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It's whimsy Winter but It's sunny Summer


Climate has gone wandering a bit. Or has it?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you fancy the direction where the climate is going?

    • Heck Yeah, dude! It's really awesome that our planet melts away before our solar systems sun gets a chance to go full Super Saiyan Nova and use Explosion for 250 normal type physical damage and annihilate all nearby shit.
    • I find the whole process grandiloquently fascinating. It's so touching that it makes me want to cry.
    • NO! Just NO! it's just terrible. Nothing more nothing less.
    • It's bad. I hope more people could realize it's threat and that we could find more ways to slower this horrible effect before it's too late.
    • Nah, I don't care whether the world's end is caused by physical phenomena, Terrorist or massively salty corn rain, as long as I can live peaceful life with my waifu in my secluded fantasy realm inside my mind.
    • Ummm... What's a climate?
    • OP is clearly drunk at the moment...

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It just feels odd, for me at least, to go outside in dark forest at 5PM local time when temperature is 10 (°C) | 50 (°F); the same we had last June. Christmas is coming soon and there is no snow anywhere. And I live in the damn North Pole.

So, my fellow forumites, what do you think about this fascinating phenomenon called climate change. Is it Hot or Not? Or do you care at all?

Edited by Jeheza
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This winter is a bit more hot than last year.

Still colder than in Finland. (Current temperature is -4.7°C)

Should be at around -12°C~-14°C at this time of the year.

At least it is snowing.

Edited by Naughx
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It used to be like -10°C to -25°C here, back in the good old days.

It might kill the christmas mood, but I love this weather.

No snow or ice, which cause traffic chaos.

Perfect weather to cycle.

Yeah, I miss the snow a little for the mood reasons, but if anything good comes out of it, it's the more secure and smooth traveling with wheels. I hate driving a car on Icy roads.

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It used to be like -10°C to -25°C here, back in the good old days.

Yeah, I miss the snow a little for the mood reasons, but if anything good comes out of it, it's the more secure and smooth traveling with wheels. I hate driving a car on Icy roads.

I only would like to have snow on christmas evening, after everyone has arrived at their families.

Christmas without snow doesn't feel like christmas.

The missing cold temperatures are also a huge problem for the christmas markets. No one wants to drink mulled wine.

And the missing snow ruins the ski resort operators.

In the past three years there was snow for like one week. That's nothing!

You can see the global warming impressively.

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It spooks me out a lot actually. California is finally getting buckets of rain and snow, but its due to El Nino. As a result, the East is getting absolutely jack shit in terms of winter weather. (im not sure whats worse. Whats going with them now, or the Fimbulvetr conditions they got for the past two years. Not too above admitting, that if that happened for a third year back East, i would start crying "RAGNAROK" and freaking out.) Dungeoness crabs and sea lions are getting sick because of an algae thats growing because the ocean waters are getting warmer. Ice caps keep melting. It was warmer in Norway than it should have been, about a month ago.

Its fucking scary.

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It spooks me out a lot actually. California is finally getting buckets of rain and snow, but its due to El Nino. As a result, the East is getting absolutely jack shit in terms of winter weather. (im not sure whats worse. Whats going with them now, or the Fimbulvetr conditions they got for the past two years. Not too above admitting, that if that happened for a third year back East, i would start crying "RAGNAROK" and freaking out.) Dungeoness crabs and sea lions are getting sick because of an algae thats growing because the ocean waters are getting warmer. Ice caps keep melting. It was warmer in Norway than it should have been, about a month ago.

Its fucking scary.

Well, if it's any consolation, it could simply be another warming phase between two cooling ones. One where man became more involved with since like the industrial revolution, but a cycle nonetheless.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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The number of frozen and snowy days sank dramatically in Germany.

(to be fair Januar and early February tend to be cooler than December, so it's a bit too early to say that)

However there has been no single frozen night in December yet.

The temperatures have a niveau you'd expect in October and March.

At night it's even warmer than on cloudless summer nights.

You don't even need a jacket in the morning at 13°C anymore atm. It's just bizarre!

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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no fuck

well when i went to quote you the actual smugface emote appeared and I really, really wish it would've stayed when I posted it

Anyway it's been 37 degrees here for the past two days, it's garbage and I've been slowly melting. tldr check your northern hemisphere privilege

Edited by Parrhesia
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I still have mosquitos in my bedroom.

Really? My condolences. It's like one of the most annoying things at summer imo, when you go to sleep and turn the lights off, but suddenly start hearing repulsive whimper around the room...

I actually checked the most recent forecast and according to it, we're having some rain( as liquid format), 6 C temperature and wind blow of 11m/s.

I guess I'll spend my Christmas Eve/Day inside the house.

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