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What is it that you dislike about Fire Emblem?


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The section of the fandom that acts all superior because they're the "old fans" and hate anyone who has ever played awakening. Who also hate on anyone who plays on any form of easy mode, and who only care about the hardest modes, and bragging rights. who claim that awakening is the bane of the series.

I love fire emblem for the story, I like to play on the easiest setting due to that ( I think phoenix mode may be a bit too easy though for my personal tastes) , I actually enjoy the new air brought to the fandom. Honestly, I used to be terrified by most of the fandom and I felt like I was extremely unwelcome and that the other fans would hate me if I were to speak up. The DA Fe community were the less scary ones.

With awakening there seems to be a lot more people who enjoy the games for what they are, and enjoying them for the story and enjoy it just because it can be fun. They kind of people who all post funny, silly pictures of the series because the series can be too serious for its own good. I like to laugh and have fun after I play a game because they can be very beautiful yet depressing (in an amazing way) and the other fans know how to lighten the mood and have fun.

I ADORE that and it seems like other old fans like me are coming out now because there are actually friendly faces around.....I can't tell you how scared I was to join this site.

Yes, there's quite a bit of fan-service now, but I don't honestly care much at all. I don't think it takes away from anything because most of it is optional anyway.

Yeah, they're always going to be those weirdos in a fandom but I hardly ever really encounter them, maybe it's because I stick to Tumblr and adoptables sites, ( i don't go on DA often anymore) who knows. But...... I finally feel comfortable within the fandom and I'm terrified to talk to most fans still especially on more "core" sites like this.

The thing I hate the most is the fandom, the hating "older fan" side of it. I honestly get extremely anxious even when posting here still.

edit: I mean no offense to anyone but alot of you make it seem like people get waaaayyyyy too into the fanservice in a kind of creepy way, which yes I imagine some people would but whatever floats anyone's boat, I guess. Just don't go announcing it to the world, I personally am very "no public displays of affection" other than maybe a (short) hug (unless it's obvious comforting) or holding hands and what not. So I like to stay in the parts of the internet that are the same X"D unless it's like a ship or something but even then I keep it relatively innocent

I'll just choose this post to reply to because it has something specific I want to comment on.

The release of Awakening was probably when our community was at its worst as far as elitism goes, and it definitely happened (I'm surprised so many here are denying it). The forum gets over 3000 posts per day at times and it can be hard for us to catch everything, but you can be certain that people treating others that way is not acceptable and that you can go to any one of my moderators if you're being bothered or see someone else being bullied/picked on. There's no need for anyone in this thread to feel anxious about posting because they're worried that they'll be treated poorly. Just send us a report (there's a report button at the bottom of every post) if someone is acting up and a moderator will intervene.

FE has gone through a ton of changes since the first game was released, and as it continues to evolve it will no doubt continue to appeal to different people. So while it does seep into our forum from time to time purely because of how large our community is, our official stance is that SF is not the place for people who are unable to accept that we're all going to be fans of the series for different reasons, none of which any worse than another.

SF has experienced massive growth this year, and we're thankful for all of the members that have chosen to be a part of our forum. Everyone here is an equal in our eyes, we try to treat our members as well as we'd treat eachother, regardless of how long they've been here or when they got into the series. So just come to us if you're having an issue from now on! My PM box is always open!

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PoR and RD both sold around 180,000; they were borderline commercial failures, and likely are what caused IS to play it safe and make the Archanea remakes to cash in on homeland nostalgia.

I don't know where you got this number from, but that's entirely false. They both sold around 500,000 (unfortunately, I can't seem to find my source on this, but it's definitely not what you said). It's hard to say if SD did better or worse than them, but if it did better at all, it likely wasn't by much.
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I kid, I kid. I just like making fun of him for some reason. FE6 isn't my favorite game, but I ended up liking it more than I expected.

More seriously... I dunno. There's too much and it's more nitpicking certain bits than problems with the series as a whole, or even a particular game. I could sum it up as "Fire Emblem never sticks with everything I like and makes the next game my ideal vision of the series", but that's a silly complaint.

My ideal vision seems to involve elements from across the whole series, though, so I've been able to find things I really like about every game. I suppose that's a good thing. (It's also why my favorite Fire Emblem game is currently listed as N/A. I'd probably pick Blazing Sword if I had to, but... but... why choose?)

I really ought to make a hack or something one of these days. I wonder if I could do my ideas justice.

Probably not.

But, since the subject of the fanbase came up...

The negativity really gets to me sometimes. Some elements of the series I like get a lot of hate, and parts of games I enjoyed seem like they were a complete disaster in the eyes of everyone else. Sometimes it makes me feel like an idiot.

But... that's on me. I'm too sensitive, and I have this awful unconscious habit of giving others' opinions far more weight than my own, just by default. Don't mind me.

Edited by Phoenix_Kensai
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I don't know where you got this number from, but that's entirely false. They both sold around 500,000 (unfortunately, I can't seem to find my source on this, but it's definitely not what you said). It's hard to say if SD did better or worse than them, but if it did better at all, it likely wasn't by much.

They sold 500,000 each worldwide. In Japan, they actually sold LESS than 180,000 each. PoR sold I believe 170,000 and RD 160,000.

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They sold 500,000 each worldwide. In Japan, they actually sold LESS than 180,000 each. PoR sold I believe 170,000 and RD 160,000.

That's just so ridiculously low considering they're probably the best in the series. WTF happened?

Edited by YoshiYogurt
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That's just so ridiculously low considering they're probably the best in the series. WTF happened?

Lack of advertising/word of mouth + stagnation + Japan was starting to show its affinity towards handhelds.

