crazy time-travel nonsense behind them.

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Before we even discuss where the children come from, we have to know where the amiibo characters are coming from. :V

But seriously now, eh, it really felt like an Awakening thing, being a 'love letter' to previous games. Was absolutely acceptant of children as a mechanic and the time-travel shenanigans that brought them there. Fates is more of a horrible, horrible divorce of sorts, forcing you to sever ties with your own family. Still, I might see a story reason for them coming again if neither Birthright nor Conquest are not the 'correct' path, perhaps even being bad paths. They might do a little foreshadowing of events that aren't directly related to the war between Nohr and Hoshido in each of the 'bad' paths, perhaps said events are far away from happening but will be happening, perhaps they may even try things counter to what you're doing in each path (to no avail as things are already too far gone), but on the third path these events get blown up far earlier than they should and they'll be the ones you work with as you try to stop both Nohr and Hoshido while dealing with this other threat.

But this is the mere speculation of a hopeful fanboy and I have no idea how the plot will turn out. Still, I feel the children got the short-end of the stick in Awakening, being something of a footnote. Maybe done like this, they'd get a more proper story arc.

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Eugenics Emblem: The Reawakening!

On the one hand, I love generational gameplay and loved customizing the kids in both FE4 and Awakening (and other generational games like Agarest War). This adds a lot of customization and replayability.

On the other hand, there better be good story behind it (like FE4) and not a light dusting like we got in Awakening again. Also, if the options aren't limited, I'm going to end up never maxing out a playthrough because I'll keep second guessing myself and wanting a different set of pairings.

Hopefully it's more balanced for both Avatar genders this time too. I really felt like I had to play male Robin in Awakening to get the most out of the children, and otherwise being forced to marry Chrom. I had really wanted to just use the female Kamui this time, but if the potential of the children is as lopsided as it was in Awakening, that may not be possible.

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Keep in mind that, iirc, Fates has a different writer than Awakening's. This could mean that the children mechanic could be way better written into the story.

I don't like this whole "It's pandering to the Awakening fanbase" thing because it just seems clear to me that this is one of the main mechanics of 3DSFE.

Thanks to limited marriage options, let us cross our fingers that Kamui can't marry children characters, because that's just dumb.

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I wanted marriage... but not the children. Dammit IS. You woo me with your confirmation, and then you crush my heart by bringing back something that should only be used for one game. Awakening's children were fun to use, but that doesn't mean I wanted them again!

Ugh... it's like candy that's too sweet.... and I'll take it anyways.

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Not sure how I feel with marriage returning. I was fine with it in Awakening but I slightly hoped that it wouldn't return since it removes the viability of most units in the 1st Gen in the post game. It doesn't help that most of the Awakening children were annoying. I'm open minded that it will be improved this time around but I'm slightly disappointed about it.

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The only problem I got with children is that they're not very interesting.

I mean, sure the whole FE4 plot use them in a very cool way, the gameplay around this event (the time skip) is well done and you want to know more about what happened. But that's my problem with this, I don't care for them, I only want to know about their parents and the relationship they had with them. The only ones I cared for were Ares, Altenna, Areone (technically he is a child of the first gen), and Tinny (maybe a few others).

They're not bad, they're just "ok" for me.

And in Awakening I wasn't really fond of the children even if I liked a few of them.

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