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Fixing Fates story issues (spoilers)


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The understanding of the plot won't be perfect and you are right to say some people are only going off of second hand information, I don't disagree with this. But when so many people (including multiple people actually translating the chapter dialogue and supports) come to the same conclusions about the writing, it's safer to assume they are correct about most things. We've discussed many of the failings of the writing and I've yet to see a single person try to debunk the most damning problems (such as those listed by Alazen).

I don't like "wait until the localization is released before passing judgement" arguments because 1. it expects us to not voice any opinions of significance for months on end until a version of the original source material comes out and 2. it tries to diffuse criticism with theoretical information no one knows about. "Maybe there will be reveals in the future that completely change people's appreciation of the plot so you can't say bad things about it yet".

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I'm pretty sure people are still giving FE10 shit for it's narrative and plot contrivances, and most of what I remember to be complaints about FE8's story were all centric around Eirika being an idiot rather than the plot itself not holding up. There was that single flashback scene which begs the question of why neither twin remembers Lyon talking about messing about with the Demon Stone, but that's really all I can remember for complaints, rather than consistent failings of the narrative, of which 7, 10, 12 (retcons/additions) and 13 tend to get particularly criticised on.

EDIT: FWIW, I don't really care about trying to prejudge the game's entire story based on tidbits of information from here and there, and don't think it's reasonable to do so until the game has a complete translation. But I also don't think it's neccessarily a negative to discuss based on that information, because it's compelling to do so. I think one needs to actually experience the game's presentation of that narrative to really make a fair judgement; one of the reasons I don't tend to get that frustrated about some aspects of Awakening as others do is because I don't really think the game was ever really trying to do a serious or introspective story, it's a simpler and more melodramatic approach.

I’d characterize those are pretty recent “consensus” opinions. People will (and did) complain about the most trivial stuff as well. Additionally, 7, 10, 12 definitely don’t get as much attention as 13, who apparently started the downfall of FE storytelling (by some reports). I agree with most of what you said, however.

fwiw I don’t really care to get into arguments where I think the rational response is “well that’s like your opinion, man.” I already regret posting itt. I’ll just say that I find a lot of nitpicking people do to be analogous to HPMOR. Fair enough if one lets that ruin one's view of Harry Potter.

Also I literally see Thane and Alazen post in every single one of these topics so I’m not sure how much “consensus” of FE14 story is being driven by 2 posters (not sure if they’re native speakers, apologies). and Amazon/2chan reviews.

edit: can't mobile

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For all its issues, RD is a step above Awakening and Fates just due to Micaiah and Part 2. I maintain that Elincia is the best written of all the women who are leads in the Western released FEs.

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3. Kamui is on the same level as Robin, if not worse, when it comes to being worshiped by the narrative. Just look at Takumi repeatedly being painted as damn wrong for his attitude towards Kamui to point of his body turning into a hate monster.

While he's not completely wrong his attitude before Mikotos death towards Aqua makes it clear that he's just lashing out because of his own insecurities. Plus he falls into the Infinite Chasm after the choice so he got possessed because of his personal issues. The only time he doesn't fall down there is on IK, which is why Gunther gets hijacked instead.

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Unless I'm just not visiting the right forums, I rarely hear any praise for Radiant Dawn's story overall even nowadays. The best I'll get about it is just some pieces of it like Part 2 and some of the characters' development (especially the aforementioned Elincia).

But I think the outrage comes from the fact that the story was so emphasized in the marketing (and Fates had much more marketing than any other title). There was a lot of bragging about having a celebrity writer on board...without mentioning that he only wrote the general scenario. :P Do you remember all the hype pre-release? Lots of talk about this being "A Song of Ice and Fire Emblem" and other such hyperbole. I think we're feeling the boomerang of that excitement, but now it's been changed to disappointment.

There is some truth to that. IS made a big deal about how the story would be a big feature of the game, hell, they spent the majority of the Iwata Asks on the subject and how they were working on improving it. So of course when the story comes out and it turns out that it's a huge mess, it's going to draw a lot more criticisms since it was what they pushed fans to focus on.

