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Unnecessary Units

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I'd be hard pressed to think of ANY character that would be good enough for that recruitment to be worth it.

Can't argue with that. And honestly, when your excruciatingly stupid recruitment is the most notable thing about you by far, I can't help but think you're unnecessary.

Anyway... Other units that strike me as unnecessary are Tormod, as well as most Ests.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I don't think any unit is "unnecessary". In fact, I like the wide variety of units some games give you. It also gives the games some replay value.

An admirable sentiment, I must say. In fact, I can't help but agree. Though still, can't help but feel that some of the units that the games give you are just out-and-out unnecessary.

I mean, given the nature of how Fire Emblem works (juggernaut > army), the vast majority of units in any given game are completely unnecessary. It is really up to the player to decide whether they want to actually use any given non-mandatory unit or not, or spare them from combat entirely.

True. Though in general. low-manning gets boring quickly, and aside from that, routs tend to take longer if you don't have a good army presence (case in point: RD part 4).

That being said, I'm surprised no one said Renault - when it comes to prepromos with poor stats for their levels, he comes first. And as if that weren't enough, he comes right before the last chapter in the game, which hands you a mega-awesome mage. Basically, the guy's essentially obsoleted before you recruit him.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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3/4 of FE11 and FE12's cast. They are horrendously bad.

Donnel and Nowi in no-duo are just bench material. Donnel's bases are pathetic, and same goes for Nowi.

Ardan in FE4, sadly. His low move dooms him. In a normal run, he's not expected to go anywhere.

I'd say Lyre in FE10. At least Fiona, Meg and Kysha can be decent in Hard mode with a lot of investment. (Heavy for Fiona, Medium for Meg and Kysha)

Lyre is just stupid, because Lethe and Ranulf do the same with less grinding.

Renning too, sadly. He comes kinda too late.

That's all for me. :D

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3/4 of FE11 and FE12's cast. They are horrendously bad.

Donnel and Nowi in no-duo are just bench material. Donnel's bases are pathetic, and same goes for Nowi.

Ardan in FE4, sadly. His low move dooms him. In a normal run, he's not expected to go anywhere.

I'd say Lyre in FE10. At least Fiona, Meg and Kysha can be decent in Hard mode with a lot of investment. (Heavy for Fiona, Medium for Meg and Kysha)

Lyre is just stupid, because Lethe and Ranulf do the same with less grinding.

Renning too, sadly. He comes kinda too late.

That's all for me. :D

Speaking of RD, I'd say Lethe's also horrendously bad, given her bases are only marginally better than Lyre's. It doesn't help that she's high enough a level that she's leveling like a third tier...

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Gameplaywise unnecessary:

  • tons of units in FE11 because of terrible bases / growths
  • in FE6 I mainly use swordusers thanks to the bad weapon balance. No to any axe uers except for Lot in earlygame.
  • in FE10 on hard mode I ignore all the non laguz kings except for Volug and the hawks, the units with poor availibility (Tormod...) and underbased units (Fiona)
  • in FE13 Frederick (except on lunatic (+)) and Kellam of course
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Niime is one of the best units in fe6 though

Do u even FE6 sir? Niime is the most unnecesary since she make an otherwise pretty tough game into a complete joke

The moment she appears you can press 2 button and the stage is pretty much won.

She's unnecesarily broken see!

I have the best logic

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True. Though in general. low-manning gets boring quickly, and aside from that, routs tend to take longer if you don't have a good army presence (case in point: RD part 4).

That is just a matter of time, though. I mean if you wanted to make the most of your turns there is nothing wrong with having multiple agents to expedite things, since after a certain point increasing the rate of exp gain just becomes overkill no matter how you slice it. You still want to reach that point, though.

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In Fates, Nyx is kinda unnecessary. Not gameplay wise, but story wise. Unlike the other Nohrians who join you, she has no reason to help fight other than Kamui convincing her to join. Furthermore, she is the only Nohrian that you never fight when playing Birthright. Every other route-exclusive character, both Hoshido and Nohr, are fought at some point.

Gameplay wise, I'm not really sure of anyone because I push to use everyone I like, regardless of whether there is a better option of someone in the class.

