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We have the answer to "is marriage in this game?"


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It also officially acknowledges not!Tharja as resembling Tharja. Looks like we might be getting a not!Gaius, not!Cordelia, and possibly not!Chrom after all.

Would be pretty funny if we get them as Hoshidan sons of other characters, as the not!Sons are now Nohr parents. Quite mind blowing xD

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Why wouldn't you be with you sister... all alone.. just the two of you... in your room... where no one can see.. touching them.

Yeeaah, never mind.

I don't think Camilla would mind. :p

In fact, that would be the safe thing to do, less risk of her going yandere~~

"Wait, come back Sakura! This skinship is just a traditional Nohrian greeting. My adopted sister Camilla taught me this. What? Of course I'm not wearing clothes. Camilla said that's the most important part! Where are you running?"

Camilla is a very bad nee-chan.

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Would be pretty funny if we get them as Hoshidan sons of other characters, as the not!Sons are now Nohr parents. Quite mind blowing xD

I hope this isn't the case, so I can get not!Severa have not!Cordelia as a daughter.

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"Wait, come back Sakura! This skinship is just a traditional Nohrian greeting. My adopted sister Camilla taught me this. What? Of course I'm not wearing clothes. Camilla said that's the most important part! Where are you running?"

Camilla is a very bad nee-chan.

Well, Sakura is obviously a bad imouto. She doesn't even try help her poor misguided older brother...

... Oh shoot, I just realized while writing this, we got the best hentai story ever.

I'm not apologizing, it's the Amie system who's at fault, not me. :p

Edited by B.Leu
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I need to see better screenshots before I can comment on the kids themselves, but Kanna seems to look more like a child of Felicia than Kamui. Is it possible she's actually tied to Felicia and not Kamui? I know the leak said she was Kamui's daughter, but I don't know if it meant she's always his, or just his because he married Felicia. I know she has the ears but it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to give each kid another set of sprites with different ears for if they're the main character's kid.

The scan points out that she has Felicia's hair color. It'd be odd if she had her main parent's hair color, rather than the optional/secondary one. We also see her interacting with her father, which yet again suggests that she's tied to the avatar.

Edited by NeonZ
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From Dengeki:

(The box reads "Marriage"):

"After employing the various methods of deepening bonds, when the support level between characters of the opposite sex reaches the highest value (S), they can marry. Depending on the combination of the married characters, the two will give birth to a child -- whom will be able to fight alongside them."

(Close-up of Felicia):
"The proposal was a huge success!"

(The screenshot of them presumably marrying):
"After gradually nurturing their bonds, the two are finally tied..."

(Beneath the picture of them presumably marrying):
"Even during the midst a brutal war that risks their lives, the protagonist is a cool guy who can win a spouse. However, even their daughter can stand in battle."

(Beneath the picture of Kamui and Kanna):
"Their children will participate in the same fight."



  • No same-sex marriage confirmed.
  • Weddings seem to take place during the game and not as just a part of the epilogue.
  • The wording in Dream's leak makes it sounds like Kanna is definitely Kamui's kid and not Felicia's.
  • It's been mentioned before, but hair colour is tied to the mothers this time around. Are the actual children thus tied to the fathers?
  • I wonder which combinations will not produce children? Just second generation again, or will there be couples amongst the first generation that won't have kids either?
  • Unless there's a second page or something cropped out from the Dream leak, there is no mention of this being exclusive to one side, and I'd be surprised if it was. Introducing something like this without a disclaimer of sorts would definitely prompt backlash.

I'm pretty upset about the whole "no same-sex" marriage development, but I suppose it was to be expected... Hopefully none of the pairings are forced to occur a la Chrom again, at the very least. However, even if the children are "optional", you miss out on nearly half of the cast by choosing not to recruit them. That's a whole lot of new characters, assuming most of them aren't cloned from the last game.

Edited by sforzur
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okay, initial rage & bitterness has calmed down slightly so maybe I can actually talk about this reasonably.

I didn't want marriage (& S supports for that matter) to come back -- I really liked the whole 'ambiguous ending' thing they had going on in, say, FE7 & FE8. but if marriage DID ultimately come back, I would be upset, but I could probably live with it. & now that it has been more or less confirmed, I realize I can live with it, despite the fact that, come on, they're only bringing it back because of it's popularity in Awakening...

but children? really? really?? come on. unless IS somehow magically implements children in a way that is super duper awesome incredibly logical (read: not time travel because what, where did that come from?) then okay. fine, do as you please IS. I, as the consumer, will deal with it. we still know next to nothing about the big, main overall plot after all, right?

