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For those paying attention to Georgia: expect this to be a re-run of election night. Expect a GOP advantage in the votes reported first because more Republicans vote on election day (and these votes are counted before early voting and absentee) and conservative counties are likely to report results faster. We're not likely getting a clear winner tonight, either.

Also expect the usual suspects to cry foul again if Dems manage to pull off a win after coming back from behind. Again.

EDIT: okay i might have to take that back, this is going much faster than it did on election night

Edited by Crysta
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1 hour ago, Crysta said:

For those paying attention to Georgia: expect this to be a re-run of election night. Expect a GOP advantage in the votes reported first because more Republicans vote on election day (and these votes are counted before early voting and absentee) and conservative counties are likely to report results faster. We're not likely getting a clear winner tonight, either.

Also expect the usual suspects to cry foul again if Dems manage to pull off a win after coming back from behind. Again.

EDIT: okay i might have to take that back, this is going much faster than it did on election night

Even so, we can still expect those clowns to continue instigating the crazies and propping up violence. "They stole the presidency and then they stole the senate with that phony runoff"

Btw, you gotta love how he suggests that they need Republicans with the Senate control to undo the system and yet they had total control during the first 2 years of Trump...

Edited by Dr. Tarrasque
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sure, but they won't have the red mirage to bank on this time -- i think they've counted the early vote/absentee first this time around

and trump's/the gop's undermining of the electoral process will probably be responsible for their loss if republicans that normally would go to the polls stay home


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I'm keeping my head stuck in the ground for these runoffs. Georgia barely turned a very purplish blue with Orange as the presidential opponent. Senators who aren't as caricature might be able to edge it out. And, Democrats need both seats, one is symbolic of purple yes, but not gonna stop the prevention of legislation. The Republicans have the easier time of being able to miss one and win.

That, and I'm still exhausted from election week. I'll be looking away until Inauguration Day, I don't need to know who that isn't the New York Borgias gets into the second wave of pardons.

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we're in that weird zone again where the repubs have pulled ahead but all the smart people who are watching the numbers are sounding more and more confident of a dem victory

was kind of hoping we'd just stay barely ahead the whole way through but i guess should know better by now

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Didn't expected it, but neither am I surprised.

What surprises me, however, is that significant margin of split tickets. Admittedly, I don't know much about the senators and the challengers... but really? How can there be that big of a number of splits, specially with control of the senate hanging in the balance?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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5 minutes ago, Crysta said:


it IS really weird that ossoff is struggling so much more

It's incumbency and Ossoff being 33. I guarantee it.

Loeffler is not a true incumbent. She was never elected.

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1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:

While we sit here, clutching our pearls at election results, we should perhaps be reminded that runoff elections are a moronic system built to keep blacks out of Congress in states with disproportionately high black populations

and yet it's helped us elect the first black senator of that state since reconstruction (and second ever)

meaning they'll try to get rid of it by 2022 lol

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I haven't really been following the election in Georgia. Although I'm guessing it hasn't ended, what do the final results seem to look like?

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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I haven't really been following the election in Georgia. Although I'm guessing it hasn't ended, what do the final results seem to look like?

Democrats take both Senate seats. The Ossoff-Perdeu race might end up in recount territory, but there may still be a chance it doesn't.

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27 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Democrats take both Senate seats. The Ossoff-Perdeu race might end up in recount territory, but there may still be a chance it doesn't.

Huh, if that ends up being true, that's super promising. Although super narrow margins of victory also make me super nervous. Apparently, the Democratic candidate in my district lost by literally 333 votes what the fuck

So, uh, yeah. As long as the margin of victory/defeat isn't so ridiculously close like that, I'll be reassured.

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I know Wasserman called it. Basically massive underperformance in red districts and black people / white suburbanites saving the day. The weirdest coalition I've ever seen.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

Huh, if that ends up being true, that's super promising. Although super narrow margins of victory also make me super nervous. Apparently, the Democratic candidate in my district lost by literally 333 votes what the fuck

So, uh, yeah. As long as the margin of victory/defeat isn't so ridiculously close like that, I'll be reassured.

When people say every vote counts, it's not just an empty platitude. All the votes really do count. Even in a first past the post system it contributes to the data. And sometimes things do really get that down to the wire (course a representative system is still preferable, though ultimately every system is going to have some level of first past the post element to it).

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Hope we can tie the Senate. When 2022 comes around, can we actually take the Senate?

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Hope we can tie the Senate. When 2022 comes around, can we actually take the Senate?

Via previous trends, maybe, but then you lose the House.

Better start working on that as well... losing seats these elections is a warning sign.

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