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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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18. What are some of your hobbies? Apologies if it's been asked before.

19. Favourite Pegasus knights/falcons/whatever else names they've received in first and final forms in all main FE games.

20. Favourite FE class

21. What consoles and handhelds do you own? even if they belong to your husband

22. Your GOTY for '16

And I'll discuss it with my psychiatrist in a bit... not sure if I'd ever be able to get off it even if they ween me off it slowly. eh.

18. Cipher is probably by biggest hobby at the moment, given how much time I spend on it. I also really enjoy reading and video games.

19: All the games I've played, anyway:

FE1/11 - Caeda (the games are close enough where I may as well rate them together)

FE2 - Est

FE4 - Fury

FE6 - Tate

FE7 - Florina

FE8 - Tana

FE9 & 10 - Elincia

FE12 - Palla

FE13 - Sumia

FE14 - Reina

20 - Dark Flyer! Magic and Pegasus all in one. <3

21. Hubby and I together own 2 3DSXLs, 1 N3DSXL, 1 Wii U, 1 Wii, 1 GameCube, 2 DS Lites, 1 GBA SP, 1 GBA, 2 GBC, and 1 Sega Genesis/CD combo.

22. Yoshi's Wooly World. Man, that game was so awesome.

Post-22. It can't hurt to try anyway. :) Best of luck with it! <3

> The best battle theme soundtrack you've heard in a game?

> Have you ever wanted to play a character or have a part in one of your favorite shows?

> Any changes/suggestions you would like to see done on the current direction of the FE series?

> Now that the year is pretty much over, what would you say was your favorite part of it? Worst?

> Kayaking, mountain climbing, shark diving, sky diving, which would you prefer doing?

> Say your really rich and near the end of your life, leave your stuff as inheritance to your kids (say you had them) or would you give it all away?

> Knowing now what this interview stuff is about now and having your turn, what are your overall/final impressions of it?

> I know this one is repetitive, but I'm still going to ask anyways: impressions of me? first or current or final, if any?

> Reading by the moonlight or reading with the sunrise?

> Interested in a VR version of FE?

> End boss battle you liked the most?

> !

Happy holidays!

1. Not sure if it's strictly the best or not, but the one that's most memorable to me is the random encounter music from Lunar: Eternal Blue COMPLETE.

2. If I could cut out all the bullshit networking/social aspects of acting, I would certainly and totally love to act in anything. I'm not sure which sort of role would suit me best, though.

3. I don't really like the whole waifu/hardcore shipping/everyone supports everyone direction of the games, but I don't really think that's going to be changing any time soon, so I'll just ask for better written supports, please. Another more realistic change that I would like to see implemented is to have the avatar character have more of a side role and just be a regular class, kind of like Kris except for how much Kris hijacks the story. Oh, and enough with the children mechanic, please, especially if it's going to be lazily shoe-horned in. Either actually have it worked into the plot (Genealogy and Awakening did this fine) or just don't bother.

4. Despite all the tragedy of this year, a lot of good as happened to me personally. I think I'd have to go with getting my breast reduction as the best part of the year. Worst will have to go to Trump's election, mostly because we'll have to be living with the consequences globally for the next several years.

5. Shark diving! Sharks are super cool, and I'd like to be up close to them again. I got to feed a Nurse Shark while hubby and I were in Curaçao for our honeymoon and it was super fucking cool.

6. Since my husband and I don't plan on having kids, I don't really know what's going to happen to our shit when we die. I never thought about it before. I guess I'd probably choose to donate some amounts to some causes and split the rest between living relatives.

7. It's been pretty fun! I hope you guys have enjoyed asking me questions as much as I've enjoyed answering them. :)

8. You have a very pretty avatar! Though, like I'd said before with these questions, I have a hard time noticing things about people unless I've spent a lot of time with them.

9. Night reading is definitely cooler, though I'd want a small lamp or something to avoid straining my eyes too much; they're shitty enough as it is.

10. Not really, no; I'm pretty apathetic towards the whole VR craze in general.

11. I really loved the penultimate boss in Bravely Default; it was cool from a plot perspective and also decent gameplay-wise. I wish she would have been the final boss instead.