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Here's a list:

  • RNG can be a bit too much at times.
  • Fanservice is completely unnecessary, Fates makes awakening look like The Witcher 3.
  • Awakening: Glaring plot issues and holes.
  • Blazing Sword: Ten chapters of tutorials?! It makes sense since it's the first game to come to the states but come on!
  • No proper multiplayer mode yet, until Fates comes out at least.

I know that I may not be a true Fire Emblem fan

I beg to differ, the core design of Fire Emblem breathes through the entire series, and I'm with Rey on this, no matter what your favorite FE game is, you are a true fan of Fire Emblem. And whoever tells you otherwise is sorely mistaken.

Edited by Rxmonste
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Yeah, I know, so let us control those soldiers! Maybe it's because I'm more of a grand strategy guy, but FE4 is my favorite of the franchise because it's the only one that actually feels like a war.

Would be nice if they let you control these soldiers in side missions and such, or even at least show some cutscenes of soldiers slug it out.

While we're on the topic of Grand Strategy games, it'd be cool to see Fire Emblem game in that genre. I think it can work.

Edited by Rxmonste
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That's just so ridiculously low considering they're probably the best in the series. WTF happened?

Tellius had shit marketing. Hell, the only real info i saw about it back when it was being released, was in a Nintendo Power. I was all "omg new Fire Emblem and i wasnt informed?" Sure, i went out and got the game when it was released, but im not sure if i'd known about it if it werent for that issue of Nintendo Power. In Japan, i dont know. Probably received less marketing than internationally. (which would be saying something)

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Would be nice if they let you control these soldiers in side missions and such, or even at least show some cutscenes of soldiers slug it out.

While we're on the topic of Grand Strategy games, it'd be cool to see Fire Emblem game in that genre. I think it can work.

Civilization: Daein

Leaders: Ashnard or Micaiah

Unique Unit: Four Rider (Great General that can fight)

Unique building: Daein Keep (Walls that add more firepower to a city defense)

I would probably play that mod.

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Civilization: Daein

Leaders: Ashnard or Micaiah

Unique Unit: Four Rider (Great General that can fight)

Unique building: Daein Keep (Walls that add more firepower to a city defense)

I would probably play that mod.

Oh, absolutely, in fact, it'd be awesome if there's a Civ for every region in FE, Altea, Ylisse, and I forgot which one was in Blazing Sword. But yeah, Civ with Fire Emblem.

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Civilization: Daein

Leaders: Ashnard or Micaiah

Unique Unit: Four Rider (Great General that can fight)

Unique building: Daein Keep (Walls that add more firepower to a city defense)

I would probably play that mod.

there actually is a Daein civ mod, as well as a Begnion and Crimea one, these three are pretty well made (all of these made by Kiang)

there's also lesser well made mods, Ylisse is hilariously overpowered so i refuse to have it downloaded, Plegia is actually decently made, if not underpowered (both made by Soldier CodeFreak)

the Taguel's is well thought out but abit underpowered like with Plegia, as neither one of them have any traits that directly help for winning the game. the Cordeila mod is uninspired EXP gain along with nothing to help with victory paths. (both made by the same guy)

overall, Daein is Military/Culture victory, Crimea is Military/Science victory, Begnion is Domination based period with a good focus on religion.

Ylisse is impossible to lose or beat in Diplomatic victory, and the rest of the mods have nothing to help them with victory.

i wish there were more well made FE civ mods

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The first 12 games had characters with feet. This was unacceptable to me.

I love this. Many, many chuckles were had.

As for things I don't like, ambush spawns always annoy me at least a little bit even though they're in all of my favorite FE games and I'm not the biggest fan of weapon weight, especially the con system. I understand it was supposed to incentivise the use of lighter yet weaker weapons over heavier ones, but it never seemed to do all that much and was just a hassle(people more informed than I have articulated this better elsewhere). It also bugs me on a more minor level because real combat weapons weren't really that heavy in the first place.

Aside from those, anything that bugs me applies to multiple fantasy-medieval games and not just Fire Emblem.

Edited by Ambling Falchion
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  • 2 years later...

I actually have a Love/Hate Relationship with the Fire Emblem Franchise. So here are the things I really don't like in Fire Emblem which is pretty much most of them :lol:,


  • Weapon Durability: Granted this is a Strategy Game where you're supposed to manage every single thing to raise your odds of winning, but still it drags the game down to a crawl having to ration your weapons. FE4: Geneology kinda fixes this issue, but Gaiden was smart enough to remove this staple feature since it's such an archaic game design choice that makes most of the Fire Emblem games be not about a Strategy Game based on Fighting Battles, but more so on Strategy based on Weapon Management. Plus, it makes using most of the Legendary Weapons in Fire Emblem Games pretty much pointless to use except for beating the Final Boss with it.
  • Promotion Items: I would've like it if it would be possible to promote in the Preparations Screen for the next battles instead of using a specific item to promote your characters, but oh well. It's the least of my worries.
  • Character Growth Rates:  I really find this to be pretty underwhelming as the growth rates of *insert attribute here* I see in most of the Fire Emblem characters range from average to straight up bad (Even the Est archetypes don't amaze me despite their high growths). Getting RNG-screwed is the norm in most FE games so I would've liked this staple feature be utilized to its true potential since I don't think it is due to it being inconsistent. Generally I prefer characters with great bases over great growths like an Ogma, Oifaye, and Seth like characters where they stay good to the bitter end since they have OK growths. Other strategy games like the Shining Force series did a decent job managing consistent growth rates for your characters.


Bear in mind, I still like a lot of things in the Fire Emblem Franchise. Mainly the storytelling, the characters, the world-building, and the fact that this is the grand-daddy of Console Strategy RPGs that started it all.

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