Having said that, I don't think that the heightened expectations completely accounts for the criticisms we're getting now. As mentioned before, Radiant Dawn still gets ire nowadays for its poor story and it wasn't pushed to nearly the same extent as Fates had been before its release. So I think regardless of IS hyping up the story, we would still be getting the outrage that we're seeing now.

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While he's not completely wrong his attitude before Mikotos death towards Aqua makes it clear that he's just lashing out because of his own insecurities. Plus he falls into the Infinite Chasm after the choice so he got possessed because of his personal issues. The only time he doesn't fall down there is on IK, which is why Gunther gets hijacked instead.

Takumi insists on taking the blame and admits he dropped by ball for how he acted towards Kamui. He's still being painted as damn wrong for his attitude towards Kamui.

Seriously, not even Shinon went that far.

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While he's not completely wrong his attitude before Mikotos death towards Aqua makes it clear that he's just lashing out because of his own insecurities. Plus he falls into the Infinite Chasm after the choice so he got possessed because of his personal issues. The only time he doesn't fall down there is on IK, which is why Gunther gets hijacked instead.

He has good reason to distrust Kamui before and especially after Mikoto's death but the story still gives him a hard time over it. His dislike of Aqua was unwarranted, however.

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And I never refuted that cause I keep saying he is right to distrust Kamui to a certain degree. What the problem is that he acts distrustful towards Aqua despite having been raised with her even before Mikotos death and includes her in his distrust of Kamui after it happens. That's clearly him letting his personal issues cloud his judgement.

@NekoKnight: He doesn't even dislike her. He's just having problems with accepting Kamui because he already has issues in the family as it is cause he's the only one not obsessed with meeting a kid he never knew. He's lashing out at anything Nohrians as a result.

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There's a translation patch for the game out now you know. Shit, there's a playthrough of it on youtube. Now some things will inevitably get changed in localization so it's still a bit early to judge but it's not like the critique it's getting is completely without merit.

I remember Radiant Dawn getting shit on pretty hard even when it came out and it still gets shit on today. If any plot was only judged negatively after localization, it was Awakening and even then it took time for it to really become commonplace. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Nohr route (the worst written one) turned out to actually be better written than Awakening but IS made a big hullaballo about hiring Kibayashi, about the grey morality people were looking for, about the complexity of the plot and characterization, and about how the routes were self-contained. In other words, they really seemed to try hard with the story, so for it to fall below expectations is much more disappointing than with Awakening, where nobody really expected something great to begin with. Nobody would really care about the story that much if IS didn't make such a big deal about it.

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Takumi's dislike of Aqua shows that he isn't perfect, that even if he's right to distrust Kamui he's not rational about other things. He does overcome his distrust of her in Hoshido and Invisible, isn't that what we call character growth -- to admit he was wrong?

Yes, his hatred of Aqua earlier in the story is unwarranted because she's given him no reason for distrust. But doesn't that make him more human? It doesn't invalidate the things he is right about, either, because no one's perfect. And he was right about Kamui in Nohr path. It's honestly ;/ that the plot tries to make it out as if his legitimate distrust of Kamui is the reason the plot happened.

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Well it kinda did make it easy for Hydra to possess him.

I can see Hydra going all "The Hate is strong in this one".

That might be true, but it doesn't make his dislike and distrust any less justified in Nohr. Honestly, the whole "Hydra possessing Takumi because his hatred was strong" thing makes it sound like an ass-pull to make the one character who didn't like Kamui (for legit reasons on this one path) become the bad guy.

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And I never refuted that cause I keep saying he is right to distrust Kamui to a certain degree. What the problem is that he acts distrustful towards Aqua despite having been raised with her even before Mikotos death and includes her in his distrust of Kamui after it happens. That's clearly him letting his personal issues cloud his judgement.

@NekoKnight: He doesn't even dislike her. He's just having problems with accepting Kamui because he already has issues in the family as it is cause he's the only one not obsessed with meeting a kid he never knew. He's lashing out at anything Nohrians as a result.

