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Next Nintendo Direct DONE: Nov. 12 @ 2p PST


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Thanks for the kind words, but sadly I have a feeling I'm gonna be disappointed.

I just hope no Goku oh goodness.

...I would try to reassure you, but after seeing Cloud...the sky is the limit now...no restrictions...welp...the Smash Broadcast should be...interesting...oh God, please let the good votes make it!

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Also, I doubt anybody cares but

Some names in DQVII have changed

Melvin -> Sir Mervyn and Gabo -> Ruff

I like Melvin's change, but I'll likely change Ruff back to Gabo or Madason (what I named him on the PS1 version thanks to the fact he looks like the DQV protagonist to me).

/DQ stuff nobody cares about.

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Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought the visuals in Twilight Princess HD weren't that different?

You're quite right. Pause these two videos side by side to see the difference (or lack thereof) in Zant's closeup.

GameCube Zant in HD - https://youtu.be/N0Ocpt9uLoA?t=26m35s

Wii U Zant in HD - https://youtu.be/NU4rizKpxfM?t=27s

The textures for Zant's armor and the tile floor are slightly improved. I'm not sure if the carpet was improved or not. There are no additional polygons in Zant's model (although to be fair, he didn't really need any).

Now, let's take a look at the title character.

GameCube Zelda in HD - https://youtu.be/N0Ocpt9uLoA?t=26m43s

Wii U Zelda in HD - https://youtu.be/NU4rizKpxfM?t=31s

Once again, the blurrier textures are improved but there are no additional polygons. Also note that the lighting is softer (i.e. more balanced), resulting in brighter shadows and less distinguishable polygons. I'll miss you, darker shadows.

Conclusion: Twilight Princess has never looked better, but the improvement is marginal, and I wouldn't consider it a selling point, especially since the original is one of the best looking games of the sixth generation. Unless there is a significant improvement over the original (ex: skippable tutorial, extra dungeon, Link's Crossbow Training 2, etc.), I won't be buying it. Hope this was helpful.

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I would have hoped they'd at least make the character models look nicer in Twilight Princess, they all look really jagged when compared to today's graphics. I hope the extra features are worth while, I really want hero mode TP, but I need more than that to make me think this is worth getting.

Also, 5 seconds of Zelda U and confirmed 2016, yaaayyyyyy.....

Edited by Knight
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I would have hoped they'd at least make the character models look nicer in Twilight Princess, they all look really jagged when compared to today's graphics. I hope the extra features are worth while, I really want hero mode TP, but I need more than that to make me think this is worth getting.

I'd like it if they actually changed up Hero Mode by adding more enemies or something. And 4x damage, of course.

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Twilight Princess enemies never did enough damage, even bosses rarely do more than a single heart. Coupled with Hidden Skills and Link is way too much of a tank in that game, so I'd agree that 4X damage would be a great addition.

Edited by Knight
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I wouldn't worry about someone like Goku getting in, Sakurai specifically said that only characters who originate from video games can get in and Goku isn't one of those. But I do understand why you guys would worry. We could end up with more dumb 3rd party choices. In fact, NONE of the DLC characters have been Nintendo newcomers. They've either been Smash veterans (Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy), or 3rd parties (Ryu, Cloud). Seriously, Sakurai. >_>

As for Zelda, more Master Quest modes, plz. OoT's was awesome. Hero mode does nothing but make the enemies do more damage and make you unable to pick up hearts. Master Quest actually changed the dungeon puzzles and relocated the dungeon Gold Skulltulas in OoT, it was awesome.

Edited by Anacybele
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Wait hold on. That Fire Emblem Special Edition. Please don't tell me it's going to include a Birthright box? I understand the cartridge will have all 3 storylines but


worries me.

EDIT: Also, so we get a discount on the DLC if we buy it at a store, or?

Edited by Deviddo
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Goku has been in games. DB as a franchise has had games made for it. Its a technicality, but its one people will use to argue it.

Anyway, im kinda glad im not too arsed about any of this stuff tbh. I figured we'd see a Feb release date for Fates. Not shocked about TPHD, in fact kinda expected it. Cloud doesnt really do anything for me other than snortle a bit. I bet he'd be fun and im a little : ( at the lack of Knights of the Round final smash. Yeah yeah Omnislash is his signature move, but come on. Knights of the Round! :P:

Gotta say something about that TP HD trailer. What a let down. If they are gonna remaster a game, why not make it look better than the original? It only looks very very marginally different. As in, only difference being no jaggies. :/// thats... *sighs for a thousand years*

Oh well. Better start talking to my brother about getting my niece a Wii U. Shes pretty hard up on Zelda right now and has only played the 3DS/DS titles. She'd love WW and TP so...yeah.

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Wait hold on. That Fire Emblem Special Edition. Please don't tell me it's going to include a Birthright box? I understand the cartridge will have all 3 storylines but


worries me.

EDIT: Also, so we get a discount on the DLC if we buy it at a store, or?

Breh, pretty sure Birthright is on one side of the box and Conquest on the other.

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Another question actually, so we know that if you buy the standard version of the game and then buy the other path it'll cost a total of 60. How much will the final path be? Another 20? If that's the case then the standard edition + other path + Revelation will be 80, just like the special edition, which makes the entire Special Edition a steal at 80.