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@Everyone saying 1/2 to 3/4ths of FE11's cast

The game is literally a direct remake of FE1, so of course their growths/dialogue/etc. will be the exact same. If you say FE11, then you are also saying FE1 by default.

Other than that, I'd say FE4's Christmas Knights because they don't do much in the story and are just plain terrible as units.

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@Everyone saying 1/2 to 3/4ths of FE11's cast

The game is literally a direct remake of FE1, so of course their growths/dialogue/etc. will be the exact same. If you say FE11, then you are also saying FE1 by default.

Didn't stop them from adding later elements in the series like the weapon triangle.

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Well, if we are also talking about story, then no one is more unnecessary then Giffca. The only thing this guy actually does for the story in PoR is to give Ranulf someone to talk to after he gets injured. Well, he also gives Caineghis an excuse to stay away from the conflict, but I don't see how the story benefits from the King's absence.

His case is especially irritating because PoR feels the need to paint this guy as being even stronger then the actual Laguz Kings from the bird tribes. They are all powerful but Giffca is the only one who comes at max level and has a capped stat.

Not that I don't like this guy. I mean, he is basically a ninja lion. That's all kinds of awesome.

Edited by BrightBow
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So I was thinking about one particular character in Awakening and this thread came to mind . . .

Does Virion exist for any reason other than to get owned? Repeatedly?

He's your only bow user for quite a while, and wyverns are both fairly plentiful and a pain to take down. He's not great, but he has a role.

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Seriously, fuck Cath. She's unnecessary as a unit at the very least. She'd be better off even being a recurring enemy that you have to kill (or ignore and get treasure before her) every time.

FE11's cast is bad, but I'm surprised by people mentioning that, when the game it's a remake of has an even worse cast. I mean, Jagen's stats are barely above Abel and Cain. Wrys has barely any growths beyond 30. Lena has 0 HP growth. Julian and multiple other characters have 0 weapon level growth. So many characters are just flat out useless (okay not Julian he's a thief but still).

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I'm kind of surprised there's been no mention of Hannibal. FE4 is an especially bad game to be a Knight, even more so when you join as late as he does, and if I remember correctly the most dangerous enemies after he joins mostly target resistance.

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He's your only bow user for quite a while, and wyverns are both fairly plentiful and a pain to take down. He's not great, but he has a role.

You're given plenty of tome users to fight those with, though. Ricken in particular had this role made especially explicit for him during his introduction.

You don't see many pegasus units until the dreaded Valm arc, either, by which point you can basically have as many bow users as you want (though lance users would be preferable).

Edited by Tamarsamar
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You're given plenty of tome users to fight those with, though. Ricken in particular had this role made especially explicit for him during his introduction.

You don't see many pegasus units until the dreaded Valm arc, either, by which point you can basically have as many bow users as you want (though lance users would be preferable).

There's only one Elwind tome, though (Robin can still do serious damage with Thunder, but this is Robin we're talking about). Having Virion available as a another option early on is useful. Plus, he gives decent pair-up bonuses along with good (but not great) and accurate chip damage as a support unit ignoring the weapon triangle, so there's that as well. He also has plot relevance, for what that's worth.

He's not good by any means, but he is only the sixth unit you get, so I wouldn't call him unnecessary.

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FE4 is an especially bad game to be a knight.

So true.

Their only use is to guard the castle against physical units.

I ignore knights in most parts because of their movement and low speed.

Draug and Gatrie are the only good ones for me. Gilliam is in FE8. I use Meg at least on NM.

In FE5 I ignore all the low leveled cavs. in ch. 9, because I've good ones with Fergus, Hicks, Finn and Carrion already.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Most of the Gaiden Casts too.

Mycen is a case of a character that is essential story wise, but absolutely useless gameplay-wise. He's only marginally better than Zeke who comes some time before with awesome stats and crazy growths (for Gaiden).

And I'm not even counting the "Wingless Pegasus" Machilda.

Valbo is in a somewhat similar case. He's mildly important story wise, but 0 Res when there's no good way to raise it is just unacceptable.

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