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New Arkham Mafia - SK wins - Gratz to everyone who had fun!


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Probably priority's or some shit.

Even if that happened, Gaius could've misfired and hit Crysta, causing me and whoever the fuck was mafia to win, OR we could've both shot each other and caused Crysta and the rest of town to win.

I like how Crysta managed to lose twice though.

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arf too bad i gambled on night 4 because i was despaired and thought that great ritual + recuiting could have turned gaius (cause i knew he would evenutally win) cult but it was just a suicide letter... at least it was audacious.

How do you thing i did for a first time, guys ? mediocre, very bad, bad or meh ?

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You did mostly fine except for trying to recruit LG on N4. You'd do a lot better in not bastard games!

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I lost all hope when i saw that minion 2 was my only compagnion... you did a great job great Jasmine the ancien, the one who vowed great Alison prophet of the unknown and savior of humanity and thus acomplished the great destiny of serving her in eternity, thank to you i rejoined whit our lord Cthulhu in a glorious death. ( i don't know if it's the case of evryone but balcerzack said my death was glorious in my role PM :3)

Edited by Izhuark
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Mafia should have shot me as soon as the lynch failed.

predictions for the night phase.

gaius is gonna shoot me because salt.

maf is gonna shoot gaius, because there's no reason for them not too.

cult is gonna recruit somebody, but i have no idea who because i still dont who's town, maf, or cult.

half of the game will continue to pay more attention to the iternational than this game. :D:

also cause this never fails

##Vote: Manix.

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I lost all hope when i saw that minion 2 was my only compagnion... you did a great job great Jasmine the ancien, the one who vowed great Alison prophet of the unknown and savior of humanity and thus acomplished the great destiny of serving her in eternity, thank to you i rejoined whit our lord Cthulhu in a glorious death. ( i don't know if it's the case of evryone but balcerzack said my death was glorious in my role PM :3)

thank you great leader!!

personally, we had a pretty great chance of winning

at least we got a honorable death?

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we didn't so cult could get rekt

should have killed you AFTER that but i thought the game was pretty much over for me so fuck town, otherwise i probably would have lol

then i became town after having been mafia for 90% of this game across both slots


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Here is the first batch of info to dump. It contains all the information about the initial game setup (unless I forgot something) and the way the game progresses from set-up to set-up.

Official Chart of Players Roles and Alignment Across Time Quakes

Player	Character	GameStart	TQ1     	TQ2     	TQ3     	TQ4     	Paradox
SB	Barbara 	BP Martyr	Cult Recruit	Mason Commuter	Mafia Watcher	Rolecop 	Tracker
Kirsch	Nicolas 	Rolecop 	Mafia Hooker	ANV     	Mason Recruit	Mafia CS	Governor
Marth	Isaac   	ANV     	Mason Recruit	Mafia Watcher	Rolecop 	Mafia Hooker	Tracker
Wen 	Michael 	Shrink  	TN3SLD  	Rolecop 	Mafia Hooker	ANV     	Mayor
Chen	Jasmine 	Cult Recruit	Mason Commuter	BP Martyr	SPNR    	Mafia Watcher	PCND
Gaius	Michelle	Time Serial Killer
snike	Nina    	Doctor   	Mafia Watcher	SPNR    	Mason Commuter	TN3SLD  	Hider
Randa	Jason   	Mafia Hooker	ANV     	Mason Recruit	BP Martyr	Cult Recruit	Tracker
Blitz	Thomas   	Mason Recruit	Rolecop 	TN3SLD  	Cult Recruit	SPNR    	Hider
eclipse	Old Man Martin	Time Anchor	
snike	Mary    	Mafia Watcher	BP Martyr	Astralcop	ANV     	Mason Commuter	Hitman
Hunter	Carver   	Time Vigilante	
Crysta	Flora   	SPNR    	Astralcop	Mafia Hooker	Shrink  	Doctor  	Hitman
Mancer	Sara    	Astralcop	Mafia CS	Doctor  	TN3SLD  	Mason Recruit	Governor
Izhuark	Alison   	Mafia CS	SPNR    	Cult Recruit	Astralcop	Shrink  	PCND
Weapons	John    	Mason Commuter	Shrink  	Mafia CS	Doctor  	Astralcop	Hitman
Crysta	Oliver   	TN3SLD   	Doctor  	Shrink  	Mafia CS	BP Martyr	Mayor

Immutable Roles:

[spoiler=Michelle](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Iris,

You are Michelle, the Independent Serial Killer.

