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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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23 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

I'm not allowed to go into too much detail, because there was a confidentiality agreement when we went to settlement.

But I had a whistleblower case against a major pharmaceutical company. We represented a lab technician who was fired, after she reported that her lab was fudging the numbers on drug studies and submitting falsified data to the FDA.  They were doing this to get more drugs approved and increase profits; ignoring the obvious public health and safety concerns of sending bad drugs to market. 

We had a smoking gun email where the president and the lab supervisor were talking to each other, saying they had to get rid of our client because she was "a threat to the company." 

That was a wild case.

Rouge One. The originals are obviously classics. But of all the bad sequels and prequels, this is the only one that felt like a worthy continuation. 

I love that they actually explained why the Death Star had that there's one spot where if you shoot it, the whole thing blows up weakness. 

The Caribbean Islands. Give me a Pina Colada on the Beach, and I'm a happy man.

Gorechild (Demon Axe of Khorne carried by Kharn the Betrayer; Warhammer 40k)
Image result for kharn the betrayer




Of all time?

World of Warcraft.

Anything from the original Soundtrack to Metroid Prime 

Wow interesting job you have.

5. Do you ever plan on playing Xenoblade Chronicles?

6. Do you think you'll kick my ass in the showdown draft?

7. Most annoying thing you've ever dealt with in a video game?

8. Thoughts on me?

Hope the fertility treatment goes well!

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12 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

I'm not allowed to go into too much detail, because there was a confidentiality agreement when we went to settlement.

But I had a whistleblower case against a major pharmaceutical company. We represented a lab technician who was fired, after she reported that her lab was fudging the numbers on drug studies and submitting falsified data to the FDA.  They were doing this to get more drugs approved and increase profits; ignoring the obvious public health and safety concerns of sending bad drugs to market. 

We had a smoking gun email where the president and the lab supervisor were talking to each other, saying they had to get rid of our client because she was "a threat to the company." 

That was a wild case.

Rouge One. The originals are obviously classics. But of all the bad sequels and prequels, this is the only one that felt like a worthy continuation. 

Wow, that's quite the case! (And yes, I presumed you wouldn't be able to go into too much detail, but that's still quite the tale!)

Rogue One is the only one I haven't seen *hangs head in shame*. I even have the special edition blu-ray sitting on my shelf - just haven't found the time yet!

5 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Been trying for almost a year now. Just started doing the fertility treatment. Fingers crossed.

I'll cross my fingers for you! Good luck!

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2 hours ago, Res said:

I'll cross my fingers for you! Good luck!




2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:


5. Do you ever plan on playing Xenoblade Chronicles?


Probably not.

2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:


6. Do you think you'll kick my ass in the showdown draft?


...I think I sweep you with mega-zard, if I take out Toxapex and don't play into an obvious choice scarfer??? I've got Azelf and Tapu-Koko to pressure the giant fuck-off death urchin and celesteela to punish scarf chomp. I should be fine. 


2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

7. Most annoying thing you've ever dealt with in a video game?

World of Warcraft raid drama. You see how hard it is getting 8 people to coordinate for a draft?

Try getting 40 people to coordinate for a dungeon crawl.  (does it still count as annoying "in a video game" if the annoyance is the people playing it?)


2 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

8. Thoughts on me?

Well you automatically get cool-points for being in the draft. You seem like a good dude. 

Remains to be seen how you handle yourself in battle, but you seem like you know what you're doing. ;): 



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25 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:




Probably not.

...I think I sweep you with mega-zard, if I take out Toxapex and don't play into an obvious choice scarfer??? I've got Azelf and Tapu-Koko to pressure the giant fuck-off death urchin and celesteela to punish scarf chomp. I should be fine. 


World of Warcraft raid drama. You see how hard it is getting 8 people to coordinate for a draft?

Try getting 40 people to coordinate for a dungeon crawl.  (does it still count as annoying "in a video game" if the annoyance is the people playing it?)


Well you automatically get cool-points for being in the draft. You seem like a good dude. 

