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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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I feel that they're some animes that I watch that have amazing potential, but end up lackluster because of how they're executed.

The Asterisk War, for example is one of these recent cases.

A game case I guess is kinda on the fence with Fates. While it's got a brilliant plot(IMO, don't hurt me) it still ends up to be a bit lackluster. Probably because of the characters.

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honestly I really liked the concept behind the show Once Upon a Time and I was sorely disappointed as the show has proceeded to fuck up every good idea they had or could have had

that said the spinoff ouat in wonderland did exactly what I wanted it to so shoutout to that lovely miniseries

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Mega Man X3. Technically, it DID add a bunch of new elements to play around with BUT they were all messy and unpolished (which was part of the reason I was looking forwards to a Maverick Hunter esque remake of it in the first place). Although it does the core MMX mechanics a lot sloppier than its two predecessors, namely in having much sloppier level design, enemy placement (and some enemy types were a pain to deal with, and not in a fun way), and a mediocre soundtrack. It's all a shame too, because I could see this game becoming legendary with more polish and development time. Ah well, c'est la vie.

as a kid the only thing that stopped alex rider from being my favourite book series was the very slight inclusion of romance :' ( i was never a superbig fan of romance and thought it seemed unnecessary

But teenagers are all about that awkward romance! I do agree that it didn't reaaaaaaaally add anything to the books.

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fates not having dual audio was a little disappointing because i was very much looking forward to miyano mamoru, kaji yuuki, and sawashiro miyuki, all of whom are main characters : (

a g r e e d, all three of them are some of my favorite japanese VAs. i'm not super disappointed though because i actually like their english counterparts, unlike hinoka....


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Valkyrja Chronicles would have been a fantastic game had it been fun or rewarding to actually play.

Is that a baseless opinion? I never got far enough to judge it since my brother hogs the PS3 24/7 to play Destiny.

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Castlevania: Curse of Darkness has a great soundtrack, great characters, good voice acting, the basis for some great boss battles and some novel mechanics. But everything else is SHIT. It could have truly been one of the greatest, but fate had other plans.

Similarly, from the same series, Portrait of Ruin had a lot of potential for a ton of neat ideas, but it was all destroyed by a) boring, hackneyed, garbage Saturday morning anime melodrama and b) very very typical design that made little to no use of any of its selling points.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney) had some incredible ideas. The opening scene of the film (Bells of Notre Dame), for example, is a stunning example of great art direction, music and plot. It evokes powerful emotions, and establishes a tone for the rest of the film...then it goes on to ruin all that by consistently making the rest of the film inconsistent, what with comic relief from "haha so wacky!!!!!!!" living gargoyle statues and some goat no one cares about. There are other problems too, but they're comparatively minor. I understand that they didn't want the film to be quite as dark and bleak as the novel, but they didn't have to go that far. There was potential for a very rich and striking animated film, and they kind of ruined it all. Despite that, I really enjoy the parts that I think are actually good! I just wish the rest of the film would be consistent. It's especially hurtful when you realise it was one of Tony Jay's few major roles in the entirety of his voice acting career.

Uhh, there's probably more here, but I dunno anything else atm.

Edited by Nightmare
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I don't mind it, but I think I can get pretty cautious when handling it

unlike say blades for example

I'm not nearly as concerned about getting cut as I probably should be

it's just that....

I've gotten cut several times before so in my mind it's like "whatever, I'll get over it"

meanwhile simple burns from food and drinks is like agony and I have a scar to remind me I was dumb enough to touch a lightbulb when I was a tiny baby

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