Takumi's dislike of Aqua shows that he isn't perfect, that even if he's right to distrust Kamui he's not rational about other things. He does overcome his distrust of her in Hoshido and Invisible, isn't that what we call character growth -- to admit he was wrong?

Yes, his hatred of Aqua earlier in the story is unwarranted because she's given him no reason for distrust. But doesn't that make him more human? It doesn't invalidate the things he is right about, either, because no one's perfect. And he was right about Kamui in Nohr path. It's honestly ;/ that the plot tries to make it out as if his legitimate distrust of Kamui is the reason the plot happened.

Yes, Takumi isn't without flaws but that's probably why he's regarded as one of the best written siblings.

Alazen's original point was that people who dislike Kamui, for legitimate reasons or not, are maligned. I find it ironic that people saw the trailer of Takumi calling Kamui a traitor and said "fuck this guy, I was never loyal to Hoshido" but when you actually play the game and siding with Nohr means pissing on Mikoto's sacrifice, he has a pretty good point!

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Actually it seems Hydra subtly influences on his anger and the like until he can outright posses than just making Takumi hate them with every fiber of his being. That's why he doesn't outright take control of Takumi until chapter 23.

Still, it feels like a cheap way to make him say in the end that his distrust was wrong when it wasn't. If they really wanted to go that route, there were different ways to do so. Such as, while Takumi is right to be angry it is not healthy to let yourself be consumed by the anger to that point. So he's not apologizing to or forgiving Kamui because he's wrong, but because it's a heavy burden on his soul.

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I’d characterize those are pretty recent “consensus” opinions. People will (and did) complain about the most trivial stuff as well. Additionally, 7, 10, 12 definitely don’t get as much attention as 13, who apparently started the downfall of FE storytelling (by some reports). I agree with most of what you said, however.

Eh, I'll admit that the nostalgia goggles are in full effect for FE7 and 10 for some people, but 12 mostly doesn't get criticised loudly because not many people actually played it. Besides, you most definitely have people getting into arguments about FE10's plot even today, so I'd disagree with it's status as an epic being a consensus opinion. In Awakening's case, as you're likely fully aware of already, a lot of its criticisms stem from hype backlash, and there's a tendancy to hold aspects of it's story to cherry picked higher standards for other games in the series when it really isn't even trying to be the same kind of story in the first place. I think a lot of those criticisms don't try to address the actual failings of what the intent or purpose was behind individual scenes. I don't hate upbeat, simple hero stories, and I don't think they're inherantly bad things, but I do think that Awakening didn't pull it off that well.

Because someone's probably going to call or silently think me a hypocrite for saying this, there's a difference between this and *you-know-what*, in that *you-know-what* as a feature is a primarily detractive feature, and doesn't have any positives outside of selective individual indulgence. Even a simple story can have narrative cohesion, and I think it is pretty safe to say that FE games aren't exactly parodical or meta in nature, they're trying to present a story with characters within a universe that is meant to be taken at face value. Individual characters all universally submitting to ridiculous whims of the player and generally worshipping the self-insert seriously undermines this, regardless of what type of story you are trying to tell. I don't think it's wrong for a game to not care about it's cohesiveness, but I do think its a prime example of botched storytelling for a game to generally try to take it's main plot and characters seriously whilst simulteanously being willing to present them as submissive dolls tailor made for the player's preferences. Pick one and stick with it.

fwiw I don’t really care to get into arguments where I think the rational response is “well that’s like your opinion, man.” I already regret posting itt. I’ll just say that I find a lot of nitpicking people do to be analogous to HPMOR. Fair enough if one lets that ruin one's view of Harry Potter.

Well, I think "opinion" arguments often come down to if one likes something or not. But if people can clearly point towards some standard that a thing is failing to achieve because of an error, then that's not really quite the same thing (I haven't thoroughly read this thread but that's the impression I get anyway). Your HPMOR example holds up a franchise to standards that can't be reasonably applied to it, wheras in the case of this game, the pre-release information and general synopsis of the story give much more substantial weight to any criticism centred around it's presentation of two separate sides.

