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Okay, whoever was curious about what happens if you enter the hotspring and your spouse is there

you stay


Hotspring sex!!!!

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Okay, whoever was curious about what happens if you enter the hotspring and your spouse is there

you stay

That would be pretty strange if it wasn't the case, male or female.

I know the game looks a lot like an anime, but, still. She/he is your wife/huband after all. There no reason pull such 'humorous' crap here.


Hotspring sex!!!!

I'm waiting for the Camilla hotspring doujin hentai. :p

Edited by B.Leu
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Okay, whoever was curious about what happens if you enter the hotspring and your spouse is there

you stay

I wonder what happens next.*nudge nudge wink wink*
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Alright, this is huge. Even if you've tuned in thus far, turn back now if you want to see the final scene yourself.

Kamui is crowned King of the Invisible Kingdom by Aqua who swears to serve as your advisor, according to the guy playing this, there;s a different scene if Kamui is married to Aqua



I take back any negative sentiment I had on this game--IS went all out on this one. Thanks for keeping us updated on this Onestep!


My king!!! T_T

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I am assuming that this means that the SSB universe is its own universe and Lucina is the only child that survived Grima.

Huh, the idea that the Amiibo are actually the SSB version of the characters makes some sense. I wonder if they actually use Smash Bros lines?

On the other hand...

She clearly knows Owain, Inigo and Severa, and didn't think that them surviving is odd, so the second part of your theory is wrong.

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Even though it's not true, I was kind of happy if Inigo did call Chrom father just because I always paired up Chrom and Olivia for the sake of Prince Inigo and him being cousins with Owain, but I'm super glad it doesn't seem to be true because Intelligent Systems would have stepped on a HUGE land mine.

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Don't you think they are Milking awakening ?

Eh, it's fairly easy to make past DLC for Awakening considering how they're just reusing assets, so it's not very surprising that we'd get something like that in one of the first DLC maps. Past DLC for older games will need completely new models at least, even if they reuse the art.

We are likely getting more stuff for older FEs though, considering how they bothered giving Pegasus Minerva from Cipher her own Pegasus Knight (not Warrior) class. So, it seems like this time they can easily add more custom classes to the game.

Edited by NeonZ
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Eh, it's fairly easy to make past DLC for Awakening considering how they're just reusing assets, so it's not very surprising that we'd get something like that in one of the first DLC maps. Past DLC for older games will need completely new models at least, even if they reuse the art.

We are likely getting more stuff for older FEs though, considering how they bothered giving Pegasus Minerva from Cipher her own Pegasus Knight (not Warrior) class. So, it seems like this time they can easily add more custom classes to the game this time.

Good, DLC sucked in Awakening!, the fact they had Priam and Chrom where they could tweak them both to make Ike, but noooo! Ike should have a generic model!

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Well, here's Velour's touching lines. Not even gonna lie: Super Waifu material.

What is it...
Is this a form of grooming...?
I love being petted...
I've got my ears from papa and hair from mama...
I guess big ears are unusual...?
I guess this is your way of praising...
So good... It makes me feel sleepy...
Sniff sniff
You have an amazing smell...
This room would look amazing if it got dirty...
A furball came out of my back...
My face resembles mama's...
Wolves lick each others faces as a greeting...
It feels so nice my tail is shaking...
Will I become like papa...?
You're pretty skilled...
I don't like crowds. But...
What an amazing feeling...
Please, pet me more...
After transforming I get all hairy...
Fufu... I'm falling for your hand movement...
With those grooming skills, you have just what I want... (毛繕いがうまいと、ガルーにものすごくモテますよ…)
Let's get closer...
You're so dear to me it makes me want to bite you...
I love you...
Please look at me...
I want to lick your face in return...
If you could become a wolf too...
I want things to always be like this...
Being by yourself is lonely...
It's a wonderful time...
Aren't you bold today...?
Please love me... I belong to you...
A... I'm kind of scared of touching there...
I want to always feel your heat...

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Well, here's Velour's touching lines. Not even gonna lie: Super Waifu material.



What is it...

Is this a form of grooming...?

I love being petted...

I've got my ears from papa and hair from mama...

I guess big ears are unusual...?

I guess this is your way of praising...

So good... It makes me feel sleepy...


Sniff sniff

You have an amazing smell...

This room would look amazing if it got dirty...

A furball came out of my back...

My face resembles mama's...

Wolves lick each others faces as a greeting...

It feels so nice my tail is shaking...

Will I become like papa...?



You're pretty skilled...

I don't like crowds. But...

What an amazing feeling...

Please, pet me more...

After transforming I get all hairy...

Fufu... I'm falling for your hand movement...

With those grooming skills, you have just what I want... (毛繕いがうまいと、ガルーにものすごくモテますよ…)



Let's get closer...

You're so dear to me it makes me want to bite you...

I love you...

Please look at me...

I want to lick your face in return...

