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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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I feel like there should be a joke I could make for eclipse dying but I can't think of any. I suck.

eclipse, Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Courage, was killed Night Two

She can continue to post in the game thread until the end of today.

It is now Day 3. You have 72 hours until the day ends, with 10 "alive" it takes 6 to lynch.

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ugh work sucks and i'm dozing off here...

Day 2:

Pg. 9

Boron has a good analysis of Gaius IMO.

Crysta superquickly votes for TG with an obvious-as-day sheep and I really don't see Scum!Crysta jumping on a wagon like this, so soon in the phase. It's consistent enough with her late D1 at least, so it's not completely out of left field

Mancer's TG vote however, does not appear all that townie, mainly since he's sheeping Boron, and sheeping Crysta [the latter of whom who didn't actually say anything].

Omega remains wanted for 3rd degree swag but otherwise doesn't actually explain his vote on Gaius. He just votes him for townreading Mancer, implying that ?omega thinks both Gaius and Mancer are scumbuddies?

Pg. 10

Omega now says that he'd vote Mancer but instead clings onto his Gaius vote (an associative vote at best). Dude do you think Mancer is scum or not?

I more or less agree with Gaius' logic. I think it's silly that he kinda defended himself from Refa, when Refa was dead. IMO Gaius wasn't paying the utmost of attention when building this post and gut says he townslipped here and didn't notice Dead!Refa. His quote is from the page before, though, and Refa's flip was on that page. I dunno, this just looks like a town post.

lol Boron learned something that day

eclipse OK HERE'S A DOOZY. Until I see a flip from someone in your trinity that explicitly states "You are a Mason and know that Mancer and [i forget the other person] are also masons", there is no reason for the rest of the game to hinge itself on your interpretation of your RolePM. There's currently a ton of reads regarding Mancer as being one of the most hypothetical-scum players in the game and if he just so happens to be town, there'd be a ton of association to net from it. That being said, I'm not overly scumreading mancer but to me the constant proclaimations of cryptic rolehints driving your reads and what you say the game's reads should be (to an extent, Mancer-related in particular) just seems to be a foundation for so much of your content thus far and not that much else.

Crysta dumps logic and parks her vote on an inactive. Who are you scumreading aside from inactives? Maybe the better question is do you have any scumreads that aren't inactives and why?

ohgod bbm said what I was thinking

Pg. 11

eclipse if TG is in your trinity and you've been this hesitant to lynch Mancer all game, why is there a lack of concern with regards to the current votepile on TG beyond acceptance of the possibility of lynching her relatively soon? Why don't you have the same feeligns towards both TG and Mancer? [Disregard if I misread something and TG isn't in your trinity].

Point taken re: Refakill. I can't say I completely agree with you but I can at least see the validity behind him being a suboptimal kill so my logic doesn't hold as much weight and tbh I'm ok with being slapped in the back of the head for things like that

The fact that you're being so noncommittal with your rolestuff (well, committal in being noncommittal...is that a thing?) is what's throwing me off. Say Mancer does flip mafia. You just hard-defending him to no end and well I'd have reason to suspect you of attempting a gambit. Say Mancer flips Town; the game is still left with nothing conclusive to townread the rest of your faction because of the flip mechanics in this game aside from "Well I knew it didn't make sense for him to be scum" and literally any alignment can say that. It's null at the very best because it either: makes you look really suspicious for hard-defending somebody with no reason for us to fall back to when re-reading you if he dies, giving you the ability to just say "oh oops I was wrong" and have it be all that can really be said, or: it doesn't tell us anything at all other than your read might've been right but it might/might not have been role-dependant.

I am indeed scumreading you for this because your logic here is that if you're right, cool you were right! If you are wrong, well what, you can just say "damn! This RolePM sure looks like it points to my whole affinity being town and I don't know how he flipped scum I guess I was just wrong". That's nothing that other players in the game can use to accurately read you post-MancerFlip assuming it happens, which inhibits people from being able to produce accurate reads on you since the logic to do so is flimsy without more to back it up.

It might be hindsight as you say but I this isn't a read I can just throw away when it's already based on two relatively controversial components of the game thus far.