& no, I'm not just saying this next bit as a "salty elitist pathetic nerd war veteran" but recycling this much... is really going to hurt? maybe it won't in the foreseeable future, because this is what people want right now. but making the next game in the series - as I said - a carbon copy of Awakening is going to hurt down the road. at least that's just a feeling that I have. maybe it won't. maybe FE will turn into the waifu dating sim everyone wants, & I will finally drop this game series for good.

...but seriously. children. you have to admit that if they implement them via time travelling, whether it's one way or the other, FE14 is just a money grab rehash of Awakening lol guess that's good for Nintendo??

I guess I still sound salty oh well

EDIT: oh, well then. not involved in the main plot? now this just adds even more reason to not include children at all???

I globally share your opinion on these parts. To me, from the first trailers of Fire Emblem IF to what we know here, it feels like IS had an ambitious idea for a next Fire Emblem entry. So ambitious, the game got seperated into two versions.

However, as time passed, they felt had a lot of work and not enough time to do to make it a "good" game. What happened, they rehashed stuff, not!children popped up with the same looks, gimmicks as personalities popped up (even rehashed gimmicks), and now the marriage and children mechanics pop up. Fanservice happened. The ambitious project had to make the deadline and to make it, IS use succesful items on (a) previous game(s).

Read: I think they rehashed things to safe time for other stuff, or perhaps they have completely different reasons for it. I don't know, I speculate.

My opinion: It feels like many parts of Awakening have been rehashed and to me, it feels lazy. On the other hand, it is smart to use succesful items on previous entries. It safes times and it pleases fans. To me however, I think too many elements of Awakening have been rehashed in what had to be an independant entry? At least, that's what I thought when I first saw this game.

Please let me enlighten you on the fact that no matter how old you are, you WERE a kid at some point. Also, they're fully independant units. So, I can't get your point.

And, hating on the implementation... Yeah, please hate on something that you don't even know how it will turn out.

Wow. I was a kid at some point? I didn't know that. Thanks for the information man. I truly feel enlightened.

My point is pretty simple. I hate the kid mechanics, more looking at Awakening. It's my opinion, that's that. Just as you have yours. Please respect that, as my opinion on this point probably won't change anyway.

And I said I probably gonna hate the way it is implemented, because as so many stuff from Awakening has been rehashed, why not time-travelling as well? I see it happen.

Read: I think it happens but it may not happen at all. I'm just very pessimistic at that point. Let's just hope IS proves otherwise and suprise us all, eh?

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First thing first, thank you very much for your hard work !

Ah come on, a mini-game for marriage ? I hope I'll be able to touch a nice place at least. Oh wait, no I don't . :p

Um, so the kid just grow up then ?

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I'm interested in what the "depending on the combination of the married characters" means, that there'll always be a child who takes after their parents stat-wise or if some characters just can't get children together, which would be pretty nice.

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So then there are definitely pairings that won't produce children. I really, really hope that means they put a lot of thought and effort into the kids' looks and personalities. I bet you can still S support with your siblings and of that, it just doesn't trigger marriage/children, which makes me wonder if the the "no children from this union" restrictions is specifically for siblings though and everyone else has a possible kid.

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This information is just meh to me. I mean, I kind of enjoyed that part of Awakening to be honest, I thought it was creative and clever and all that good stuff. Now that it's coming back...eh, I mean I wouldn't have missed it. I guess it's a little disappointing knowing that they're going with the same routine, but whatever. FE is known for recycling the same tactics over and over so I don't know why everyone is so surprised. In either event, I do find it a good thing that this is confirming more characters to join the armies. And hey, how cool would it be pairing up Camilla and Ryouma in that third path? Dunno about you guys, but I would actually enjoy seeing what some of those odd pairings would produce. (Well I guess I'm more interested in the support convo than the children, but whatever).

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Ew, what the hell?

I thought Fates was supposed to be trying to be original with this new title.

And with no same-sex romantic supports confirmed once again, there goes a substantial part of my hype surrounding this game.

I'll still play it though, I just won't be happy about it.

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Not really a fan of children being back. Ah well. They're optional so it's not like I'm that disappointed. I suppose they're tied to the dad now? Since both the shapeshifters are male characters and I figure they'd have specific kids tied to them.

