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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.What book are you currently reading?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.The most beautiful thing you have ever seen?

1. Don't have any.

2. Erm, Winx Club?

3. None

4. New York

5. I... don't think I've actually seen something I feel comfortable listing as the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

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Why do you only answer a part of your questions?

I need time to think, naturally. I probably would have trouble thinking of answers to all of the questions asked at once.

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1. Obligatory "impressions" question.

2. Do you know any foreign languages?

3. Have you been to any foreign countries?

4. Why is your favorite FE your favorite?

5. Why is your favorite FE Lord your favorite?

1. You're pretty cool.

2. I studied French in high school, and know bits of Spanish as well.

3. No.

4. In part because of the route split dictating how the story plays out - while other FEs have had route splits, they were generally minor and didn't affect the overall story; the other part of it was that its gameplay was improved from Awakening.

5. In Corrin's case, it's because they can transform into a dragon, in addition to the Yato changing form as the game goes on. For Hector, it's because he's someone I can generally rely on to not suck.

Ok, I hope it sounds better.

Who's your favorite girl in videogames?

That sounds better.

Anyways, it's likely Aty.

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> what would your life be like if you had never come across SF?

> Have you ever said the words "it's quite, too quite..."

> What do you think of people who are impatient?

> Who do you think is the most interesting man in the world?

> Who do you think is the most interesting woman in the world?

> Rogue One: A Star Wars story is a movie about...Star Wars....you going to watch?

> Will you be watching the Assassin's Creed movie?

> What was the last movie that you watched?

> What was the last movie that impressed you?

> What movie would you have liked to have a role in or is a there a movie in the future you would like a role in?

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6. Would you like to see another Project X Zone part?

7. Favorite pairing and solo unit from the Project X Zone series?

8. Most annoying bossfight in any videogame?

9. Most annoying dunegon in any RPG?

10. Could you imagine to forgive Edward sometime and use him in the next FE10 run?

6. Definitely.

7. Reiji and Xiaomu for pair, and Aty for solo.

8. Bravely Default's Rusalka, no contest. Charm is very irritating, and it doesn't help that at the point where you first fight it, you only have one Rebuff Locket, which prevents it. Nor does it that after several turns, it vanishes, and next turn, it uses a powerful move that takes anyone without Water resistance from full health to nearly dead even if they're defending (God forbid said move crits...). And as the icing on the annoying cake, said move also spawns clones of it, at which point you're royally fucked.

9. The Baction Shrine in Tales of Vesperia.

10. Not. Bloody. Likely.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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> what would your life be like if you had never come across SF?

> Have you ever said the words "it's quite, too quite..."

> What do you think of people who are impatient?

> Who do you think is the most interesting man in the world?

> Who do you think is the most interesting woman in the world?

> Rogue One: A Star Wars story is a movie about...Star Wars....you going to watch?

> Will you be watching the Assassin's Creed movie?

> What was the last movie that you watched?

> What was the last movie that impressed you?

> What movie would you have liked to have a role in or is a there a movie in the future you would like a role in?

First set:

1. Even more boring than it already is.

2. Not that I remember.

3. Don't know.

4. No comment.

5. No comment.

Second set:

1. Nope.

2. Nope.

3. Aladdin

4. Aladdin

5. None

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11. What should do FE4 better to make you want to play this game?

12. Opinion of the direction of FE?

13. Opinion of status staves like Berserk or Sleep in FE?

14. Are you interested in Tales of Berseria?

15. Favorite RPG character to use in a battle?

11: Get rid of the pawn shop, fixed weapon ranks and individual money, nerf the holy weapons, and add a goddamn rescue command.

12. I really don't care, as long as they don't churn out another FE that's Shadow Dragon-level bad.

13. For the player, they have very little practical use; more often than not, they're stupidly niche at best, and outright useless at worst. Of course, they're far more useful (not to mention extremely annoying) in enemy hands..

14. Naturally.

15. Either Natalia, Cheria, Estelle or Leia. Also, Cyrille. (That last one is not from a Tales game)

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

8: Opinion on Leo in Fates?

9: Opinion on kilts and would you wear one?

10: Opinion on petticoats?

11: Favorite era of history?

12: Opinion on kids and any plans to have any?

13: Opinion on kids in Fire Emblem?

14: Opinion on the new weapon triangle in Fates?

15: Opinion on magic in FE and the current way vs the magic weapon triangles of past games?

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1. Do you bike?

2. Are you interested in law?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Have you read any of Tolkien's works (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings etc.)?

5. Would you play FE1?

No, yes, yes, no, and no.

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16. Your personal favorite fanart of a videogame character?

17. Favorite dungeon in the Tales of series?

18. Favorite mystic arte ^?

19. Favorite intro ^?

20. Character with the best voice ^?

16. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=53733727

17. The Tower of Tarqaron

18. Savage Wolf Fury

19. Xillia 2

20. Leia

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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6. Any periods/topics of history you're particularly interested in?

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

8. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

9. If you were a ruler, would you be a passive ruler (responding to developments first) or an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first)?

10. Forgiveness or retribution?

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6. Any periods/topics of history you're particularly interested in?

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

8. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

9. If you were a ruler, would you be a passive ruler (responding to developments first) or an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first)?

10. Forgiveness or retribution?

6. Haven't given it too much thought.

7. I haven't thought about that either.

8. Legal naturalism

9. Passive

10. Depends.

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That feeling when he says he thought you would ask more questions, then he doesn't answer your questions

To be fair, I didn't see you had posted some more questions until just now (I usually just went straight to the last post).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on Ests in Fire Emblem?

8: Opinion on Leo in Fates?

9: Opinion on kilts and would you wear one?

10: Opinion on petticoats?

11: Favorite era of history?

12: Opinion on kids and any plans to have any?

13: Opinion on kids in Fire Emblem?

14: Opinion on the new weapon triangle in Fates?

15: Opinion on magic in FE and the current way vs the magic weapon triangles of past games?

6. I like it.

7. More often than not, they're not worth it.

8. He's awesome.

9. What's a kilt?

10. A petticoat is... what?

11. I haven't really studied history that much.

12. Haven't thought on that one.

13. I like them somewhat (my favorites in particular are Selkie and Midori).

14. I like it.

15. I like magic and its versatiliy, and I feel that integrating it into the weapon triangle was more meaningful than the magic triangle ever was.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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