Honestly I don't really read this thread much, I posted because you posted in it and I think you generally make well-informed and thoughtful posts.

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I came back into this topic for you Irysa

[spoiler=reply to Irysa]

I agree with most of what you said (again). I’m pretty sure fans would tear the plot apart even if it wasn’t “hyped” originally, though.

My general issues with the expectations and standards of FE storytelling are twofold. First, I remain unconvinced that FE narratives were ever that good. I’m hardly a literature snob, as I like pretty “casual/arguably popcorny” mainstream fantasy like asoiaf, wot, cosmere stuff, Kingkiller, etc, as well as nerdy niche stuff like Worm, Malazan. I still basically have no reaction to FE stuff (except for future past b/c of reasons), it’s just kinda there like Pokemon’s plot. Or Final Fantasy, for a series more driven by story/characters, but often completely fails under rational analysis (and I like FF).

Secondly, I think a majority of claims regarding the nature of FE13’s, and perhaps FE14’s, story/characters do not apply the same scrutiny to previous entries in the series. I don’t particularly care to argue this point (perhaps it’s just some confirmation bias of some people consistently upholding FE7/10, plus ignoring all the terrible support conversations in past games) but I brought up hpmor because I think it’s trivially easy to "rationalize" the existence of plot holes and character development issues if one seriously cares to (I don’t). I really had to resist in the various topics about player worship and so on to not just post #blameFE12.

This is similar to how I’m okay when FE5 fans lament the direction of FE gameplay but I can’t take people very seriously when they talk about how strategic other past games were like the tellius ones (literally FE9. And FE10 which hands you Haar/royals and says rout millions of bumrushing enemies) and FE4 (egregious stat-inflation emblem with +20 weapons and waste-turns-moving residentsleeperemblem).

A lot of communities tend to complain about how the newer games are more casual or have lost of the soul of the series (Smash, Persona, Zelda are easy examples), but I feel FE fanbase is particularly eh about being self-consistent with the criticism. Brings out my inner elitist, I suppose, but I really just <_<.

That tangent aside, I don’t actually mind these kind of topics, the discussion is good for those interested, and I fully understand if others don’t share my opinion. I only entered the topic because I saw arvilino posted. >_>

(I’m not sure the above rant post is to the well-informed and thoughtful standard you expect of me)

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I’m pretty sure fans would tear the plot apart even if it wasn’t “hyped” originally, though.

Probably, but since there exists a reasonable justification, it's at least appropriate now no?

My general issues with the expectations and standards of FE storytelling are twofold. First, I remain unconvinced that FE narratives were ever that good. I’m hardly a literature snob, as I like pretty “casual/arguably popcorny” mainstream fantasy like asoiaf, wot, cosmere stuff, Kingkiller, etc, as well as nerdy niche stuff like Worm, Malazan. I still basically have no reaction to FE stuff (except for future past b/c of reasons), it’s just kinda there like Pokemon’s plot. Or Final Fantasy, for a series more driven by story/characters, but often completely fails under rational analysis (and I like FF).

Well, I think part of the problem is perhaps the way people present and discuss the past narratives elevates them excessively. Whilst I'd agree that, if we're talking objectively, FE narrative on the whole aren't exactly exceptional (this is a problem with games as a whole actually), it is not entirely unfounded to make claims about the poignance of themes in the older games and how the presentation or tone was handled. I like FE9's narrative, but I wouldn't personally compare it to anything you listed, and honestly I probably wouldn't even put it in a list of "games with great stories" if I had to make one. A lot of what makes me like it's narrative is the topics it goes over and the respect it pays to them even if it isn't presented in a particulary profound way, nor written in good prose. In terms of moment to moment, it serves its purpose and drives the plot forward, but when thinking about it as a whole, I think of its larger messages, of the individual character interactions, and find value in examining it closer, looking past the stiffness. A lot of the reason FE9 is my favourite is because I've spent time thinking about the subject of which FE is my favourite, rather than just going off the "this was so much fun at the time!" or "this has such an amazing story!". It's like a developed appreciation. I think it has some really nice worldbuilding in particular, and is very much a character driven game from the start, rather than an event driven one, which is a treat in JRPGs.