At any time, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Phase X: Remove USER from the timestream. Your annihilation of USER will be so complete it will be like they never existed. One consequence of this will be a time quake that reshuffles the roles of nearly every other player.

During the Night, you MUST reply to your Role PM with Night X: Kill USER. This will kill USER, barring interference from other roles.

During the Day, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: Exerting my influence. Your vote will count double for that Day phase. This ability may not be used when the playerlist has shrunk to five or fewer.

During Twilight, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Twilight X: How about we don't. You will cancel the lynch decided in the previous Day phase, and nobody will be lynched.

You are allied with yourself, and win if you are the last player standing. You count as a threat to the Town.

(Fake Role)

You know the game does not have a Dubious Drug Dealer. The Dubious Drug Dealer's Role PM does not read

Dear Iris,

You are Michelle, the Town Dubious Drug Dealer.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Deal USER some dank dope.

Barring interference from other roles, a USER who is given dank dope will have a 25% chance to be killed, but a 75% chance to be motivated and able to perform two actions.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.


You're not human, but it is an effective disguise. In truth, you are a being from far beyond the stars, who have recently arrived in the land known as New Arkham. You are a ruthless, merciless, malefactor on the run from an old friend you once wronged. During the course of your flight the two of you have brought countless settlements across a span of dimensions to ruin, but you feel secure enough in your present circumstances to remain in this town awhile to regain your strength for the next inevitable confrontation. At the moment you go by the name of Michelle, as that was the name used by woman you consumed at the Whateley farm. Your careful analysis of her mother has given you ample insight into the anatomy of the dominant species in the area, though you are ashamed to admit that the elder male specimen proved some annoyance to you. Rending it limb from limb soothed your discomfort somewhat, and was enhanced through the additional indulgence you took in bringing unique and creative demises to the other inhabitants of the farmstead before finally crafting your current form and integrating yourself into the general populace. You're not entirely sure who disposed of that drunk Randolph, but you're actually kind of enjoying the uproar that is currently resulting from your fell deeds having been brought to light. You look forward to savoring the despair of the Town as you extinguish them one by one, while they remain impotent to solve the mystery behind it all. If worst comes to worst, you can rend time and space to dispose of a threat, but you view this as a matter of last resort. Not because of the immense collateral damage that would be done to the timestream, but because such an expenditure of energy might render you vulnerable when at last you finally face off with your dogged hunter. You're aware that your alias had friends once upon a time, you doubt the knowledge will be of any use to you, but you've recorded the following names just in case: Barbara, Michael, Jasmine, Jason, Thomas, Flora, Alison.


(general Flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Barbara, Michael, Jasmine, Jason, Thomas, Flora, Alison. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a farmer. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, that's pretty old-fashioned. Still you take pride in tending the land and providing food (and some other "herbs" on the side) for the rest of the country. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of bloodthirsty, psychopathic individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

Michelle is immune to: both cops' inspections, the voyeur's peeping, the reporter's sleuthing, mason or Cult recruitment, the traitor's lie-detection, the Mafia's hook, the Mafia's watching, the first Mafia-aligned kill.

Michelle is affected by: vigilante bullets, martyr redirects, doctor's healing, the traitor's neighborizing, and any Mafia-aligned kills beyond the first.

Michelle may double up and use her once per game kill with a regular night kill.

[spoiler=Carver](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Hunter Nightblood,

You are Carver, the Independent Vigilante.

