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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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it's like admitting to being scum and knowing they can't argue back because their prosecutor is right.
My thoughts were similar to this while I was trying to engage her, too, but I didn't discount the possibility that she was newb!town demotivated vanilla and for some reason accidentally ignoring my questions. Pretty sure she's newb!demotivated scum now.
I read Elie's first vote on TG as slight wagon dissuasion and he might have been waiting for her to claim so we could re-evaluate the wagons and possibly lynch Mancer instead, but the last minute claim didn't happen and I would think a scum buddy would urge her to do that if that was the grand scheme.
What I don't like is he thinks Scum!TG would mean Scum!Me in his eyes - which sounds like he's gearing up for that (otherwise I don't know why he would say that now and not just pressure me after the flip happens). I don't think my TG interactions should be enough to destroy what he claims to be a strong townread but I hope he explains that later because I do believe she will flip scum. Come at me bro.
I agree that Yolo's initial case on Gaius sucked and we're generally suspecting him because of what he did in reply to Yolo's case... which is weird now because it wasn't you doing that lol. If you stick around for longer than a day you're still better than everyone else though.
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@crysta- so is elie scum if he didnt get tg to claim?

Also I don't buy that elie thought there was enough time for a wagon reversal with this activity even if she had claimed.

Yolo seriously how hard is it to say whether you think tg is town or mafia?

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youve mistaken diamond for cubic zirconia


@crysta- so is elie scum if he didnt get tg to claim?

No, since the claim didn't happen I don't think my initial thoughts that he could be a scum buddy were correct... but what he's saying about what the flip would reveal (if scum) is confusing me.

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Jk i read the posts. Never underestimate my commitment to mafia

Ocean, if elie and tg are buddies why does he vote her on d2 and still go 'meh i dont like it'? He couldnt have foreseen that town would fail at securing hammer despite his vote. If he was going to bus her, why hedge?

I read back to his post and you're right, my reasoning to that is not as solid as I thought it could be. in the case of a third party however it could make sense for one of them to be a third party, perhaps TG because a commuter-like role can mask some undying power that a third party could have. another reason might be that he didn't want to be pegged as a strict proponent of the bandwagon but thought her lynch was going to happen for sure that day because he wasn't paying attention to the vote counts perhaps? this is not a good argument and I like my 3rd party/mafia explanation better now

the fence-sitting is something that's not entirely exclusive to that one post on d2 in any case

also it turns out I've mixed up listed names between Sunwoo and Shinori...? no apparently they both have actions that have high relevance to TG alright then. speaking of Shinori did anyone ask you yet why you didn't hammer TG d2

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I have a couple of minutes before I go poof for good.

Shinori isn't the paragon of paying attention to the thread, and what's he's dropped about his role intrigues me. Gut tells me that Shinori flaked as usual on D2, and the role stuff happened on D3. I'd have a much better read on Shinori come D4, BUT then I can't talk. Jerkfaces.

Elieson's D2 vote is a "meh" vote, and he couldn't have predicted whether or not a lynch would be secured (this is partially my fault, I apologize). He suddenly backed off on TG come D3, which I think is really strange, since her behavior hasn't changed at all. That's why I think it's possible for them to be buddies.

Come to think of it, a town TG makes Eli's actions look worse. Bah, I gotta run, so in place of a "mafia sucks" post. . .


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Odds of a 3rd party are pretty low. I feel like you've decided that neither of them are town and are trying to think of a reason for that interaction. Is there anything that tg has done that actually resembles itp behaviour over mafia behaviour?

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Man am I even voting? I'l churn out something overnight; I've been way too busy at work for the past two days to focus on two games at once #InsomniacMeansIShouldn'tShutUp

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I've apparently not even voted, my god.

I'll be here and I'll drop a hammer on TG if nobody objects in the next....idk 15 minutes? Voting is hard

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Oh I am voting for Gaius I just didn't recognize ocean's name in the slot when I checked votals and got confused

Like I don't really have enough of a read on her. Here's my notes on TG which basically sum up my feelings about her slot

yea but I mean

she claimed Commuter, and people posted tings like "ROLE STUFF HAPPENED SO ##VOTE TG", and -then- she claimed Commuter, which validates her claim essentially since they didn't say that they failed -on her-.

It feels weird that with the timing of her claim and all, that she'd say the thing that makes the most sense for role results for othe rpeople before she was accused of the role results themselves.

That doesnt make her town of course but it's just less scummy than I think people are considering.

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That sure was. I'll take it with a side of fries.

Man the claim was like really tempting to side with. Mafia having an omniguard makes me think that whoever's still alive and in her trinity that is still alive (i forget who), if sharing the same role/roletype, would be town on premise of it being really dumb for mafia to have all sorts of self-protection from the incredible amount of nothing threatening that's flipped so far + what seems to be public

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Read This eclipse-post in particular:

Also this by eclipse
I worded that a bit badly, because I was in somewhat of a hurry. It WOULD be insane for mafia to be in my trinity. I suspect that if there's anti-town in our trinity, it's a third party, because it doesn't clash so hard with the trinity power we've got. SO. . .you think that Mancer's acting like a third party? Because there's way too little for me to say yes/no right now.

Also this by Refa

I don't get what the point of trinities is. "Don't setupspec" says SB, before he immediately makes a setup that's just begging to be setupspecced. Well, screw you too. I'm in the same trinity as Roxas and Izhuark, and we're all Insomniacs.

I'm assuming that each trinity has one person in them that knows about the others, as I had no idea that Refa was an insomniac until he posted that we all were & nightposted himself. Eclipse, I'm guessing was the same. I'm not sure why eclipse had an additional power though in the form of stumpchat.

