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Nintendo Treehouse, Hoshido Version


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Sorry but I don't get why so many people are obsessed with Silas (not trying to be a smartass or anything here. Just being curious)?? :wacko:

I didn't care about him either until I found out he was a childhood friend of Corrin's that's willing to leave his home country just to stay by his friend's side. I think he's a sweetheart now.

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I think at first at least some of the appeal with Silas was appearance, but if I remember right we knew right from the start that he was Kamui's childhood friend and a lot of people love that kind of dynamic. It wasn't until we learned more about his personality that I grew to love him though.

And yes, everyone loves the cavaliers.

I still have soft spot for childhod friends who are unrequited love interest.

And he looks like Tintin.

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I guess I've just never understood people getting all up in arms about localized names.

If I've thought the dude across the street was named Geoff I'm not gonna throw a bitch fit when I find out his name is actually George.

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I guess I've just never understood people getting all up in arms about localized names.

If I've thought the dude across the street was named Geoff I'm not gonna throw a bitch fit when I find out his name is actually George.

Do you have to train him into being an elite soldier capable of toppling a corrupt ruler? I think not.

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Hey guys, is there a transcription of the script show in the video around these pages?

  1. Kingdom of Hoshido: Fort Jinya
  2. Azura: This way, Corrin.
  3. Corrin: What is this place?
  4. Azura: This is Fort Jinya. Lady Sakura is already here, tending to wounded soldiers and citizens. Let's go and help her.
  5. Corrin: By all means.
  6. Sakura: Corrin! Thank you for coming!
  7. Corrin: Are you OK, Sakura? I'm here to help.
  8. Sakura: Thank goodness. We're really short staffed.
  9. Hana: Hello, Lord Corrin. I'm Hana. Lady Sakura has told me all about you.
  10. Subaki: And I'm Subaki. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Corrin.
  11. Corrin: Nice to meet both of you. I'm afraid you probably know a lot more about me than I know about either of you.
  12. Sakura: That's OK, Corrin. I'm sure we'll all be fast friends in no time. Hana and Subaki are my retainers--always close at hand and ready to help.
  13. Corrin: Ah, I see. Well, we should have plenty of time to relax and get to know--
  14. Azura: Corrin, we've got trouble!
  15. Corrin: Seriously? We haven't been here five minutes.
  16. Azura: Yes, well...the Nohrian soldiers haven't wasted any time surrounding us.
  17. Corrin: Unbelievable.
  18. Sakura: I can't believe they'd attack at a time like this... We're using most of the fort as an ad-hoc hospital--there's no military target here! Why can't they just leave us alone?
  19. Hana: Don't worry, milady. I can handle this.
  20. Subaki: With my help, of course. By all means, Lady Sakura, stay here with the wounded while we resolve this.
  21. Sakura: Thank you. Both of you.
  22. Corrin: Well then. I guess we'll be getting to know each other in a hurry. Nothing like a life-or-death situation to cut right through the small talk.
  23. Hana: As you command, Lord Corrin! As Lady Sakura's lead retainer, it will be my pleasure to take your orders.
  24. Subaki: And as Lady Sakura's supervising retainer, I, too, welcome your leadership.
  25. Hana: Supervising retainer? That's not a thing.
  26. Subaki: Well, neither is lead retainer. I don't remember you getting a promotion.
  27. Hana: Lady Sakura and I have been best friends since childhood! I've ALWAYS been her lead retainer.
  28. Subaki: I'm not sure this is the time or place for such a discussion, but... I believe my results on the battlefield speak for themselves.
  29. Hana: Oh, so is that why you neglect all your nonbattle duties? Is that why I'm the one maintaining all of our gear and scouting the enemy?
  30. Corrin: Guys, um...
  31. Sakura: Knock it off, you two! You're embarassing yourselves--and me! Corrin, please don't let this juvenile display deceive you. Hana and Subaki are both extremely capable on the battlefield. And they're both going to set aside this petty argument and help you, right?
  32. Hana: Of course, milady.
  33. Subaki: Certainly. Expect perfection, and you will not be disappointed.
  34. Corrin: Excellent. I'm glad to have your support.
  35. Azura: We should get moving and face the intruders head-on. We must protect our wounded!
  36. Corrin: Of course.
  37. ??? (Silas): Ho, Corrin! Is that really you?
  38. Corrin: Who's asking?
  39. ??? (Silas): Yes, that's the voice I remember. It IS really you!
  40. Corrin: Please, drop the act. We don't know each other.
  41. Silas: You honestly don't remember? It's me, Silas! We were best friends as children.
  42. Corrin: I don't remember much, I'm afraid.
  43. Azura: Corrin, be careful. This could be a trap of some sort.
  44. Silas: I promise that I am telling the truth. However, it seems we are destined to clash swords regardless of our past...
  45. Silas: It's been too long, Corrin. I never imagined that we'd reunite under these circumstances. I became a knight in the hope of seeing you again, but...
  46. Corrin: Silas...I simply don't remember my past.
  47. Silas: That's OK. You can still come back to Nohr with me. It's not too late!
  48. Corrin: I'm afraid you're wrong. I'm way beyond the point of no return.
  49. Silas: Don't take this personally. I'm just following orders from King Garon...
  50. Silas: It didn't have to be this way...
  51. Chapter 7 A Vow Upheld (Hoshido)
  52. Silas: Go on. Kill me.
  53. Corrin: No. This isn't right.
  54. Silas: What are you waiting for?
  55. Corrin: You seemed hesitant to attack us, even as you led your army into battle. Why were you holding back? Because we were friends?
  56. Silas: Ugh...
  57. Corrin: Aren't you here on King Garon's orders? did you even intend to defeat us?
  58. Silas: Corrin...some things are more important than following orders.
  59. Corrin: You're going to need to be clearer than that, or I will finish you off!
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  1. Corrin: Seriously? We haven't been here five minutes.
  2. Corrin: Well then. I guess we'll be getting to know each other in a hurry. Nothing like a life-or-death situation to cut right through the small talk.
  3. Corrin: You're going to need to be clearer than that, or I will finish you off!

