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Invisible Kingdom getting all the goodies


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I know this has been discussed a lot before in regards to the story but it really seems like Invisible Kingdom gets way more than the other routes. You pretty much get all the the characters (and some new ones I hear) which means more support options, more reclassing options (including Black Blood/White Blood for Kamui), skill learning potential and more replayability in general. Even your My Castle is superior because you get both Nohrian/Hoshido Weapon and Item shops AND two resources (two gems and two food items). If you had to play one route, Invisible Kingdom would win hands-down... which is irritating when you need to pay extra just to unlock it.

Does this seem fair to people?

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I thought it was a bit too generous at first, but then I realised you can't buy it separately. As in, you need Hoshido or Nohr purchased already to even buy it.

So I think it's fair, really.

You're getting the stuff from at least one campaign you bought already plus stuff from the campaign you may or may not have bought. If that makes sense XD

On the other hand, it does make it the superior 2nd route, kinda.

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Basically, if you buy Hoshido and Nohr, you have (almost) all the characters and weapons, although not on the same file. You get two story lines and their battles.

If you buy Hoshido + Invisible, you get also now have pretty much all of the characters, including one save file that can have them concurrently. You get two story lines (but in a different combination from before) and their battles. Invisible basically gives you access to the Hoshido content you already had, plus Nohr content in a different form.

If you buy Nohr + Invisible, a similar principle applies…. you already had Nohr and then you get Hoshido.

I essentially agree with VincentASM's evaluation above…

Of course, there's still merit in getting all three routes if you want to try out their particular battles and try their own individual challenges.

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I, for one, am disappointed that you don't get ALL characters. It's breaking the fourth wall a bit, but it feels like Kamui knowing that half the world will hate them no matter what the choice is, and picked the best option accordingly. Having anyone die at all feels quite down.

I said before that all those non-deaths in Awakening has killed the drama, but this is what they should do here if they want it to be the ultimate route. Basically, once someone becomes playable, they should stay that way. Years of playing FE makes me feel obsessive about collecting Pokémon characters.

(The Black Knight from Radiant Dawn should still die, though. All those "I care only about Micaiah and all her companions can die" really irks me.)

I just see FE if as one single huge game, so the pricing doesn't bother me at all.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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Honestly I am disappointed that the invisible kingdom path exists, mainly because the other too are apparently very inconclusive and its clear that they just want the proper ending to be in this third path

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It's just 'ew' from my point of view. It's like buying White/Black Kingdom and not getting anything out of it till you pay more.

Yes, because a whole game having another whole game is a bad deal. (sarcasm).

Edited by Jedi
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This is almost making me think about skipping the Hoshido route altogether.

...Ah, who am I kidding? I know myself. I'll probably try to get the special edition version, assuming we Westerners get our own version of it.

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This is almost making me think about skipping the Hoshido route altogether.

...Ah, who am I kidding? I know myself. I'll probably try to get the special edition version, assuming we Westerners get our own version of it.

Why would you even consider skipping?

Lemme lay it down for everyone, we are effectively getting 3 FE games for the price of 2. If not cheaper depending on if we get the special edition.

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Why would you even consider skipping?

Lemme lay it down for everyone, we are effectively getting 3 FE games for the price of 2. If not cheaper depending on if we get the special edition.

Because I'm a jobless high school student with no reliable allowance, and even saving a measly 15$ can be extremely precious to me. The maps in Hoshido aren't supposed to be as gimmicky or varied, so if I sit that one out, the only thing I'd really feel like I'd be missing out on is the perspective and the story.

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Why would you even consider skipping?

Lemme lay it down for everyone, we are effectively getting 3 FE games for the price of 2. If not cheaper depending on if we get the special edition.

That's quite dishonest. The Nohr and Hoshido route seem to intentionally leave every thing inconclusive and a feeling of being incomplete.

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That's quite dishonest. The Nohr and Hoshido route seem to intentionally leave every thing inconclusive and a feeling of being incomplete.

