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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Yeah, I was lucky enough to get the special edition. So far I'm loving it, though that's probably because the RNG seems to favor me (which almost never happens in any game I play). I especially enjoy my crit master ninja bros on birthright, that's always entertaining.

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I ended up getting the Special Edition, and I started with Conquest. I'm...kind of a slow player, as I'm only on Chapter 9, but I also started a Birthright file and am also at Chapter 9 on that one, too. I'm going to start a Revelation file once I've finished both Conquest and Birthright.

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i got both, played through both birthright and conquest in four days and am currently on my second playthrough of birthright :' )

it's a lot better than i expected it to be, and i felt like playing conquest after birthright really made the former more enjoyable for me

i still prefer birthright but if someone were to just get one game i'd definitely recommend conquest

also i loooove all the hoshido characters <3

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As someone who lives in Europe, I haven't got it due to it being released yet. Not that I will get it once it's released, mind you, because I really hate the changes that they made to Awakening's gameplay.

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Yep. Got Birthright and finished it, and it's actually hard, unlike Awakening. So... both good and bad in a sense. Really liked the characters, story was decent.

Edited by MidoriMage
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holy shit

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-TWO: Do you llllllllllllike to play with fire????

Ehh not really. Heat and i dont get along.

fire is cool.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-THREE: Did you get Fates? Which one? How are you finding it so far?

Special Edition.

Im liking it. There are some little quibbles i have, but they arent exactly gameplay related.

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me and my soulsister freohrdatia each bought one so we're sharing hoshido and nohr

I started on hoshido, though

so far, it's pretty super. really really fuckin' anime, but the game is hella fun and the changes they've made to game mechanics have so far invariably been improvements in my book

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I got Birthright. It's all right, not much different from the Japanese version other than that I can understand it.

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