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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Nope, don't know how so I always depend on my dad when I need something fixed. Which are usually stuffed animals.

Do I want to learn it? I'm not really sure. I don't think I can because I'm a complete klutz and will just end up pricking my own fingers instead.

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not very well, but am interested in learning

most I've done are probably a bunch of durable canvas grocery bags which turned out very well if I do say so myself

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No. I don't think I have the patience to learn how to sew ;u;

And plus

I don't think I can because I'm a complete klutz and will just end up pricking my own fingers instead.

edit: nearly put "sue" .n.

Edited by Hashuni Mei
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i am mediocre and aspiring, like a cultist sergeant

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE: When and how do you like to treat yo self?

three words: TREAT YO SELF

do you spoil yourself on your own birthday? every weekend, like some corpulent decadent ottoman overlord? major holidays? just when you have a bad day? spill

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When it comes to sweet fud, it probably is more often than it should be ^o^ Basically it's whenever I see it and whenever I can't convince myself to not get them~!

But yeah if I'm having a bad time I'll probably end up treating myself to something but I don't remember those times because those were months ago B|

no really I just don't fully remember how I handled my bad times.... probably just by sighing and complaining at integrity and then just going back to work (because work was my bad times~)

And OF COURSE I will try to treat myself on my birthday as well~! By getting CLOTHES

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Don't really have a set schedule for treating myself. It happens whenever I feel like I deserve it! Which is most of the time.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to say with what. Most often involves food/drinks, but it'll be other things too every now and then.

Edited by Nightmare
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Mostly with food or something cheap if I feel I've done something impressive. Although sometimes just making it to Friday is an accomplishment!

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just monthtly lego

gotta enjoy it while i can still afford to

Same, surprisingly enough.

I don't really treat myself often, I barely can ever afford it. When I do, it's often going to a new movie, or sitting down with a Lego set. Birthdays are usually nice, and Christmas too, but often it gets quite hectic in prep. This year, however, I think I might treat my friends for my birthday, because I really owe them a lot.

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Mostly with food or something cheap if I feel I've done something impressive. Although sometimes just making it to Friday is an accomplishment!

basically this

although "something cheap" would generally be a small lego set

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Uh... I'm not sure exactly. Sometimes when I'm feeling really crummy and I might get the thought to get something for myself. But as for how, I suppose it's usually food of some sort.

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Birthday present is basically an in-n-out burger with fries and a large milkshake

EDIT:oh misread the question. Yeah don't treat myself.

Edited by commie scum
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i literally hate you

actually srs question do you also find that mitsubishi eclipse drivers suck? is it just an ohio thing?


I hardly see other Eclipses down here. They probably do since most drivers here drive like they're in Mario Kart.

Question: I treated myself to a few Steam purchases, and some gas.

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