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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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So...he's an evil clone of you?

Excuse you? I'm niether evil nor a clone. Do you guys always talk about me in this thread? ;)

In any case:

1. Besides me being Rommel's evil clone, what are your honest impressions of me?

2. What do you think of history?

3. What is your favorite work of fiction?

4. Can you recommend me any RPGs for the DS/3ds that no one knows about?

5. Dogs or cats?

Edit: And I hope I haven't been nominated before and I didn't know about it; that would just be embarrassing.

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6. If you had the option of making a character a huge jerk who then becomes nicer or a nice guy who becomes more malicious later on which one would it be?

7. Would you be able to help someone if it meant that you'd be hurting someone else in the process?

8. If you could tell your kid self to do something. What would it be?

9. Do you prefer the land, the sea or the air? As in, if you had wings or gills to breathe underwater where would you most want to be?

10. How do you usually spend your time to just relax aside from video games?

Edit: And I hope I haven't been nominated before and I didn't know about it; that would just be embarrassing.

Don't worry blah, you're good but your name does come up in the nominees at times. So who knows you might have to spring up here one day.

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21. Cat person or dog person?

22. Do you enjoy any sports?

23. Favorite place to vacation at?

24. Opinion on facial hair?

25. Would you rather live in a domed city on Mars or a floating city on Venus?

I see. Thank you very much for your input; I've been meaning to get into another RPG, so this might be a great place to start. Is this the first game in the series, then?

More or less, yeah.

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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. Are you excited for a certain event in near future?

2. Best day in your life?

3. Any event or situation you'd like to forget as soon as you can but can't?

4.What's the reason behind your Aigis avatar you used a little time ago?

1. I'll get to start studying Japanese in my own country soon, so that's nice. If all goes well, I should finish university next year, although knowing my luck, some things will get a bit complicated.

2. Hmm...it's more of a few months than a day, which I'll come back to on a question further down.

3. Many years ago, I got cramp in my calves while swimming with my class and roared in pain - I couldn't walk properly for two days afterwards. Of course, a class doesn't let you forget what you screamed while in seeming never-ending agony.

4. It was adorable as shit, dude. I'm a sucker for cute stuff. Also, Aigis is the best character in Persona 3 and one of the few genuinely good ones.

Egads, hiragana! Hiragana is my bane! At least I could recognize my own name in katakana :P:

Do you prefer hiragana, katakana, or kanji?

Vikings, knights, or samurai?

Wait, did I transcribe it correctly or do you just recognize it in spite of my errors? I've no idea how to write your name in katakana.

Well, I do like me some kanji when they're not too difficult.

Vikings! Boats beat horses and glorious Nippon steel.

Excuse you? I'm niether evil nor a clone. Do you guys always talk about me in this thread? ;)

In any case:

1. Besides me being Rommel's evil clone, what are your honest impressions of me?

2. What do you think of history?

3. What is your favorite work of fiction?

4. Can you recommend me any RPGs for the DS/3ds that no one knows about?

5. Dogs or cats?

Edit: And I hope I haven't been nominated before and I didn't know about it; that would just be embarrassing.

1. If you hadn't revealed your age in a thread I would've genuinely believed you to be someone I know. You sound very similar and share the same interests.

2. It's fascinating, although I don't know as much as I should. I find myself easily glued to the TV when a good documentary about an interesting time and place is on.

3. Good question! Let's see...of the top of my head I've got: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sherlock Holmes, 12 Angry Men and my previously mentioned top three of video game stories. Avatar is my favorite series, the Sherlock Holmes stories are my favorite book(s), 12 Angry Men is my favorite movie and Ace Attorney is my favorite video game in terms of story.

4. RPGs? Probably not, but have you tried Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective? You should, believe you me.

5. Dogs are loyal and every cat I've met is an asshole. Of course that might just lead me to be extremely biased, but yeah, dogs.