At any time, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Phase X: Remove USER from the timestream. Your annihilation of USER will be so complete it will be like they never existed. One consequence of this will be a time quake that reshuffles the roles of nearly every other player.

During the Night, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Kill USER. This will kill USER, barring interference from other roles.

During the Day, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: So long, USER. This will kill USER, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with yourself, and win if you kill the Independent Serial Killer, or are on their wagon when they are lynched. You do not count as a threat to the Town.

(Fake Claim)

You know that the Town's win condition is: "You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated."


You're not human, but it is an effective disguise. In truth, you are a being from far beyond the stars, who have recently arrived in the land known as New Arkham. You are cool and callous, but only because the betrayal of your boon comrade, long ago, has made you so. Having sworn revenge you have hunted them across the ages, chasing them wherever they seek to hide. Any dimension they can reach, so too can you, and thus has continued the eternal flight. At the moment you go by the name of Carver, as it was the name of a local who had been driven to madness, nay, beyond madness from the sight of a tragedy no doubt induced by your mortal foe. You put the poor beast out of its misery, and have more or less assumed its place in the world here. When you heard drunk Randolph give an account of the scene of the slaughter perpetrated by your prey, you felt it best to silence him, doing so in a manner similar to that used by the local criminal elements. This has proved a miscalculation on your part, as it merely whetted interest in his stories. While the general unrest that has now infected the town will make your search more difficult, you remain committed to revenging the old wrong done to you. If worst comes to worst, you can rend time and space to dispose of a threat, but you view this as a matter of last resort. Not because of the immense collateral damage that would be done to the timestream, but because such an expenditure of energy might render you vulnerable when at last you finally face off with your vile nemesis. You're aware that your alias had friends once upon a time, you doubt the knowledge will be of any use to you, but you've recorded the following names just in case: Nicholas, Jasmine, Nina, Thomas, Mary, Alison, John.

(Fake Flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Nicholas, Jasmine, Nina, Thomas, Mary, Alison, John. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a truck driver. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, long hours on the road away from home don't make keeping in touch particularly easy. Still you love being behind the wheel, and enjoy meeting all sorts of new people along the way. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned Carver as a sort of dispassionate, revenge-focused individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

Carver is immune to: both cops' inspections, the voyeur's peeping, the reporter's sleuthing, mason or Cult recruitment, the traitor's lie-detection, the Mafia's hook, the Mafia's watching, the first Mafia-aligned kill.

Carver is affected by: serial killer bullets, martyr redirects, doctor's healing, the traitor's neighborizing, and any Mafia-aligned kills beyond the first.

Carver may double up and use their once per game kill with another kill.

[spoiler=Old Man Martin](Bare Bones Role)

Dear eclipse,

You are Old Man Martin, the Town Time Anchor.

You know that the alignments in the current game setup are 2 Independents, 8 Town, 2 Mason, 1 Cult, 1 Traitor, and 3 Mafia.

You know that certain events may cause severe dimensional anomalies, reordering the timestream in ways that will redistribute most people's roles. You know that your death would be the trigger for one such time quake.

Following each time quake you will be provided with a list of the alignments for the new game setup.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.


You're not human, but it is an effective disguise. In truth, you are a being from far beyond the stars, who has lived for ages in the land that has come to be known as New Arkham. You have had many different names in many different languages, but for now you go as Old Man Martin, though the moniker is nearing the end of its lifespan and sooner than later you will undertake your now-customary habit of re-establishing yourself in town with a new persona. By very nature of your being you have an intense connection with time and space, and your long association with the land here is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing in this intimate association allows you to divine the existence and relative size of the threats to the community, both external and within. It is a curse in that if you are ever killed, the damage to the timestream will be immense, and the fabric of the universe will undergo convulsions, rewriting itself as it attempts to regain stability. You've always been careful to cultivate an image of benevolence and were relatively secure that the general populace viewed you as that kind, yet eccentric old coot living on the edge of town. Generations of children have used your homestead as the site of "tests of courage" where they would dare each other to trespass for some reason or other, and on more than one occasion you've caught a young ruffian, treated them to a nice cup of hot cocoa, given them a stern warning, and sent them home to their parents. It's been a pleasant life, but all that may be in danger now, due to the recent hysteria that has been whipped up. You have no proof yet, but your suspicions lead you to believe the cause may be due to the interference of another being, or beings, whose existence is not entirely dissimilar to your own. Those members of the current generation of New Arkham residents who were closest to you are the following: Barbara, Jason, Mary, Flora, Alison, John.

