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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I don't play RPG's much Whatever Mario's class is in the Paper Mario games... which is presumably "Mario".

Mario is a dragoon who gave up using a spear.

whichever has the biggest sword and the biggest penis

You might have to sacrifice a few inches of sword for a few inches of penis depending on what's available. You know how it is.
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Whatever class gets to use polearms. Failing that I go for playing status bastard (buffing & debuffing). Failing THAT I just play whatever I feel like at the time. I usually end up playing all classes sooner or later.

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Some kind of Rogue/Thief class. I like their speed, variability and just general coolness.

After that... A Paladin, or some kind of Magic/Physical Hybrid perhaps? ...then Physical. Magic using classes come last for me in general for whatever reason. I prefer to get more direct rather than ranged/indirect

I don't mind being the Healer though. But a Paladin with Healing and Physical attacks is my Jam man. ;)

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Broadly speaking, paladins. Failing that, big swole archers.

Unsurprisingly, GW2 Dragonhunters are just sort of 100% my aesthetic.

I like clerics, but only if they're the armoured/mace-swinging type, not some prick in a robe. is it just me or does 'priest' generally indicate robes and 'cleric' indicate someone that hits people

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Whatever is fast, flashy, or particularly destructive - preferably all three. Magic helps with flashiness but is not required.

Red Mage (specifically, FFTA / FFTA2 Red Mage) comes to mind, due to her access to Doublecast and Summon Magic. FFTA2's Ravager comes close, largely due to her ease of moving around the battlefield.

edit: I just remembered the Parivir from FFTA2. Ridiculously flashy magic energy sword abilities that are also OP as fuck? Prooooobably ties with Red Mage.

Honorable mention to the Code: Battle Seraph from Elsword (side-scrolling MMORPGs count, right?). The combination of a multitude of lasers and probably the most ridiculous movement options in the game makes the class a joy to play. Ticks all three boxes!

Just not a game I play(ed) nearly as much as either of FFTA or FFTA2.

Movement options are far more valuable to me in an action-based game than turn-based.

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Fire Emblem: Shaman->Dark Knight

Anything else: Spellswords/Red Mages

I'm very partial to playing thieves, though. My first run is always a thief heavy run.

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I've loved Paladin in FF4 and that kinda rubbed off on me when I moved to FE even though they're 2 different class types

But generally, Bulky Warrior types go well for me, I like hitting really hard and not dying

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Some kind of Ultimate Mage with great offensive and supportive capabilities, but physically weak-ish.

Stealthy classes like Rogue/Thief are also my type.

Or, mage-assassin, a class idea I had fun with in Skyrim, heheh.

^This brings back some pretty good memories.

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JRPG: Protagonist class, AKA do lots of (if not always the most) damage easily, have generally solid stats and also have some utility or another. Close second is whoever fills the role of BIG $MONEY AoE damage, to breeze through normal encounters and group fights

WRPG: Sneak-thief and skillmonkey. Get me in and out unseen, able to get a silent kill/KO or so if necessary, looking through everybody's mail like a fart shadow

Tabletop/other multiplayer RPG: Healer, or a like "party backbone/circulatory system" support position

Depends on what the system supports, to be sure. A lot of cool class ideas possible in some games don't fit into standard rpg archetypes very neatly

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Paradox Mage from Tales of Maj'Eyal is 100% my thing for being a time mage type with really nonstandard abilities. Rather than casting from mana or some fixed resource, casting PM spells raises your Paradox stat, which is a measure of how much you've fucked up the timeline, and as your Paradox rises, your spells' power goes up, but so does the chance of catastrophic failure.

You also have some really cool unique abilities, like;

"Cease to Exist", where you mark a target to take bonus temporal damage, and if you kill them before the debuff wears off, the game warps back to before you cast the spell, only Cease to Exist is on cooldown and the marked enemy no longer exists.

"See the Threads", where you get to try the next few turns three different times, and then at the end, choose which of the three futures to go with.

"Temporal Fugue", where a future you comes back to the past to help you fight things.

And some cool sustained talents like "Premonition", where you can look just far enough in the future to give yourself a small damage resistance shield against any damage type thrown at you before it hits you.

Overall, super unique and super cool, and it still has a bunch of big explody spells too.

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