6. If you had the option of making a character a huge jerk who then becomes nicer or a nice guy who becomes more malicious later on which one would it be?

7. Would you be able to help someone if it meant that you'd be hurting someone else in the process?

8. If you could tell your kid self to do something. What would it be?

9. Do you prefer the land, the sea or the air? As in, if you had wings or gills to breathe underwater where would you most want to be?

10. How do you usually spend your time to just relax aside from video games?

Don't worry blah, you're good but your name does come up in the nominees at times. So who knows you might have to spring up here one day.

6. I feel like we rarely actually get to SEE good people get corrupted in games. We can get told about it and shown a few flashbacks, but it's far more common for bad people (or just assholes) to become good. I'd like to see someone go from being a normal guy with a strong sense of justice getting corrupted bit by bit. Of course it needs a solid story to back this up, and it needs to not be portrayed as edgy, but overall I think it's an idea that has a lot of potential.

Darth Vader would be an example of this, but we all know how it went when they wanted to actually show us what happened.

If we're talking about games, I assume we're not talking about a self-insert here, but a clearly defined, well-established protagonist.

7. Depends entirely on the situation and how hurt we're talking. If you have a specific question or idea in mind, I'd love to hear it.

8. As much as I loved my time playing World of Warcraft and don't regret doing it, spending but 20% of that on something else, like drawing, would've been amazing. I've always wanted to be able to draw, but I lack the discipline, and now on occasion, the time required as well. Maybe I need to go take a course or something.

9. Well, I wouldn't be able to live in the air, and as I mentioned earlier, I've got a fear of the deep ocean, so I definitely wouldn't make much use of my gills. I wouldn't mind having some wings that I could hide while still live on land.

10. I read and occasionally write. I also like running, studying languages and just lazing about and watch YouTube movies or professional Dota 2 matches.

21. Cat person or dog person?

22. Do you enjoy any sports?

23. Favorite place to vacation at?

24. Opinion on facial hair?

25. Would you rather live in a domed city on Mars or a floating city on Venus?

More or less, yeah.

21. See above. Short answer: dogs.

22. I do like running, but I suck at it. I don't watch many either, unless you count E-sports.

23. Italy, Spain and Japan so far.

24. Some people can pull it off, others can't. Some people get too obsessed over it as well.

25. A floating city sounds awesome, sign me up.

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?
2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?
3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?
4.Furthest you've ever been from home?
5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1. I bought a three month trip to study Japanese in Fukuoka, Japan, all with my own money two years ago. I studied a lot, made some nice friends, trips and memories for life and took some beautiful photographs to remember it all in detail. I'm also still in contact with my host family, which is a friendship I value highly.

2. Are we talking about music or just stuff in general? If we're just talking about things in general, I'll take this opportunity like I always do to recommend 12 Angry Men and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

3. My voice sounds sexy as hell in my head but I sound like a nervous wreck when I listen to it recorded. I don't know how people put up with it.

4. San Francisco.

5. One of my all-time favorite pokémon is Xatu, so that'd be nice. However, I do think that megas are already far too common, and should've been used to empower weaker and less competetive ones, not boost the already viable and popular pokémon. I do hope some older pokémon get new regular evolutions in the future.

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Any story to you that's worse than Conquests?

Some game series or whatever you always wanted to try?

Your preferred weather condition?

Designs that you find aesthetically pleasing?

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Amusingly enough, I bought Ghost Trick today.

Great! Tell me what you thought of it when you're done!

Any story to you that's worse than Conquests?

Some game series or whatever you always wanted to try?

Your preferred weather condition?

Designs that you find aesthetically pleasing?

1. Maybe Revelation.

2. Not really; I mentioned Civilization earlier but I can't think of a specific series that I'm just waiting to get into.

3. I like most kinds of weather depending on what I want to do, but I've got a soft spot for summer rain.

4. Designs for what? Whatever it is though you can rarely mess up something with a good shade of red.

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I see. Thank you very much for your input; I've been meaning to get into another RPG, so this might be a great place to start. Is this the first game in the series, then?

