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13/11 Attacks on Paris


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Unfortunately, they could've hardly predicted it.

We knew it was going to happen, someday, and that there was nothing we could do about it.

A good deal of the terrorists had no judicial record, at least not one that would point to this. And obviously you cannot detain someone without tangible evidence.

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I'm not trying to defend or offend anyone. I'm just trying to express my thought, which is neutral to Muslims and Euro or US.

I know it's a very shocking incident in France. But that is the consequence of US and NATO policy all over the years.

US and NATO war against terrorists?

Let's take a look at what they did the last whole year, trying to bomb and strike terrorists, then compare with what the Russia did in 1 month.

It's a huge joke to me.

I don't think they really want to eliminate terrorists.

All they do is a big lie.


Does anyone of you care when thousand people die in Iraq?

Does anyone of you care when thousand people die in Syria?

Does anyone of you care when hundred people die in France?


To me, they are all equal. I'm not the one who is laughing and play hypocrite.


I also think the attempt to try to find any reason to justify what they're doing futile. Their intents were already made clear, they want to establish a califate all over the world and smite us, evil infidels. That is enough to tell us about the kind of people we're dealing with, and shows that they are unegotiable and unreasonable.

They are trying to save their people, by doing extreme and desperate actions against the evil force that ruins their country.

You'll never understand if you're not trying to put you in their situation.

Edited by hanhnn
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Bias towards Western countries (to be frank white countries) has consistently been a part of the media for a long time now. The suicide bombings in Beruit and the funeral bombed in Baghdad received very little press conference, and to use your analogy, you could not use their respective flags to show support. A lot of my friends on Facebook are also bringing up the Kenyan university massacre that also got an insignificant amount of press coverage compared to the Paris attacks.

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Does anyone of you care when thousand people die in Iraq?

Does anyone of you care when thousand people die in Syria?

Does anyone of you care when hundred people die in France?

Yes, yes, and yes, because all three send ripples through the rest of the world. Especially Syria, since there's a ton of refugees pouring in because of the instability there.

They are trying to save their people, by doing extreme and desperate actions against the evil force that ruins their country.

You'll never understand if you're not trying to put you in their situation.

Full. Stop.

Do you know who the primary victims of the terrorist attacks that aren't reported are? Other Muslims. Your point makes absolutely no sense, given their actions.

I think they're on a recruiting drive, looking for dissatisfied Muslims in the western countries (and these attacks will increase tensions between Muslims and everyone else in France).

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I think they're on a recruiting drive, looking for dissatisfied Muslims in the western countries (and these attacks will increase tensions between Muslims and everyone else in France).

A lot of radicals (but still far from all of them) have already a criminal history (They get radicalized in jails), so we should probably look at the judicial/prison system.

It is widespread in France but not solely that country: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihadist_extremism_in_the_United_States#Prison

Edited by Naughx
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Why the attack on Paris is more important than individual attacks in Iraq/Syria:

1. Iraq and Syria are both active war zones. It can pretty obviously be inferred that a good deal of people are dying there. It's for the same reason that in 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor got more coverage than the ongoing German bombings of London.

2. More than any other country, Iraq and Syria are committed to fighting ISIS. France, though, isn't, and thus this incident may convince them to play a larger role. Thus, it is of greater significance.

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Why the attack on Paris is more important than individual attacks in Iraq/Syria:

1. Iraq and Syria are both active war zones. It can pretty obviously be inferred that a good deal of people are dying there. It's for the same reason that in 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor got more coverage than the ongoing German bombings of London.

2. More than any other country, Iraq and Syria are committed to fighting ISIS. France, though, isn't, and thus this incident may convince them to play a larger role. Thus, it is of greater significance.

3. France is located in Europe, surrounded by other democratic peaceful countries. Iraq and Syria are not.

Nobody cares about Iraq and Syria because they're already fucked up 3rd world countries. So what's one more attack there? Same reason why any attacks in Israel or Kenya or any other place in the world aren't mentioned. Because we're in 3rd world countries (in the eyes of the media).

Except fucking Gaza, mind you.

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It seems ISIS or ISIL really want to get noticed so badly that they really pulled an insane action to France. With the upcoming APEC in our country ( where they gather almost all [ except Vladmir Putin, possibly Francois Hollande and some leaders that I still don't know or are not mentioned at our TV news ] country leaders for a BUSINESS gathering ), I hope that ISIS won't lean their interest towards our country. I just hope they won't pull another insane stunt due to their belief of killing non-Islams would free them from corruption. I just hope this turmoil will die down slowly yet smoothly in order to avoid a chance of WWIII sparking ( I'm not saying that we should expect that WWIII will ensue after all this, I'm just pointing out a possibility that WWIII will arise if more of this kind of incident would ensue ).

Though it is just my imagination or speculation but; What if Bin Laden was not dead? What if Bin Laden orchestrated the attack? With such a powerful and influencial man such as Bin Laden, I kinda doubt that he would just die due to a sniper shot. The one that got killed could possibly an impersonator. Another man made to look like Bin Laden. If terrorists can brainwash their children to die for their cause and religion, then I am not surprised if one or more person is trained and made to look and act like Bin Laden ( or maybe at least look alike ).