Remains to be seen how you handle yourself in battle, but you seem like you know what you're doing. ;): 



Well here's the thing. I haven't done much competitive battling in US/UM, mainly in ORAS, but I do a lot of reading on Smogon and other competitive formats and I have a lot of friends in competitive, so I don't do much battling, but I know the meta fairly well. Although everyone that I have battled has said that I am... an odd opponent. They say I tend to be difficult to read. 

I did have a good record in ORAS, so I think I know what I'm doing.

oh dear.thats a lot of people to coordinate 

no Xenoblade what is wrong with you reeeeeeeee


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1. Impression of me? It's been like, 15 interviews and you're the first person I could reasonably ask...

2. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy but now dislike?

3. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike but now enjoy?

4. Least favourite colour?

3 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

Gorechild (Demon Axe of Khorne carried by Kharn the Betrayer; Warhammer 40k) 

I see you are a man of Chaos culture

5. Is Khorne/Chaos your favourite faction or is it just this one specific example?

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13 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

1. Impression of me? It's been like, 15 interviews and you're the first person I could reasonably ask...

I think I've seen you post in religion and politics a few times, and I can't recall you saying anything that made me facepalm or shake my head.

And you're a 40k fan, so props for good taste.

I've noticed that 40k fans are either really chill dudes or literal fascists. There is no in-between with that fan base.  I...don't get the impression that you are a literal fascist. 

So my first impression of you is "really chill dude"

13 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

2. What books/movies/games did you used to enjoy but now dislike?

...the very first epic fantasy verse I ever got into was Magic: The Gathering (i.e. "MTG"). I started playing the card game in middle school. And once I got sufficiently into the card game, I wanted to learn about the lore and read the books. 

So i picked the books up somewhere around Urza's Saga and Mercadian Masques. Read on through to the end of the Phyrexian Invasion. Blew my mind. It was the most amazing thing I had ever read. 

Now this was of course before I discovered Warcraft, Warhammer, or D&D. I had no basis of comparison for quality. Once I started getting into other fantasy settings I slowly came to the realization those MTG novels I had loved so much in middle school were actually pretty terrible. (the way they killed off Yawgmoth and ended the Phyrexian War makes the end of Bleach look like Shakespear, tbh) 

Then I started reading some of the new lore from the current storyline with Nicol Bolas as the main villain and the new post-mending planeswalkers. It was--really, really bad. 

I still go to drafts and play the card game from time-to-time. But I have now fully come to terms with the fact that lore is bad, and I only use to think it was good because I was in middle school. 

13 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

3. What books/movies/games did you used to dislike but now enjoy?

...so back when I use to regularly play MTG, I would go to the local hobby shops for drafts and events. And I would always see these people painting tiny plastic figurines.

I'd ask them what they were doing and they would say: "we're making armies for Warhammer." They explained to me what that was and the concept of table-top gaming and how you acquired units + played the game.

And I remember thinking--that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 

...well I kept going back to the hobby shop for MTG. I kept being drawn to the Warhammer tables. I'd watch them play their games. I caught a glimpse of some of the Wallpaper and Codex Art:

 Related image

And I was like: "...that ship has a castle on it. Fuck me. I need to read this lore now."

So I started reading the 40k novels. Learning about the History of the Imperium, the Rise of the God-Emperor, the Space Marine Chapters, the Xenos, the Horus Heresy, Chaos and the Warp...

And I had a moment of "Oh wow--Urza's Saga is for babies. This is some hardcore man shit." 

13 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

4. Least favourite colour?


13 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

5. Is Khorne/Chaos your favourite faction or is it just this one specific example?

I'm more of a Slaaneshi degenerate, tbh.

But even a Slaaneshi degenerate has to admit: Khorne has the coolest weapons. 

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46 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

1. Wait, you're a law nerd too?

Licensed to practice in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Graduated Law School and passed my bar exams in 2014.

...so I'm a  pretty young and inexperienced attorney. But I'm an attorney. 

46 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

2. What makes Blazing Sword your favorite FE game?

I enjoy the character-driven story. I find the characters charming and relatable and their reactions to the situations that they're placed in feels--real. Not scripted or tropy or cartoonsih.  I think the writing is masterful and syncs up beautifully with the soundtrack. 