It's the first game in the Trails/Kiseki series, which consists of, in original release order:

Trails in the Sky (FC) (PSP and PC in English, also Vita and PS3 in Japanese)

Trails in the Sky SC (same as FC)

Trails in the Sky the 3rd (English version planned for next year on PC only, same as FC and SC in Japanese)

Zero no Kiseki (No plans for an English release yet, on PSP, Vita and PC in Japanese)

Ao no Kiseki (same as above, but PC version only in Chinese)

Trails of Cold Steel (PS3 and Vita in English)

Trails of Cold Steel II (PS3 and Vita, English version coming this fall)

Sen no Kiseki III (Currently planned for release in Japan next year on PS4 and maybe Vita)

You could probably start with Cold Steel if you want, as long as you come back for the others, but I'd strongly recommend FC first. Just don't do something crazy like starting with SC or Cold Steel 2.

and look who's conveniently at sale on gog

Edited by Tonton
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OK my last set of questions to you:

1. You seem like the kind of guy who is very good at pin pointing plot holes in media. For some reason, when I listen to a story/watch a movie for the first time, I have a bad habit of missing out errors in the movie, alot, until someone mentions them to me. My brain literally turns off, it doesn't happen if it's an obviously bad movie or one I've seen before. But anyway, my question is what a good way to accurately pin point errors in a story? (Sorry for the long question, I'll make up for it by only asking you 2 shorter ones)
2. Do you have a favorite proverb or motto that you've follow?
3. Would rather have a FE unit with an amazing character/personality but with horrible stats/growths or vice versa?

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Wait, did I transcribe it correctly or do you just recognize it in spite of my errors? I've no idea how to write your name in katakana.

It's correct, lol. I can recognize most katakana (although there are some specific sounds that still give me problems), but you got my name right :P:

How much more awesome would Birthright have been if they had a Viking theme rather than a Japanese theme?

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how would you say Revelation would be worse?

something you like doing on a quiet day?

preferred season?

a big pet peeve of yours?

1. There are many ways in which Revelation is inferior. First of all, can you tell me exactly what you do in that story? Like, just think back on the story and tell me what you actually did before the ending and what you accomplished and why.

Here's my take on Revelation: you do nothing but collect your siblings like pokémon until the 19:th chapter. After a literal evil monologue from his father, rather than letting his character actually achieve something on his own, Xander joins Corrin and then, along with Ryouma, removes any and all tension from the story by completely ignoring the relationship and thereby differences between the two nations - the conflict between the two countries is not referenced after this, I believe, and it's like it didn't exist in the first place. Revelation removes the very premise of the game in favor of giving the player a golden ending, but they forget to even include even a trace of conflict or complexity; even Blazing Sword had the decency to let the player kill the last remains of the "good" Black Fang members, whereas in Revelation you just kill armies upon armies of redshirts - literal dead people with no feelings. Chapters 19 to 27 are simply padding and hardly even expand upon the plot or the world they're in.

Oh, they try to tug at your heartstrings by including zombie Mikoto and Sumeragi, but again, it falls flat because it only lasts for one chapter, and we never had time to get to know Mikoto, and we're given no reason to care about Sumeragi aside from the game telling us to. This is also the only time the siblings are actually allowed to talk in the entire route, because it's Azura and Corrin's show all the way through, with the siblings only dropping a few token lines of exposition every once in a while, and more often than not they praise Corrin.

To show how afraid Revelation is of conflict, think back on the chapter where Xander and Ryouma fight in whatever that destroyed city is called (why was it destroyed again? It's not gone in any other path, and Sumeragi is still running around with exploding swords. Why isn't he used more in the other paths? God this game makes no sense!) and they swear they'll keep going until one of them surrenders or dies (I believe that's how they phrased it) and what happens? Azura's song, which has whatever power the writers need it to, calms them down so they just leave. There's no talk between the siblings who have already joined Corrin, which again shows that people in this game simply don't talk to each other, and Corrin goes on to handle an arbitrary subplot that doesn't advance the story in the slightest.