Also usually you say "Can we just lynch me". You don't say "Can we lynch everyone but me". Who are you and what have you done with eclipse?"


eclipse were you asking people specifically if they thought Mancer=ITP, or the thread in general? That seems like a strange point to call BBM slightly scummy for not responding to.

Sheeping Boron here; My role is slightly different from Refa's (and perhaps Roxas/Levibii's). Evidently we're all Insomniacs but my RolePM doesn't say that about the other two; I'm just going on what Refa said. It's possible that either Roxas/Levibii and-or myself are scum; just saiyan.

Shinori is being burstposty and wordy and that's typical shinori. I'd like to see a case out of him before I can produce a real read on him. Also I've been scum with you man, unfortunately you're like the one person that I think is capable of anything so shrug. Kinda sorta scumreading him since that was a lot of effort for not a lot of yield. I bit on the killspec but posts like this don't help his case.

Crysta makes sense but I'm not sure I understand her thoughts on Shinori especially the part about Subbed out?

TG produces townreads and ??? reads re: shinori and bbm but no real scumreads

Omega, Why the votehop
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1. My action failed

2. Fucking no lynch

##Vote: Tiny Goddess

We're going back to this. She was active. She was even around in mafia. She did NOT poke her head into the thread to so much as claim near the end. It reeks of scum.

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I can confirm that I have the same ability as eclipse (the ability to post in the thread for one day phase after my death). I think that that is the reason why eclipse thought that our trinity does not contain any scum at all. I don't see how such an ability would be useful for scum at all.

I am horribly not caught up with the game so please give me some time to read before I make a post. Thanks.

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Oh wow for some reason I forgot I was in this????

If anyone wanted to know my claim which is late and I'm super sorry for that I am a 2 shot commuter

Rereading a little back before I make an actual post

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Sb, would this ability let someone speak in any out-of-thread conversations? Basically would a (theoretical) scum member of the courage trinity be able to speak to their buddies after death using this ability?

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ugh my internet at work was lagging to all hell

and im falling aslseep at work too this is a lame day

AND figures eclipse is dead too I'm 100% prepared to sheep but also eclipse if you're in the grave and think that mafia can't have vanillas well I don't know what to say

##Vote Tiny Goddess

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I think that what eclipse was referring to was her tree-stump trinity power, not her role power. But SB confirmed my instinct that there's scum utility in the trinity ability. She did a good job pretending it was super strong to get the mafia to kill her though.

Mancer, TG (and to a lesser extent via), give times by which you'll be caught up and able to contribute. I'm not interested in giving anyone a pass without some measure of accountability. I'm pretty annoyed after the no lynch, particularly at shinori/via.

I'm phoneposting atm; I'll post more when I get home.

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I am literally rushing out of my house to turn in my final project, and then I won't be around for a few hours after that. At this point, I would like to see ANYTHING from TG, Mancer, and Quote. Suspicions on Yolo are the same as last phase, I feel that his focus has been rather selective.

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I am literally rushing out of my house to turn in my final project, and then I won't be around for a few hours after that. At this point, I would like to see ANYTHING from TG, Mancer, and Quote. Suspicions on Yolo are the same as last phase, I feel that his focus has been rather selective.

I agree with the last omega point. I was thinking about this during the night phase and I feel like he hasn't bothered trying to update reads. His last post before deadline honestly gives me the feeling that he's not even reading people other than mancer/gaius unless specifically pressed.

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bbm do you think eclipse was killed for her pr hinting/obvtowniness or cuz her reads were good? i think im beginning to formulate a team but it contradicts most of her posts/ideas

i REALLY need some mancer posts. thats the most important thing that needs to happen today

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@omega- I think more the former than the latter, although tbf I disagreed with most of her reads sooo

I'm thinking the scumteam is between TG/Gaius/Mancer/Omega/Elie. I just got home so I'll look at them more in a bit.

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i think theres def 1 scum between mancer/gaius but not both. ive been scum w/gaius and i dont buy him chainsawing mancer as buddies. i actually think hes likelier to b scum than mancer cuz his vote on me was whack and the way he slapped eclipse onto his scumlist for her "vote on him being weak" was disgusting af and reeks of him holding a knife to anyone going after him than legitimate scumhunting. that eclipse read is too whack to believe

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