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Is it true that this game isn't selling so hot?

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It's really disappointing that this game is not selling too well. I was looking forward to this bright random somewhat crossover of a game. Hopefully the game doesn't end up in either the Fatal Frame or Disaster Day of Crisis situations. I would really appreciate a limited print run here just to have that gorgeous toi8 cover art.

Oh well, thankfully this year is going to be chock full of JRPGs, so things will sting a lot less if things go south for this one.

The silly anime stuff was actually the reason I was excited about the game haha I have a mountain of dark games to get through, so the bright fluff is totally welcome in my collection. It's hard to find a good silly anime game that's actually well, good. Most of it tends to be poorly made garbage.

Have you played Fair Fencer F at all? That's a great one if you want a bright fluffy sort of anime game. It's a little on the easy side, but it's definitely a lot of fun.

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That actually seems like a major reason. The Wii U hasn't seen an original release of any game possibly connected to this "crossover", and consoles in general aren't as hot as handhelds in Japan.

Couple that with the change of direction mid-development that left fans on both sides less than pleased, and it's very unsurprising that the game's only managed to sell 23K.

I actually think the "idol stuff" was decided upon after the realizations I mentioned above hit them.

It's on the Wii U, which neither fanbase has any attachment to; a hail-marry attempt at boosting sales probably resounded more than just playing things straight and virtually guaranteeing low sales.

Are you speaking about the reveal in the 04/02/2015 Nintendo Direct compared to the first one in the Nintendo Direct 01/23/2015 ?

If you're speaking about that, as far as I know, there was no change in direction, because there wasn't a direction to begin with when they first announced it. The intend was to announce that a collaboration between Atlus and Intelligent Systems was coming, so I think they just showed the series these developers were most renowned for. The development had not yet started at that point iirc.

If I may be perfectly honest, I thought that this game was going to do well in Japan despite that it wasn't what fans were expecting. Wasn't planning on buying it because it wasn't what I expected or was hoping for (something more akin to Warhammer with SMT and FE characters). I believe another reason why it's not selling well is because SMT, or rather the Persona sub-series, already got an Idol-esque game this year: Persona 4: Dancing All Night. Which sounds better, having characters you know and love dance to remixes of some of your favorite Persona songs, or try to get invested in new characters and hope that the game's songs click with you? I know my choice.

The theme isn't especially more appealing to japanese public than it is to us, it's part of their culture, but I don't think it's really popular. I don't think that the comparison between P4DAN and #FE is particularly relevent, the only thing they share is the theme. And I personally really like all songs in #FE, from character songs to battle music etc... there's enough samples in youtube and elsewhere to make your own opinion now.

Joining the "didn't give a fuck about the game, still was hoping that it'd sell better regardless" camp. Some very cool people were working on this and I'd be happy if they could continue to work on uh...other games in the future, so a flop in the making like this is disheartening.

From what I've heard, Nintendo paid for the game, Atlus was only developing it. So they already got paid, if anyone lose money, it'll be Nintendo.

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Sad it isn't selling too well, hopefully maybe it'll to better in the upcoming weeks. I quite like the music, battle system and stuff by the looks of it.

I heard a rumor (and until its confirmed it will remain such). That originally Atlus wanted to do an SRPG, but Nintendo basically told them that, if that was the plan then they could just do it themselves. So they opted for a more traditional RPG.

I have no idea if this is true, but I keep hearing it.

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Sad it isn't selling too well, hopefully maybe it'll to better in the upcoming weeks. I quite like the music, battle system and stuff by the looks of it.

I heard a rumor (and until its confirmed it will remain such). That originally Atlus wanted to do an SRPG, but Nintendo basically told them that, if that was the plan then they could just do it themselves. So they opted for a more traditional RPG.

I have no idea if this is true, but I keep hearing it.

I recall having read an interview with something like that, however, it was the developers from Atlus themselves saying that and not Nintendo.

I'll try to look for the source, but the closer I got (maybe it was this one, I don't remember) is this.

They said something along the lines of (if I remember correctly) :

"We thought about doing a SRPG, but what would be the point of this collaboration ? We already have the Devil Survivors series, and Intelligent Systems could have done one themselves.

So we decided to do what we do best, a traditionnal RPG."

Edit : Found the original source.

Shinjiro Takata: What happened was, in the process of making this game—the whole idea started when Mr. Hitoshi Yamagami, who is a producer at Nintendo, brought the idea of making a simulation, a strategy game, to Atlus. This was a problem, because Atlus is well known for making JRPGs. That’s our bailiwick. The next thing was, well, what do we do? Do we make it fantasy-based, because Fire Emblem is known for fantasy settings? That kind of fantasy game isn’t really what Atlus tends to put out, though. In the beginning phases of making this game, we really didn’t know which direction to push it in. Do we push it closer to Fire Emblem or to the modern setting of Shin Megami Tensei?