The characters aren't allowed to interact with each other or actually contribute to the plot, but are only there to serve as things for Corrin to collect; they're an arbitrary power-up that is only there to make the game longer - if you removed Corrin's sword changing forms and increasing in power, what would change in the story?

In addition to moving away from the brilliant premise of the game, it even refuses to deal with one of the supposed main themes: family. So, Corrin is Azura's cousin. Neat, and no one comments on that, even if they're married. The fact that Corrin is related to Anankos and not to their Hoshidan siblings isn't a plot point either, and gets conveniently ignored - why would Corrin call the Hoshidan siblings their siblings in this route? They met for a few days and have no past or blood in common, and the game certainly doesn't show us how close they are, so I just feel awkward everytime Corrin calls them family. Also, what is the point of making Corrin Anankos' child if they're not even going to talk about it? We had so many chapters where we did absolutely nothing to advance the plot, why isn't this brought up?

Then there's the horrible treatment of the villains. It's nothing new in Fire Emblem, but this shit really takes the cake. I'm absolutely positive that they realized late in development that Garon was still alive and would be a threat to them when they came back from Valla, and so they needed to remove him somehow, and how did they do that? By teleporting him to Anankos and have him be literally eaten in under a minute and then never talked about again. They couldn't handle so many plots at once in spite of the multitude of unimportant story chapters that they had to resort to the most obviously rushed death of a villain I've ever seen.

Anankos doesn't fare much better; it's a worm under a pile of rocks that cries about not being worshipped. This is the guy that's behind everything, and we're given no reason to care about him or even fear him. He's had no appearance in the story before that, he doesn't talk about his relationship to Corrin, he doesn't reveal any secrets about their dragon form - nothing. He's an empty void that we kill so that all of our cardboard pieces that we call siblings (Leo and Takumi excluded) can play nice in a field after this, ignoring the main conflict that started it all and all the differences between their countries.

As a final insult, Corrin becomes the monarch of a new nation. This is never explained, and for some reason Hoshido and Nohr donate land for this - Blah, please help me out here: has any country in the history of ever willingly, permanently donated a huge amount of their land in such a way?

So, in short: Revelation has no conflict, the siblings are even more of accessories in this path than in the other two, Garon gets treated with even less respect, you slog through redshirts and there are so many unexplained and inexplicable moments in this story that I'm utterly convinced this was indeed a first draft and not a finished story.

Sorry for the sloppy structure of my post. One day I might sit down and write down all of my thoughts in a calm, orderly fashion.

2. Well, playing video games and reading, I suppose!

3. I'm a fan of spring and fall. Not too warm and not too cold.

4. Pet peeve...hm...people chewing with their mouths open, people who talk about how sarcasm is "their second language" or that it's "advanced", which translates to "I'm an obnoxious tool without a personality", people who share horrible memes on social media, especially the supposed deep texts that are supposed to describe them but it's either so broadly defined that it could appeal to anyone or just so blatantly false that I wonder if they actually believe their own bullshit.

Oh, and anime clichés.

-Snippity snip-

I see, thank you!

OK my last set of questions to you:

1. You seem like the kind of guy who is very good at pin pointing plot holes in media. For some reason, when I listen to a story/watch a movie for the first time, I have a bad habit of missing out errors in the movie, alot, until someone mentions them to me. My brain literally turns off, it doesn't happen if it's an obviously bad movie or one I've seen before. But anyway, my question is what a good way to accurately pin point errors in a story? (Sorry for the long question, I'll make up for it by only asking you 2 shorter ones)

2. Do you have a favorite proverb or motto that you've follow?

3. Would rather have a FE unit with an amazing character/personality but with horrible stats/growths or vice versa?

1. I don't follow a certain set of rules, I just point things out and notice them because that's who I am. The best thing you can do is asking yourself if something makes sense.