To this day: the death scene where Eliwood kills Ninian + the character reactions to it is the only scene in a Fire Emblem game that REALLY hit me in the feels. Like the first time I saw it I actually had to turn off my gameboy, stop playing, and take a moment to digest what just happened.

Kent x Fiora I to this day maintain have the best romantic support chain in the series. 

Hector is my favorite Lord in the series.

Renault is throw-away character available for like 2 chapters, and he gets more backstory through his supports and cutscenes than half the cast of Fates. 

And its just a fun game to play and replay. Its easy enough for casual gaming, if that's what you're into, but trying to 5-star on hard mode is as deep a challenge as any lunatic mode in the later games.

The more new Fire Emblem games come out, the more I appreciate the cleverness of using Ranked Runs as a substitute for higher difficulty settings, to all-at-once in one single campaign create a gaming experience that both newbies and veterans can enjoy (because the element that adds difficulty, if you so choose, can be entirely ignored)

I really wish they would bring back ranking for some of the newer games.


46 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

3. Which FE games have you played?

Everything except FE3 and new mystery of the emblem.

46 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

4. Do you speak any other languages than English?

No--I'm terrible with learning foreign languages. That was always my weakest subject in school. I could breeze through any other subject, but I struggled to get B's in Spanish.

My wife is a language teacher and a native-Chinese speaker and much more talented than me. She was trying to teach me for a while, but I think she gave up.  

I did learn a little bit of Hebrew as a toddler--my parents enrolled me in a Hebrew preschool at that age where kids just naturally pick up any language that they're exposed to--but I never used it or developed the ability to speak it or understand it.

I know Hebrew letters, I can read the Hebrew alphabet, and if you put Hebrew text in front of me I would be able to sight-read the words and phonetically sound them out. But I wouldn't be able to tell you what they mean. (I might be able to pick out a few basic words here-and-there. "Big." "Cat." "House." "Dad.")


46 minutes ago, Marcus Aurelius said:

5. Do you ever ride a bike?

Motor Bike? No.

I have a mountain bike that I still take out from time-to-time. But if I'm anywhere near a lake or a river, I'd rather be kayaking. 

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How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

What TV shows and video games did you grow up with, as a kid?

What personality traits do you value most?

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

First and current impressions of me?

Where did you first meet your wife and how did you win her over?

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11 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

I'm more of a Slaaneshi degenerate, tbh.

But even a Slaaneshi degenerate has to admit: Khorne has the coolest weapons. 

Well as long as it's not Tzeentch, I'm fine with it. Nurgle for life.

6. Tea or Coffee?

7. Have you ever played a sport competitively?

8. Damage, Tank, or Healer?

9. Opinion on MMO's?

10. Summer or Winter?

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7 hours ago, Randoman said:

How would you describe yourself, personality-wise?

Generally laid back, but selectively anal over particular subjects that draw my interest (i.e. hobbies, political opinions, and fandoms)

7 hours ago, Randoman said:


What TV shows and video games did you grow up with, as a kid?

90s Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and Kids WB.  (Rocko's Modern Life. Rugrats. Animaniacs. Freakazoid. Gargoyles. SWAT Kats.  Street Sharks. All that fun stuff.)

 Image result for swat kats jet

If you're old enough to remember this, your childhood was awesome. 

7 hours ago, Randoman said:

What personality traits do you value most?

intelligence, good humor, and kindness

7 hours ago, Randoman said:

What are some of your biggest pet peeves?

Ignorance. Bad arguments.  People who "argue" by linking to youtube videos instead of presenting their own points and counterpoints. 

Like do you ever have a problem where you're in an argument with someone, and you don't know how to reply? Not because you don't have an answer. But you just don't know where to start; the foundation of knowledge you would need to impart to this person before you could even being to drag them out of their sinkhole of dumbfuckery would cost thousands of dollars if it came from a university. 

That pisses me off.

7 hours ago, Randoman said:

First and current impressions of me?

I don't know you like that. You seem alright I guess

7 hours ago, Randoman said:

Where did you first meet your wife and how did you win her over?