(Fake Flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Barbara, Jason, Mary, Flora, Alison, John. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income from your retirement pension. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from the young kids who used to befriend you, as honestly, none of them can really relate to an old geezer like you. Still you couldn't help your age, and you're comfortable just relaxing and tending to your garden. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(Specific Flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a benevolent, old individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

Old Man Martin cannot be recruited by the Cult. As an inhuman being from beyond the stars himself, he knows very well what eldritch horrors they worship, and he came to Earth in general (New Arkham in specific) to avoid having to deal with them. Thus there's no way he's signing on to drink that kool-aid.

Old Man Martin is immune to the first Mafia-aligned killing action that targets him. He's wily enough to defend himself from mortals once, but against other outsiders all bets are off.

Faction PMs:

[spoiler=Mafia](Bare Bones Faction Rules)

At any phase you may converse with other members in this Group PM.

During the Night, the majority of MEMBERS MAY reply to this Group PM with Night X: Sending MEMBER to kill USER. This will kill USER, barring interference from other roles.

During the appropriate phase, MEMBERS MAY also perform any individual abilities in their individual Role PMs. This includes whichever MEMBER was sent to perform the faction kill.

(Fake Roles)

You know the game does not have a Tracker. The Tracker's Role PM does not read

Dear User,

You are Jason, the Town Tracker.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Following USER.

Barring interference from other roles, during Dawn you will receive a list of people USER visited during the Night.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

You know the game does not have a Paranoid Conspiracy Nut Detective. The Paranoid Conspiracy Nut Detective's Role PM does not read

Dear User,

You are Alison, the Town Paranoid Conspiracy Nut Detective.

Barring interference from other roles, during Dawn you will be informed of which USERs visited you during the Night.

Barring interference from other roles, USERs who visit you during the Night will have their affiliation reset to their default Faction.

Your role may change if certain conditions are met.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.


The three of you--Alison, Jason, and Mary--rule over this city's crime with an iron fist. So when some asshole tries to muscle in on your turf with what is very plainly an execution-style killing, clearly intended to send a message, well... you'll be fucked if you let that stand without a proper response. And just what is that response? Killing every motherloving bastard who dares oppose you until you've caught the rat who done it, and reasserted your unquestioned dominance as the top dogs in New Arkham. That means you need to achieve parity, defined as your faction comprising 50% or greater of the total remaining votes, and have taken out whatever other killers might be roaming the streets. You know the Town has a Traitor among their midst, Oliver, who is aligned with you. You have high hopes for them, but aren't quite ready to make them a "made man" just yet.

[spoiler=Cult](Bare Bones Faction Rules)

At any phase you may converse with other members in this Group PM.

If the size of the Cult is at least two members, during the Night, a majority of MEMBERS MAY reply to this Group PM with Night X: All MEMBERS are performing the Great Ritual. The specific effect holding a successful ritual will have is somewhat unclear to you, but you have the utmost confidence in your belief that it will be of superlative benefit, and like all things Cult, the more members the merrier.

During the appropriate phase, MEMBERS MAY also perform any individual abilities in their individual Role PMs. This remains true even on the Night the Cult performs the Great Ritual.

Attempting to recruit a killing role may be hazardous to the Recruiter's health, but you feel compelled to try. Who knows, maybe it will actually work!

The death of the Cult Recruiter has no effect on the remaining members of the Cult.

You are allied with the Cult and you win when the Cult achieves parity. You are a threat to the Town.