Since I love ranting about Fates (and let's be honest, there's a lot to say here), let's dissect the invasion of Hoshido in Conquest as an example. For this plan that was conceived thanks to an unexplained plot item that breaks immediately after use to work, Corrin has to first accept a plan that involves the murder of thousands of innocents which goes against their established character, without thinking of another plan, without talking to their siblings about it, make sure daddy dearest sits down upon a throne that just might reveal his true form and then hope they and their siblings - who are unaware of the plan - are capable of killing him. This was after Corrin went back to Nohr after finding out that Garon killed both of their "parents" and tried murdering them twice and invading an innocent nation, without a plan. To make matters worse, we find out in Revelation that Azura could've revealed everything worth knowing in five minutes, but chose not to.

The fact that the game has the gall to ask you to accept this is beyond pathetic. The writing doesn't make sense and is barely contained by a series of contrivances, and as such I react to it. Again, if you notice the characters are acting strange or something along those lines, ask yourself why it's written in that way, and if their behavior makes sense. If characters' actions are nonsensical without any real reason, or exaggerated and horribly timed, chances are they're just there to advance the story and little else.

2. "Every ant brings its straw to the anthill" is a good one.

3. I always go for the best personalities. And hey, it increases the challenge as well if they suck, too. Too bad Virion is straight up boring to use because of his lack of attack skills...

It's correct, lol. I can recognize most katakana (although there are some specific sounds that still give me problems), but you got my name right :P:

How much more awesome would Birthright have been if they had a Viking theme rather than a Japanese theme?

Really? Huh, well I'm glad.

It wouldn't have been awesome at all. The fact that Hoshido is Japanese changes absolutely nothing, and I'm pretty sure Ryouma would've still dressed as a lobster.

Edited by Thane
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1. I bought a three month trip to study Japanese in Fukuoka, Japan, all with my own money two years ago. I studied a lot, made some nice friends, trips and memories for life and took some beautiful photographs to remember it all in detail. I'm also still in contact with my host family, which is a friendship I value highly.

2. Are we talking about music or just stuff in general? If we're just talking about things in general, I'll take this opportunity like I always do to recommend 12 Angry Men and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

3. My voice sounds sexy as hell in my head but I sound like a nervous wreck when I listen to it recorded. I don't know how people put up with it.

4. San Francisco.

5. One of my all-time favorite pokémon is Xatu, so that'd be nice. However, I do think that megas are already far too common, and should've been used to empower weaker and less competetive ones, not boost the already viable and popular pokémon. I do hope some older pokémon get new regular evolutions in the future.

I believe you're the second person to recommend Ghost Trick after that question. I already played it some years back and enjoyed it throughly. Would play a sequel. Haven't heard of 12 Angry Men though.

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10. Rachel? It makes me think of Friends, obviously. Haha, more seriously though, I do like it. Is it yours?

Yeah, it's my name. I never really watched Friends much, but I do have the same birthday as Lisa Kudrow (July 30).

13. If you were a FE character, what would your class and growths/caps/base stats be?

14. Do you think Izana's death in Rev was dumb and pointless?

15. What is your opinion on kilts, and would you wear one?

16. Favorite season?

17. Which FE(s) do you think has the best story and what are some points from it FE15 should try to learn from?

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26. Do you have a favorite martial artist?

27. Ideal setting in a story? What's a premise that can effortlessly grab your attention?

28. Most obscure game you played and enjoyed?

29. Cake or Pie? What kind?

30. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours, do you like most?

31. Realist or idealist, which do you lean more towards?

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I believe you're the second person to recommend Ghost Trick after that question. I already played it some years back and enjoyed it throughly. Would play a sequel. Haven't heard of 12 Angry Men though.

Watch it, it's a classic. I don't know how much stock you're supposed to put into stuff like that, but it's #6 on IMDB on the top 250 movies of all times list.

