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Zera's Pikmin Poll



10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Pikmin games have you played?

  2. 2. Which is your favorite?

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sorry fre :(

e: i actually think every time you've made effort posts i've made light of them because it was conveniently when i was around and I also had the thought cross my mind at the same time, i'd call integrity a nerd and make fun of him too

but you're still a nerd

oh I'll get over it I'm sure :c

I think the thought just doesn't come up when he makes his effort posts because he generally doesn't care so everyone thinks he's so cool he doesn't care but when he suddenly does care they're like "oh wow it's bad enough that he cares now yeah you tell him boss!" but then there's me who cares about everything so it's just "oh look it's that nerd, at it again"

but that's just who I am I care about people and when I see something wrong I think it's better to put in effort rather than none at all

it just makes me feel like it goes unappreciated >u>

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ike is a super huge nerd though

katie i love your theme right now : o

idk if i commented on it yet i may have already

you haven't yet and thanks dannie (somehow with my mind I will transfer that message in japanese to the artist for making such pretty artwork all the time)

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ike is a super huge nerd though

you haven't yet and thanks dannie (somehow with my mind I will transfer that message in japanese to the artist for making such pretty artwork all the time)

i could write you a message if you really wanted to contact them!

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you're aware that you literally told a dude, to his face, that he could not possibly have an opinion (a subjective thing) contrary to your opinion (a subjective thing) without backing it up with ...what, citations? he has to point you to the parts of the game that he didn't like because ...? you want to tell him that he's actually wrong, these are actually elements of good design that he doesn't understand?

No, not at all. My matter is - if fuccboi states that he dislikes Bangai-O Spirits and refuses to explain why, then what was the point of telling me in the first place, and why should I care?

get over yourself, dude. your opinions are just as valid as anyone else's

I never stated my opinions are more valid than anyone else's, but unlike fuccboi I always make sure to validate them by explaining why I have them.

please evaluate your interactions around here, and maybe remember that the other posters you're seeing are human beings, okay?

I've been trying to be polite for the last few posts, but no one seems to be taking notice...

You have your own opinion. Everyone else also has their own opinion. They don't need to be the same as yours

I completely understand. I never stated someone's opinion had to match mine, only that it had to be valid.

If this topic is supposed to be a pleasant discussion topic, then people should be free to have their own opinion without being harassed over it

Nobody has posted significant opinions pertaining to the topic since the rules were made, so I assume you're talking about fuccboi. I definitely think there's a fine distinction between "harassing" someone and asking them to explain an opinion I don't understand, which otherwise has no value to anyone. If anything, fuccboi was harassing me by berating one of my favorite games and giving no explanation as to why. I don't ask hard questions, I simply ask WHY. WHY do you dislike one of my favorite games? WHY do you feel the need to tell everyone, in the middle of my topic? WHY are you even in my topic if you have no interest in discussing with me?

And while I'm on the topic of harassment, how about this?

hey, one answer to the Bangai-O Spirits question is missing

please add "because zera is a shit" since that is legitimately my answer


At this, I'd say some of you guys are just plain toxic. Do you have no humility?

To the end that no one will be harassed and everyone will leave this topic satisfied, I have created the following rules, and promise to follow them myself:

Zera's Game Discussion Topic: Official Rules

This is a topic for discussing whatever game(s) is in the title. Currently, it is Kirby: Planet Robobot.

The goal of this topic is to create meaningful discussion that will hopefully yield interesting if not useful information.

In order to keep this topic fruitful and provide a positive atmosphere, please adhere to the following rules:

1. It is required that your post be related to the game currently in the title.

2. Disrespect, harassment, negativity, etc. to another poster is not permitted.

3. Be polite. If someone asks a relevant question, answer it.

4. All valid opinions are allowed. "I dislike [game] because it sucks." is not a valid opinion because it does not support the assumption that "it sucks".

Example of a valid opinion: "I dislike [game] because the levels are repetitive"

5. To comply with rule 4, explain the reasoning for your opinion. It was likely a cross of game design and personal perspective, and this information is potentially more interesting and valuable than the opinion itself.

