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Is this game worth getting a 3DS for?


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I'm a huge Fire Emblem fan (aren't we all), and I've played FE4-FE10 and loved all of them, having beaten each multiple times, and having done all of the various ranking challenges, etc. I've been thinking recently about getting a 3DS to play this game, but I've heard from various people (on this forum and off it) that Awakening has serious plot and gameplay issues, and that it might not be worth the price. What are your opinions on this?

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Getting a console for one game is the dumbest thing you can do. Now, if there are other games you're interested in then it's okay.

On the topic at hand, yeah sure get it. If you're interested in the game already ignore the detractors. Otherwise you're wasting your time asking a dumb question.

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For reference, I basically got the Wii for Radiant Dawn and thought it was worth it (Radiant Dawn was amazing, gameplay wise at least, and the story wasn't terrible except for the few plot holes). But I don't really know about the 3DS and Awakening in comparison...

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I would recommend seeing if there are other games that you might like other then FEA since IMO FEA is not worth buying a 3ds for just for that(And based on what I have seen, neither is Fates).

Edited by Azz01
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If you are just asking about Awakening its a fine game. Like you I had played 7-10 before playing Awakening and I enjoyed it throughly and still do. Biggest strength is its replayability and biggest weakness is its plot while not bad could certainly be better.

As for if it alone justifies the purpose of a 3DS depends on a few things.

1. How big of a FE fan are you? If its that important to you than the answer would probably be yes.

2. What games other than FE do you like? Do you like RPG's, fighters, adventure games? Well in that case the 3DS has those too and you can pick those games up as well.

It really depends what you are looking for and whats important for you. Personally I would recommend the 3DS to anyone regardless of Awakening because it has a strong library of games, well supported by Nintendo, and looks like it will keep going strong for awhile.

If you do plan on buying a "New" 3DS just keep in mind you'll have to buy the charger seperate.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Actually I've made bad experience with buying a new console for just one game.

Bought the FE 3DS edition blindly, when FE13 came out. I didn't know anything about this game. I thought it's FE, it MUST be good.

Unfortuantely this game was one of the biggest videogame disappointments for me.

Though I still found lots of great games for the 3DS, so it wasn't a bad investment at all.

In general I recommend to watch a LP first to get a better idea of this game, not to have a bad surprise...

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Oh god watching an LP first? Sure, that seems like a sound idea to make sure you'll enjoy the gameplay, but it's honestly way more fun to discover a game's story and gameplay while actually playing it yourself. If it's from a series you love, there is a risk but also a reward to not being cynical. I mean at least as long as you check the reviews first. Just my two cents.

But basically your question is: "Is Awakening worth 300 dollars?", and... honestly, the answer is no. Granted it's got insane replay value and I'm still enjoying that thing today after an entire year, so it'd probably keep you entertained for longer than, say, 300 dollars worth of comics or something. But if not a single other game in the entire library of 3DS games appeals to you? ...I'd second-guess getting it.

That said, I WOULD pay 300 dollars to have a fully translated copy of Fire Emblem Fates on my doorstep tomorrow. But that's because I've got a savings account and the effort to avoid spoilers is agonizing.

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I think it is worth buying a 3DS for Awakening and the upcoming titles. But yeah, I recommend looking at the 3DS game list for other games. I don't think buying a console just for one or three games is worth it, but if you think it is, go ahead.

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Pretty much as above.

Awakening's a pretty good game, but not worth a 3DS. That said, there are lots of amazing 3DS games that you would probably enjoy along with awakening.

And if you're planning to get Fates when it releases next year, that might make it pretty close to "worth it" already.

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No, not worth a 3DS. It's a good game, but not amazing. It just has some glaring flaws. Especially if you're an RD fan like you say. The story is nowhere near as good as RD's and it takes away a lot of gameplay elements that RD has, like ledge climbing mechanics, light magic, unique objectives, etc. The lords are boring as hell too (though the rest of the cast is good except for a couple bleh people, imo).

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It's not worth buying a 3DS just for FE13. No game is worth that much. Even if FE13 is a fantastic game in its own right (and I thought it was far more polished than most games in the series and the cast of characters was generally great).

However, the 3DS has an incredibly packed library so even if you buy it initially for FE13, there are tons of other games to play in it for almost every taste in gaming. I swear, sometimes I feel people don't give the 3DS enough credit, as it has probably the best library out of every current gaming system.

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Buy 3DS just for Awakening? No. No game on the 3DS (or any other console for that matter) would justify that.

But as others have mentioned before, the 3DS library is packed with good games, depending on your interests. The Zelda games, Bravely Default, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D are just some of the games that can be worth owning and playing. Really, just look up some of the games and see if the 3DS is worth investing in.

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Assuming that you've never played FE: Shadow Dragon for the DS, it would be worth considering a 3DS for besides Awakening (assuming if you can somehow get a copy of one...).

But for the most part, I concur with the fact that its not worth getting it all for one game imo.

