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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I don't like stacking on layers that much, so I'll usually just go with a heavy coat, scarf and gloves unless it gets to -30C or so, in which case I'll put on anything woolen, cover up everything except my eyes and hope my eyelashes don't freeze together whenever I blink.

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when i'm outside i usually wear a light jacket because hell, it takes a lot for me to feel cold. but when it's below like 30F i wear a ski jacket because it's really comfortable

when i'm inside i just get a ton of blankets but i do this anyway, regardless of temperature

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I wear a t-shirt and a coat. Jeans and wool socks (but I actually wear my wool socks pretty much anytime and they're merino wool). I put up my hood if my ears get cold and I wear gloves if my fingers get cold. I also wear boots if the snow is thick.

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ok if it's a super cold day...

2 socks if im on my way to work cuz switching out of my boots is a pain

leggings over leggings (which reminds me i should look into leg warmers probably)

scarves are def a must

also wooly hats, mitts (although they don't do much tbh) and a puffy sweater over a turtle neck

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Same amount of layers I wear in autumn, just a thicker coat, often not even buttoned. One pair of pants and standard combat boots is enough.

I've lived up north for long enough that just having a low temperature doesn't really phase me. 20's perfectly comfortable as long as it isn't windy. Once I got locked out of my house in 20 degree weather and I just took out my laptop after making a call and used it fine.

Heat, on the other hand, is not tolerable. Anything above 78 and I feel like I'm dying.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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im a bit of a Frost Giant, so i dont need to layer too much, despite really cold conditions. But i usually go sweater, scarf, trousers (sometimes longjohns), long coat and a hat.

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im so bad at layering up. I'll usually put on like a long sleeved shirt and I'll check the weather and it'll be like low 40's and I'll be like "this is ok". But then it's not ok ;-;

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i never feel cold the most i've ever used is a coat + when i ski and it's like below zero ill use hand warmers if those count

as for indoors i just wear a long sleeve shirt lol

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copiously. I'm a frozen little creature.

outside I got a coat (or jean jacket which is also really warm) and some combination of scarf, hat, mittens depending on how cold it is

if I'm wearing jeans, I'll have leggings underneath my jeans

I probably have at least one sweater

inside I'll have the sweater and probably be wrapped in a blanket :')

I live my life in a blanket

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I don't even own a real jacket right now, hahah. I just wear a hoodie when I go outside because I don't get cold very easily. Also, the last few winters haven't gotten below freezing often enough for me to want to buy a real coat. :lol:

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Q809: I appreciate rain but don't enjoy being in it.
Shoutouts to getting sick at Genesis 3 probably for being out in the rain for hours past midnight (even bundled up).

Rain just makes me sicker in general and that's just not fair to all the people who can't even be as fully sick as me normally :(:

As it gets colder, I'll progressively add sweater -> scarf -> gloves -> beanie or s/t -> remove sweater, add inner layer of coat -> outer layer of coat -> remove like everything and put on snow gear.

Scarves especially are fucking amazing and also tying them is so much fun.

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