Started talking to her in summer of 2012. I was going to law school in Camden and doing a judicial internship at the County Courthouse. She was right across the river in Philadelphia, doing a post-grad program at U Penn. 

We were using the same dating app and found each other. Started talking at the beginning of the summer. She went back to Taiwan for a few months and we stayed in touch. We agreed that we would meet for the first time in person and maybe go out on a dinner-and-movie date the second weekend after she came back to Philadelphia, for Fall Semester. First weekend back she said she would be too busy, because she was moving into a new apartment and just had too much to do.

...So Fall Semester 2012 starts up. She comes back to Philadelphia. Day before the first weekend I text her something to the effect of: "Hey I'm not doing anything this weekend. I don't mind helping you move into the new apartment. Need an extra set of hands?" 

First weekend back in law school--I should have been hitting the books and writing briefs. I spent the weekend loading up my Jeep.  Moving boxes up a flight of stairs. Driving to IKEA. And putting together do-it-yourself furniture. 

...for a girl i'd never met before...  

And my good deeds did not go unnoticed. I got that first date a week early and we did substantially more than dinner and a movie

The rest, as they say, is history. 

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2 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:


6. Tea or Coffee?


2 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:


7. Have you ever played a sport competitively?

Barely. I played like one season of soccer in middle school. Not an athlete.


3 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

8. Damage, Tank, or Healer

Damage. My main back when I played WoW was a Hunter.

3 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:


9. Opinion on MMO's?

I have no self-control when I play them. It was the greatest thing when I was at a place in life when I had hours and hours a day to devote to gaming, but I just can't do it anymore.


3 hours ago, Phillius the Crestfallen said:

Summer or Winter?

As much as I enjoy having a cold season where all the bugs are dead. Summer is when I get to bungee up my tent and camping gear. Throw it on a kayak. Disembark on the Delaware Water Gap with old friends, pirate shanties, and a bottle of Maker's Mark. And just get lost int the woods for days at a time.



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Who are your top 3 favourite male and top 3 favourite female Disney characters?

Is there anything that hasn't become a meme yet, that you think should become a meme? (Eg: meme images with Steve Urkel in them, Jaffar's death as an animated GIF/reaction video, people posing like caution/slippery signs)

Has your wife gotten you into any TV shows/video games/musicians/singers/hobbies/etc. that you weren't interested in before meeting her?

What are some of the very first video games you'll let your kids try out/play?

I probably should've asked this before, but are you lifting the 5 question limit so that people are allowed to ask more than 5 questions per post?

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16 hours ago, Randoman said:

Who are your top 3 favourite male and top 3 favourite female Disney characters?

Is there anything that hasn't become a meme yet, that you think should become a meme? (Eg: meme images with Steve Urkel in them, Jaffar's death as an animated GIF/reaction video, people posing like caution/slippery signs)

Has your wife gotten you into any TV shows/video games/musicians/singers/hobbies/etc. that you weren't interested in before meeting her?

What are some of the very first video games you'll let your kids try out/play?

I probably should've asked this before, but are you lifting the 5 question limit so that people are allowed to ask more than 5 questions per post?

 Elsa = there's a lot to like about this character. But the fact that she openly mocks the archetype of the Disney Princess who rushes into marriage after love-at-first-sight with prince charming is what really sells it for me.

Moana = Wants to make her father and her people proud. Knows that their traditions and superstitions are stupid, and that she will never be fulfilled unless she seeks broader horizons. I feel ya sister...the struggle is real...

Jasmine = Rejects unworthy suitors. Tricks Jaffar. Loves Aladdin, but still calls him out on his bullshit. This woman is no one's fool.


Aladdin = Street rat with a heart of gold. Rags-to riches story. Defeated the most powerful sorcerer in the world, just by tricking him with his own ego. Ignoring the subtle Disney racism, I do enjoy him as a character. 
Related image


Simba = Pretty much my spirit animal

Image result for lion king new jersey meme

Hercules = No specific reason. He's a cool hero, and I liked his movie. 