Yeah, it's my name. I never really watched Friends much, but I do have the same birthday as Lisa Kudrow (July 30).

13. If you were a FE character, what would your class and growths/caps/base stats be?

14. Do you think Izana's death in Rev was dumb and pointless?

15. What is your opinion on kilts, and would you wear one?

16. Favorite season?

17. Which FE(s) do you think has the best story and what are some points from it FE15 should try to learn from?

Well then, nice to meet you Rachel, and happy birthday! I hope you have a lovely day.

13. I'd be a mage, like I always am in RPGs, but I don't know what my stats would be...I'd probably have rather high magic and speed but low strength and luck, haha.

14. Yes. What did it add to the plot? Why would we care about Izana at that point? Why would Takumi, whom Izana guilt tripped into joining Corrin? It's like they had a list of deaths they felt they needed to include to make it seem as if there were actual stakes in the story, but they couldn't pick characters people actually cared about since that would've ruined the golden ending.

15. Sure I guess, I've got long slender legs.

16. Spring and fall!

17. I'm only familiar with the localized ones, but I do think Radiant Dawn has the best one in spite of a lot of flaws. It tries to be something more than "kill the bad guy to win"; there are subplots, alliances and betrayal, lots and lots of wonderful character interactions and the minor characters actually matter. It's hard to tell what's going to happen next, and there's genuine tension in the game.

FE15 needs to be a clean slate for the development team. They need to cut down heavily on the fan service and prioritize a good villain and Radiant Dawn-like character interactions. I've said this many times, but I'll say it again: think of the main story of Fates and how little the characters actually talk - not spout expostion, talk. They don't discuss their thoughts or feelings on what's going on, Corrin's past or dragon powers and we see almost no genuine sibling interaction. They also don't discuss strategies, rather conflicts just appear around them as they walk towards the finish line. There's no complexity, no tension and no emotion. Compare this to Radiant Dawn where strategies are always in focus and people around the camp will talk about either themselves or give their thoughts on what's happening in the plot.

Intelligent Systems have clearly shifted from treating their characters with respect to, well, not. Compare Hetzel in Radiant Dawn and his dialogue with Sanaki to Xander in Conquest. Hetzel is treated as a weak, cowardly scumbag for not having intervened when he had the chance to stop various tragedies - Xander takes an active role in invaing an innocent nation, yet is treated as a hero by the end of the game.

FE15 should go back to basics in some regards and innovate in others. Let's have an interesting conflict where all involved parties have at least some credible motive for doing what they're doing, have the villains be human both literally and figuratively and make us care about them, and have more characters have a say in what's going on - don't let one character dominate the show while just getting the unquestionable support of those who are supposed to be the main supporting characters. At the same time, they should really try and innovate a little bit with their protagonists, since, while I know they all have different traits, are pretty much interchangeable. Corrin is unique in that they're the first protagonist that can be downright evil, but the game paints them as a hero in spite of this, which causes Conquest to, in addition to all of its other problems, also have an identity crisis.

I should mention that I think Fire Emblem in general has a lot of problems with its writing in every single installment, far more than such a long-running series should have since they should have the formula down since forever ago. I also don't ignore all the issues Radiant Dawn has; I'm not a fan of Micaiah and the Blood Pact is horribly executed, for instance. I also think Future Past is better in terms of writing, but it's a short DLC, so I don't count it as a whole game.

Really, what I'm saying won't be anything that other people haven't thought of already. More interesting characters, a plot that's not simply black and white, bring back tactics and strategy into focus and give us more reason to care about what's going on. I also want Intelligent Systems to actually respect their player base, their product and most importantly themselves, since they seemed to have lost that after the success of Awakening.

I'll finish by quoting Kreia, whose philosophy Fire Emblem villains should learn from: "I? Do you think I seek the death of all living things? There's no victory in such things. I do not want to win our war like this, little Jedi. When I win it, I wish it to be because I was right, my teachings true."

