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Super Mario Maker


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So to those getting Super Mario Maker at/near its launch date, what kind of levels would you prefer playing? Easy/Medium difficulty levels with fun mechanics? Levels that are easy/moderately difficult to navigate but with deviously hidden level exits? (like the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World) Levels that heavily require the use of certain game mechanics to complete the level? (like levels where Yoshi's flutter jump or wall jumping is mandatory)

I'm asking since I want to get an idea of what kind of levels I should make for the SF community that they'd enjoy. I'm sure I could come up with ridiculously hard levels that only myself and a few other SF members could beat, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be fun for most of you. Though I hope you'd be okay with devious Ghost House levels where you really need to think hard to find where the exit is hidden, since I've got quite a few of those in mind.

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Here is Miyamoto who wants to say something only to U!


The only thing I'm looking forward to in this video is Bowser Jr.'s mother.I have wanted to know for so long.

So to those getting Super Mario Maker at/near its launch date, what kind of levels would you prefer playing? Easy/Medium difficulty levels with fun mechanics? Levels that are easy/moderately difficult to navigate but with deviously hidden level exits? (like the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World) Levels that heavily require the use of certain game mechanics to complete the level? (like levels where Yoshi's flutter jump or wall jumping is mandatory)

I'm asking since I want to get an idea of what kind of levels I should make for the SF community that they'd enjoy. I'm sure I could come up with ridiculously hard levels that only myself and a few other SF members could beat, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be fun for most of you. Though I hope you'd be okay with devious Ghost House levels where you really need to think hard to find where the exit is hidden, since I've got quite a few of those in mind.

Moderately difficult,maybe sometimes try some hard ones.I know I'm going to create a crazy-ass level with the Waluigi costume when I get it.

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Moderately difficult,maybe sometimes try some hard ones.I know I'm going to create a crazy-ass level with the Waluigi costume when I get it.

You better put in "Waluigi Time" sfx into every single shenanigan that happens.

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So to those getting Super Mario Maker at/near its launch date, what kind of levels would you prefer playing? Easy/Medium difficulty levels with fun mechanics? Levels that are easy/moderately difficult to navigate but with deviously hidden level exits? (like the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World) Levels that heavily require the use of certain game mechanics to complete the level? (like levels where Yoshi's flutter jump or wall jumping is mandatory)

I'm asking since I want to get an idea of what kind of levels I should make for the SF community that they'd enjoy. I'm sure I could come up with ridiculously hard levels that only myself and a few other SF members could beat, but I'm guessing that wouldn't be fun for most of you. Though I hope you'd be okay with devious Ghost House levels where you really need to think hard to find where the exit is hidden, since I've got quite a few of those in mind.

There are many spectra of levels, no doubt. Let's try to find a few!

Short to Long

Easy to Hard

Focused to Spontaneous

Generic to Surprising

Forgiving to Punishing

A good level designer can create a level anywhere in the multi-dimensional "level space". In other words, just emulate Bangai-O Spirits. I look forward to the most insanely creative and creatively insane levels.

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Super Mario Maker comes in 2 days! Hype!

Miyamoto-san gonna tell us somehting very special about ... SECRETS OF THE MARIO UNIVERSE!


Hope he's not gonna troll us because if the mother of Bowsy is really Peach ... fehfugewfygweygfewftwfwfw@#$%!!!!


I hope it is a logical answer, rather than being a last second thought. And if it's stupid, we have to be forced to consider it canon.

Edit: I watched the video. Miyamoto knows, but I don't think he will reveal it... Otherwise, he stated he's Bowser Jr's mother...

Edited by Hyperthrough
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Super Mario Maker comes in 2 days! Hype!

I hope it is a logical answer, rather than being a last second thought. And if it's stupid, we have to be forced to consider it canon.

Edit: I watched the video. Miyamoto knows, but I don't think he will reveal it... Otherwise, he stated he's Bowser Jr's mother...

Well.Time to wait another 16 years for Jr.'s mother.

But,it's kinda interesting that Super Mario Bros.3 was a preformance after all.

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Miyamoto is so funny. lol

But SMB3 being just a performance after all is disappointing. That was the debut of the Koopalings! And they were just pretending all along? :(

Think of all Mario games as performances, with the characters being really actors reenacting a set of events for us (the players) to enjoy. SMB3 is simply a lot more obvious with the way it presents itself.

SMB3 is also not the only Mario game to present itself as a play. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door does it too. Super Mario 64 is also a documentary directed by Lakitu.

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The First patch for Super Mario Maker is already out

•“Create a course” scene: a small element was added.
•Condition(s) for increasing the amount of useable parts (in the level editor) were added.
•Various changes meant to improve the gameplay experience.

The biggest change is that you can now unlock every single element set per 15 mins instead of 9 days. So no need to extend the Wii U clock system.

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The First patch for Super Mario Maker is already out

The biggest change is that you can now unlock every single element set per 15 mins instead of 9 days. So no need to extend the Wii U clock system.

I'll probably play it for two hours and fifteen minutes the day I get it,so this is awesome.Nintendo listened to the internet!

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