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Another question actually, so we know that if you buy the standard version of the game and then buy the other path it'll cost a total of 60. How much will the final path be? Another 20? If that's the case then the standard edition + other path + Revelation will be 80, just like the special edition, which makes the entire Special Edition a steal at 80.

The special edition's selling gimmick will probably just be the added bonus exclusive artbook and pouch.

And the fact that so many people will want all three of them anyway, and are too lazy to get them separately.

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Yeah. If it's anything like the Japanese model, third path will be the same price as buying the second route (so half price). Adds up to 80. So artbook and 3DS pouch are free.

There's also the advantage of all of them being physically on the cartridge. I lost over $200 of eShop games to a corrupted SD card and so now I try not to download any 3DS titles in case I lose them again. Special Edition is definitely worth it to me and likely will be the only way I'll play Fates. If you only want physical, then it's an even better deal. Both routes will add to $80, meaning Revelations, the pouch and the artbook are free.

Edited by squid kid
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Yeah. If it's anything like the Japanese model, third path will be the same price as buying the second route (so half price). Adds up to 80. So artbook and 3DS pouch are free.

Both routes will add to $80, meaning Revelations, the pouch and the artbook are free.

wait wut

I agree with the former statement (which I believe is correct) but did you just go back and edit in a contradiction to yourself?

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You didn't get the full quote.

If you only want physical, then it's an even better deal. Both routes will add to $80, meaning Revelations, the pouch and the artbook are free.

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wait wut

I agree with the former statement (which I believe is correct) but did you just go back and edit in a contradiction to yourself?

No. You don't get the discount if you buy both physical copies (for obvious reasons).

Second statement assumes you buy physical Birthright and physical Conquest. First assumes you only buy one physical game.

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Well, that was a decent Direct. I tried not to get hyped, so I wasn't really disappointed...?

Anyway, my thoughts:

First off, we immediately have Twilight Princess HD. To be quite honest, I didn't want to believe it. But I'm glad it is actually true; Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda~

At first glance, however... it doesn't look that much different at all compared to the original. But... uh... looking at one of GameXplain's video, the graphics do seem to be at least a little bit improved. I suppose I shouldn't have expected it to look as good as the Link shown in that.. leaked image or whatever it was. (Really, though, just make this a little bit more colorful and bright and I'll be satisfied!)

...anyway, I'm not sure if I'll buy this quite yet. Maybe once they reveal more information about it, I might think about it.

That amiibo looks AMAZING, though. Probably the only one I'd actually bother to buy.

...And hey, look! Zelda Wii U! Well, it was only a tiny video, but it's still nice to see again.

Xenoblade Chronicles X looks absolutely fantastic, as always.

Only a few more weeks left! I can't wait to play it!!

And now we have Fire Emblem Fates! Yay!

And that special edition sure looks spiffy~

Every route on a single cart + art book + 3DS pouch? I'm sold!

I preordered it ASAP, so I should be good... I hope.

Anyway, I'm really excited to play this game~also unpopular opinion but I don't hate any of the paths' stories. I'm serious. Although I'll wait until I actually play it myself to give my final judgement.

It's cool that Pokemon R/B/Y is finally being released on the Virtual Console.

I can't see myself ever buying them, admittedly, but I'm happy for everyone else who has wanted this to happen.

And finally we have DRAGON QUEST VII AND DRAGON QUEST VIII. I'M SO HAPPY. It's been 3,000 years...

...Goodness, I'm going to be busy this year.

a~and... that's... pretty much all I care about, to be quite honest~xD (it's... cool that Cloud is appearing in Super Smash Bros, though. Personally I never cared for FFVII...)

Edited by spiderbrush
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To be honest, I thought it was a pretty boring Direct, thankfully I wasn't initially interested in it anyway.

It was mostly stuff we already knew somehow, but if it wasn't it was fairly mediocre or totally irrelevant to me. I guess Cloud was somewhat interesting at the end but I have no history (or knowledge) with Final Fantasy so I couldn't really care for his inclusion.

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I lost over $200 of eShop games to a corrupted SD card and so now I try not to download any 3DS titles in case I lose them again.

How did that happen? eShop stuff is tied to your NNID, not your 3ds, so you should just be able to redownload them...

Unless you mean your saves, which still stinks but isn't nearly as bad.

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I want Twilight Princess HD, mostly because Zelda games are just better in HD and played with the WiiU gamepad. Wind Waker was hugely improved just by being able to access sea charts on the touchscreen while you're sailing. Weirdly, the ugly minimap from TP was still on the main screen in the footage they showed, just taking up less real estate in HD. Hopefully they let you move it down to the gamepad completely.

Here's the thing though: I don't want to pay $60 for this game. I hope it's a budget title, considering they're not updating it much, and it probably went into production right when they delayed Zelda WiiU in March. I know WWHD was full-price, but it was easy to get it as part of a bundle at that time. Plus it had more work done on it, from what we've seen.

The timing is also odd: if this full Zelda game is in March, I wouldn't expect Zelda WiiU until at least the fall. The idea that it will get a dual release on WiiU and NX is looking more and more likely.

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I'd like it if they actually changed up Hero Mode by adding more enemies or something. And 4x damage, of course.

You're a masochist, and I love that. Bring it on, Nintendo! I'll conquer it.

Once again, the blurrier textures are improved but there are no additional polygons.

No, not one bit, not a single extra face (polygon) added. Come on, the Wii U can do better than that.

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