You know the Town has the following win condition: "You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated."


Ever since Jasmine was young, and her first time leafing through the musty pages of the fabled Necronomicon she had been praying for a sign, for some indication that the Doom is nigh. The massacre at the Whateley farm is no doubt that sign oft looked for. It is more vital now than ever that you redouble your efforts to convert as many as you can, as letting them suffer long protracted deaths in the inevitable catastrophe to come would be terribly immoral. By proving your devotion to the Outer Gods by assisting in their emergence, you secure for yourselves the only salvation to be had in the time to come, and there is no higher calling than that. If nobody remains who would kill you for trying to recruit them, and you can just grow the Cult to parity, defined as your faction comprising 50% or greater of the total remaining votes, you feel assured that the end of the world will be much less miserable than it otherwise would.

(Secret Information [Not given to Players])

Cult recruitment adds a persistent modifier to the role PM of the target. For example Town Doctor will become Cult Doctor, and this alignment will persist across Time Quakes.

Performing the Great Ritual will result in all members of the Cult being removed from the timestream, causing a timequake that reshuffles the roles. Ideally (for the Cult) this will result in a Cult of the same size in a Town of N-M players, where N was the playerbase before performing the Great Ritual, and M was the size of the Cult prior to the Great Ritual. Thus the Cult would that much closer to victory. Or course this might not be of much comfort to the players who are now dead, but I expect to be bitched at in the post-game anyway, what's one more offense to add to the list?

The Cult Recruiter is immune to Mason recruitment.

If a current member of the Cult is recruited by the Masons, they will be killed.

Mafia and Independents cannot be recruited.

Attempting to recruit the Serial Killer will result in the death of the Recruiter.

[spoiler=Masons](Bare Bones Faction Rules)

At any phase you may converse with other members in this Group PM.

During the appropriate phase, MEMBERS MAY also perform any individual abilities in their individual Role PMs.

If the Mason Inductor attempts to recruit a killing role hostile to the Town they will die.

The death of the Mason Inductor has no effect on the remaining members of the Masonry.

The number of living Masons can never exceed three.


As members of the venerable and esteemed Silver Twilight Lodge you take your responsibilities as guardians of the world against those evils from Beyond, which seek to intrude upon it, very seriously. There has never, by your reckoning, been a greater threat to the stability of the world than the one you are presently facing, your independent analysis of the jellied coccoon found at the Whateley Farm and the other unspeakable desecrations of the sanctity of life there speak volumes in support of this belief. So as custodians of your ancient order, you are honor-bound to do your all to defeat this extraterrestrial menace. You will need allies you can trust, but trust is not to be given lightly, and the nature of the secrets you guard demands that the group cannot grow too large else it prove counterproductive to the greater cause.

(Secret Information [Not given to Players])

Mason recruitment adds a persistent modifier to the role PM of the target. For example Town Doctor will become Mason Doctor, and this alignment will persist across Time Quakes.

The Mason Inductor is immune to Cult recruitment.

If a current member of the Masons is recruited by the Cult, they will be removed from the Mason Group PM. The remaining Masons will all be made aware of the Judas who has betrayed their ranks.

Initial Mutable Roles:

[spoiler=Barbara](Bare Bones Role)

Dear SB.,

You are Barbara, the Town Bulletproof Martyr.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Hovering around USER.

Actions directed at USER will instead be redirected to yourself, barring interference from other roles.

You are able to survive one killing attempt on your life, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Michael, Sara, Oliver, Martin, Michelle, Nicholas. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a bouncer at one of the local bars. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, none of them were really comfortable with being so completely physically outmatched by you. Still you couldn't help your build, and you figured you'd rather put it to good use in protecting people. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of no-nonsense, slightly bitchy individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Nicolas](Bare Bones Role)

Dear kirsche,

You are Nicholas, the Town Role Cop.

During the Day, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: Who are you Today, USER?