26. Do you have a favorite martial artist?

27. Ideal setting in a story? What's a premise that can effortlessly grab your attention?

28. Most obscure game you played and enjoyed?

29. Cake or Pie? What kind?

30. Which of the 12 zodiac(east or west), that isn't yours, do you like most?

31. Realist or idealist, which do you lean more towards?

26. No, but my younger brother loves MMA, so I get to hear about it often.

27. First and foremost, provided that the game actually is trying to write a compelling narrative, the villain should be interesting. The worst offender is usually the ones who want to destroy the world for whatever reason; think of how many games feature a bad guy like that, and then think of the horrible people in the real world. Outside of some cultists, sick people and edgy teenagers, no one wants the world to be destroyed but rather have agendas and clear goals they wish to reach, yet wanting to destroy the world is so prevalent in gaming because it's the easiest and cheapest way to raise the stakes to the max. Villains come in all shapes and sizes, yet I think the more human motives for doing what they're doing is what's really important.

Of course, a broad question like this means there doesn't have to be a villain, but since there more often than not is one in the kinds of stories I enjoy, that's what I'll go with.

I think a reason why I like detective fiction so much is because the villain and their motive is often unknown in the beginning and you have to work your way to them in a far more interesting and creative way than just defeating an evil overlord's armies.

I'm also a sucker for a humble protagonist. Someone being the chosen one is an immediate turn-off for me. Showing the progress and growth of a character as they interact with others and overcome obstacle may be very basic, yet so many writers fail to grasp how important it is.

Other than that, I can enjoy both simple and more complicated plots, although I tend to find more enjoyment out of the latter, provided it's actually "complex" rather than "convoluted". I like politics, people with a shared history going at it, betrayal of alliances etc. Things you can often find in the real world but in a medium that allows for it to be far more of a spectacle, if that makes sense.

Of course, I don't want to limit myself to just that; I can enjoy a lot of things provided it's written well, but those are some of the things that stick out.

28. The Zero Escape series and Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.

29. Always cake. I love so many different kinds of cake, like pancake cake. Man, I haven't eaten that since I was a kid...I should bake a pancake cake...

30. I consider that to be a complete waste of time and dislike that kind of nonsense with a passion.

31. Both. I can dream about a lot of things but I won't get too carried away.

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30. I consider that to be a complete waste of time and dislike that kind of nonsense with a passion.

How you feel about it is not what I asked you.

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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

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Well then, nice to meet you Rachel, and happy birthday! I hope you have a lovely day.

I'd be a mage, like I always am in RPGs, but I don't know what my stats would be...I'd probably have rather high magic and speed but low strength and luck, haha.

Nice to formally meet you as well. Although we've interacted a bit in various rants about Fates already, a few of the threads I started.

Nice, another mage, that's probably what I'd be, although I'd probably be too old to not be a prepromote at this point.

18. Opinion on the new weapon triangle? Do you like it or wish bows and magic had remained separate?

19. Do you wish for a return of the magic triangle?

20. Do you think Shurikens are too OP or balanced?

21. Do you think it's a bit of cognitive dissonance that Micaiah is given a hard time for using fire in war when we have mages in every game using Fire as a standard spell?

22. Do find my absolute hatred for Sanaki to be irrational?

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How you feel about it is not what I asked you.

Then my answer is that people and their personalities can't fit into tiny, general descriptions, and that I won't try it.

Would you treat me any differently if I had come from another planet?

Would you treat some one else differently if they had come from another planet?

That's a very open question filled with things I need to know before answering properly: am I the only one who knows? Does the world know about aliens? If so, what's the relationship like between the two species?

I don't see why I would treat anyone any differently though, as long as they're good people; I don't have the time nor the energy to be angry about people who are different from me.

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Should men wear skirts?
10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

6. Probably people really far back who could offer some real insight into things we don't know about today. I wouldn't mind talking to some ancient Chinese, the native Americans or an important Roman, provided there were no language barriers.