Edited by Zera
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Leave this topic. Your post is spam and unnecessary.

the real question is why are you so obsessed about what fuccboi thinks about Bangai-O lol?

this topic is not about it, it's about Kirby, and he said he didn't like it. He doesn't need a reason and he doesn't need to explain it to anyone.

you read like me from 3 months ago tbh; you should get over what people think about your favorite game

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zera, it's gotta be said again: fuccboi's opinion was not invalid

it may not have met a criteria you wanted but it isn't suddenly invalid because of that

and you implied he was a liar for not giving you more, which is dismissive and uncalled for

we understand you're feeling attacked by some people, but please try to listen to what we're trying to tell you because there're some lessons here I think you could really benefit from

some people have typed up really meaningful, not attacking posts you should think deeply about

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okayyyyy i caught up with this whole thread and i would say something about opinions and such but i won't because a) ike and katie covered it and b) you still didn't listen so why should i bother

some advice though, don't change the rules again or point them out, because you're gonna look like an ass.

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there're plenty of people who are trying to help you understand why people are reacting the way they are and what you should try to do to prevent that

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actually to follow up, not only did gui explain why he disliked the game, he even complied with the rules (which didn't exist yet)

On the contrary. His reply was this -

I could go into it but it boils down to "it wasnt to my taste"

Okay, but what's your taste that you can't enjoy it?

plus im sure pointing out the things i thought the game handled poorly

What did it handle poorly?

(and even past handling things poorly, i had issues with the game on a conceptual level)

What concept didn't you like?

would only start a discussion about videogames with you and i can think of nothing more unpleasant than that

I count this as disrespect.

As you can see, fuccboi's response was wholly unsatisfactory, and it did not comply with the rules I made.

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secondarily, your reaction to him not having a "satisfactory" opinion is probably what he means by unpleasantness

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it was only unsatisfactory to you, zera

no one else had a problem with how he expressed his opinion

He didn't answer my question. All he gave was an explanation for why he wouldn't answer. I don't think most people would be satisfied with that, and it's my topic anyway. If fuccboi has nothing of value to contribute, he can simply leave.

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zera i love debate and all but nobody debates a person to have their opinion called invalid

i hate to encourage this type of behavior, but it's a start

how about trying to justify your own opinion without attacking the other person's?

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this all circles back to the central topic of why do we need to justify liking or not liking a goddamn video game

like, it's a video game.

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this all circles back to the central topic of why do we need to justify liking or not liking a goddamn video game

like, it's a video game.

well i mean if someone wants to know why that's ok

like how i asked you why you hate star wars 3 a while back, since i have not seen star wars 3

if you want to know why someone likes or dislikes a thing, that's fine

if you don't accept someone's liking or disliking of a thing without it being justified, that's dumb

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He didn't answer my question. All he gave was an explanation for why he wouldn't answer. I don't think most people would be satisfied with that, and it's my topic anyway. If fuccboi has nothing of value to contribute, he can simply leave.

everyone else in this thread still seemed to be satisfied with it

I would be satisfied if I asked someone about puzzle quest and they said "idk specta i just wasn't feeling it"

I would say "ok cool" and move on with my life

it's not that complicated nor that big of a deal

it certainly shouldn't be worth you calling his opinions invalid or accusing him of lying because he didn't give you "enough" reason

Edited by Specta
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Zera, you're blowing it out of proportion; it's an opinion over the goddamn internet. not everyone's gonna have the same opinion as you, especially online! can you accept that?

like, hang out with the people who like it instead of shitting on the people who don't if it really bothers you so much.

also, i strongly advise, don't point out your rules again. you're not painting yourself in a very pretty light when you do that.

Edited by Shadowess
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well i mean if someone wants to know why that's ok

like how i asked you why you hate star wars 3 a while back, since i have not seen star wars 3

if you want to know why someone likes or dislikes a thing, that's fine

if you don't accept someone's liking or disliking of a thing without it being justified, that's dumb

sure, that's why i said "why to we need to justify". like, it's not wrong to want to know why somebody likes or dislikes a thing, but to be a huge manbaby and demand that they justify their opinion and then declare them to be "lying" when they fail to justify it enough is another thing entirely.

especially since we're not talking some academic thing, we're talking about fucking video games.

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Zera, you're blowing it out of proportion; it's an opinion over the goddamn internet. not everyone's gonna have the same opinion as you, especially online! can you accept that?

like, hang out with the people who like it instead of shitting on the people who don't if it really bothers you so much.

also, i strongly advise, don't point out your rules again. you're not painting yourself in a very pretty light when you do that.

this is the same guy who, last time we had this discussion, changed the topic to, "Zera's Valid Opinion Topic"

i wouldn't get your hopes up

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