NOTE: Seriously! Our president only knows how to handle his business, not our country nor the people. Why the heck did the people vote a schemer and coward as our president? He didn't even care about the issue ensuing at his family airport, NAIA. That issue made people loose their only chance to get a decent job and it traumatized one foreigner whose purpose is to build a church in Palawan. F******* president, I hope you stand beside Satan due to your treachery.

Edited by Tecki
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Though it is just my imagination or speculation but; What if Bin Laden was not dead? What if Bin Laden orchestrated the attack? With such a powerful and influencial man such as Bin Laden, I kinda doubt that he would just die due to a sniper shot. The one that got killed could possibly an impersonator. Another man made to look like Bin Laden. If terrorists can brainwash their children to die for their cause and religion, then I am not surprised if one or more person is trained and made to look and act like Bin Laden ( or maybe at least look alike ).

Regardless of whether Bin Laden is dead or alive, it wouldn't matter, what matters is his influence and image. Just like someone could pretend to be Bin Laden to act as decoy, someone could pretend to be Bin Laden to rally the others terrorists.

And besides Bin Laden founded Al-Qaeda, not ISIS, and those two groups don't get along from what I heard.

Not only that, but while Bin Laden is obviously guilty of a lot of things, he is, in the end, a scapegoat that was used to be the person that people would project their hate on, to be the story's "Big Bad" one could say, the villain which the heroes has to defeat.

Not every terrorist act is his fault and there are plenty of other dangerous figures that we know nothing about.

Edited by Water Mage
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Actually, the most plausible story I've heard is that Bin Laden died to kidney failure in 2006.

Regardless, the idea that Bin Laden or Al-Quaeda could be behind the terror attacks in Paris is completely absurd. Bin Laden is dead and with the exception of Al-shabaab in Somalia most terror groups have switched teams and swore loyalty to Bagdadi. ISIL damaged Al-Quada far more than anybody else did.

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Why the attack on Paris is more important than individual attacks in Iraq/Syria:

1. Iraq and Syria are both active war zones. It can pretty obviously be inferred that a good deal of people are dying there. It's for the same reason that in 1941, the attack on Pearl Harbor got more coverage than the ongoing German bombings of London.

2. More than any other country, Iraq and Syria are committed to fighting ISIS. France, though, isn't, and thus this incident may convince them to play a larger role. Thus, it is of greater significance.

Okay but what about Lebanon? They weren't dealing with Isis violence until recently, and yet no one is talking about the Beirut attacks. Edited by Radiant head
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Okay but what about Lebanon? They weren't dealing with Isis violence until recently, and yet no one is talking about the Beirut attacks.

Lebanon is still far closer to active combat than Paris is. It is also home to Hezbollah, who are fighting ISIS. From a strategic standpoint, it makes sense that ISIS are attacking Lebanon. France, by contrast, has done nothing but air raids. Another thing to consider is that the media we read comes from westerners. Check Al Jazeera, and they focus much more on the Beirut attack.

Edited by blah2127
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Full. Stop.

Do you know who the primary victims of the terrorist attacks that aren't reported are? Other Muslims. Your point makes absolutely no sense, given their actions.

If you think the European Muslims, who contribute their tax income to the countries trying to bomb IS, if you think they will get a better treat than their Middle East neighbors, who are officially enemies of US and NATO, then think again.

Didn't you say it yourself that IS killed more Middle East Muslims than Westerner citizens?

Osama Bin Laden was a product created by the US, they did a very great job to create such a freedom fighter.

Edited by hanhnn
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Not sure if it's been talked about yet (and too lazy to look back tbh) but there's one thing that frightens me most with regards to ISIS and the refugee outflux from Syria: ISIS' social media presence and propaganda-making ability is unlike anything we've ever seen.

To think that there's a way to safely and properly vet refugees is simply insane. I believe any state in my country accepting refugees is at dire risk of allowing in either disguised fighters, or people at risk of being brain washed.

On the wonderful, wonderful day where the "caliphate" is exterminated from Iraq and Syria, will they simply cease to exist on social media? Will people stop posting jihadi propaganda, in an attempt to cause any sort of damage to the free world?

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I'm kinda glad they started airstrikes in Syria. Tbh I just want Muslims out of that country as soon as possible. I guess I've mainly had personal experiences with them.

They've been harassing Christians in Syria for so many years, for no reason at all. This is back even before the civil war and everything. My family is pretty known in one of the Christian villages there so they've always been giving them shit (mainly death threats). They come in and dump trash and pollute catholic areas and harass/do bad things to the women (I was pretty familiar with one girl who this happened to). Recently they killed a childhood friend of mine by removing his limbs and robbing his store. Also ever since my parents moved here to America, these Muslim bandits began to trash a lot of my dad's land and stole much of it. It's the little things that count. (((:

Again, before much of this stuff exploded, some more of my family members IN AMERICA got death threats from Syrian Muslims. My uncle and aunt are pretty involved with this one Syrian Garden thing here in America and a few years ago they get a pretty angry letter of violence from some random Muslim they used to know in Syria.

