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QOTD IV!! 884: Who should be next QOTD master and why, or should it die?

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Hell yes. I enjoy college specifically very much.

although that will likely change once I start my courses that involve writing and essays

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Everything below university? Not at all.

University? After my personal "break" of sorts, yes, I enjoyed it for the most part and it mostly (or only) consisted of learning than something like socialization. What's socialization?

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undergrad's been a roller coaster, i've had my ups and downs

most of the time i've loved it, some of the time i've freaked out, and some of the time, i didn't like it much

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Totally, I really enjoyed high school back in the day. I believe it's important to make the most of your education. Plus, being able to tell people to take funny coloured sweets has its own charm.

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I never really minded high school and liked parts of it, but I only really started enjoying classes once I got to college. Idk how I'll feel about grad school since it'll be a few years till I get there.

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i miss high school

there were downs, but it's up's outweigh the negatives

i love the social aspect of university, but the educational part i've been screwing up on

but i've been hoping to change that up

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I love school. I don't have a social life outside of it that's not...here and other places on the Interwebz. I like learning, even if it's seemingly useless information that I'll never use once I get into the real world, except probably to brag.

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I'd say there are a mix of enjoyable and not enjoyable elements. I enjoy learning and hanging with friends or listening to interesting teachers and stuff. But, probably anything that involves doing work outside of school hours (except studying for tests) is strenuous. Unfortunately, I don't think it will get any better as time passes.

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Elementary school, in retrospect, was pretty bleh (it didn't pose any intellectual challenge to me, which is a shame), though little kid me didn't mind it. High school was alright, but the system wasn't really right for me. Now that I'm in university, where I get the independence I want and can fully immerse myself in my passion that is law, it's much more enjoyable.

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I've always liked it, but I was never a very good student.

Edit: actually that's not true, I worked hard during my most recent stint. The ironic thing is that I left during that stint without graduating, even though I was a good student. Found a job, so.

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Not in the least.

Growing up shy, I never really socialized much so that part was always a bust, and the other kids are often either pretty dense or judgmental.

The studies are usually either too easy or too hard (nowadays it's mostly enough writing to make my hand hurt).

What I did like about studying was ruined by the constant standardized testing.

I bet it sucks for the teachers, too. Having to deal with us. I was pretty annoying when I was younger and I feel pretty bad for that.

School always takes up a majority of my free time and even my life. I really wish my entire life weren't centered around going to a place I can't control going to. Getting up early and going to bed early, doing all the household chores, I really don't get much free time. Only a handful of hours between me getting home and going to bed.

And then it even follows you home. The homework. That's bad.

The meals are low-quality, but at least it's cheap. I feel bad every meal I get though, since it's taken out of my mom's money.

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