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This. Also, please stay safe, everyone!

Yeesh, I fail at words, sorry!

"Minority" in this case goes well beyond race. If you're in one of those categories that's generally sneered at by Trump's supporters, you've got my condolences!

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Trump is showing uncharacteristic humility in his acceptance speech. He's not my first choice, but I'll give him a chance and see how next year goes. I'm just glad it's finally over.

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I never had a high opinion of Hilary or even an opinion of her to begin with but I kind of pity her. She is a failure in three big ways.

Most obviously she is a presidential failure. She tried twice, she lost twice.

Secondly she failed against Donald Trump, largely through scandals she is to blame for so she is also an inept failure.

And lastly she is going to be a historic failure. She is going to be the woman who failed to stop Donald Trump. Considering its very likely that history is going to have a poor view of President Trump this tarnishes her name in the history books.

How someone from a well established political family who has so much experience in the field can fuck up so badly that people look at someone with no experience whatsoever as the preferred alternative is baffling.

Edited by UNLEASH IT
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I wouldn't blame Hilary Clinton solely for this. Clearly, America is not as great as we thought it was, nor is it the bastion of decency or this would've never allowed this to happen in the first place.

We should've just stayed with Britain and gained independence alongside Canada.

I haven't watched this show yet but I absolutely adore this video.

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I wouldn't blame Hilary Clinton solely for this. Clearly, America is not as great as we thought it was, nor is it the bastion of decency or this would've never allowed this to happen in the first place.

We should've just stayed with Britain and gained independence alongside Canada.

I'm of the opinion that America has never been great. And neither has my country.

When America voted twice for Bush in the past, I didn't really have any expectations.

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I haven't watched this show yet but I absolutely adore this video.

The real punchline is that America was never great, and it sure as hell won't be now.

Could Clinton have done more to rally more votes? Maybe. But right now, I'm more inclined to think that a majority of the U.S. population is just too racist or idiotic for anything to have changed it.

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I really hope the lesson of this election will be to change the entire election system of the US in the future.

Like it or not, the Electoral College was specifically set up to avoid mob rule, majority rule. The founders did not want a "tyranny of the majority".

That's also why we have the system of checks and balances.

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I love that video except for the assumption that the US was ever great (and to clarify, I don't think any one country has ever been great.)

When was America ever great?

Tonight aside, I think there's always a tendency to view history through rose-tinted spectacles and overall, society is moving forward - there's just a lot of pushback along the way.

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The real punchline is that America was never great, and it sure as hell won't be now.

Could Clinton have done more to rally more votes? Maybe. But right now, I'm more inclined to think that a majority of the U.S. population is just too racist or idiotic for anything to have changed it.

Yeah, I'm not sure which period he's really even referring to at the end. Almost got the feeling they had to throw it in there so as not to be slated too much by patriots.

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just to let you all know

these "we're all doomed" happens every friggin election on the loosing side

also Hillary just conceded

yes, but just so you know, trump has the senate, house, and scotus. obama had this briefly in 2009-2011, which is when he was actually able to do stuff. other than that he's stuck pretty much to executive orders.

objectively speaking republicans are a much stronger party (dems lack spines, as seen by their corruption and overall ability throughout recent history). any hope for progressives having a good time is lost. trump, as of today, has no detailed plans for anything. his promises are impossible, and his foreign policy is disastrous. he is also not trusted globally.

in fact, glenn fucking beck thinks trump is dangerous. so yeah, maybe the losing side does always say it. but you know what? sometimes we're right.

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The real punchline is that America was never great, and it sure as hell won't be now.

Could Clinton have done more to rally more votes? Maybe. But right now, I'm more inclined to think that a majority of the U.S. population is just too racist or idiotic for anything to have changed it.

The thing is, even if you are right, kneejerk statements like these only serve to alienate people voting for him even more, and they will lash out again as an act of spite.

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yes, but just so you know, trump has the senate, house, and scotus. obama had this briefly in 2009-2011, which is when he was actually able to do stuff. other than that he's stuck pretty much to executive orders.

objectively speaking republicans are a much stronger party (dems lack spines, as seen by their corruption and overall ability throughout recent history). any hope for progressives having a good time is lost. trump, as of today, has no detailed plans for anything. his promises are impossible, and his foreign policy is disastrous. he is also not trusted globally.

in fact, glenn fucking beck thinks trump is dangerous. so yeah, maybe the losing side does always say it. but you know what? sometimes we're right.

Realistically, things were fucked when the DNC colluded to have Hillary when. As soon as that came to light, what should've been an easy campaign had a good chance of ending poorly.

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Like it or not, the Electoral College was specifically set up to avoid mob rule, majority rule. The founders did not want a "tyranny of the majority".

That's also why we have the system of checks and balances.

what the fuck!?

This have nothing to do with democracy and equality.

Another reason why the US isn't great.

Also it would interest me, if Hillary got more votes in total than Trump.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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The thing is, even if you are right, kneejerk statements like these only serve to alienate people voting for him even more, and they will lash out again as an act of spite.

You know what, if people want to act hateful and spiteful and basically be disgusting, then they don't get to be offended when people call them out on it! Sometimes, disgusting behavior needs to be called out otherwise people will get the impression it's okay and just let it slide! And we can DEFINITELY slide SO much further.

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How someone from a well established political family who has so much experience in the field can fuck up so badly that people look at someone with no experience whatsoever as the preferred alternative is baffling.

Hubris. If she had at any point in time opted to apologize for her actions, perceived or otherwise, or even attempted to reconcile with the Berners, she wouldn't be in this position today.

Re: Greatness: I don't think a nation-state in itself has and can be great beyond a scale sense. They're all a mix of good and bad, like it or not. I'm including Canada in that, because even though we don't talk about it, we do have our own innumerable skeletons in the closet, so to speak.

With regards to tonight's result, internationally this continues a perhaps worrying trend towards nationalism, what with Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, and now Trump in power. I hope this will be a wake-up call to the left that identity politics alone do not make or break an election campaign.

In any case, that's enough from me tonight. I'd like to echo eclipse and Res's comments by saying my condolences to the minorities tonight, and to stay safe everyone.

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This speech though...

"The forgotten men and women will not be forgotten any longer"

"Now is the time for America to bind the wounds of division and come together"

"I will be a President for all Americans"

I guess now time will tell both a) if he'll act on it and b) what that will look like.

Rhetorically though, I'm loving his speech.

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A country where multiple millions of people have no health insurance can't be a great country.

Yup, I could talk about the U.S. healthcare for days. Bottom line: it's awful and now it's likely to get worse. I really, really hope the U.K. regains its grip on the NHS because people wouldn't like the alternative if they had to sample it.

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The thing is, even if you are right, kneejerk statements like these only serve to alienate people voting for him even more, and they will lash out again as an act of spite.

In most cases, I'd agree with you but:




Edited by The Blind Idiot God
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Also it would interest me, if Hillary got more votes in total than Trump.

As of this post, the Guardian is showing Trump 48.0% with 57.3M votes, and Clinton at 47.2% with 56.4M votes

Fox is listing them at around the same (vote count started updating immediately afterwards).

Edited by tuvarkz
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