Now thanks to the civil war and ISIS it's just even more of all that. What's worse is I know a lot of the people dead so far, and when you know that many personally it's not a good sign.

I guess what I'm saying is that there are already so so so many muslims who want Christians and the west dead there and that makes it extremely easy for ISIS to temporarily use and dispose of them. You can't trust anyone there. Even my family stuck in Syria has begun to oppose the refugee program because of the things they've seen going on. I think a lot of people forget about how much worse the Christian persecution there is and ISIS definitely isn't helping. No it's not true that they hate Muslims in other sects more at all, maybe it seems like that, but nope.

I believe ISIL's goal is to kill as many as they can until they're stopped. There is no peaceful solution at this point. They're not willing to act rational or negotiate at all. In the end my wishful thinking is that Syria becomes a country where NO ONE IS FORCED TO PRACTICE A RELIGION and certain religions don't belittle and abuse minority religions cough. I used to love visiting there when I was little but now I can't so thx for making my country into a literal shithole lol

Related to this, recently one of my friends from school (a muslim) told me, ME, that she hopes ISIS kills the Christians and imposes sharia law. Yeah. We're not friends anymore. But then of course I know a couple of nice ones so it's not so bad I guess.

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Isn't it possible to block him?

You can add users to your ignore list if you want, their messages will be hidden.

I wish I could activate a filter to mark all of your messages as spam. Or at least that you could take some time to interpret/analyze the articles you're posting.

Ajoute-le dans ta liste noire et ses messages seront automatiquement bloqués.

Edited by Naughx
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ISIS' social media presence and propaganda-making ability is unlike anything we've ever seen.

That's quite the exaggeration I think. Anonymous is doing a pretty effective job trolling their online presence. It's true though that the media and the governments don't seem to take too much note of it but then again you should never trust your domestic media and governments.

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To think that there's a way to safely and properly vet refugees is simply insane. I believe any state in my country accepting refugees is at dire risk of allowing in either disguised fighters, or people at risk of being brain washed.

US states accept syrian refugees only in the hundreds. given that syrian refugees are coming to the US in much smaller quantities and that there is substantially greater physical separation between the US and syria, i must conclude that there is almost zero risk of the US accepting disguised fighters. the reaction of the states to bar acceptance of syrian refugees is remarkably ignorant.

from a purely numerical point of view, if your country were to accept 10,000 refugees and that somehow ends up getting 150 people killed, it's still saved many more lives than were lost.

Edited by dondon151
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US states accept syrian refugees only in the hundreds. given that syrian refugees are coming to the US in much smaller quantities and that there is substantially greater physical separation between the US and syria, i must conclude that there is almost zero risk of the US accepting disguised fighters. the reaction of the states to bar acceptance of syrian refugees is remarkably ignorant.

from a purely numerical point of view, if your country were to accept 10,000 refugees and that somehow ends up getting 150 people killed, it's still saved many more lives than were lost.

Just a few hours ago, I was arguing with someone on that matter. He was saying that the US was also in danger, since if any disguised fighter was to reach US grounds, there was the possibility of him buying weapons there since owning and even buying (correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not knowledged on the topic of the second amendment) a weapon in the US is allowed. Ransacking a country from within is much easier than from the outside because you hide where there is a lot of people, and attack without directly declaring war or exposing yourself. I can be wrong, but that's how I would see it.

Not sure if it's been talked about yet (and too lazy to look back tbh) but there's one thing that frightens me most with regards to ISIS and the refugee outflux from Syria: ISIS' social media presence and propaganda-making ability is unlike anything we've ever seen.

To think that there's a way to safely and properly vet refugees is simply insane. I believe any state in my country accepting refugees is at dire risk of allowing in either disguised fighters, or people at risk of being brain washed.

On the wonderful, wonderful day where the "caliphate" is exterminated from Iraq and Syria, will they simply cease to exist on social media? Will people stop posting jihadi propaganda, in an attempt to cause any sort of damage to the free world?

Even without a leader, a bunch of staunch and fearless awry guys will continue to carry on the main opinions, continue to bring people to thier cause via Internet and via prison. Yes there are some of them going in the prisons disguised as muslim believers but are ISIS members. And again, I doubt these extremists are be following the muslim principle. But if you look at France, even before accepting refugees, there were similar occurences of young people going to Syria, undergoing military training and coming back somehow with weapons and trying to attack civilians. So accepting refugees or not will only increase the chance that disguised figthers slip through with refugees. But those who really came here out of despair of what is happening in their country, do you think we should leave them aside ? That's why EU countries are torn between the security of their citizens and the dire situation of the refugees.

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from a purely numerical point of view, if your country were to accept 10,000 refugees and that somehow ends up getting 150 people killed, it's still saved many more lives than were lost.

But doesn't a Government have a greater degree of responsibility to look after it's own citizens first above other people? If you want to weigh lives individually in a utilitarian way, then yes, more lives were saved, but it seems broadly intuitive to say that 150 French lives matter more to the French Government than 150 Syrians. I don't know where exactly one would have to draw the line in that kind of moral weighing, but I don't believe it's quite as clear cut as you've made it.

Edited by Irysa
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