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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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if we're lynching between TG and Gaius I think I'd rather ##Vote: Tiny Goddess

see prior reasons. It's possible I may just be taking out my inactivity rage on TG but meh I feel a little more confident about this

sorry I've been really busy the past few days and plus I forgot my phone at home yesterday ;_; but I'm taking it with me so I'll try posting at my lunch break and stuff

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fuck actually i might have overestimated myself i don't actually know if i can do this, especially since i can't handle people getting annoyed at me right now [does a kickflip onto the roof]

getting scum vibes from shinori, i have two obvious townreads, will have more after i sleep

i'd vote TG but i don't feel like putting TG at L-1 yet Lol

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also yolo's behavior is reminding me of another game he was in that he was scum in but i don't remember which one, will read his iso later

i'm not sure if the tunneling is a scumtell from him since it seems like his playstyle mostly but it does feel like he's using his Incredibly Strong Reads on giaus/mancer as an excuse not to pay attention to anything else--since we won't listen to him he'll coast on his tunneling and act like he's still playing the game when he isn't putting that much effort in at all. if we lynched either gaius/mancer i wonder who he'd focus on next??? he says he doesn't think both of them are scum, just one, so... (which is actually also bothering me that he seems to be so set on that Lmao)

i don't have reads on gaius/mancer yet tho, although something about mancer was kinda bugging me i guess but i can't say why so it doesn't really mean anything until i can.

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it's especially cruel to stare at the typo you just missed for two minutes before it goes through

can understand the frustration behind the lack of yolosplaining because i see him on the thread ALL THE TIME when i'm being a vampire and he usually only gives a morsel when he's casing someone but i can't make someone do what they don't wanna do. predictably can't really comfortably townread or scumread him though.

don't think he's going to get those mancer posts big surprise

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bluh but i'll finally have a content post after i wake up , sorry everyone for my absence it was a busier week than i thought it'd be. also for the spammy posts but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i've got half a post done already i just didn't want to post it until i've finished reading what i wanna read. i'm posting this for bbm's sake though since he wanted to know that. please don't scold me anymore i'm trying now i swear )= ilu

it's especially cruel to stare at the typo you just missed for two minutes before it goes through

if you ever feel bad for a typo you've made in a mafia game, just remember bbm's cum meta and you will immediately feel better i promise
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boy I love playing forum mafia where I have every page of content open in a separate tab

and hello new guy. you are a brave soul. have you been reading?

screw that, I skimmed the entire topic and then probably going to read the last few pages more in-depth. like Quote I retroactively realized how much I hate subbing but I was itching to get back into mafia. the forum where I usually played mafia died and I don't enjoy sites like mafiascum because people yell at each other 2 pages in and all the talk is about people's meta behavior that I don't know about

vote Tiny Goddess

do I really have to explain myself too? her first reads were on the most popular trending people in the thread, her townread on Crysta is because she has a decent case on her, one that she doesn't even bother to refute (she did say "oh I'll post more about this later" and then never did). it's like admitting to being scum and knowing they can't argue back because their prosecutor is right.

and lastly they claimed 2-shot commuter but an action on them failed. seeing as they were the primary lynch target of the previous day why would they feel the need to commute because it blocks inspector/tracker from clearing them and mafia from wasting a kill on them

now for some less talked about topics:

Elieson - I got nothing important out of Zihuark's short stay

his #190 is shoutcasting the game up until that point with some insight here and there which on the surface looks okay but when you get to the bottom of it most of it is "x person looks fine, y thing looked a little bit weird but I think it's not too telling/scummy/harmful/whatever" his strongest read seemed to be on yolo but even then he kind of retracted his opinion by saying

scumreads were pretty congruent with the wall of text they posted upon subbing in. eclipse flipped town though but despite that I thought his analysis of her was at odds with my own cause I skimmed and she seemed really pro town and a likely n1 kill target over Refa