Bittersweet endings don't always have a full resolution

, I'm quite sure as was stated stuff like fe9 and fe7 which led to things to come were also a bit inconclusive.

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Cash Grab gonna Grab Cash.

Yes because this is totally capcom, IS is giving us 3 full games. Not some extra little side thing that isn't worth the money at all.

Your guys entitlement is hilarious. "Oh waaaah IS is doing more for us, they gotta BURN"

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Hoshido and Nohr still bring about the end of the wars.

Sure, Anankos escapes justice, largely because they never really discovered him in the first place…. his influence was felt, obviously, but its not like they knew where to find him, and peace did return to the land after "Garon", Anankos' servant, was defeated.

The end of the war and the resumption of peace is definitely a conclusion. Its not the BEST conclusion, as the best would involve doing that AND

defeating Anankos to prevent his meddling and destructive influences from happening again

, but it is a conclusion of the key ideas of their respective routes nonetheless.

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Yes because this is totally capcom, IS is giving us 3 full games. Not some extra little side thing that isn't worth the money at all.

Your guys entitlement is hilarious. "Oh waaaah IS is doing more for us, they gotta BURN"

Calm down with your passive aggressiveness. While I agree that the Third Route is a pretty good deal, you can obviously see where other people are coming from. They expected their routes to have endings that would satisfactorily conclude the independent stories, but instead, the inclusion of the third route forced their endings to be less complete.

FE:if was marketed to have a good story-- they had the whole schmick with "WE GOT A FAMOUS WRITER GUYS." Yet, their marketing strategy limits the potential of its other stories. Can you really blame some people for being upset by that, especially if they don't have the money to spare for all three routes?

You said it yourself: bittersweet endings don't always have full resolutions. Which means you can have full resolutions; IS just didn't provide them.

Edited by Minischew
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I don't exactly understand how its not a "satisfactory conclusion" in the other routes…. your side wins the war. Peace returns to the land. It wraps up the central conflict of the route (Nohr vs. Hoshido) in one side's victory or the other, depending on which side you played as.

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Doesn't bother me at all, any more than it bothers me having multiple versions of Pokemon or a remake of a game I loved that has now added more content. Disgaea 2 PSP has made my original copy of Disgaea 2 completely obsolete with all its bonus content, but that doesn't mean I regret having bought and loved the hell out of the original.

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Calm down with your passive aggressiveness. While I agree that the Third Route is a pretty good deal, you can obviously see where other people are coming from. They expected their routes to have endings that would satisfactorily conclude the independent stories, but instead, the inclusion of the third route forced their endings to be less complete.

FE:if was marketed to have a good story-- they had the whole schmick with "WE GOT A FAMOUS WRITER GUYS." Yet, their marketing strategy limits the potential of its other stories. Can you really blame some people for being upset by that, especially if they don't have the money to spare for all three routes?

You said it yourself: bittersweet endings don't always have full resolutions. Which means you can have full resolutions; IS just didn't provide them.

What part of a

bittersweet ending limits the potential, plenty of complete works have bittersweet endings or end on an ambiguous note, if that is not your cup of tea fine, but don't expect me or others to see it as a cash-grab cause it isn't one anymore than making a video game or other media for profit is.

plus seeing where someone is coming from does not make them right, i can see where religious extremists come from, that does not make them right, i can see where Nazi Germany and Communist Russia came from, that did not make them right. Not everybody counters opposing viewpoints by considering the other side idiots. You can understand a viewpoint while still opposing it.

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What part of a

bittersweet ending limits the potential, plenty of complete works have bittersweet endings or end on an ambiguous note, if that is not your cup of tea fine, but don't expect me or others to see it as a cash-grab cause it isn't one anymore than making a video game or other media for profit is.

plus seeing where someone is coming from does not make them right, i can see where religious extremists come from, that does not make them right, i can see where Nazi Germany and Communist Russia came from, that did not make them right. Not everybody counters opposing viewpoints by considering the other side idiots. You can understand a viewpoint while still opposing it.