16 hours ago, Randoman said:

Is there anything that hasn't become a meme yet, that you think should become a meme? (Eg: meme images with Steve Urkel in them, Jaffar's death as an animated GIF/reaction video, people posing like caution/slippery signs)

There's an episode of South Park where Stan becomes a cynic and literally thinks everything is shit. He goes to the movies. Everyone else sees the coming attractions to the new films. He sees a giant dog on screen turning around, lifting its tail, and spraying the audience with projectile diarrhea.

Image result for south park dog shit gif

I can find this image online. But I can't find a proper gif of it. I want that to be a gif I can use to replace quoted text in online arguments. For those occasions when I need to properly drive home the point that I don't just think someone's argument is bad. Its so uniquely awful and so substandard beneath the general level of discourse in the thread; they might as well have just sprayed diarrhea on their  computer screen instead of bothering to make a post. They would have produced something of equal quality and contributive value. 


16 hours ago, Randoman said:

Has your wife gotten you into any TV shows/video games/musicians/singers/hobbies/etc. that you weren't interested in before meeting her?

She has me watching the Amazing Race and Big Brother now. Good shows.

And before we started dating I never ate eel, octopus, or sea urchin. So she's got me trying more exotic foods now. 

She tried getting me into Korean Soap Operas...but I just can't... ("My Love from the Stars" was okay--but that's it--I don't think I could sit through another one


16 hours ago, Randoman said:

What are some of the very first video games you'll let your kids try out/play?

Anything within reason. I guess I'd probably want to start them off with something really simple and easy to pick-up, so that they can actually enjoy playing it.

Something like Tetris or Candy Crush seems like a good starting place for a small child. (first game I ever played was Tetris)

16 hours ago, Randoman said:

but are you lifting the 5 question limit so that people are allowed to ask more than 5 questions per post?

Yeah I'm fine with that. 

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1. Favorite Pokémon type?

2. Favorite Rotom forme?

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?

4. Favorite Legendary Pokémon?

5. When it comes to FE, why do you disregard enemy crit chances when discussing units that are doomed to routinely face them (e.g. Arthur and Berserkers in general in Fates)?

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3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

1. Favorite Pokémon type?


3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

2. Favorite Rotom forme?

Washing Machine

4 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

3. Favorite Eevee evolution?


4 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

4. Favorite Legendary Pokemon


8 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

5. When it comes to FE, why do you disregard enemy crit chances when discussing units that are doomed to routinely face them (e.g. Arthur and Berserkers in general in Fates)?

Consistent damage output, tanking capacity, and utility is more important than marginal differences in low-percentage crits.

You are bad at Fire Emblem.  

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3 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said:

Consistent damage output, tanking capacity, and utility is more important than marginal differences in low-percentage crits.

You are bad at Fire Emblem.  

Hah. I never knew being good at Fire Emblem meant taking obviously asinine risks. If I'm bad by your delusional standards, I'd hate to think about what that makes you... don't you know fools rush in where angels fear to tread? Especially in a series with permanent death. FYI, low luck alone isn't necessarily something I would consider a deal breaker - see Hector and Oswin (admittedly, their game has weak enemies for the most part). But when it's combined with something else I would find troubling (e.g. being locked to axes [this is actually dependent on the game - it isn't too bad in, say, Blazing Blade, since most enemies use lances, but I'm not as receptive of being mono-axes in Fates or Binding Blade, where I find Berserkers more threatening as enemies than as allies]), then Houston, we have all the problems. 

Petty jabs aside...

6. Favorite Mega Evolution?

7. Favorite Z-Move?

8. Favorite exclusive Z-Move?

9. What Mega Evolution would you want to see?

10. Have you played Pokémon Colosseum and/or Pokémon XD?

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25 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Image result for south park dog president

See @Randoman

This is why I need that gif.

25 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

6. Favorite Mega Evolution?

Mega Gengar

25 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Favorite Z-Move?

Genesis Supernova 

25 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

8. Favorite exclusive Z-Move?

Still Genesis Supernova

25 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

9. What Mega Evolution would you want to see?

Related image

43 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

10. Have you played Pokémon Colosseum and/or Pokémon XD?


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I. Which is your favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

VI. Favorite Pokemon generation?

VII. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

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6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

7: Opinion on petticoats?