How do you explain two flipped town that knew the roles of their trinity members? I can't, which is why I'm feeling the way I am (well was) about Tiny, and her Trinity.

All that being said, tomorrow I want to know what people think of the currently established trinities and their power balance in the game.

Also if Levi

doesn't get in here soon, I'm not opposed to well, you know

I'm probably game-spec'ing too much though

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Boron is donezo.

Boron, Town Modified Roleblocker and part of the Trinity of Power, was killed Night Three

It's Day time again. You have 72 hours to lynch people. 8 are alive, you need 5 to lynch.

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I'm assuming that what I learned overnight might bring forth some good fortune. I'm looking at a 50/50 between Gaius aka Ocean and Crysta thanks to some handy dandy info that came my way, and I'm still townreading Crysta overall.

No issues maintaining my vote on Ocean given the info I earned.


Deadnalysis time!

  • TinyGoddess posted this gem, which includes a Townread on Crysta and a mild scumread on Shinori. Not sure how I interpret the Shinori bump but since it's super waffly, and he completely overkilled her with Role-stuff when she was basically already the lynch for the day, I would assume that Tiny commented where comments were that she felt like she could throw out.
  • She also posts this, which is a strange and super weak defense of Gaius. Strangest of all though is that she attacks Mancer but does not vote for Mancer, who is her only identifiable scumread at this point sans just barely Shinori. I'm too busy at the moment to look deeper into Mancer-TG interactions though; I'll check these out later on but I feel like this Mancer could be a strong candidate for scum and TG just didn't want to bus her buddy for ?reason?. Still, it involves Mancer being in the trinity of the talking dead, which thanks to eclipse's dying words, gives me a headache.
    • *actually i read Mancer's only post re her and it's just a sheep vote*


I'm basically SuperTownReading Shinori for doing the one thing he had no need to do as scum: Bus TG with a NightResult-related info crumb. Boron already out'd her information and TG was on the chopping block as is. Call it a waffle but given the flip and the death of Boron who was way more obviously town, I can totally see this.

BBM is up there because he's BBM and all.

I guess Crysta and Omega fit in here although they're more or less Null-to-TownLean reads at this point


Quote needs to do something. Still no effort is puzzling given Refa shouted to the world that we are both insomniacs and Quote isn't really doing much given the extremely lax play but *shrug*

Feeling really scumvibes from Ocean on the premise of his prior incarnation + NightStuff related to some intel I received. Like, his play is decent so far but it doesn't excuse everything of the past.

MancerNecro looks bad because of Tiny Goddess's behaviour towards him and his pretty braindead sheep on her.

Given the rules, and SB saying in the rules "hurpderp i'm not announcing potential *YLO, I'll just announce actual *YLO", I think it's a P.MYLO stage right now since the whole 13p in a game full of trinities and all. 5:2:1 makes sense with what's left and that means if we mislynch, we have an ITP to deal with which could theoretically just blow the game for us. Otherwise it's either 5:3 (MYLO), or 4:3:1 (I guess the game'd be technically over if the ITP just claimed and went all town!turbo on us).

##Vote MancerNecro

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there's been absolutely no sign of an ITP and one doesn't really make sense with the numbers; the bit about potential *YLO in the rules could be for any number of things other than an ITP.

@Elie- but like you said, Shinori's role crumb was completely unnecessary; TG was getting lynched anyways. Overkill is the perfect term- his info wasn't necessary and could easily have been a bus. I don't think it clears him at all, and when you pair that with the fact that other than a small burst of content on D2 he's basically done nothing and popped up only when people prod him, he's feeling worse and worse to me.

##Vote: Shinori

I'm also becoming more and more wary of Omega. Despite complaining that both of his two main scumreads was inactive, even after one of them got an active sub, he did absolutely nothing to read them or question them or anything; he essentially replaced "gaius" with "ocean" and kept doing the same thing, nothing.

TBH I don't know which is worse but a vote on Mancer isn't going to get any sort of response from him probably. If you guys are finally cool with lynching mancer for breaking his content-promise three days in a row now I'm more than willing to consolidate there though.

I think my scumlist is Mancer/Shinori > Gaius/Omega atm.

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ok so she wasn't a 3rd party

yo I feel like Mancer is going to sub out soon or something. adding yet another sub to this game is probably the worst thing that could happen considering our history with subs but I don't think he's going to post with content any time soon

Elieson's townread on Shinori is based on the fact that there's no need to stick your neck out there if you're mafia with a night action crumb on TG's guilt... for BBM the action reads the completely opposite way? I don't think that's the most inconspicuous way to bus your teammate

Elieson you seem to hold a strong scumread on my spot solely based on Lord Gaius' play which is...not the worst reasoning I suppose, but the fact that you don't say anything about my content especially since a large amount is addressed towards you doesn't sit well with me

yolo/omega/whatever is probably doing this thing where he will pop in towards the end of the game and come with a huge revelation as to why my slot is scum but isn't going to say anything at the present time for <mysterious reasons> I guess

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I'll go ahead and claim now since I feel like I should.

I didn't originally hammer TG two days ago because of my role. I'm an activist vig. I get a shot every day phase no one dies. Not hammering TG was so i could get a shot, which I then attempted to use on TG which failed, obviously because of her omniguard shiz.

So yeah. There's that.

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Shinori you're probably town bc I can't see the maf having a commuter if town doesn't have a vig but wtf that was really retarded, especially bc you just chose to shoot TG... best case scenario was that you not hammering made no difference either way, in which case why not just let the lynch go through?... And worst case scenario was exactly what happened in that we lost a day phase.


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