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New Arkham Mafia - SK wins - Gratz to everyone who had fun!


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The vig wasn't actually a vig. They were just in it to kill the SK and didn't care about cult or mafia at all.

Yeah, I'm not saying that the vigilante made the game more reasonable to town...just saying that they should have made it significantly harder for the SK to win (and yet Gaius claimed SK in the thread and wasn't shot...).

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Yeah, Hunter should've done that instantly.

WEN should have also targeted me night 1 LIKE I ASKED TO BE so that I wouldn't have been culted and then we wouldn't have had THE RETURN OF CULT MARTYR every single time quake. Thanks for that.


[01:06:02] Boron: Wow, I just realized
[01:06:10] SB: even with perfect play town would probably lose
[01:06:11] Boron: That cult martyr really screwed everyone over in the last time quake
[01:06:15] SB: yep
[01:06:17] Refaerith: cult martyr op
[01:06:19] BBM: cult martyr op
[01:06:22] BBM: damnit refa
[01:06:23] Refaerith: hahaha
[01:06:25] Boron: I blame SB
[01:06:26] Refaerith: GREAT MINDS
[01:06:27] Boron: And Wen
[01:06:34] BBM: especially when the cult martyr lasts forever
[01:06:34] Refaerith: #SBDidNothingWrong
[01:06:43] Boron: SB, you should go point that out in the thread
[01:06:47] Junko: he did
[01:06:53] SB: "I DIE FOR MY CALLING
[01:06:56] Boron: Do it again
Edited by SB.
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The cult recruiter could not recruit: Mason Inductor, Vig, SK, Maf 1, Maf 2, Maf 3. That's 6 roles out of 17. Considering their own they had a 10/17 chance of a recruit (ignoring shrinkage, which is unreliable). That's not quite 60%, yet they lucked their way into successful recruitment every phase. That definitely helped a lot.

Yes, I admit the SK was perhaps a little too OP. It's hard to balance it to give them a realistic chance without making it overwhelming.

Honestly, if I were playing the Independent Vig, I would have shot people I felt scummy with his regular shots ASAP, and saved his anytime kill for a last resort, while jumping onto every band wagon at end of day. Hell, an early claim of town dayvig would basically ensure protection and town cred, so the issue of "I could have sworn we usually call Independent Vigilantes serial killers in most games" would have never come up (also Izhuark, I loved that post, it filled me with joy. Just like I love how Weapons' first post in the Mason PM was "Okay, so which one of you is the scum Mason")

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The problem was that the "Vig" wasn't actually meant to shoot mafia. They were meant to remove the SK, but then town were in even more trouble because they were alone against the cult and mafia who had a huge numbers advantage most of the time. Also there's usually at least one player who is an obvious town recruitment target, so the odds aren't as great as it looks.

I feel like I'm complaining a lot so I'll say I enjoyed the game and you did a good job with modding it Bal, but it's kind of frustrating because it felt like there was no way to play to win without shooting yourself in the foot later on.

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From the setup PM I had with Boron (discussing a non-final version of the game) when I was worrying over balance concerns (as well as deciding to use characters from other media or OCs):

I had sort of been leaning towards original characters for exactly the reason you mentioned (cutting down on flavorspec), but I was worried that it might hurt the players' sense of investment/attachment. I know sometimes if I go into a game, and I get Character, that I like for whatever reason or other, I tend to get a little more pumped up and excite about it. If I open my role PM and am like, "who the hell is this", it's kind of an initial let down (though I often still end up getting invested/having fun regardless).

As for the Bastard part, yeah, you're 100% right. Bullet point number two on the list. While I don't consider vanilla cult Bastard (even if they might), there's no way I could in clear conscience bill this as an ordinary game with the Time Quake mechanic, even with the existence of the Time Anchor role that could inform people of it. The complete unpredictability of the way the alignments will tumble out means huge implications. Trying to go back to look at someone's D1 behaviour to find scumslips/association tells? Well, shit, it's Day 3 now, and there've been two quakes, good like finding anything useful there.

To be perfectly honest, I think Town will have the single hardest win condition to fulfill for precisely this reason. That said, it's certainly no cakewalk for Mafia/Cult either. The fact that Cult do not die upon Recruiter's death is a big edge in their favor, but the other thing to consider is that Masons can effectively re-recruit a Cult back to Town. Also, depending on the role shuffle, they may not get their recruiter back if he dies early if their luck is bad.