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This information is just meh to me. I mean, I kind of enjoyed that part of Awakening to be honest, I thought it was creative and clever and all that good stuff. Now that it's coming back...eh, I mean I wouldn't have missed it. I guess it's a little disappointing knowing that they're going with the same routine, but whatever. FE is known for recycling the same tactics over and over so I don't know why everyone is so surprised. In either event, I do find it a good thing that this is confirming more characters to join the armies. And hey, how cool would it be pairing up Camilla and Ryouma in that third path? Dunno about you guys, but I would actually enjoy seeing what some of those odd pairings would produce. (Well I guess I'm more interested in the support convo than the children, but whatever).

Not to be a dick, but usually features were reused after a lot of time had passed, not in such a short time. FE8 didn't come right after FE2, FE13 didn't come right after FE4, etc.

We are surprised because this doesn't seem to make sense within the story AND because some of us disliked the time travelling and the plot holes it caused.

If you tell us magical children future are in and they might affect the story, which we want to be at least better than Awakening's, we have the right to be worried.

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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, June 18, 2015 - sp4m
Hidden by Integrity, June 18, 2015 - sp4m

I really hope this leak is fake. Or that children are optional. I really want to be able to be gay, having to play as a girl just so I can get with the gender I want is just... Unfortunate. It'd be even more disappointing considering Nintendo promised to aim to be more inclusive after the Tomodachi Life fiasco.

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You know the thing that maks me the agriest here ? (outside the fact dating simple humans is more boring than dating gods and goddesses).

The Tharja expy. Tharja is the worst character in any FE and having her again is a bad thing.

But that just means Tsu-Kun will have to find his wife in his free-time because, as a hero of justice, I can't allow such an abomination to dwells into this world once again.

Don't mind the idea of marriage that much (though I hope the C, B, and A supports have more lead-up to the proposal in the S-rank than in Awakening, though I understand that would be difficult if they keep the support system from Awakening where you can continue to get up to A-rank with other people after you're married. Honestly, my perfect support system would be Awakening's but in the S-support they just confess romantic affection and start dating, with marriage being mentioned in the paired ending). As for children, I wouldn't mind them either if it wasn't for the time travel mechanic, and if they had some homosexual options for marriage (in which case, the children would obviously be adopted). My cousin is going to be PISSED at Nintendo for neglecting this for the second time (third, technically, since she also didn't like having her only marriage options being guys in Tomodachi Life).

So, to sum all that up, the main things I don't like are the time travel and the fact that it seems to be straight-only.

I sadly don't trust the video game industry to be open enough to allows same-sex marriage.

Though I fully agree that having to resort to fanfiction in order to have Silas sucks M!Kamui's spaghetti is a very sad thing.

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I have stopped giving a shit about this game now. This is so saddening. It wasn't that I blindly believed this game was going to be good, I had a reason! The teasers and pre-release information made this game look SO GOOD. I was excited about the story because it SEEMED to focus on racism and making morally difficult choices.

Now it's pure fan service... all about breeding weird, emotionally unstable, plot hole, magical, otaku children from the future.

The first generation units will totally be irrelevant in terms of gameplay and PERHAPS the story too.

I won't follow this sub-forum anymore. I am just too disappointed.

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You know the thing that maks me the agriest here ? (outside the fact dating simple humans is more boring than dating gods and goddesses).

The Tharja expy. Tharja is the worst character in any FE and having her again is a bad thing.

But that just means Tsu-Kun will have to find his wife in his free-time because, as a hero of justice, I can't allow such an abomination to dwells into this world once again.

I sadly don't trust the video game industry to be open enough to allows same-sex marriage.

Though I fully agree that having to resort to fanfiction in order to have Silas sucks M!Kamui's spaghetti is a very sad thing.

I don't really think she is an expy, though we don't have a clear look at her yet so its hard to say either way.

Are there any comparison shots out there?

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quite honestly, unless i find the reasoning for them to be included good and not basically an excuse to have it in there again, i'm probably going to let those kids die if i end up marrying people together. like, as soon as possible.

sorry not sorry.

edit: like, the mechanic was alright in awakening. i wasn't nuts about it. but this.. this just seems lazy. it's seriously taken down my excitement about this game by a lot. sure, it's fire emblem, it's going to be save the world stuff, but... really? the kids? again?

and getting married in the middle of a war, too?

(insert joke about saving the world from not!grima via time traveling gifted by not!naga here)

couldn't we bring this back a few games later or something? or never. i could deal with that.

RIP people who wanted same-sex s supports.

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