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Games you think are overrated?

Blue Druid

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Given what the OP has said in other posts, wouldn't a more appropriate title for this thread be "What Popular Games Do You Not Like?"

Anyway, for me it's the Pokemon series as a whole. I love the Pokemon lore to death, but the gameplay just doesn't appeal to me. It's very slow, and way too luck based (at least in Fire Emblem you can see the numbers).

In a recent playthrough, I found that Mario 64 is a pretty flawed game (understandable as it is the very first 3D platformer). This might just be my personal taste/experience with platformers but I didn't like the momentum mechanics or the way fire damage worked.

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For a more recent example, The Witcher 3 seems pretty overrated to me. Clumsy UI(i played on PS4), basic/mediocre combat, questionable story pacing (lots of 'your princess is in another castle'). Not a bad game, but 10/10, GotY, new standard for RPGs...not seeing it.

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We cant have a topic with the word "overrated" in it without those insipid comments about how the word lost meaning. :facepalm:

Suikoden 2. Very, very solid. Though, saying it's one of the best 90's jrpgs might be a wee bit too far.

Still, it deserves much of the credit it gets. Some things never really caught on to me, however. Such as, the battle system, and music.

Alternatively, Earthbound.

Note, I've never really gotten that far in to the game, so my opinion is sort of worthless, but,

I just found it really tedious. Which is normal for a lot of JRPG, I guess, but perhaps my expectations were too high.

EarthBound is gr9, however, the first act of the game is shaky at best. And honestly? If i picked up the game for the first time right now, id probably get real annoyed and go play something else. Because that first act is just....Its grindy, a bit slow, kinda dull, and damn tedious. It really isnt until you get Paula that shit starts getting good in that game. So yeah, in some ways, it can be overrated. The game itself is worth sitting through though, but if you dont wanna play it yourself, watch an LP of it or something. I played that game in the late 90s, so i was kinda conditioned to tedium in rpgs.

Ill chime in on the War Against Ocarina Of Time. I actually do not think this game is overrated because of what it did for gaming as a whole. (hence why im not listing FF7 either) I happened to love ALttP a lot more, but OoT introduced things to 3D gaming that still holds up. Night and Day cycles, expansive exploration, etc. Dungeon design was bomb too. The only thing clunky about it is some of the combat.

I do find Shadow Of The Colossus to be a wee bit overrated. Its a lovely game and definitely got a great premise. I like that theres no real exposition and you can just dive right in. But hell, if i could control the damn protagonist properly. I found the gameplay clunky and at times, really unresponsive. /shrug

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I will say the Half Life series is overrated in general. Its just based too much on physics puzzles and is too slow paced for my liking.

I will admit that they did have a huge impact on the FPS genre, but I dont really care for it all that much, I never got around to finishing the Half Life games I got because they got pretty boring to me.

Another one for me is Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I see some people here say that Pokemon's gameplay is slow paced, well in Diamond/Pearl, it is that x100. The story goes nowhere until the last few hours, the main villain doesnt appear until the game is almost over. It takes 10 seconds to be able to run away from a battle, and movement just feels really slow. It is by far the only Pokemon game I never finished.

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Oh yeah, that too. Of course it isn't bad, and it's a great introduction, but when going back to the older entries, it's kind of disappointing. Sure, they refined a lot of things, but they also removed a lot of things and over simplified lots of other features. Still one of the best 3DS games, but pales in comparison to other FE games.

Yes, I agree completely. Not to mention the widening gap between casual fans and long time fans.

I will say the Half Life series is overrated in general. Its just based too much on physics puzzles and is too slow paced for my liking.

I will admit that they did have a huge impact on the FPS genre, but I dont really care for it all that much, I never got around to finishing the Half Life games I got because they got pretty boring to me.

Another one for me is Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I see some people here say that Pokemon's gameplay is slow paced, well in Diamond/Pearl, it is that x100. The story goes nowhere until the last few hours, the main villain doesnt appear until the game is almost over. It takes 10 seconds to be able to run away from a battle, and movement just feels really slow. It is by far the only Pokemon game I never finished.

I would say the same for all the Pokemon DS with the exception of Black and White and their sequels.

I'm not fond of Wind Waker or Radiant Dawn. I mean, I don't like the term overrated because I don't think people are wrong for liking those games as much as they do, I just don't like them.

Also, as someone who loves the original Mario Galaxy, I just couldn't get into Mario Galaxy 2, which many people find even better than the original. The entirety of Metroid also doesn't appeal to me.

The Galaxy games are very fun, but they definitely have their flaws. I could see why you don't like Metroid, even as a huge fan. Metroid is one of those games that you take interest for over time; you can't just pick up and play it. I'd say Metroid Fusion is the best for beginners.

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Glad someone agrees with me that Gen V is a great generation of Pokemon.