Um, this is a thread to discuss the 3rd route having substantially more content than the other routes. I don't know why this is turning into a discussion of argument theory and bizarre comparisons to Nazi Germany....

Edited by NekoKnight
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Calm down with your passive aggressiveness. While I agree that the Third Route is a pretty good deal, you can obviously see where other people are coming from. They expected their routes to have endings that would satisfactorily conclude the independent stories, but instead, the inclusion of the third route forced their endings to be less complete.

FE:if was marketed to have a good story-- they had the whole schmick with "WE GOT A FAMOUS WRITER GUYS." Yet, their marketing strategy limits the potential of its other stories. Can you really blame some people for being upset by that, especially if they don't have the money to spare for all three routes?

You said it yourself: bittersweet endings don't always have full resolutions. Which means you can have full resolutions; IS just didn't provide them.

Yet they still made 3 games for us to enjoy with different stories, maps, and various other things, no harm if someone can't buy it all. It's just we have 3 new games effectively, so I don't see why people are pointlessly bitching like this is Gamefaq's. You can get 1 game, 2 games or heck all 3 games for a price that is below buying 3 full games, I do not see any purpose in complaining in how much extra there is for us.

We have various perspectives on a conflict, this is why the game was subtitled as IF. Kamui is the lone X variable in this equation. It's cool to see 3 different results of ONE choice

And that makes them bad? Stories left for interpretation leave room for debate and speculation which leads to longevity

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While i would prefer it at least two of the routes being on one package/game cart, i dont see the problem in the third route? Its gonna be like 15 bucks. Its not that big of a deal. Besides, im pretty happy with the idea of spending money on a game im going to spend this much freaking time with. This game is gonna likely be the only game im going to be arsed with next year. Im really not even following any others (and dont care either) so...Three full campaigns in an FE plus any DLC like Awakening's is going to occupy me for a long time. If i wind up paying about 70 big ones for the three routes, it will be worth it. Might only be a total of $60 on the US market. Theres so much of this story to tell. Conquest is its own story. Birthright is its own story. Invisible Kingdom is its own story. A different story for a different choice.

Quite frankly, thats awesome.

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What part of a

bittersweet ending limits the potential, plenty of complete works have bittersweet endings or end on an ambiguous note, if that is not your cup of tea fine, but don't expect me or others to see it as a cash-grab cause it isn't one anymore than making a video game or other media for profit is.

plus seeing where someone is coming from does not make them right, i can see where religious extremists come from, that does not make them right, i can see where Nazi Germany and Communist Russia came from, that did not make them right. Not everybody counters opposing viewpoints by considering the other side idiots. You can understand a viewpoint while still opposing it.

...Okay, for a second, I didn't even want to reply to this comment, because I feel like I'm increasing my level of stupidity by seriously responding to someone who compares these mundane arguments to the conflicts of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. You have no right to call other people idiots with that moronic statement of yours, lmao.

First off, did you even read my spoiler?

My argument wasn't that bittersweet endings themselves limit potential; heck, I love bittersweet/ambiguous endings. The problem here was that it seemed like IS intentionally "saved" information for the Third Route. This decision is what impacted the potential of the endings, not the tone of the ending.

Also, I wasn't trying to force you (or the user) to accept another viewpoint. I was simply trying to tell the initial user to calm down a bit, because I felt their tone was too aggressive. The hostility felt unnecessary, especially when it seemed like the opposing side had a pretty good reason for believing what they said. It doesn't mean you have to agree with it; you just have to acknowledge it. "Agree to disagree," as the maxim says.

In fact, I even explicitly stated that I agreed that the Third Route seemed like a good option? I wasn't even opposing the user? Stop attacking me with baseless assumptions. Also, it's a common debate strategy to consider the opposite side before making your point. It shows that you considered multiple facets of the argument before making your point. That wasn't what I was even doing in the first place, but if you can't recognize the value in that method, that means you're too stubborn and unwilling to listen to anything but what you believe.

I don't plan on responding to any more responses from you, so don't bother typing up one. I'm not going to argue with someone who makes comparisons to goddamn war atrocities.

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