#259 is him saying that no one agreed with his scumread on YOLO so he decides to vote Tiny instead of him. he even says "this won't be a good lynch BUT IT'S OK." even worse, "if this is a scum lynch then we're lucky and if she's town well we didn't have anyone else?" but his strongest read was on YOLO. some pretty subtle bandwagoning

actually I just noticed how close this was to the deadline and there wasn't going to be a lynch if he went for yolo so I guess that's okay, but I still very much dislike his reasoning for it, he's saying "you guys won't like this" as if he already knows what it's going to be.

maybe I can't understand his wishy-washing wording in #313 but he says that a scumread on Crysta is predicated on TG flipping scum because she said that Crysta is town because of her case on her. I guess I don't think this is scummy, I just disagree with the logic in connecting them, you'd think that as partners they would have an easier time to throw some arguments at each other rather TG pretty much sitting there and saying "yeah your case is valid I'll just take it. and because of that you can be town!"

what is important about the post is the beginning of the paragraph about TG where he again says "yeah now I really don't feel this" and then his wording seems to... contradict his opinion? he says the claim is super convenient, which is what strikes me as him not believing her commuter claim, and further says that mafia commuter in a game not too big on roles is possible. then he turns the other way and talks about her attitudes and the timing of the (very minimal and not at all convincing at least to me) post making him feel like he should not lynch that slot

verdict: not a bad scum partner, where he jumps on the lynch with easily generalized reasoning at the end of d2 because no one else to vote (although it's excused because of the time constraint) and then turns away from TG to put the vote on... oh that's my slot. I haven't paid much attention to Gaius as of this point but I should probably go see what my predecessor played like. it's going to be quite awkward to defend points directed at someone who isn't me.

I wanted to get this post out but took a while and Shinori beat me to the TG claim point bah. have other things to say later too

I think this is L-1 for TG if I can count properly

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"his strongest read seemed to be on yolo but even then he kind of retracted his opinion by saying "I can buy it for now if you elaborate"
That's what I meant to write at the end of one of my paragraphs. Also I didn't even finish that, I lost my train of thought halfway through that first post and saw that he was really willing to vote yolo and as far as I can tell his vote would still be on yolo if he had posted after the new day start?
Elieson looks a bit better with regards to his stance on yolo but I still hold him rather suspicious on his stance on TG

re: yolo's accusations to this slot

welp I had to backtrack all the way to Clarinets' first few posts ew

Mancer was voting him because he was ignoring/avoiding/whatever word eclipse's case on him rolefishing and from what I got out of it Clarinets was simply misunderstanding what she was trying to say to him. This is the only post of Mancer with content and then there were wagons of not insigificant size on him because of it? I think it's an okay vote. don't really remember what all the other cases on Mancer were (I remember yolo's being something about low-hanging fruit or narrow focus?) but I don't think that's a guy to lynch, he was just misunderstanding from the beginning

Gaius was put under suspicion by yolo because of his 'poor' defense of Mancer, pulling thoughts out of Mancer's head or something like that? I looked at Gaius' post and he's just saying that yolo's vote on Mancer for 'reaching for low-hanging fruit' is incorrect because the case was okay in its own right. while it would've been better for Mancer at that time to have a more holistic post on the game state at that moment instead of just going off on Clarinets Gaius' defense isn't something to look at with suspicion

in the same fruit post yolo said Mancer 'consistently' reached out for low-hanging fruit, yeah I see a post where Mancer expresses frustration for Clarinets failing to reply to him but I don't think you can really fault him for that

@eclipse hi, big fan, although it's a shame you're only around to talk one more day
why is your preferred lynch between my spot and elieson? although in your latest post it seems you've moved more towards the TG camp. in the paragraph before your 'vote' it seems like you're categorizing possiblities of mafia based on existing trinities (you/Mancer/did you put someone here I don't think you did) + (Refa/Quote/Elieson) + (me/Boron/Crysta) where
- Elieson is the more likely scum out of him and Quote
- my slot is the more likely scum out of our trinity
but then there's a group of wild cards (Shinori/TG/BBM/Yolo) who you could also categorize that if there was scum then one of those would also be scum. Shinori has an interesting discovery related to an unknown night action of theirs that incriminates TG so that would make her the most plausible out of the four?
NEVER MIND I had to backtrack again and see that your vote is because you saw Gaius/yolo back and forth and decided... one of us was scum and it was more likely Gaius because of his defensive play. this is a legitimate concern but I'll argue that yolo's play is worse. I'm not going to post my full stance on yolo yet cause I'm taking a break from all this mafia reading and posting i'll be back tonight
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Jk i read the posts. Never underestimate my commitment to mafia