7. Do old gods count? Because that'd be pretty swell.

8. I genuinely have no idea.

9. "Should"? People can wear whatever they want as long as it's appropriate, it's not my place to judge.

10. I don't really have any stock questions since I didn't know about this thread until I was told about it a few days ago. However, I guess I can answer the question about the impression I have of myself.

Huh...I do wonder how people on this forum view me; probably like a fat, sad, angry little man. Well, jokes on them, only the two middle adjectives are true. I think I'm a fairly confident person who's easy to talk to, although I tend to easily get worked up by certain things, and I can talk way too much - it also doesn't help that I speak far too quickly, even when speaking foreign languages (I'm not saying 'look at me, I'm so smart and international', because it's not a good thing to speak as fast as I do, and I tend to mess up both grammar and vocabulary unless I take a deep breath - hell you can probably even see the results on my forum posts, which is why I often edit them).

Nice to formally meet you as well. Although we've interacted a bit in various rants about Fates already, a few of the threads I started.

Nice, another mage, that's probably what I'd be, although I'd probably be too old to not be a prepromote at this point.

18. Opinion on the new weapon triangle? Do you like it or wish bows and magic had remained separate?

19. Do you wish for a return of the magic triangle?

20. Do you think Shurikens are too OP or balanced?

21. Do you think it's a bit of cognitive dissonance that Micaiah is given a hard time for using fire in war when we have mages in every game using Fire as a standard spell?

22. Do find my absolute hatred for Sanaki to be irrational?

Indeed we have. I really should memorize more names here, rather than go by people's avatars, which are often changed.

Bah, everyone in anime is like 8-18 unless you're an ancient god or a dragon, in which case you look like a seven-year-old wearing skimpy clothing but hey it's totally okay you guys we promise.

Anyway, yeah, mages rule. I always choose them in RPGs, and shooting lightning from my finger tips is always satisfying.

18. It's amazing.

19. I don't know, I rather like it the way it is now honestly. I do want more magic diversity, so perhaps I would prefer it, but I wouldn't know how to change it in a balanced way.

20. No, they are definitely too overpowered. 1-2 debuffing weapons that can double and have insane bonuses; I had an underleveled Suzukaze at Hinoka's stage in conquest just killing everything in sight because of that Beastslayer Shuriken or whatever it was called. They really need some nerfs, although they're not at Awakening Galeforce level.

21. No. That's story and gameplay segregation and it's often a necessary evil.

22. Depends on why you hate her, but since I rather like Sanaki, I feel an instinctive need to say yes.

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Animes you watched that you felt were a chore to get through?

How would you rank the plots from best to worst out of the FEs you played?

Fondest moment of your life you can recall?

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Animes you watched that you felt were a chore to get through?

How would you rank the plots from best to worst out of the FEs you played?

Fondest moment of your life you can recall?

1. I normally don't like anime. I realize that there are countless series, but I've tried both the most well known and some lesser known and I often find myself either bored or disappointed, not to mention it feels like they use the same characters, jokes and art styles over and over and over again. I don't understand how that entertainment industry stays afloat.

Regardless, if I had to give you an example, it'd probably be Code Geass. It tried so hard to be Death Note but on a global scale, yet failed on every level without realizing what made Death Note great.

2. From best to worst, eh? Well, this is where my credibility will go down the drain on this site, I think. Had to happen eventually.

Radiant Dawn


Path of Radiance

Sacred Stones

Shadow Dragon

Blazing Sword


3. Leaving the Fukuoka airport and heading to my host family in Japan is pretty high up there, I must say. Like I mentioned earlier, I consider that trip to be pretty much the best thing I've done so far in life; everything that could go well went superbly.

(Of course I was exhausted after a long trip, it was a dreary day and there were a shit ton of ravens flying around and making a lot of noise, but damn if I wasn't happy to be there, even if the very first impression was a bit scary)

Edited by Thane
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