Shinjiro: Deciding what to make it closer to, that happened a bit after Mr. Yamagami brought us the idea. The problem is, if you make it too much like a Fire Emblem game, then why doesn’t Intelligent Systems just make it themselves? The goal for this was to do something that the Fire Emblem series can’t do. In the end, the reason the game looks the way it does, the reason the content is the way it is, is because this is something we wanted to do as an Atlus game, a game only Atlus could make.

Edited by Avk
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If Atlus were to put in additional funding to salvage the situation, I wouldn't be too surprised to see it trying to port the SMTxFE game over to the 3DS for more/better sales, like what Koei Tecmo did with Hyrule Warriors (though I didn't hear of Hyrule Warriors having any sales troubles at all).

And yeah, it's pretty disheartening to hear of all the hate against the game even if I don't care much for it as I don't own a Wii U console. If anything, my one real gripe against the game is Fire Emblem characters that appear in the game are largely limited to those from Shadow Dragon and Awakening.

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If Atlus were to put in additional funding to salvage the situation, I wouldn't be too surprised to see it trying to port the SMTxFE game over to the 3DS for more/better sales, like what Koei Tecmo did with Hyrule Warriors (though I didn't hear of Hyrule Warriors having any sales troubles at all).

And yeah, it's pretty disheartening to hear of all the hate against the game even if I don't care much for it as I don't own a Wii U console. If anything, my one real gripe against the game is Fire Emblem characters that appear in the game are largely limited to those from Shadow Dragon and Awakening.

the fact that the characters are only from SD/Awakening is a major reason I love this game

people like Draug, Navarre, and Caeda have earned their way far more than say Oswin, Mia, and Ferry.

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If I may be perfectly honest, I thought that this game was going to do well in Japan despite that it wasn't what fans were expecting. Wasn't planning on buying it because it wasn't what I expected or was hoping for (something more akin to Warhammer with SMT and FE characters). I believe another reason why it's not selling well is because SMT, or rather the Persona sub-series, already got an Idol-esque game this year: Persona 4: Dancing All Night. Which sounds better, having characters you know and love dance to remixes of some of your favorite Persona songs, or try to get invested in new characters and hope that the game's songs click with you? I know my choice.

I thought so as well, That this game would sell well at the very least in Japan and sell like garbage in US and EU.

Perhaps it has to do with this game not having a theme that has nothing to do with either series? This game has a ton of FE fan service but like zero SMT and no Persona fan service either lol. I expected at the very least an appearence from Yuriko? but nope.

I think the gameplay looks neat so I'll still support it but it kinda sucks game had so much potential. and I doubt there will be a round 2 for this crossover which sucks cause FE and SMT are both my top 3 videogame series of all time :/

Heres hoping the next FE crossover is neat I serious expect a crossover with Dynasty warriors at some point.

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I thought so as well, That this game would sell well at the very least in Japan and sell like garbage in US and EU.

Perhaps it has to do with this game not having a theme that has nothing to do with either series? This game has a ton of FE fan service but like zero SMT and no Persona fan service either lol. I expected at the very least an appearence from Yuriko? but nope.

I think the gameplay looks neat so I'll still support it but it kinda sucks game had so much potential. and I doubt there will be a round 2 for this crossover which sucks cause FE and SMT are both my top 3 videogame series of all time :/

Heres hoping the next FE crossover is neat I serious expect a crossover with Dynasty warriors at some point.

There's several subtle nods to SMT/Persona in there. Unfortunately, the FE fanservice is a lot more visible.

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I don't really consider shops themed after demons nods, Even though it objectively is I guess.

Want something more like character appearances even if it's just on a billboard lol. Couldn't even do that.

There is so many nods to FE stuff especially old school things(like the fact that Navarre was Mercenary in FE1/FE3, cause Myrmidon didn't exist which explains why his promotion has Hero) and a few other things.

Nothing really from SMT regarding characters from the classic series(Actually kinda surprised Rise wasn't mentioned or whatever missed chance right there). We get like a costume for a spin-off and a costume for a Persona game(lol what's that doing there) a few shops themed after demons and I guess Anna being cute as hell pretending to be a Jack Frost which is actually the only "SMTxFE" thing I consider in the game tbh.

