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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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the first was still very good but the second one blew me away

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Dark Souls 2 was ported to PC.


it's a shame you could never get the first to work

The original Timesplitters was fairly mediocre. Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect are gr8.

Two Worlds 2 is an example of a game that is far better than its predecessor that was pretty awful.

Age of Empires 2.

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Ujubasajuba took all of the interesting ideas from Kairon; IRSE's debut(The defect...), turned them up to 11, added some more varied instrumentation and vocals, and cut out 90 percent of the fluff. Even the worst track on Ujubasajuba is much better than the best on their debut.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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kingdom hearts 1 was intriguing but not that super

kingdom hearts 2 was literally one of my favorite games of all time

good job squeenix that's a pretty remarkable improvement

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Mass effect 2 and 3, yes yes i know ending blah more shooty and less explory blah but i had consistently more enjoyment from them than i did the first game.

and yeah echoing kh2 because it was beautiful.

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it is a sentiment that is shared by the majority of gamefaqs nerds and I think that makes you a nerd

not to mention that despite being a worse game than dark souls 1, ds2 is still better than 90% of the games that I've played in the last five years.

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it is a sentiment that is shared by the majority of gamefaqs nerds and I think that makes you a nerd

not to mention that despite being a worse game than dark souls 1, ds2 is still better than 90% of the games that I've played in the last five years.

correction: dark souls 2 is a good videogame, and a bad dark souls game ?

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maybe, but like I've said before, the original ain't no masterpiece either. It's got a lot of flaws that people seem to conveniently forget. sometimes for the purpose of bashing ds2 because they want to see it as "b-team lol" or some nonsense

I think I said I liked Dark Souls 2 more than 1 when it came out, and I apologize because I don't hold that opinion anymore and was quick to say it, which makes me not want to say that DS3 is better (even though I think it probably is)

continue having your opinion and whatnot, i just think it's unfair

Edited by Tryhard
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maybe, but like I've said before, the original ain't no masterpiece either. It's got a lot of flaws that people seem to conveniently forget. sometimes for the purpose of bashing ds2 because they want to see it as "b-team lol" or some nonsense

I think I said I liked Dark Souls 2 more than 1 when it came out, and I apologize because I don't hold that opinion anymore and was quick to say it, which makes me not want to say that DS3 is better (even though I think it probably is)

congratulations you played yourself

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i enjoyed the winter soldier a ton more than the original cap tbh


hella edit: I like Breath of Fire IV more than BoFIII or the other two games

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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i wasn't expecting anything from zwei 2, as the little i played of 1 gave me a rather poor impression

i was wrong, and i can't wait for someone to release it in english so i can shill the shit out of it

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Super Smash Bros. Melee for the nintendo gamecube was amazing etc. But this isn't so much a sequel so doesn't really count.

Solden Sun: The Lost Age was a lot better than the original in basically every way that mattered.

Edited by Euklyd
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-Phoenix acting annoyingly out of character

I assume you mean the way he acts in the "present day" of PW4. I actually wouldn't mind this so much because it could be ascribed to the passage of time. But then he goes back to being "normal" Phoenix in PW5. So I feel like it really doesn't make sense.

After DMC2, 3 was a blessing.

Unlike Knight of Argentum, I didn't think EOU1 was that great (one of my less fave EOs) but I really liked EOU2.

Suikoden II is one of my favorite games. Suikoden I was good but Suikoden II is great.

Edited by Togami Byakuga
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Okay so while the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are great

Then you play the Explorers versions and look at the gameplay updates and story and it's just all around better than those

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Okay so while the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are great

Then you play the Explorers versions and look at the gameplay updates and story and it's just all around better than those

gonna have to go with this
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