8: Opinion on kilts?

9: Favorite Fire Emblem Archetype?

10: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

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Quick announcement before I answer the next round of questions.

We're doing a pokemon draft tournament here. We need at least 8 players. We had 8 exactly. @Deltre dropped out. We need a replacement to take over his pool and pick up where he left off. Link to this thread to see whats going on and where we're at:


Posting this here because I'm getting a ton of pokemon questions; we obviously got some people here who know the game and are fans.

@Rex Glacies
@Levant Mir Celestia
...Any and all interested parties...

We've drafted picks for  Ou, UU, and are up to RU; we gonna finish RU and draft NU and PU picks, then we get to playing tournament matches on Pokemon showdown.

His pool isn't half bad; he has Landorus-T and Tapu-Fini. I'll allow anyone filling in for him to redraft one of his OU and one of his UU picks--just to make it a bit more interactive for ya and mold the pool you're inheriting to your playstyle. 

Post in the linked thread if you're interested. One more player. Thats all we need to get the draft back on track.

...with that out of the way...

On 2/23/2018 at 10:05 PM, NinjaMonkey said:

Have you heard of the Ace Attorney series, and if so, what is your opinion on them?

All I know is what I've seen from the memes. (i.e. "OBJECTION!")

I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with lawyering, but it looks pretty dope. 

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13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

I. Which is your favorite of the classical and Chinese elements?

I haven't thought about this at all.

13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:


II. Which of the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues do you most relate to?

Lust, Sloth, and Gluttony


13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:


III. How were you introduced to Fire Emblem?

Same way as every other Westerner my age; I played melee. I wanted to know more about the games Marth and Roy came from. I picked up a copy of FE7, and I thought that Eliwood was Roy. 


13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:


IV. How were you led to Serenesforest?

Heard @Mangs Bitching about you guys on his youtube channel.

13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

V. Do you have a favorite history or mythology to learn about?

Bible mythology, believe-it-or-not. (Hail Satan)

13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

VI. Favorite Pokemon generation?

Gen 3


13 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

VII. Do you know your Myers-Briggs personality type, and if so, does it fit you?

...had no idea, so i took an online personality test right before answering this question.

It came back: Type ENTP-A: [The Debator]

56% extrovert
44% introvert

51% thinking
49% feeling

"Those with the ENTP personality are some of the rarest in the world, which is completely understandable. Although they are extroverts, they don’t enjoy small talk and may not thrive in many social situations. ENTPs are intelligent and knowledgeable and need to be constantly mentally stimulated. They have the ability to discuss theories and facts in extensive detail. They are logical, rational, and objective in their approach to information and arguments."


"The Debater personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Debaters don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun. No one loves the process of mental sparring more than Debaters, as it gives them a chance to exercise their effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove their points."

yeppppppppp, Thats me. That sounds accurate.

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10 hours ago, Rezzy said:

6: Opinion on the name Rachel?

...thats an oddly specific question...

Its a good name. Nice, traditional biblical name; very common name for Jewish parents to give their daughters. I wouldn't. Purely because I don't want to do a traditional biblical name (thats a categorical "NO" to Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah)

10 hours ago, Rezzy said:


7: Opinion on petticoats?

I do not have an opinion on petticoats

10 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Opinion on kilts?

It takes a certain kind of guy to pull it off. Like you gotta be at least 6 feet tall and have the facial  hair of a viking.

If you can do it--more power to ya. That's a fierce look.

10 hours ago, Rezzy said:

9: Favorite Fire Emblem Archetype?

The Cain &  Abel archetype. (Another thing FE7 did best)

Fire Emblem Comic: Chapter 5, page 3 by HeartfulPeach

10 hours ago, Rezzy said:

10: If you were a FE unit, what would your class and stats/growths be like?

I'd be a mage with tremendous magic and all-around-solid bulk in the HP,  Res, and Def department. But  middling skill, speed, luck.

Edited by Shoblongoo
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