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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I'm the sort that will put off emailing or otherwise interacting with the cold, unfeeling bureaucracy for as long as I can

which is the same as I treat most communication, to be fair

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i am exceptionally good at it

QUESTION EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN: Do your SF/other forum/IM themes tend to be cohesive?

do you put together the perfect avatar/title/sig/location/username combo every time? how far do you go?

Edited by Integrity
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I only bother matching images because I'm all about pretty visuals. My avatar and signature are artistically paired together every time. Every now and then I'd contribute a title to match as well. But for the most part I don't care about matching username and basically never location (and I just say basically because I don't actually remember if I changed it to match before or not ^o^)

OH YEAH and that's why it makes me a little sad when signatures gets blocked because then those people can only appreciate half of the beauty and that just sounds like a life of sadness and darkness (but only half dark)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Only for avatar and signature, and that's only for SF forums. Skype is completely at the disposal of my whim.


Though on RPG maker forums, I can put infinite number of images, so it's a lot bigger and has a lot of badges in it.

Skype idc what my avatar is, and Twitter has its themed changed every week.

As for username, it's always the same. Alicia Rhasphody/Alicia, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar/ShadowfrostZen/ShadowZen, or Asuka Fujimoto or simple Asuka.

Edited by Shadowfrost Zenbiniar
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I try to make my avi/sig combo of the same person/object/whatever if I can. Sometimes I'll do location if I really liked the location related to my theme, or if my current location is simply in need of change. The UN doesn't change.

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Normally, I coordinate Avis/sigs, except on the Den, for whatever reaason. I'll sometimes throw title and location into the fun and much less often will I coordinate my UN and if I do it's Touhou related.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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That's a negatory

Edit: Answered the question interpreting it to mean I sync my SF theme with my other places' themes. On second thought, that may be the wrong way to look at the question.

Edited by Balcerzak
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oh oh oh and I also tend to match up my badge with it as well although this time I've just been sticking with flora because I love her badge and it goes well with my font anyway~!
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Always. With every theme, avatar/sig/title have to match for me. The only thing that may not is location, which I'm just too lazy to change, so I leave it generic. Badges I try when its FE related. Otherwise, I do the best I can with whats available

Edited by Hero-King
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i pretty much agree with everything freohr said; i always change my member badge, sig, and avatar to match (same person or at the very least another member of the same group)

i occasionally change my member title when i change themes to a silly lyric but they're rarely related

and YEAH people with sigs off make me very sad =( especially because sigs tend to be a lot prettier than avis

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Ya I try my best. The only things I don't usually bother with is my location, title and username.

When I had Twitter it was really fun changing themes. Especially after they introduced headers and such.

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