Yeah, Gen V was definitlely a great gen. People keep complaining about Pokemon like Vanillish and Trubbish lacking an interesting design, which they do, but then again Gen I is guilty of the same. For example Geodude is just a rock with arms and Muk is quite literally a pile of shit!

Gen V is probably the first (and only) Pokemon games to have an actually interesting story and villains, and even some difficulty to the gameplay.

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For me its Chrono Trigger.

Don't get me wrong I thought it was an awesome and charming game, but I never really felt "Wow this is the greatest rpg of all time!" like a lot of people seem to think of the game. Perhaps it might be because I only got this game much later on the Wii's virtual console thanks Europe being a shitty place for games during the snes era.

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It aged badly, but this is due to poor camera and collision detection rather than the design itself. It gives you a sense of speed and freedom of movement that no other game has. It's also the most speedrunnable 3D platformer in existence.

It's one of my favourite games for this reason, even though it suffers from many flaws such as the ones you stated. As a favourite YouTuber of mine once said, your favourite game doesn't have to be flawless, you just have to decide if the good stuff outweighs the bad stuff and you enjoy playing it.

As for overrated for myself, it would be Ocarina of Time. From the way it's been hyped, I thought it would be a grand masterpiece without any flaws. When I got around to trying the remake on 3DS (which is supposed to be an improvement of the original), I felt kind of disappointed. Compared to some of the newer games in the Zelda series, it felt a bit lackluster. I suppose back in the day, it would seem like the greatest game ever, but obviously games don't always hold up so well over the years.

Edited by DragonLord
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Ill chime in on the War Against Ocarina Of Time. I actually do not think this game is overrated because of what it did for gaming as a whole. (hence why im not listing FF7 either) I happened to love ALttP a lot more, but OoT introduced things to 3D gaming that still holds up. Night and Day cycles, expansive exploration, etc. Dungeon design was bomb too. The only thing clunky about it is some of the combat.

While Ocarina of Time can take credit for,a lot of things, introducing Day and Night cycles and expansive exploration into 3D gaming definitely are not examples of it, not in a 1998 game.

For example, the Elder Scrolls series used to be around for a few years and it's second instalment, Daggerfall from 1996, is to this day by far the most complex entry in the series... and also by far the most broken game in the series, which is a rather scary thought given the series' track record. Anyway, naturally a day and night cycle already existed there and it featured a world that's usually compared to the size of Great Britain.

Ocarina of Time's biggest claim to fame seems to be the lock-on system. Like, there were games like Tomb Raider, which had a lock-on system that were entirely automatic but they were about as reliable as those games' automatic camera in general, which is to say it was very bad. Didn't exactly help that Lara controlled like a car, so getting out of harms way was easier said then done.

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I'll get tons of hate, when I say FE13.

It was a good 3DS game, but not a good FE game for me if I compare game mechanics and plot with other parts.

It was just so successful, because it introduced so many newcomers into this series who don't know the awesomeness of the past games.

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I'll get tons of hate, when I say FE13.

It was a good 3DS game, but not a good FE game for me if I compare game mechanics and plot with other parts.

It was just so successful, because it introduced so many newcomers into this series who don't know the awesomeness of the past games.

I agree with you.And obviously the plot compared to other FE games sucks,since FE13 plot is the worst in the series.
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Yeah, Gen V was definitlely a great gen. People keep complaining about Pokemon like Vanillish and Trubbish lacking an interesting design, which they do, but then again Gen I is guilty of the same. For example Geodude is just a rock with arms and Muk is quite literally a pile of shit!

Gen V is probably the first (and only) Pokemon games to have an actually interesting story and villains, and even some difficulty to the gameplay.

Am I the only person who's really fucking sick of this argument?

Like... there's so much wrong with the ideology of "BUT GEN 1 HAD BAD DESIGNS TOO"

I mean... yes? Does that make these any better?

And also, do the three generations in between not matter at all? Shouldn't we have higher standards considering Gen 1 was around 20 years ago? Any of those could be considered much better than Gen 1 or 5 in terms of designs.

And, even without mentioning the ones that people love to defend like the ice cream and garbage, does that make any of the other designs good? There are still plenty of bad or boring Pokemon designs throughout Gen V. But even then, whenever I criticize them I tend to get "AAAA BUT MUK BUT GEODUDE".

Also, by Gen V, I'm assuming you mean BW1 because I played White 2 and the story was... pretty shit. The rival is easily my least favorite, his motivations are so... overexaggerated. He has to complain about his sister's missing cat every moment he can. Villains are pretty boring too in that game.

Honestly, the games aren't even disliked anymore. Plenty of people love them. If you held a poll of people's favorite Pokemon games, number 1 would probably be either Gen 5 or 3.

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This actually.

Don't get me wrong, I love it.

But more and more people are getting in to it, loving it, glorifying it without even noticing its faults.

