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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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i always love putting deli meats in my sandwiches like ham, salami and pepperoni

also some mayo on one slice of bread, add some jalapenos and lettuce and there's a sandwich that i'd love to eat

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Shawarma sandwich. Or breaded chicken cutlet, lettuce, tomato, russian dressing, swiss cheese. Served warm.

Oh man....*homer simpson drool*

Shawarma is gr9. But my favorite sammich has italian cheese bread, provolone, turkey, mustard, cucumber, spinach, red onion, and maybe some swiss cheese melted. Oohhhh shit son.

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my ideal sandwich is as follows:

Wheat or some weird garlic-y bread with:

1. Salami as my meat.

2. Olive oil, salt and pepper as condiments.

3. A fresh, crunchy chunk of romaine.

4. Cucumbers!

5. Don't forget avocado.


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I'm not usually too big on sandwiches, but I do enjoy a Roast Beef or Chicken sandwich with ingredients depending on my mood along with em.

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Two pieces of bread with a check for 10 billion dollars in between

I wouldn't eat the sandwich.

you're my hero

a real american hero

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if Rein got the last 10 billion dollar sandwich in the shop, then I'd have to go with a hot meatball sandwich with delicious tomato sauce

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my ideal sandwich is the doner kebap (god bless turkish immigrants to germany) followed by the massively complicated ham with mustard sandwich.

QUESTION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY TWO: If you were a Pokemon gym leader, what would your type be?

Bonus 1: what would your team makeup be?

Bonus 2 if you're an incorrigible nerd: what would your gym be like?

this question courtesy of summer including the bonuses

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Dark Type. Easily.

Pokemon team- Umberon, Sableeye, Sharpedo and Malamar.

Gym- The gym would be pitch black, and the trainers wouldn't be able to see where they're going. They have to walk through the gym to find five of my assistants, before the gym would light up and I would appear to challenge any trainers who wanted my badge.

My badge would be called the Abyss Badge.

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I would have a Vibrava, a Dragalge, a Goomy, and a Dragonite.

My gym would probably be a bunch of ghost-type trainers trying to psych people out. Lots of purple flame everywhere for atmosphere.

Stick in a bunch of those ridiculous teleport panels, but have all the panels in any one room go to the same place.

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Grass type

Leafeon, Whimsicott, Chesnaught and Cradily

My gyme would be a regular old gym, asking various questions about grass type Pokemon and botany in general. Oh, it would be a meadow-y, forest-y green house type thing.

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Fire type isn't my favourite type but lots of my favourite pokemon are fire types

Bonus: Vulpix, Quilava, Flareon, Ninetales It's so tempting to put chandelure in place of quilava but that probably wouldn't be as reasonable to include three fully evolved pokemon ;n; BUT if it doesn't matter so much in QOTD then I would throw Chandelure in there for sure

Bonus bonus: of course I'd be on top of a VOLCANO (not inside the volcano cuz I'd be the nerd gym leader to point out "that's not how it works yo") and then my gym wouldn't last long because eventually the volcano would erupt and kill my gym and then I'd have to relocate like blaine

we should really learn to quit making our gyms in/on/near volcanoes

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I would be a sick Ground leader using Marowak, Sandslash, Piloswine, and, as it is literally a snail, an eastern Gastrodon. There would be no puzzle and the arena would be a straight line pointing to me lined with pathetic flunkies.

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Psychic type gym

Team: Xatu/Starmie/Gallade/Espeon

umm my Gym would probable be you teleport to like 5 different rooms and fight trainers who each give you hints on how to get to the gym leader room through a puzzle or something.


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