...Why does Kamui seem like so much less of a naive idiot in the Hoshido route?

Edited by The DanMan
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...Why does Kamui seem like so much less of a naive idiot in the Hoshido route?

Probably because in Hoshido he's forced to grow up due to being on the underdog side of the war, he has just betrayed the family he grew up with, and Nohr hasn't even hesitated in kicking Hoshido while they're down, whereas in Nohr he can go back to living the life he has led with the family and friends he already knows. In Hoshido there's more pressure on him to fight and win the war whereas in Nohr he just has to prove himself to his father.

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I don't really see Kamui being "more of a jerk" in Hoshido, but it is weird he had that "I don't remember my past" line to Silas.

Like, what? The Nohr route makes it seem like he forgets Silas due to natural passage of time. Hoshido path seems to imply he has amnesia.

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I don't really see Kamui being "more of a jerk" in Hoshido, but it is weird he had that "I don't remember my past" line to Silas.

Like, what? The Nohr route makes it seem like he forgets Silas due to natural passage of time. Hoshido path seems to imply he has amnesia.

Well, to be honest, we still don't know anything about what happened between Ch. 2 and Ch. 6/7, so maybe?

But like others said, in Hoshido, Silas was coming as part of an enemy group whereas in Nohr, he was coming to help Kamui. Probably more likely to like someone helping you than attacking you.

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I recall that there was a feature to skip all the way to chapter 7 in each version for some reason.

I guess that's called "save before choosing side, then save in another slot".

It must be something like jumping right to Eliwood/Hector stories in FE7.

That's exactly what they think. Even putting aside the idiocy of trying to localise Japanese names that are created by Japanese people for Japanese characters, the choices they made for them is just insulting. And frankly, half of them are probably actually harder to pronounce than the original, and at best are just as difficult. Typical English pronunciation of Kaze, without any knowledge of Japanese, would probably be Kayz.

I'm okay with localising the western names of Nohr, because obviously the localisation team are going to have a better idea of what sounds good to westerners than the Japanese creators will, but leave the Japanese names alone. Annoyingly, it seems that a lot more Hoshidan characters are getting name changes than Nohrian ones.

I completely agree with the fact that the Japanese names should be left alone and Kamui should keep Kamui as default.

I don't really see Kamui being "more of a jerk" in Hoshido, but it is weird he had that "I don't remember my past" line to Silas.

Like, what? The Nohr route makes it seem like he forgets Silas due to natural passage of time. Hoshido path seems to imply he has amnesia.

I think that's somehow mistranslated, being a more logical "I cut ties with my past" the actual meaning of the sentence. It'd be more like "Nowadays I hang around with a new group of people, but thanks for passing by".

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Well, to be honest, we still don't know anything about what happened between Ch. 2 and Ch. 6/7, so maybe?

But like others said, in Hoshido, Silas was coming as part of an enemy group whereas in Nohr, he was coming to help Kamui. Probably more likely to like someone helping you than attacking you.

Plus Silas approaches Corrin stating "I'm your friend, from Nohr, come back to Nohr" this is right after Corrin turns down his Nohr family due to them not being his or her true relatives. It'd be pretty odd for Corrin to lend and ear and listen to the exact kind of statement he or she rejected earlier.

If the player made the choice to turn down the Nohr family I don't think they'd be particularly happy if the game had Corrin drop the position the player chose and even remotely trust/humor someone from Nohr claiming to be a friend and asking the same thing Xander was in chapter 6.

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The way I see it, there is three possible end at this conversation.

-Silas is killed. Unlikely, but still dumb, since what's the point of talking then ?

-Silas joins the team... Do I honestly need to actualy explain how STUPID this is ?

-Kamui let him escape. Still stupid, but ah, I'll be nice, I can actually see this.

If it's supposed to be better than FEA', I'm not amused.

