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Camilla shouldn't be fighting - she should be sewing instead [FATES SPOILERS]

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This is not the image of a fighter:


Camilla should just keep sewing capes for her beloved Avatar back in her Castle and enjoy walking around in her garden instead. The permed long hair, the bare frontal chest, the hidden eye... all these are impractical and potentially can increase her chances of death in battle.

This is just ridiculous design IDK why Camilla shouldn't be just confined to her silly lady chambers instead.

This is more like it:




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I like the practicality of the pictures you showed (@OP), actually.

Camilla just doesn't seem like she belongs on the battlefield, yeah. I question her fashion choices and its practicality on the battlefield on a weekly basis.

She should be at a strip club instead. Oh wait, I thought she was doing that in the battlefield already!

ahahaha wow

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Really? There's no reason to complain about character designs. They are completely subjective, have no bearing on gameplay/enjoyment, and no discussion will ever reach a meaningful conclusion. This is a fantasy game, remember? Quit whining. Remove [spoilers] from the title because there wasn't any. And remove the sexist rhetoric.

Edited by Zvarri!
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Because Camilla should get back in the kitchen and do "feminine" things, am I right?

OP, what the fuck? Camilla is hardly the only woman in Fates, not to mention the entire history of FE, who dressed impracticably for fighting. I really don't understand why everyone is singling her out.

EDIT: Also, Sophie has no pants. I'm pretty sure someone who should be fighting, much less on horseback, should be wearing pants.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Really? There's no reason to complain about character designs. They are completely subjective, have no bearing on gameplay/enjoyment, and no discussion will ever reach a meaningful conclusion. Quit whining. Remove [spoilers] from the title because there wasn't any. And remove the sexist rhetoric.

1) Um, yes there is? Character Design is one of the few things that gives off a characters personality, combat ability, and other things, pretty much instantly. It's also something you'll be looking at throughout the whole game.

2) If they have no bearing on enjoyment (They obviously don't affect gameplay) then why would people complain about them? Again, your seeing the design throughout the whole game, it's probably best if it looks good.

Regardless, the OP's point is still bad because there are loads of characters across all sorts of media that don't look like and probably shouldn't be fighting.

Edited by Soapbar
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Sexist-rhetoric? Lol. Camilla sews. And yes she sews for Avatar. It can't be sexist when I'm describing a fact that Camilla herself stated.

I don't need to reach a conclusion. All I need to do is to voice my displeasure that the ridiculous outfit for Camilla because it is truly retarded. Belka should teach Camilla how to dress in battle.

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Y'know, if you don't like Camilla's outfit, you could probably find a way to say so in a way that doesn't come across as highly misogynistic. Pro-tip: there's never a good time to tell a woman she needs to be doing stereotypically feminine things, and if there were, it wouldn't be as a commentary on her choice of clothing.

Then again you just used the word "retarded" as an unironic insult so you're probably either trolling or a lost cause.

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Sexist-rhetoric? Lol. Camilla sews. And yes she sews for Avatar. It can't be sexist when I'm describing a fact that Camilla herself stated.

I don't need to reach a conclusion. All I need to do is to voice my displeasure that the ridiculous outfit for Camilla because it is truly retarded. Belka should teach Camilla how to dress in battle.

What does Camilla's outfit being ridiculous have to do with her ability to fight on a battlefield

Answer this, of all things. Most people on SF agree that Camilla's outfit is dumb. However, poor fashion sense and armor choice does not have any impact on one's fighting ability. And Camilla is good at fighting. Your rhetoric that she should "keep sewing capes for her beloved avatar" is the sexist rhetoric because you said that instead of, oh I don't know, getting a better outfit.

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Sexist-rhetoric? Lol. Camilla sews. And yes she sews for Avatar. It can't be sexist when I'm describing a fact that Camilla herself stated.

I don't need to reach a conclusion. All I need to do is to voice my displeasure that the ridiculous outfit for Camilla because it is truly retarded. Belka should teach Camilla how to dress in battle.

Just because someone sews doesn't mean they cannot enter combat! My Dad can sew, he learned it in the army, its a handy skill to have.

I mean Mist fixes up Ike's capes and does Laundry for the Greil Mercs but she still fights, because you know people can do more then one thing and not be relegated to "roles"

Also wow you just used the word retarded.. :facepalm:

Edited by Jedi
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Is there a reason why this warrants its own thread?

Yeah, your only the 10,000th person to state that Camila's design is bad OP.

That's so yesterday man. Get with the times and harp on Charlotte and Ophelia instead.

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You know, you could just actually bench her, use Belka and Luna all the time and pretending Camilla doesn't exist except from cutscene.

Or you could play as Hoshido and need not to matter with this trivial matter.

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Geez another Camilla design thread, this one with more obvious Sexism, and non ironic use of the word retarded. Wonderful...

Just because someone sews doesn't mean they cannot enter combat! My Dad can sew, he learned it in the army, its a handy skill to have.

This, and though I haven't been in combat, i learned to sew because I was an air Cadet, and you were expected to Sew your own badges and ranks on. (though i am sure some cadets had their parents do it.) Sewing is also as you said a handy skill to have. Unlike knot tying take that sea cadets, bunch of Seamen i mean this has been said too many times for me to take that seriously anymore and as impractical as the design is fire emblem has had impractical designs before and it will again, the bare thighs thing has been done in every single game, for armour at least she is wearing a good amount of it, fire emblem designs often left it at just the upper chest or even just shoulders, and on the hair at least one eye is exposed, *cough*Lowen*cough*

Snicker Seamen. Heh. Always cracks me up

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That brave men and women of Comrade Marx's army need no uniforms to liberate the Hoshido Proletariate, for the power of the Proletariate flows through their veins. Comrade Camilla may wear whatever she wants in a truly Communist utopia. Which basically means, it's a video game, stop complaining about realism when there are teenagers who can turn into dragons.

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Right, this topic is now about Asama.


He's got pompoms on his armour! His earrings are curtains!

You're silly, Asama.

I love you Baldrick.

Or at least that's what I would say, but I already have Shin :P:

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Keeping his eyes closed at all times, eh? Not very realistic at all. He should stay in my castle and sue all day...I mean sew.

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That brave men and women of Comrade Marx's army need no uniforms to liberate the Hoshido Proletariate, for the power of the Proletariate flows through their veins. Comrade Camilla may wear whatever she wants in a truly Communist utopia. Which basically means, it's a video game, stop complaining about realism when there are teenagers who can turn into dragons.

^ and on that realism point the lack of full armour point is a bit Weird for protection as well as Camilla class shares a defence max stat with such well "armoured" classes such as puppeteer, holy bowman and weapon master (Fugga even forgoes a shirt) geez great merchant has 2 more defence than revenant knight, and all it seems to have is shoulder pads. Blacksmith is also 1 point higher in def, and seems to be going for the shirtless vest look. At least Camilla has flight and a whatever the heck her mount is as a meat shield. I would be mroe okay with it compared to other classes even if she left off the armour she does wear. At least she seems to have full arm and stomach protection something fire emblem has neither been big on.

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