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This is the ones I noticed, however I'm no SMT expert, so I probably missed the most subtle ones :

[spoiler=Slight spoilers, SMT references]Hee Haw Mart - Jack Frost

Uzume Lessons Studio - Uzume

Jewelry Carabia - Decarabia

Cafe Seiren - Siren

Black Frost Anna

A pretty good amount of the weapons (probably missed some) :


Obelisk (being Alilat)


Garuda (in full kanji 迦楼羅)

Hawthorn Spear

Yomotsu Hirasaka (not exactly SMT specific, but at the same time a little I guess ?)


Plasma Axe (apparently some SMT games have "Plasma" weapons, so I guess it counts ?)


Yatsuka Sword

Masakado's Sword


Futsuno Mitama

And about 3/4 if not more of the spells are SMT.

There are also a lot of references to others things, like this (not really spoiler-ish, Barry's profile) or that (side quest name). Some of the mirages are also too, like the ghost like creature being called "Casper" iirc.

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Yeah I pretty much stated there was SMT references but none regarding relevant characters in the series.

A lot of Fire Emblem fans in the beginning complained about lack of Fire Emblem references and I thought it was hilarious. There are Fire Emblem characters IN THE GAME as well as sound effects and even a theme.

I guess that can be explained by how the game was originally suppose to just be a Fire Emblem game made by Atlus(At least that's what I read)

[spoiler=Spoiler regarding SMT series]There is usually a demon by the name of Lilith who appears in the series and she goes by the name of Yuriko, Pretty deceptive and usually is on the Chaotic side of things. She could have appeared in the game as a major antagonist that was a missed chance imo :/ At the very least if there had to be just ONE smt character I would have been okay if it was her but there are zero.

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And this is where I bring up the painfully obvious: how does it matter? Whoop-dee-freaking-doo, it sold low. According to one source. With one week of sales. That lasted two days. In one region. Plus we're getting the game anyway and it's merely a spinoff of two other series and thus doesn't effect either the SMT or FE franchises at all. It's just a fun little side project they did out of the blue because it sounded amusing.

Considering how most of this is coming from Neogaf, the internet echo chamber of groupthink and histrionics, it's not wonder people have a skewed idea of the game. It'll be coming out in America and Europe, so there is precisely zero reason to get antsy about anything.

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Yeah I pretty much stated there was SMT references but none regarding relevant characters in the series.

A lot of Fire Emblem fans in the beginning complained about lack of Fire Emblem references and I thought it was hilarious. There are Fire Emblem characters IN THE GAME as well as sound effects and even a theme.

I guess that can be explained by how the game was originally suppose to just be a Fire Emblem game made by Atlus(At least that's what I read)

Also if it's on the Wii U it makes more sense to tap the FE fanbase.

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And this is where I bring up the painfully obvious: how does it matter? Whoop-dee-freaking-doo, it sold low. According to one source. With one week of sales. That lasted two days. In one region. Plus we're getting the game anyway and it's merely a spinoff of two other series and thus doesn't effect either the SMT or FE franchises at all. It's just a fun little side project they did out of the blue because it sounded amusing.

Considering how most of this is coming from Neogaf, the internet echo chamber of groupthink and histrionics, it's not wonder people have a skewed idea of the game. It'll be coming out in America and Europe, so there is precisely zero reason to get antsy about anything.

newsflash, of course it matters.If the sales in Japan is low, nintendo could reconsider its plan to localize this game........or not because Nintendo Japan can order Nintendo America or Europe to bear the localization cost despite it being a money losing venture

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newsflash, of course it matters.If the sales in Japan is low, nintendo could reconsider its plan to localize this game........or not because Nintendo Japan can order Nintendo America or Europe to bear the localization cost despite it being a money losing venture

What. A. LOAD. Here is common sense, which is not a news flash because it's logical: sales in one region do not affect sales in another. Period. Plus they've already made a big splash about it overseas anyway so it's far too late to yank that. Once again, hit some tranquilizers and simmer down. There is no point to getting wound up.

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And this is where I bring up the painfully obvious: how does it matter? Whoop-dee-freaking-doo, it sold low. According to one source. With one week of sales. That lasted two days. In one region. Plus we're getting the game anyway and it's merely a spinoff of two other series and thus doesn't effect either the SMT or FE franchises at all. It's just a fun little side project they did out of the blue because it sounded amusing.

Considering how most of this is coming from Neogaf, the internet echo chamber of groupthink and histrionics, it's not wonder people have a skewed idea of the game. It'll be coming out in America and Europe, so there is precisely zero reason to get antsy about anything.

you are making far too big of a deal of this

it's not like anyone was acting extremely bothered by this

people just wanted to know how well the game was selling

you're basically saying "DON'T ASK FOR INFORMATION"

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And this is where I bring up the painfully obvious: how does it matter? Whoop-dee-freaking-doo, it sold low. According to one source. With one week of sales. That lasted two days. In one region. Plus we're getting the game anyway and it's merely a spinoff of two other series and thus doesn't effect either the SMT or FE franchises at all. It's just a fun little side project they did out of the blue because it sounded amusing.