Edited by Formerly Colm
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hell, let me give you a comparison. I love kingdom hearts. I LOVED KH1. But that never EVER made me think it is worth buying a playstation 2 or 3 for just the two KH games.

If you like some other nintendo franchises its good. But not FE 13 alone. There are aost no gmaes that are worth buying a colsole just for that game.

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The 3DS has an excellent library of games, I could list at least 15 off the top of my head easily.

Awakening is what made me jump onto the system along with Kid Icarus though.

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I got a 3DS for Dream Drop Distance (because there was literally nothing else at that time) and for Awakening when it came out. It's an interesting experience and I don't regret getting the console for DDD + Awakening at all.

That being said, I think it's a good game, but it's not good at being a Fire Emblem. Pair Up gives Awakening more of a battle-of-stats feeling, kind like traditional JRPGs or things like Pokemon, rather than a focus on strategical elements. There are some elements that are similar, such as classes, terrain, setting, etc., but you have to keep in mind that mechanically, it plays very differently than even its immediate predecessors because of Pair Up. (And you will have to use Pair Up in the higher difficulties, so learn to love it)

The story is not great but it's serviceable. IntSys has had difficulty trying to integrate Avatars well in the plot, and the child system is always awkward storywise in games other than Genealogy. The supports are in worse shape imo, since the method of their writing was basically taking a quirk from one character and pairing it with a quirk from another, so don't expect much quality when you're pairing characters off for marriage.

The biggest issue that I have, moreso than the story or characters is actually the maps. Awakening has no variety in map goals - all are either rout or kill commander so if you kill everything you're good. Many of the maps depicting climatic battles are wide open fields with nothing going on, though there are some legitimately good maps scattered throughout. Chapter 5 is legit a very good map and probably my favorite one in the entire game, so if you pick Awakening up you'll play a good map early.

It would be worth picking up some DLC, to extend the longevity of the game. Future Past is a must because it's legitimately written well, and has different dialogue depending on who each character marries. Apotheosis is good, since it's a map where you have to play very differently than how you played the game, but unless you really know what you're doing you need other DLC to do well in Apo. There are also a few challenge maps that are fun too.

Edited by HeoandReo
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I think Awakening is the best game on the 3DS. It's still a bit of a stretch to buy a console for 1 game though. When you combine it with the other awesome exclusives like ALBW and Mario 3D Land, it's definitely worth it!

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Yeah it's worth the price, but why would you only have one game.

There are numerous other solid titles for the 3DS. Monster Hunter, Smash Bros, Xenoblade Chronicles, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion, Mario & Luigi, the list can go on. I don't see the appeal in only getting one game for a console.

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I originally only bought the 3ds for Awakening. And then I bought other 3ds games that were worth my time (smash, SMT, pokemon). It's not really worth it for one game, so I got interested in other possibilities + recommendations.

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I took a plunge and went ahead and bought a 3DS just for Pokemon X... (which all of you know, has no real storytelling or challenging gameplay).

It's pretty relative. The $200+ justified being able to have something to satiate my other interests and share with friends (I mean ppl spend money on various exorbitant things that others would deem completely worthless). If you're really critical about storytelling and classical FE gameplay, FE:Awk is probably going to come up short. But if you can find other equally powerful driving factors in the game, they might just be enough.

FE:Awk's storytelling (esp event transitions), seriousness and gameplay (yes, this is not as well-structured as a whole: pair-up walls/rollers, maps and enemy variation/formations) is lacking compared to most classical FE games, but I found the characters more relatable and fun to engage (not a pun) & mess with. FE:Awk's art, music, design, presentation, humor and what the game meant to the series as a whole are what I valued in the game. Dispite its flaws, it's my favorite FE game. It was definitely a different FE experience.

Also, the 3DS has a great range of games to enjoy as almost everyone mentioned, sooooo...................

Edited by rainbowResonance
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Like another member said getting a console for just a single game is a bad investment. Do some research and find some other games that you would like for the 3DS.

Some of my recommendations are Kid icarus uprising, Pokemon, Kirby, Mario, Zelda, and of course Fire Emblem: Awakening. There are many many games that make owning a 3DS worth it you just got to find what you like. There is also a new Fire Emblem game coming out next year for the 3DS as well so another good reason to get one.

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People hate on this game just as much as people hate on any other game. Awakening is brilliant, the "problems" people whine about are just exaggerated nitpicks. I've put many hundreds of hours into the game, many people have put thousands. This game is totally worth getting a 3ds for!

And think of it this way, once you're done with Awakening, you'll have Fates to play.

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Much like it's exaggeration to "bash" Awakening based on its problems, it's a stretch to say that they are mere nitpicks. They're pretty notable wrt like, characterization, map design and story. It's a fun game nonetheless.

"Worth a 3DS" depends on the player. If you're interested in playing more games on it, go for it. If not, it isn't worth it. Basically what most of the others said.

Edited by Gradivus.
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