Mafia probably has the easiest time of things, but the fact that their fourth member is a) unable to participate in their meetings, b) unknown to them so they might kill him on accident, and c) they're only 4/17 to begin with helps to keep it a little more even (at least I hope so).

I pretty much threw in the "long string of adjective" roles to troll people who lynch unbelievable roles, and also because being just a backup nurse is boring. I had to kind of invent some crazy shit, but I like to think someone opening their role PM and getting an eyeful of that is going to sit back and have a good chuckle.

The setup does have a few weak points in that there can be as many as 3 kills a night (while the independent vig still has bullets), and the existence of the Claim Sniper and independent vig's day kill mean that worst case scenario:

Day 1: Claim Sniper Kill

Day 1: Vig Day Kill

Day 1: Vig Anytime Kill

Day 1: Lynch

Day 1: Mismason attempt

Night 1: Serial Kill

Night 1: Mafia Kill

Night 1: Vig Night Kill

the player count could go from 17 players to 9 players in the blink of an eye, with Town completely losing lynch control. (It could be down to Ind Vig, Ind Serial, 2 Cult, 1 Traitor, 3 Maf, 1 Town, even, which is straight-up retarded, but also hilariously unlikely. Depending on if Time Quakes were hit as well, who knows what might shake out. It's my belief that the purely random element of it will tend to distribute things so that if any given faction had a convincing lead, after a quake it would tend toward a more even playing field.)

That said, I'm going to love starting the thread with the announcement: "It is day 1. Town is in potential MyLo. Have fun."

Everyone will be like "That's just the Bastard Mod talking," but it might actually be true.

Still, it is ridiculously volatile, and might border on downright unfun, I'm not 100% sure how the playerbase would feel about it.

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really really sorry about the sub-in issue btw, I sent SB a message on skype saying "who's your scumbuddy" when he was getting lynched (as a joke) and it lead to us talking about the game but I totally forgot about it. probably my fault more than his but I just didn't wanna say anything about circumstances while the game was ongoing.

this is somehow the second time this has happened with me and SB.

Edited by Prims
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List of actions

	D1 Actions	N1 Action	D2 Action	N2 Action	D3      	N3              	D4       	N4
eclipse	None    	None    	None    	None    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Crysta	Idled    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Terrado	None    	Watch kirsche	None    	Watch Hunter	None    	omni weapons    	Dead    	Dead
Snike	None    	Heal eclipse	Dead    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Weapons	Idled   	None    	Hooked   	None    	None    	None            	None    	Dead
Blitz	Idled   	None    	Recruit SB	None    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Mancer	None    	copped Rapier	None    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Izhuark	Idled    	Kill eclipse	Killed Marth	Kill Blitz	None    	Recruit Snike    	None    	recruit gaius, great ritual
SB	None    	Hover on Blitz	None    	Idle    	Hooked   	None            	Commute   	Commuting
Wen	None    	shrink eclipse	None    	shrink Weapons	copped Weapons	None            	copped Paper	None
Rapier	None    	scooping Mancer	None    	scooping Chen	None    	Kill Snike, hook randa	None    	kill paper, hook SB
Marth	None    	peeped on Blitz	None    	Dead    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
Randa	None    	block weapons	None    	block SB	recruit Snike	None            	hooked   	None
Hunter	Idled   	Idled    	Idled    	Idle    	Dead    	Dead            	Dead    	Dead
kirsche	copped eclipse	None    	cooped Gaius	None    	None    	Peeping SB       	None    	idle
Gaius	mayor   	Kill Snike	mayor    	Kill eclipse	mayor    	Kill Izhuark     	mayor    	kill wen
Chen	None    	Recruit Blitz	None    	Recruit kirsche	None    	Hover Izhuark    	Dead    	Dead
Edited by Balcerzak
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Oh yeah, speaking of the whole talking to potential subs, issue: I almost got Proto to sub in, before he told me that he had already been spoiled. This really isn't a problem in smaller games, but in larger games (like this one was), it could be a real problem if you talk to too many non-players who haven't explicitly said "I don't want to sub in, ever".

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so I did heal eclipse, but then I called the shot on Marth, allowing her to die. Doesn't that technically count?

also gaius was I a rand or was I killed because I effectively claimed doc d1?

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