I find that simply does not happen in something as simple as Pokemon. For Final Fantasy it varies, but for most of the games in the franchise I find they don't really hold up well under any sort of scrutiny, and tend to have mishmashed, unclear themes. I admire FF4's attempts to reach dramatic heights, even if I was never really caught by them, and I enjoyed thinking about FF9's characters in greater focus, but aside from that, I never really got the same kind of rewarding fufillment out of more thorough contemplation on that series.

I think there are varying "levels" of how to categorise game narratives, and without getting too specific, I do feel that some of the older FE games aren't really quite on the same "exists for the sake of existing" tier as you seem to be put them at. Pokemon is at that level. I think something like FF tends to only go a bit above that, then a game like FE9 goes a bit higher, where it's possible to further appreciate it upon examination, perhaps similar to how I've come to appreciate the story in Demon's Souls or Dark Souls (which again is not exceptional or anything, but it feels rewarding and fufilling to examine...I think Archanea FE fits here too). At the top you have (imo) the few lone greats that actually have a lot of thought and care put into their stories, like Legacy of Kain, Silent Hill 2, Planescape Torment, etc. I think that the view that there's a regression going on in FE narrative is not unfounded. It is perhaps exaggerated as to how severe it is, but it is definitely harder to draw more of a purpose from it now, and the stories are more event driven than before.

Secondly, I think a majority of claims regarding the nature of FE13’s, and perhaps FE14’s, story/characters do not apply the same scrutiny to previous entries in the series. I don’t particularly care to argue this point (perhaps it’s just some confirmation bias of some people consistently upholding FE7/10, plus ignoring all the terrible support conversations in past games) but I brought up hpmor because I think it’s trivially easy to "rationalize" the existence of plot holes and character development issues if one seriously cares to (I don’t). I really had to resist in the various topics about player worship and so on to not just post #blameFE12.

Absoloutely agreed. I think part of that is because people are not feeling or finding the same things that they may have used to find interesting or compelling though, and then further examinations to try to find it are futile or result in excess scrutiny.

This is similar to how I’m okay when FE5 fans lament the direction of FE gameplay but I can’t take people very seriously when they talk about how strategic other past games were like the tellius ones (literally FE9. And FE10 which hands you Haar/royals and says rout millions of bumrushing enemies) and FE4 (egregious stat-inflation emblem with +20 weapons and waste-turns-moving residentsleeperemblem).

I don't think I can really make some kind of apologist excuse for people doing this, since most of them are just plain wrong. Yeah...

A lot of communities tend to complain about how the newer games are more casual or have lost of the soul of the series (Smash, Persona, Zelda are easy examples), but I feel FE fanbase is particularly eh about being self-consistent with the criticism. Brings out my inner elitist, I suppose, but I really just <_<.

This is broadly true but I do think there's at least a small amount of truth to said criticisms. Although coming from me, that likely means little since I have a hard time not treating today's gaming industry with scorn. Again I haven't really read the threads about this, but I most certainly empathise; when Saladus and DelphiSage used to be shitposting all over the place I got somewhat tired of it too, and despite not really liking Awakening's narrative much I ended up feeling compelled to correct them.

(I’m not sure the above rant post is to the well-informed and thoughtful standard you expect of me)

Oh but of course!

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I just realized another big contributor to the backlash to the plot and it's the strong presence of DLC and paywalls. Like, it's one thing to have a plot that's not very good but some of the story elements like the IK and Hydra are barely touched upon on the other routes, so if you want to fully comprehend the plot, you have to shell out extra money, which I personally find obnoxious. It's not as bad as in other modern video games but I wish it weren't done at all.

I agree to an extent that people tend to overromanticize older FE plots when comparing them to Awakening, but then again most people would agree that FE is not a particularly well written series to begin with. Like, Awakening is bad but honestly, FE4 is not much better, and FE7 is pretty bad too. FE10 was really inconsistent and I have some of the same gripes with it that I have about Fates. That's not to say FE always has bad writing, because FE8, FE5, and FE9 are pretty decently and tightly written all things considered.