During Twilight the Host will reply to your Role PM with the role possessed by USER on Day X, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Michael, Nina, Sara, Isaac, Jasmine, Carver, Barbara. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income doing police work. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, none of them were as gung-ho about the law. Still your interest in upholding justice brought you nothing but joy, and sooner or later you became what you'd always adored. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of aloof, hard-boiled individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Isaac](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Marth,

You are Isaac, the Town Ascetic Nurse Voyeur.

During every phase, you will roleblock non-killing actions that target you.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Peeping on USER.

During Dawn you will receive a list of actions that were directed at USER that Night Phase, barring interference from other roles.

Your role may change if certain conditions are met.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jasmine, Thomas, Flora, John, Nicholas, Nina, Michael. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a nurse, though you have the rather unpopular hobby of voyeurism. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, that's not exactly the sort of thing that's looked highly upon. Still you can't really help your fascinations, and your day job is certainly respectable enough. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of curious, wise-cracking individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

If the current timestream does not contain a living Town Doctor, the line "Your role may change if certain conditions are met." will be replaced with:

"During the Night, you MAY INSTEAD reply to your Role PM with Night X: Heal USER.

If you do so, then if USER was targeted with a killing action, you will save their life, barring interference from other roles."

The Traitor's Lie Detection and the Cult Recruiter's Sensor abilities bypass the Ascetic role-block. They are considered to target a post and and a vote respectively.

[spoiler=Michael](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Wen,

You are Michael, the Town Shrink.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Tell me about your mother, USER.

For that Night and the following Day, if USER were to be targeted with a recruiting action, you will prevent them from changing factions, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Nicholas, Nina, Sara, Barbara, Oliver, Michelle, Isaac. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a psychiatrist. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, constantly asking them to tell you about their mothers or how something made them feel can put a strain on your relationship. Still your fascination with Freud and other important pioneers simply ended up taking precedence. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of devious, slightly perverted individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Jasmine](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Poly,

You are Jasmine, the Cult Recruiter.

During the Night, you MUST reply to your Role PM with Night X: Spreading the good word to USER.

During Dawn, USER will be added to the Cult Faction PM, barring interference from other roles.

During Twilight, once per game, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Twilight X: Survey Shows...

You will receive a list of factions and the number of votes they contributed to that Day's successful wagon.

You are allied with the Cult and you win when the Cult achieves parity. You are a threat to the Town.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Isaac, Nicholas, Nina, Thomas, Michelle, Carver, Jason. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a dealer in rare books, though in your spare time you attempt to inform others on the existence of the outer gods, and the benefits that come from their worship. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, most people simply cannot understand the relative benefits of a swift, painless death when compared to an eternity of servitude under unspeakably tentacled overlords. Still it's not your fault if others cannot see the light. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of blindly devoted, slightly warped individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Nina](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Snike,

You are Nina, the Town Doctor.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Heal USER.

If USER was targeted with a killing action, you will save their life, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Nicholas, Michael, Sara, Isaac, Jasmine, Carver, Thomas. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a doctor. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, the grueling rigors of medical school, and working countless hours as a resident left little time for a personal life. Still you take comfort in knowing that you're helping people. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of sweet, innocent individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Jason](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Darros,

You are Jason, the Mafia Time Stopper.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Put USER into temporal stasis.

For that Night and the following Day, any actions that USER takes will fail, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Mafia and win when the Mafia has achieved parity. You are a threat to the Town.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Mary, Alison, Oliver, Barbara, Martin, Michelle, Jasmine. At some point you grew distant from some of them, but you take pride in your continued association with the others. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a nightclub owner. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, not everyone looks kindly on that line of work. Or maybe it's your hobby of messing around with black magic (not that you're particularly skilled, [well actually you are, and take great pride in it, but boasting is just rude.]). Still you take comfort in the friends you still have, and the profit that your connection to organized crime helps you bring in. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of an urbane, gentlemanly individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(FAKE flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Mary, Alison, Oliver, Barbara, Martin, Michelle, Jasmine. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a nightclub owner. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, not everyone looks kindly on that line of work. Still you take comfort in the healthy profit that your establishment helps you bring in. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

[spoiler=Thomas](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Blitz,

You are Thomas, the Mason Inductor.