If you could become a wolf too...



I want things to always be like this...

Being by yourself is lonely...

It's a wonderful time...

Aren't you bold today...?

Please love me... I belong to you...

A... I'm kind of scared of touching there...

I want to always feel your heat...

PLEEEASE don't censor this game. Just give us the M rating and be done with it. There's just too much damn (good) stuff to truly censor it all. I wish I could find that petition to bring it UNcensored (there's one to censor it. only 9 supporters. This one had 50 + as of last night. lol)

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I don't know what everyone's opinion on them is, but today GameXplain will be streaming too at 2 pm EST.

I don't know what version, though.

I personally like their videos so I will most likely tune in! Do you perhaps have a link to where they'll stream?

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Well, here's Velour's touching lines. Not even gonna lie: Super Waifu material.



What is it...

Is this a form of grooming...?

I love being petted...

I've got my ears from papa and hair from mama...

I guess big ears are unusual...?

I guess this is your way of praising...

So good... It makes me feel sleepy...


Sniff sniff

You have an amazing smell...

This room would look amazing if it got dirty...

A furball came out of my back...

My face resembles mama's...

Wolves lick each others faces as a greeting...

It feels so nice my tail is shaking...

Will I become like papa...?



You're pretty skilled...

I don't like crowds. But...

What an amazing feeling...

Please, pet me more...

After transforming I get all hairy...

Fufu... I'm falling for your hand movement...

With those grooming skills, you have just what I want... (毛繕いがうまいと、ガルーにものすごくモテますよ…)



Let's get closer...

You're so dear to me it makes me want to bite you...

I love you...

Please look at me...

I want to lick your face in return...

If you could become a wolf too...



I want things to always be like this...

Being by yourself is lonely...

It's a wonderful time...

Aren't you bold today...?

Please love me... I belong to you...

A... I'm kind of scared of touching there...

I want to always feel your heat...

I want that, I seriously want that.

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How do they play? Is there commentary and stuff?

Gamexplain is one of the better teams out there. Great for news as well (they were all over Smash bros pre release).

I never watched one of their streams, but their youtube videos are good. When they demonstrated movesets, etc. They don't put any commentary over the gameplay.

Edited by Zer0
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How do they play? Is there commentary and stuff?

Are you talking about GameXplain?

Hmm... well, I'm not *totally* sure if there'll be commentary, but the person who is livestreaming Fates *LOOKS* like it'll be the same person who livestreamed FE7, which had commentary.

So I'll say it's likely.

As for how he plays... well, he seemed pretty decent at FE7 in my opinion (at least for his first time ever playing it), but he doesn't know Japanese so... this time, anything can happen.

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Just some randomness that I noticed while finishing up the Hoshido Stream

Apparently the power of the Yatogami, which (afaik) IS the Fire Emblem, "absorbs", or "reacts" with the power of the other four "Legendary Weapons" (wielded by your brothers)

Apparently that's the reason for it's transformation. So it also means you're stronger, though it's hard to tell if this has an actual gameplay aspect, since I haven't seen any images of the Yatogami's stats when boosted

Extra: Garon's right side maid has some pretty nutty skills, even on Normal

Miracle (for that annoying clutch annoyance), Pavise (to screw you) (Magic?) Counter, Kunaifare, one more I can't tell

And yes the game "cheats" at skills but that's not a new thing anyway

His left side sorcerer has Vantage, Lifetaker, Tomefaire, and I think is either Mirror Strike or Holy Strike

Garon's own skills:

Draconic curse from Dark Blood (Debuffs all enemy stats by 4 after attacking, for 1 turn)

The other skill has the image icon of +20 Hit/Avoid, but the text says something else though, not sure.

I don't think it's dragonskin since I don't see the damage decrease

Final Boss also has the same skills

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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Dunno if this needs to be spoiler tagged but whatever, does female Robin appear at all? Also on the off chance that Chrom is anyone's father Awakening had it's whole alternate universes/futures shtick going on. So just because Chrom might be canonically related to Lazward here doesn't mean your playthrough isn't canon since there's a bunch of alternate universes/futures.

Or that's what I'll keep telling myself, because I need a female Robin married to my husbando Henry. (╥︣﹏᷅╥᷅)

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Just some randomness that I noticed while finishing up the Hoshido Stream

Extra: Garon's right side maid has some pretty nutty skills, even on Normal

Miracle (for that annoying clutch annoyance), Pavise (to screw you) (Magic?) Counter, Kunaifare, one more I can't tell

And yes the game "cheats" at skills but that's not a new thing anyway

Wait, what happens if you capture an unit with "cheating" CPU-only skills? It seems like the capture mechanic overall has been barely explored though. We don't even have confirmation that generics can level up or class change.

Dunno if this needs to be spoiler tagged but whatever, does female Robin appear at all?

So far, Robin's only appearance is through the Amiibo, so, no female Robin.

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