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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Aaaaaawww yeah!

Another bud makes the interview list. :D

Well Heya Ghast!

1) how's it going buddy?

2) do you think we would be friends if we had met first irl?

3) do you think life is more destinations or journeys?

4) have I scared you off of having kids yourself? :p

5) how do you view failure? (I struggle with it myself)

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Can you do story time for both of these stories???

1. Coach was frustrating to work with so I quit midseason, its a very personal story but long story short I quit midseason and it was the greatest decision of my life

2. I literally made a post about my time getting accidently high on bathsalts on SF, in this section actually... its way gone though. but yeah I thought I was literally thinking I would uncontrollably assault some one. It was a really, really bad trip. I tied myself to a lamp post and texted anyone I could to try to get my mind off things til I sobered up. It was the scariest moment of my life. bar none.

uh... my question was skipped.

Oh, impressions of that thing? It's cute I suppose

6: Aspirations in life?

7: Have you lived in a rural area your whole life? How do you like owning horses? (I grew up across the road from a cow farm.)

8: How long does it take you to draw your paint-adventures characters?

9: Have you found out who the King of Nestra is, yet?

10: Why can't Azura just show Leo the Lens of Truth ball in Conquests?

Thanks, I haven't made any videos myself, but just have the account for watching videos, and like commenting a lot. I tend to switch avatars semi-frequently. I'm currently using the blonde-girl Pokemon Club avatar, and before that it was my Pokemon X girl with a Charmeleon, I think. Lately, I've been using my self-drawn avatars, mostly.

I haven't played Gaiden myself, but watched your LP, which made me a bit interested to try it once I get enough time. I was able to watch your and Mangs Conquest coLP. I've got the Revelations one on my watch-later list, but I'm way behind on that and am only about halfway through, due to being busy with work and family.

6. Living happily and having great internet connection.

7. for like 85% of my life, yes. and yes.

8. It takes me around 30-45 minutes these days ahaha

9. Alolan Gangrel.

10. Because she has sensophobia, an immense fear of doing the right thing.

Oh! I found you. You called me handsome! :3 I still remember that! Good luck with work.

Did you ever think you were going to be a moderator?

How would you describe yourself?

What would you say was your proudest creation on your "This is what happens in FE" drawings?

Would you say you are happy with were you are currently in life?

1. Not really, but I felt one day that my work trying to clean FP up would pay off somehow.

2.A goofball who knows when to get serious when he needs to.

3. Probably Ryoma, Saizo, Kaze, Hinoka and Takumi. I worked on the Hoshidan characters later and the quality of them were better than the Nohrian ones.

4. Yeah, I have a sweet job. A great hobby and I'm finishing up my last year of school. Life's good at the moment.

1. Impressions of me?

2. If you could change one thing each about every official FE you've played, what would they be?

3. Favorite Kirby Copy Ability?

4. Favorite Video Game boss theme?

5. Dogs or cats?

1. "I am Garland Chaos, I have FIVE questions for you!!!"

2. FE2: It needs to play much, much faster.

FE4: GBA artstyle

FE6: prettier maps

FE7: Harder difficulty

FE8: More significant skills or harder difficulty as well.

FE9: 2D animations

FE10: Supports

FE14: Conquest: Not a stupid plot

FE14: Revelations: Chapters that aren't creative for the sake of being creative.

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?
7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?
8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?
9.Opinion on polygamy?
10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

6. uuuh...

7. Gilgamesh, Sora and idk like Forde.

8. The Demon King because "I went on a roady with the godlike creature of darkness, we had a rad time" sounds dope

Ashera because " I went on a roady with literally God" sounds rad

and idk like Mewtwo when he was a dick.

9. That's when you can play a lot of games at once, right?

10. Stock questions? Impressions... "I am Jotari! I do you like road trips!?" how's that? :o

Sorry if my question might be dumb, but what is TRTR?

Never heared of it, but it has my interest now.

6. Favorite FE LP?

7. Favorite videogame theme?

8. Any place(s) you would like to see in the future?

9. Which language(s) can you speak besides of English?

10. Which language(s) would you like to learn in the future?

TRTR is The Road To Ruin

6. Idk, between the ones of mine and Mangs, I'm gonna say TRS because its so phreshhh. Or Revelations w/Mangs because it was super funny.

7. Oh boy... Probably Shining Force 2's Jester theme

8. Japan!

9. French

10. Japanese!

Who are you?

Why FE2?

Favourite unit from FE2?

How would you describe this community?