Considering how most of this is coming from Neogaf, the internet echo chamber of groupthink and histrionics, it's not wonder people have a skewed idea of the game. It'll be coming out in America and Europe, so there is precisely zero reason to get antsy about anything.

It's not that it is vital that the game sells, since both Nintendo and Atlus aren't short on money as far as I know, personally I'm just sad to see something that I like and seems pretty good not performing well. I don't think the legitimacy of the sales numbers is at question, but indeed, it is only one week's numbers, that lasted only 2 days.

That's why I think waiting for the next week sales before commenting further would be more wise.

I do follow what happens on Neogaf, but it is like most places on internet, you just have to not pay too much attention to some comments and look for the worthwhile ones, at least that's how I navigate there.

Yeah I don't doubt we'll get a localization. I'm more worried about future Atlus collaborations or any future work from the devil survivor team.

I don't think this will sour the relationship between Nintendo and Atlus, and don't doubt that the game will come overseas in one form or another (hopefully including physical copies). What I'm more worried about is how well they'll maintain the tone of the game and stuff like that, but it's a little off topic.

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Yeah, I think Aiddon is the only one who needs to hit then tranquilizer and simmer down lol.

I doubt it'll sour the relationship between the two companies but I doubt they'll go for a round 2 and make another collab or crossover because the game is flopping.

Which sucks! Would really like to see a true mashup or a crossover. I'll still get the game and support it and take it for what it is but so much potential is just gone on that theme. They shoulda just threw in K-On in the collab as well if they wanted it to succeed at the very least in Japan lol.

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I'm withholding judgement overall, but the entire project just strikes me as the kind of thing that's so far off base of what most people expected (read: wanted) (although maybe I'm personalizing, I just don't think most fans wanted Persona 4: dancing all night meets Fire emblem) that I feel like it kinda just misses the mark. it really feels like a weird amalgam of ideas - like some small group of people were like "this will be awesome!" without really thinking about how generalizable it was. The fact that the game is so Japanese and yet seemingly not doing very well in Japan is odd and concerning for its localization success as well.

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Yeah, I think Aiddon is the only one who needs to hit then tranquilizer and simmer down lol.

I doubt it'll sour the relationship between the two companies but I doubt they'll go for a round 2 and make another collab or crossover because the game is flopping.

Which sucks! Would really like to see a true mashup or a crossover. I'll still get the game and support it and take it for what it is but so much potential is just gone on that theme. They shoulda just threw in K-On in the collab as well if they wanted it to succeed at the very least in Japan lol.

Hold up here, you're implying that this isn't a true mashup or crossover =/. Great, you're supporting the game. But don't make the claim that this game is not a mashup unless it is to your tastes. To imply that a lot of potential was somehow lost by going with this theme is also based on your opinion. Really, we don't know what the game's potential would've been nor do we know that having this theme makes it somehow "lose" that potential unless you're basing your idea of potential off of your own personal preference for crossover games.

And typically interdimensional portals opening up and characters meeting only works in fighting games and extremely lesser known games (that aren't really great) such as project X zone. Where other games which feature characters from different series try to do their own thing, good example being Kingdom hearts.

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Hold up here, you're implying that this isn't a true mashup or crossover =/. Great, you're supporting the game. But don't make the claim that this game is not a mashup unless it is to your tastes. To imply that a lot of potential was somehow lost by going with this theme is also based on your opinion. Really, we don't know what the game's potential would've been nor do we know that having this theme makes it somehow "lose" that potential unless you're basing your idea of potential off of your own personal preference for crossover games.

This isn't really a crossover though, its more FE characters in a very different setting with some very vague aspects from SMT.

It has nothing from SMT in the actual game other than mechanics, its not actually a crossover for that reason.

Much like Hyrule Warriors is simply a Zelda game with a Warriors style, its not a crossover of Dynasty Warriors and Zelda.

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This isn't really a crossover though, its more FE characters in a very different setting with some very vague aspects from SMT.

It has nothing from SMT in the actual game other than mechanics, its not actually a crossover for that reason.

Much like Hyrule Warriors is simply a Zelda game with a Warriors style, its not a crossover of Dynasty Warriors and Zelda.

It is a mashup however, that is the point. People may not consider it a direct crossover but it is a mashup. I would disagree that not being a crossover makes it somehow worse than being one. Straight up crossovers are typically not good games.

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