12. ?!

Thank you! ^^

28. Do you follow the news? Doesn't have to be anything specific.

29. Favorite food?

30. you mentioned some before, but in general what would you say is the biggest pet peeve of yours?

31. An opinion or viewpoint you feel alone on?

32. If you had 81 seconds to address the world, what would you say?

28. Not really hardcore or anything, but I usually read the BBC news website once a day.

29. Sushi! <3 And my favourite sushi is hamachi nigiri.

30. Probably top tier pet peeve is people being horrible to animals. >:|

31. Not having an opinion, if that counts. There are plenty of things that I don't really know a lot about, so I don't really feel informed enough to feel one way or the other, but it seems like so many people have strong opinions on everything, whether they really understand it or not.

32. I'd probably just show off pictures of my cat.

21. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

22. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

23. Retribution or forgiveness?

24. Efficiency or thoroughness?

21. I would be a really horrible ruler; I'm so passive and indecisive. I'd probably make finding a good council of people who know what the fuck their doing my first order of business and then do what they think is best.

22. I'm not really sure what that means, but I guess legal naturalism sounds better.

23. Forgiveness, for sure. Retribution stacks up quickly.

24. Can't we have both? Though I guess thoroughness is more important if I had to pick one of the two.

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Thank you all for having me! ^^ This has been fun. :)

Yeah, I meant to ask more questions, but it's hard to write long posts on my phone, while caring for a new born.

I'm feeling timid but this interview made me find out how similar we are!

Me, too. In my case another 30-something from Illinois, as well.

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I'm feeling timid but this interview made me find out how similar we are!

I'm very glad! And I do wish you the best of luck with getting your medication situation worked out. <3

In the meantime, everyone feel free to profile message, PM, Discord poke (Lemina Ausa #3765), or otherwise get in touch with me if there's anything else you'd like to know. My door is always open. :)

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1: Obligatory "What are your first/current impressions of me?" question

2: Aspirations in life?

3: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

5: Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

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1. The very original ''impressions of me?'' question

2. You saw it coming: favorite eeveelution?

3. Favorite food?

4. Do you like HM in pokémon?

5. Impression of weapon's durability of Fates?

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1. Hi! impressions of me?

I like 50% of your username.

In all seriousness I don't really know you yet but you seem cool.

Also just a notice to everyone, I'm not good at answering this question so, uh... yeah. Expect a lot of "You seem cool". Or jokes.

2. Do you like writing?

Nope, I suck at it.

3. Do you like microwaves?

Well I mean, they're pretty convenient.

also yes i get the joke

4. Favorite pokemon?

The pre-evolution of 50% of your username


5. Favorite article of clothing you own?

I own a Team Mystic shirt and its a really nice material.

Like wow, its really nice and soft.

1: Obligatory "What are your first/current impressions of me?" question

You're pretty cool. I have a lot of respect for you honestly.

Er, not saying I don't have respect for everyone else...

2: Aspirations in life?

Let's see... I really want to program a game from the ground up tbh. I actually have the ability, just not the time (or patience) to do so.

Oh, also school.

3: What is a movie, video game, etc that you like that everyone else hates?

FE: Birthright.

4: What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else likes?

I don't really hate any games besides FE: Revelations, and it's... definitely not the most loved.

5: Are you sticking to the 5 question limit?

Yeah, homework and projects are kinda running my life at the moment.

1. The very original ''impressions of me?'' question


2. You saw it coming: favorite eeveelution?

Umbreon. I like Flareon a lot too.

3. Favorite food?


4. Do you like HM in pokémon?

No. Poke Ride is like, a million times better.

5. Impression of weapon's durability of Fates?

Worked very well with CQs limited money, and I hope it comes back with that type of usage.

Edited by Emerson
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

Implying I've actually achieved something...

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
We... don't travel too far.
5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

I can't say.

Opinions of the following:

a. 13f26d5e1b.gif


b. 49f2b4fd55.gif

Still cute.

For reference, their name is Sukusuku Hakutaku.

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