I think people honestly set themselves up for disappointment. I myself was expecting something decent, like a lesser Tactics Ogre or something, but I remember pre-release people seemed to think it would be ASOFAI, only Fire Emblem. Getting burned by that is going to make people really pissy about the story, but honestly, this is why it's best to always remain skeptical of anything that comes out of anyone's mouth in this industry.

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I just find it hard to believe that the game's story is worse than AWAKENINGS (aka the game where the terrible ruler Emmeryn is viewed as a martyr by everyone and the main villains are a discount Disney villain and an evul dragon who wants to destroy the world because lol wynaut).

I'm still adamant that the story's problems are being exaggerated terribly. Not like that's anything new for this fandom.

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I just find it hard to believe that the game's story is worse than AWAKENINGS (aka the game where the terrible ruler Emmeryn is viewed as a martyr by everyone and the main villains are a discount Disney villain and an evul dragon who wants to destroy the world because lol wynaut).

I'm still adamant that the story's problems are being exaggerated terribly. Not like that's anything new for this fandom.

I presume you have not read anything about Nohr's story.I have little to no gripes with Hoshido's and IK's is meh, but I still like it over FEA's but Nohr's is a massive cluster fuck that makes no sense and contradicts it self and how it was advertised.

Nohr's story was advertised as being more complex then Hoshido's and FEA's.It involved revolutionizing Nhor from within, trying to take out it's corrupt government obviously being Garon.This sounds quite good especially for an FE game since FE is not known for it's amazing stories.However it was executed horribly.

1.There is literally no revolutionizing at all until the end of the story, after you have killed two of your Hoshidan siblings and helped Garon conquer Hoshido.

2.Several times in the story, Kamui regrets fighting with Nohr and wishes he sided with Hoshido.

3.Kamui is normally naive, but Nohr's story takes it to a whole new level where Kamui literally does everything he is told while Ganz and Macbeth scheme even though everyone knows that they are bad and that they are needed to be taken out.

4.When Kamui and Aqua realize who Garon actually is thanks to convenient Crystal Ball, it then conveniently shatters so they have no proof to persuade their siblings to fight Garon.

5.After this, Aqua has the great idea to get Garon to sit on Hoshido's throne, which brings forth a person's true form.It sounds good at first however, as already mentioned, it cost the lives of two of your siblings and you invaded Hoshido, the exact opposite of what you wanted but yet Kamui just blindly follows.

6.After all these events, Ryouma and Takumi dying, the destruction of Hoshido(Though destruction is a harsh word since Hoshido was not destroyed, but I don't know what other word could fit), Kamui's betrayel after the death of your mother, for some strange ass reason, Hinoka and Sakura forgive you for no reason other then 'Oh we are siblings.No point in fighting since we don't want to lose more friends.'

Rant over.

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Something that should be noted (And correct me on this if i am wrong) is that while yes, the Nohr story really is terrible, only Siliconera said it would involve revolutionizing the kingdom, most other sources said it would involve uniting Nohr, not revolutionizing it.

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Something that should be noted (And correct me on this if i am wrong) is that while yes, the Nohr story really is terrible, only Siliconera said it would involve revolutionizing the kingdom, most other sources said it would involve uniting Nohr, not revolutionizing it.

The official Nintendo site says the following:

'The Nohr path will force you to revolutionize an unruly kingdom from the inside – this path offers a slightly more complex story and will be more challenging. '


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The official Nintendo site says the following:

'The Nohr path will force you to revolutionize an unruly kingdom from the inside – this path offers a slightly more complex story and will be more challenging. '


Sorry, my bad then.

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The official Nintendo site says the following:

'The Nohr path will force you to revolutionize an unruly kingdom from the inside – this path offers a slightly more complex story and will be more challenging. '


To be fair, only Nintendo of America advertised this whole "revolutionize a kingdom from the inside" thing, Nintendo of Japan never said anything of the sort, I don't think Nintendo of Japan even said that the story was more complex.

So this is case of a translation mistake.

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