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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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It's wonderful.

EDIT Do you know what else is wonderful? Irfanview, that's what.

Edited by Refa
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[spoiler=I spent way too long on these hundred questions]1. What would you say is your greatest strength?

My mind

2. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Lack of organization, procrastination, struggles with self-esteem.

3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have?

Warhammer 40k

4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be?


5. What would the difficulty be set at?


6. Favorite fe game?

Blazing Sword

7. What constitutes a good day for you.

A decent night's sleep; delicious meals; a few hours by myself to spend reading, gaming, or working on pet projects; pastime with good company

8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be?


9. What FE character do you relate to most?


10. Black or white?


11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness?

Knowledge without happiness

12. Why gharnef?

Because it's more accessible than ガーネフ

13. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

Don't judge this by the cover

14. What historical figure do you admire the most?

Galileo Galilei

15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all?

I'm a lot more subdued, I guess?

16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with?

I like 'em small

17. Favorite piece of music?

18. How good are you at following your goals?

Maybe a B?

19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion?

Which can have a more positive affect on a person: morning person or night owl?

20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future?


21. What does it mean to be successful in life?

To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women

22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently?

Exercised more

23. Fondest memory?


24. What type of weather represents your mind?


25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality?


26. What personality traits do you admire in other people?

Loyalty, honesty, resolve

27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different?


28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say?

Two years isn't far enough back, tbh

29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell?

Honestly, if it's just a glimpse, probably neither?

30. Favorite quote from my sig?

You can find someone of the same gender to be sexually attractive and be a straight person.

31. How good are you in a crisis?

Some of my best work has happened during crunch time

32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix?

Yes please

33. Favorite thread on this forum?

I'll always have a soft spot for this one

34. How adaptable would you say you are?

More than average

35. Favorite number?

23 and 17 are both strong contenders

36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be?

37. Favorite trope?

I'd tell you, but that would be spoilers

38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?

Christopher Lee

39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself?

Smart, patient

40. Top 2 insults?

Oddly enough, people don't insult me

41. Pancakes or waffles?


42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part.


43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why?

Smell can go, I'd grant a friend the power to grant wishes. It'd be the gift that keeps on giving.

44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

Yes, but I'm okay with that, because a lot of really important doing is saying

45. Favorite place to visit


46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.)


47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try?

I can't really think of any, but I'm sure if someone mentioned some examples I could get on board.

48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it?

I don't have a single favorite. Some notables include King Midas, Arachne, Oedipus, and Antigone.

49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it?

A dragon, and it would name itself thank you very much

50. What do you like about yourself?

Well, I'm told I have a winning personality

51. What historical event would you like to witness?

The Chicxulub impact

52. Who's the person in your avatar?


53. Opinion of sudokus?

Pleasant little puzzles

54. Favorite pokemon?


55. Have you got any amiibo?


56. Favorite seafood?


57. Opinion of the Tales series?

Never played any

58. Favourite kind of meat?


59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game?


60. Have you played Mafia before?


61. How do you feel about the Zelda series?

The entries range from decent to great

62. Favorite music genre?


63. Do you have any phobias?


64. Least favorite pokemon?


65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games?


66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to?

Fun party games

67. Do you speak anything beside English?

Not with any degree of competence

68. ^Are they languages you want to speak?

I feel like you assumed a different answer for the previous question...

69. What consoles do you have?

NES, N64, Wii, Gameboy, GBC, GBA SP, DS Lite, 3DS, New 3DS

70. ^What was your first?


71. Opinion of Blackjack?

Hit me

72. Any hobbies?


73. What is the best thing you've tasted?

There was this really good gelato place in Geneva

74. Favorite mode of transportation?

One where I can just sit back and eventually arrive

75. Bread or toast?


76. Favourite form of bread?

Warm and flaky

77. Do you like chocolate?

Dark please

78. Salt or sugar?

Both serve important purposes

79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover?

I can improvise a pillow using my arms. I cannot improvise covers. I'll let you put two and two together here...

80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself?

It can drive for me, tbh

81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles?

No opinion

82. Least favourite game you've played and why?

"Let the wookie win" because I am competitive to a fault sometimes

83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions?


84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming?


85. Least favourite part of school?

The nightmares that still occur over a decade later

86. Opinion of shopping?

If I didn't need to do it to survive, I probably wouldn't

87. Favourite Pokemon type and why?

Dark, nifty immunity, plays well with other typings

88. ^Least favourite and why?

Fairy, I don't know anything about it tbh, this is a "damn kids get off my lawn" reaction at best

89. Favorite day of the week?


90. Favorite shade of blue?

#5A4FCF or maybe #008080. There are other strong candidates as well

91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence?

We'll go with the endless bag of rice

92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it?

Elixir of immortality

93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not?

Tough call, most pleasurable activities have diminishing returns. That said, I've enjoyed sleeping and dreaming for over thirty years, and hope to continue to do so for at least another thirty years

94. Preferred accessory?


95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas?

You spelled grey wrong, but yes, that one

96. What are your dreams?

Raise a family; have close, personal, and positive impacts on other peoples' lives; inspire others to love math, science, and learning

97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it?

No, I'd be more interested in living it.

98. Favorite subject in school?


99. Least favorite?

Social Studies

100. Opinion on ama threads?

Only interested in learning about certain people, so they're usually garbage

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Q847: pixlr.com makes editing like, puushes and whatnot soooo easy. Also I really like its layer effects. For more complicated stuff, GIMP.


it makes me feel bad =(

literally this
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i posted this qotd while wearing my $40 or whatever paradox t-shirt i got from a humble bundle so i guess that's pretty self-explanatory

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-NINE: Do you enjoy ambient music?

brought to u by parrhesia

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I usually don't listen to it unless I'm trying to recover from a panic attack or something to that effect (depending on how calming it is it makes me sleepy easily in normal circumstances y'see) but yes I do!!!

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