Do you like Horror movies?

1. A laid back California boy who just wants to chill out and ride some tubular waaaaves brrooo. But I'm Ghaststation, moderator of Fan Projects and Creative.

2. Because FE2 is just so charming and experimental in its super weirdness

3. Ryutoooo

4. Better than it was 5 years ago.

5. fuck no.

Aaaaaawww yeah!

Another bud makes the interview list. :D

Well Heya Ghast!

1) how's it going buddy?

2) do you think we would be friends if we had met first irl?

3) do you think life is more destinations or journeys?

4) have I scared you off of having kids yourself? :p

5) how do you view failure? (I struggle with it myself)

1. dece bud

2. If you said you liked FE then yes.

3. No

4. no lol

5. Failure sucks, but its healthy. Keeps us striving to better ourselves while also humbling us. Rising from adversity makes you an impressive person/ builds character.

Edited by ghast
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Since you seem game for more...

Video Game questions:

6) Favorite type of game?

7) Favorite RPG?

8) Favorite class/archetype (like white mage/healer)

9) Do you prefer more linear or open ended gameplay?

10) What level of character customization do you prefer?

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3. What are your thoughts on FE 4 so far?

4. Would you agree that the maps feel exhausting? I think the game is fun, but I feel drained after finishing a map. And I usually do 2 castles at a time.

5. Favorite units in the game so far?

6. Are you enjoying the game better now that you are streaming it as opposed to playing it by yourself?

7. Would you try to use Arden if you ever replayed the game?

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1. Have you played FE1/3?

2. What's your opinion on Gaiden?

3. Are you interested in history?

4. Do you bike?

5. Are you interested in law?

1. Nope!

2. Gaiden is weird AF

3. Not at all

4. Not at all

5. Not at all

11.Favorite Bond movie?
12.Favorite Disney movie?
13.Favorite Shakespeare play?
14.Favorite Queen song?
15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?

11. never watched them

12. Kingdom Hearts

13. No idea

14. I don't listen to them

15. Yoda

Since you seem game for more...

Video Game questions:

6) Favorite type of game?

7) Favorite RPG?

8) Favorite class/archetype (like white mage/healer)

9) Do you prefer more linear or open ended gameplay?

10) What level of character customization do you prefer?

6. Strategy RPGs or side-scrollers

7. Shining Force 2

8. the midgame/midlate game powerhouse

9. Linear because I don't have time to spare not knowing what to do next.

10. A nice mix of conservative and over the top options

3. What are your thoughts on FE 4 so far?

4. Would you agree that the maps feel exhausting? I think the game is fun, but I feel drained after finishing a map. And I usually do 2 castles at a time.

5. Favorite units in the game so far?

6. Are you enjoying the game better now that you are streaming it as opposed to playing it by yourself?

7. Would you try to use Arden if you ever replayed the game?

3. I am curious to see what happens next

4. Oh fuck yeah, but livestreaming it makes it so much fun. I get sit down for 3 hours straight playing FE4 if I livestream it.

5. JAMKE and Holyn. Although Ayra and Sigurd are solid

6. YES


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11: Opinions on (real) kids, and do you plan to have any?

12: Opinions on kids in Fire Emblem? Do you think they should be in the next game, and if so, how?

13: Do you think we'll ever get a FE game with decent world building again?

14: If you were a FE unit, would would your class and stats/growths be?

15: What is something that you like that everybody else hates?

16: What is something that you hate that everybody else likes?

Oh! I found you. You called me handsome! :3 I still remember that! Good luck with work.

Thanks, works been good, just trying to make it the next couple months until Est is born.

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1. Hardest chapter you played in Conquest Lunatic?
2. For all FE games you played, what order would you put them in (from Favorite to Least Favorite)?
3. Is there any goal you have that you want completed in a specific amount of time?
4. Which FE character had the worst case of RNG screwage for you?
5. Have you ever thought of speedrunning a game? If so, which game would you pick?

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7. Oh boy... Probably Shining Force 2's Jester theme


1. Superior name; Chaos Breaker or Force Sword?

2. Have you ever had paella? If so, what did you think of it? If not, would you try it?

3. Favorite meal?

4. What natural phenomena would you like to witness?

5. Of all the Shining Forces you've played, which had the best battle music and which was your favorite from said game?

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___ is opting out.


4: Aquakat
3: NinjaMonkey
2: Jotari
2: Mage Knight 404
1: Arch

You may nominate another person.

Okey doke, is the opt out just for this week or indefinite?

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