Ocean, if elie and tg are buddies why does he vote her on d2 and still go 'meh i dont like it'? He couldnt have foreseen that town would fail at securing hammer despite his vote. If he was going to bus her, why hedge?

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FUCK this was the worst time for a kitchen accident!

Yo Ocean~! It's actually because I suck at knowing who subbed for who. . .and I could've sworn both of you were in Refa's trinity. If TG flips scum, I'd probably go after the two people in Refa's trinity, as my shoddy theory thinks that there's a strong possibility of mafia in one of them. In my own trinity, I'd probably lynch Mancer out of spite, then the last guy if he fails to give any sort of other reads (HINT HINT). However, I think that having mafia in a faction with an ability that can trigger on night kill is kinda dumb.

I'm not scumreading Shinori at all, and any suspicion I have on BBM/YOLO isn't enough for me to vote. This. . .kinda makes me feel a little uneasy, because it sort-of feels like a distraction.

Elie, please post content.

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I don't know why, but I feel like I don't really know what to say.

Ocean's catch-up content is good, but I find that people generally sound pretty good when they first sub in and make a catch-up post. So I'm still kind of iffy on that slot based on his predecessors' actions. I don't think Quote posted anything (still interested in hearing from you!) and several other people need to say stuff. I'm really tired right now.

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Time to play a game called Pull Associative Reads Despite Lynch Target Not Flipping. I'd normally lynch myself over this, BUT I'm sorta-dead and host-confirmed town so no one can hold this against me~!

Tiny Goddess flips mafia

Her content screams "Mancer is my buddy!" It makes Elieson look worse because while he started fairly strong, his D3 content has been lackluster, right down to being here and not posting at all. It makes Lord Gaius look bad (sorry sub) because he didn't say much of anything about her before going poof. It also makes YOLO and Quote looks slightly worse because they're not saying anything about her (which I read as "I don't want to form an associative read based on her" in terms of the former and "I thought YOLO was more important" for the latter). Lastly, it means that Shinori probably isn't mafia (or if he is, he's better at bussing than SB).

Tiny Goddess flips town

This makes Shinori look really bad. He's been sitting on her the entire time, and hasn't posted any other reads for far too long. I have a harder time trying to form reads based off of this, because a lot of what's out there is because of her lack of activity, and that's null. Maybe Boron looks slightly worse, because she noted down TG's activity times? But that's kind of a stretch, even for me!

Tiny Goddess flips third party

Unlikely, but I might as well enumerate this. It's a similar situation to her flipping town, though Crysta's slightly worse for it, because being that certain of someone being scum (given that it's a good chunk of Crysta's content) is common for mafia trying to get rid of thirds.

Regardless, I feel less sure about Elieson being town for disappearing without saying something!

The tl;dr is that this type of thinking isn't what propels a mafia game, unless you're dead and confirmed. :P:

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holding it against you

I don't think mafia TG points to town Shinori. In fact I think it would be the opposite if anything. He didn't vote her end of D2 bc he didn't want to put her at L-1, even though there were less than two hours left and really we weren't going to do anything else, which directly led to TG escaping the lynch. His votepark today doesn't really counterbalance that because it would be pretty safe to assume that TG would get lynched today after she was supposed to be lynched yesterday.

Also, it bugs me as I said that he only seems to pop in when people call on him, and it also bugs me that he forgot about Crysta? He was super on her case D2 and hasn't even mentioned her today.

IMO if TG flips scum I want to lynch between Mancer/Yolo/Gaius/Shinori tomorrow; I think they're most likely to be her buddies. what's that you say I just named almost every single potential lynch target SHUT UP.

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