They are a lovely broken mess. Absolute perfection.

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This guy did a fantastic review of Ocarina of Time.


Is it overrated? Well, that depends on who you ask. It's not like everyone loves it to death. I've only met like 2 people who actually think it's the best Zelda game.

Is it good? In my opinion, yes. It's not the best Zelda game, but it's still enjoyable for what it is... unlike most early 3D games, it aged pretty well and stood the test of time. Get it?

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I'll get tons of hate, when I say FE13.

It was a good 3DS game, but not a good FE game for me if I compare game mechanics and plot with other parts.

It was just so successful, because it introduced so many newcomers into this series who don't know the awesomeness of the past games.

None from me. I completely agree.

Am I the only person who's really fucking sick of this argument?

Like... there's so much wrong with the ideology of "BUT GEN 1 HAD BAD DESIGNS TOO"

I mean... yes? Does that make these any better?

And also, do the three generations in between not matter at all? Shouldn't we have higher standards considering Gen 1 was around 20 years ago? Any of those could be considered much better than Gen 1 or 5 in terms of designs.

And, even without mentioning the ones that people love to defend like the ice cream and garbage, does that make any of the other designs good? There are still plenty of bad or boring Pokemon designs throughout Gen V. But even then, whenever I criticize them I tend to get "AAAA BUT MUK BUT GEODUDE".

Also, by Gen V, I'm assuming you mean BW1 because I played White 2 and the story was... pretty shit. The rival is easily my least favorite, his motivations are so... overexaggerated. He has to complain about his sister's missing cat every moment he can. Villains are pretty boring too in that game.

Honestly, the games aren't even disliked anymore. Plenty of people love them. If you held a poll of people's favorite Pokemon games, number 1 would probably be either Gen 5 or 3.

Don't you think you're a bit too... Passionate? I was just saying that I don't find any validity in complaining about the creativity of a Pokemon's design in general, when what people should focus on is the game itself. It just annoys me when people say that Gen V was lame, the "lame Pokemon designs" is all they say, and nothing about the rest of Gev V's content. And yes, I was referring to BW1. Like The_Vernster said BW2 was more for content. I acyually like all generations' designs.

Is it overrated? Well, that depends on who you ask. It's not like everyone loves it to death. I've only met like 2 people who actually think it's the best Zelda game.

Is it good? In my opinion, yes. It's not the best Zelda game, but it's still enjoyable for what it is... unlike most early 3D games, it aged pretty well and stood the test of time. Get it?

That's a fantastic review and analysis. But I'd like to direct people to Egoraptor's Sequelitis episode of Zelda.

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I would agree on FE13, though I do feel that longtime Fire Emblem fans would probably tend to have more jaded opinions on it than the general gaming populace just because of its differences from past games.

On Pokemon, I honestly wasn't aware that Gen IV was at-large overrated (if it's not usually considered the worst gen by Pokemon fans, then it's at least very rarely considered the best from what I've seen). I personally like Gen V but it's probably a more valid candidate in that respect, since while there are detractors, fans seem to have a mostly positive opinion of it. But, of course, I could just be ignorant.

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Pokemon gen 4? Overrated? I see more people hate on it than like it, which makes me sad because it's my favorite gen. I loved Sinnoh, its Pokemon, Team Galactic, almost everything about it. The only flaws I felt it had were the lack of Fire types in the Pokedex, the slowish battle gameplay, and the "saving a lot of data" BS and that was only in Diamond and Pearl. Platinum fixed all that.

I do think gen 3 is overrated though, forgot to mention. I felt almost everything about it sucked. I only got the remake because of Mega Lopunny and Mega Gallade, pretty much, because GameFreak refuses to patch X and Y with these new Mega forms.

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Pokemon gen 4? Overrated? I see more people hate on it than like it, which makes me sad because it's my favorite gen. I loved Sinnoh, its Pokemon, Team Galactic, almost everything about it. The only flaws I felt it had were the lack of Fire types in the Pokedex, the slowish battle gameplay, and the "saving a lot of data" BS and that was only in Diamond and Pearl. Platinum fixed all that.

I do think gen 3 is overrated though, forgot to mention. I felt almost everything about it sucked. I only got the remake because of Mega Lopunny and Mega Gallade, pretty much, because GameFreak refuses to patch X and Y with these new Mega forms.

Not all of Gen 4 is overrated IMO. Heartgold and SoulSilver are really good.

Platinum I can't say cause I never played it yet. Diamond/Pearl though suck for me.

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My big problem with the Gen IV games was just how slow everything was. It was definitely the worst in D/P, but I found it only marginally fixed in HG/SS. The running speed felt like it should have been the normal walking speed, and the animations felt as twice as long as those of every other gen. Those sound like nitpicky complaints, but the sluggish engine genuinely ruined some of my enjoyment of those games.

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