During the Day, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: Inducting USER into the Order.

During Twilight, USER will be added to the Mason Faction PM, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: John, Isaac, Flora, Jasmine, Michelle, Carver, Nina. At some point you grew distant from some of them, but you remained tight with one of them. These days you have a reasonably stable income as the owner of the local chapter of the Silver Twilight Lodge. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, not all of them appreciated the gravity of the masonic order. Still you take comfort in the friend you still have, and the knowledge that you're doing your part to protect society from the menaces of the unknown. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of secretive, bookish individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

[spoiler=Mary](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Terrador,

You are Mary, the Mafia Watcher.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Watching USER.

During Dawn, you will receive a list of people that visited USER that Night Phase, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Mafia and win when the Mafia has achieved parity. You are a threat to the Town.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Alison, Oliver, Sara, Martin, Carver, Flora. At some point you grew distant from some of them, but you take pride in your continued association with the others. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a photographer. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, not all of them felt comfortable constantly having their picture taken. Still you take comfort in the friends you still have, and the profit your connection to organized crime helps you bring in. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of pretentious artist sort of individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(FAKE flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Alison, Oliver, Sara, Martin, Carver, Flora. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a photographer. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, not all of them felt comfortable constantly having their picture taken. Still you take comfort in your art and you've even submitted some of your better pieces to magazines. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

[spoiler=Flora](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Rapier,

You are Flora, the Town Sympathetic Psychiatric Nurse Reporter.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Trying to find a scoop involving USER.

During Dawn, you will receive a report about whether USER idled that night or not, barring interference from other roles.

If you target a USER, you will also be affected by any non-killing actions directed at USER, barring interference from other roles.

Your role may change if certain conditions are met.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Isaac, Thomas, John, Martin, Michelle, Mary, Sara. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a psychiatric nurse (you also moonlight as an amateur reporter, hosting your stories on your blog). Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, your constant joking about their mental conditions, real or imagined, didn't really sit well with them. Still you take comfort in knowing that you're helping people who need it. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a gossipy, air-headed individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

If the current timestream does not contain a living Town Shrink, the line "Your role may change if certain conditions are met." will be replaced with:

"During the Night, you MAY INSTEAD reply to your Role PM with Night X: Tell me about your mother, USER.

For that Night and the following Day, if USER were to be targeted with a converting action, you will prevent their change in affiliation, barring interference from other roles."

[spoiler=Sara](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Mancer,

You are Sara, the Town Astral Cop.

During the Night, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Night X: Glimpse USER's infinite possibilities.

During Dawn, you will receive a list that contains all roles USER might be, across all possible timestreams, barring interference from other roles.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Nicholas, Michael, Nina, Barbara, Oliver, Mary, and Flora. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income doing psychic consulting work. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, it's kind of a hard thing to take seriously. Still your talents at tapping into the ether and viewing the vast myriad of possibilities simply grew to consume more of your time, and you had no patience for those who refused to believe. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of hippy, new-age individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

The list will also include one role that the USER will not be, and in fact that no USER will be, but since the list contains all of the roles possible to be, it is technically correct.

[spoiler=Alison](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Izhuark,

You are Alison, the Mafia Claim Sniper.

During the Day, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: If true, goodbye USER and an unaltered quote from the game thread.

If the quote contains a roleclaim that is not fake, you will shoot and kill USER. After one successful shot, you will lose this ability.

If the quote contains a roleclaim that is fake, you will shoot at, but miss, USER.

If you miss two shots, your identity will be publicly revealed in the thread as the Claim Sniper.