I think it would've been better if Silas was just killed, like that, no dialogue, just killed like the FE boss that he is in this chapter. And yes, I know that Cyrus joins you no matter the side you choose, it doesn't mean that I'll excuse him joining with the power of shitty writing.

In Nohr, it's apparently 'Hey, remember me ? I'm you childhood friend ! 'Oh yeah, good to see you man !', bim, bam, no BS, it's simple, and much better than there.

Edited by B.Leu
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The way I see it, there is three possible end at this conversation.

-Silas is killed. Unlikely, but still dumb, since what's the point of talking then ?

-Silas joins the team... Do I honestly need to actualy explain how STUPID this is ?

-Kamui let him escape. Still stupid, but ah, I'll be nice, I can actually see this.

If it's supposed to be better than FEA', I'm not amused.

I think it would've been better if Silas was just killed, like that, no dialogue, just killed like the FE boss that he is in this chapter. And yes, I know that Cyrus joins you no matter the side you choose, it doesn't mean that I'll excuse him joining with the power of shitty writing.

In Nohr, it's apparently 'Hey, remember me ? I'm you childhood friend ! 'Oh yeah, good to see you man !', bim, bam, no BS, it's simple, and much better than there.

Cyrus is a confirmed character for both sides. It'll probably be the second one.

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I don't see how Silas joining the team on Hoshido side is stupid. I mean the whole point in him becoming a knight was to see Kamui again after getting exiled. Silas' obligation to Nohr is shaky at best.

I find that unlikely that someone would completely ignore the fact that his 'childhood friend' killed his entire team. his comrades and friends, I guess Cyrus really doesn't give a damn about them. :/

Even if Cyrus would forgive Kamui, why would Kamui, or anybody in Hoshido for that matter, accept him ? One, he is from Nohr, two, they KILLED HIS ENTIRE TEAM. It doesn't take to have done Harvard to see how freaking stupid it is.

Being 'childhood friends' can only do so much. I might expect too much common sense. Sorry for that. :p

So his only ambition was to become Norh knight to see Kamui again ? Okay cool, what about his friends and family ? GG the smart guy, he sure look like a good character ! /sarcasm

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^ that kinda makes me wonder why the heck you are playing Fire Emblem then.

Recruiting from the enemy is a constant theme in this series. So yes please explain to me why Silas joining you is so STUPID compared to some of the other recruitable enemy country units. Also i think there is another spoilery reason for silas not having much faith in Nohr as well, but i don't remember source at the a the moment.

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^ I kinda figured that that comic was going to show it's face at some point. :) There are exceptions to that scenario of course but the only ones i remember seem to be from 4 and maybe 5 i believe. Things were in someways simplified in the gba era, but that might of been the hardware of course. But still that scenario does happen a good amount of times in this sieries.

Edited by goodperson707
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The way I see it, there is three possible end at this conversation.

-Silas is killed. Unlikely, but still dumb, since what's the point of talking then ?

-Silas joins the team... Do I honestly need to actualy explain how STUPID this is ?

-Kamui let him escape. Still stupid, but ah, I'll be nice, I can actually see this.

If it's supposed to be better than FEA', I'm not amused.

I think it would've been better if Silas was just killed, like that, no dialogue, just killed like the FE boss that he is in this chapter. And yes, I know that Cyrus joins you no matter the side you choose, it doesn't mean that I'll excuse him joining with the power of shitty writing.

In Nohr, it's apparently 'Hey, remember me ? I'm you childhood friend ! 'Oh yeah, good to see you man !', bim, bam, no BS, it's simple, and much better than there.

But we already have a resolution to this chapter given in one of the magazines and Cyrus's profile on the Japanese official site.


1: This life that you saved.. I am ready to throw it all away for you at any time.

2: I’m really happy I was able to meet you again, as your best friend. (Nohr route)(included this for completion sake)

Source: https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2015/05/31/fire-emblem-if-website-character-profile-translations-ongoing/


Cyrus: Even if you were the prince of Byakuya (Hoshido), you are you.

(translation source: nordopolica's post )

(Image from May 27th issue of Famitsu)

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I find that unlikely that someone would completely ignore the fact that his 'childhood friend' killed his entire team. his comrades and friends, I guess Cyrus really doesn't give a damn about them. :/

Even if Cyrus would forgive Kamui, why would Kamui, or anybody in Hoshido for that matter, accept him ? One, he is from Nohr, two, they KILLED HIS ENTIRE TEAM. It doesn't take to have done Harvard to see how freaking stupid it is.

Being 'childhood friends' can only do so much. I might expect too much common sense. Sorry for that. :p

So his only ambition was to become Norh knight to see Kamui again ? Okay cool, what about his friends and family ? GG the smart guy, he sure look like a good character ! /sarcasm

What about "I owe you my life"? Because, and I could be misremembering, but Silas was almost executed in the past, but Kamui saved them from it. The incident is why he hasn't seen them in so long, and why he wants to see them again.

Edited by Aquakat
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