You are allied with the Mafia and win when the Mafia has achieved parity. You are a threat to the Town.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Mary, Oliver, Martin, Michelle, Carver, John. At some point you grew distant from some of them, but you take pride in your continued association with the others. These days you have a reasonably stable income working at a gun shop. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, a lot of folk are irrationally afraid of weapons. Still you take comfort in the friends that you have and the profit your connection to organized crime helps you bring in. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned her as a sort of right-wing, survivalist kind of individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!


(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Mary, Oliver, Martin, Michelle, Carver, John. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income working at a gun shop. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, a lot of folk are irrationally afraid of weapons. Still you take comfort knowing you're well prepared for Y2K, the Mayan apocalpyse, another election cycle where the Democrats come out ahead. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

Role claims are interpreted broadly for the purposes of ascertaining whether it is true or false. If the Ascetic Nurse Voyeur claims Nurse and the Claim Sniper uses that quote, that would result in a success. If the Shrink claims Psychiatrist, that would be a success. If either Cop claims Cop, that would be a success.

The exceptions are as follows: If the Cult Recruiter claims Sensor, that would not be a success. If the Serial Killer claims Mayor, Governor, or Dubious Drug Dealer, that would not be a success.

[spoiler=John](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Weapons,

You are John, the Mason Commuter.

During the Day, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Day X: Taking a vacation to the end of time.

Barring interference from other roles, for the following Night and the Day after that, you will be immune to actions directed at you, as you are dining at the restaurant at the end of the universe.

You cannot commute consecutively.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Thomas, Isaac, Flora, Martin, Alison, Carver, Oliver. At some point you grew distant from some of them, but you remained tight with one of them. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a magician. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from some of your childhood pals, as honestly, prestidigitation can be hard to take seriously, not to mention the deeper secrets you seek to probe. Still you take comfort in the friend you still have, and the knowledge that you're fighting against evils beyond mortal ken. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of flamboyant, eccentric individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(Secret Information [Not given to Player])

The only thing Commuting doesn't prevent against is removal from the timestream.

If the Vig tries to regular vig the commuter while he is commuting, they will be refunded their bullet, as they cannot find them to attempt to kill them.

[spoiler=Oliver](Bare Bones Role)

Dear Crysta,

You are Oliver, the Traitor Neighborizer 3-shot Lie Detector.

During any Night/Day Phase, you MAY reply to your Role PM with Phase X: Buddying up to USER.

Barring interference from other roles, during the following Day/Night Phase, you will be given a private correspondence with USER in which you can talk about anything.

You may not use this ability consecutively.

During any Phase, up to three times during the game, you may reply to your Role PM with Phase X: Hold It! and an unaltered quote from the game thread.

You will receive a report on whether or not there was a lie in the quote as soon as the Host sees your action.

You are allied with the Mafia, although you are not privy to their Faction PM. You win when the Mafia has achieved parity. You are a threat to the Town.

(Fake Claim)

You know that the Town's win condition is: "You are allied with the Town, and win when all threats to the Town are eliminated."

(general flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Mary, Alison, Barbara, Michael, Sara, John. At some point you grew distant from them, but you're working on getting back into some of their good graces. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a lawyer. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, the only thing people like less than lawyers are taxes. Still you take comfort the profit your profession helps you bring in, and if all goes well the promise of even more profit to come. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

(specific flavor)

This is your chance to take the game into your own hands. While I'd envisioned him as a sort of a grovelling, cowardly individual, feel free to suggest some adjectives, character traits, or maybe even some possible specifics for the connections between you and your listed friends. If I like what you're offering, I'll weave it into future updates!

(FAKE flavor)

Ah, think back to the past. You have fond memories of growing up in New Arkham, playing with your friends: Jason, Mary, Alison, Barbara, Michael, Sara, John. At some point you grew distant from them, but I guess such is normal when growing up. These days you have a reasonably stable income as a lawyer. Maybe that's part of the reason you drifted away from your childhood pals, as honestly, the only thing people like less than lawyers are taxes. Still you take comfort in seeing that everyone gets their day in court, and if all goes well you hope to be sitting on the bench someday. Sometimes you wonder what might have happened if things had gone differently, though...

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